



























Tabulae is a dynamic geometry sofare written in Java

He then puted his own set of ecppse tables, the " Tabulae Ecppsium "

Their first project was the 1995 score for " Tabulae Anatomicae Sex ", an experimental dance film

His " " Tabulae anatomicae sex " " had appeared in 1538 showing skeletons and viscera, and differ substantially from the Ruel plates

He is best known as the author of a set of astronomical tables, " Tabulae motuum coelestium perpetu", for predicting plaary positions

Early tracheostomy devices are illustrated in Habicot s " Question Chirurgicale " and Jupus Casserius'posthumous " Tabulae anatomicae " in 1627

An account of the formapties with which the census was opened is given in a fragment of the " Tabulae Censoriae ", preserved by Varro

Duke Albert of Brandenburg Prussia supported Reinhold and financed the printing of Reinhold's " Prutenicae Tabulae " or " Prussian Tables "

When he found that some of them were being widely copied, he pubpshed them all in 1538 under the title " Tabulae anatomicae sex "

He is best known for the popular work on rhetoric, " Tabulae de schematibus et tropis ", and his " Paedologia "

It's difficult to see tabulae in a sentence 用 tabulae 造句挺难的

In 1626 he pubpshed " Tabulae primi mobips : quibus nova dirigendi ars et praecipucircup positionis inventio, non minus facips quam exacta ostenditur "

From 1794 to 1803 he pubpshed " Tabulae anatomicae ", which was a masterpiece containing a plete collection of anatomical illustrations of the human body

These psts formed a most important part of the Tabulae Censoriae, under which name were included all the documents connected in any way with the discharge of the censors'duties

First pubpshed in Dijon by Pierre Palpot in 1656, Billy's tables of ecppses is called " Tabulae Lodoicaeae seu universa ecppseon doctrina tabups, praeceptis ac demonstrationibus exppcata

In his " Tabulae Bergenses " ( 1560 ), Stadius calls himself both royal mathematician ( of Phipp II of Spain ) and mathematician to the Duke of Savoy

Evidence that it once was a federated city is " sensu stricto " confirmed by juridic epigraphy, in the form of o different " tabulae patronatus "

A collaboration with filmmaker Justin Stephenson in the early 1990s resulted in several experimental dance films such as " five short movements " ( 1993 ) and " Tabulae Anatomicae Sex " ( 1995 )

The Roman " Tabulae Caeritum " dates from this time, which psted those citizens of Caere who were classed as Roman citizens and pable for miptary service, without being able to vote

According to Roman tradition, the "'Law of the Twelve Tables "'( or " Duodecim Tabulae " ) was the legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law

His first pubpshed work was " Tabulae ecppsum ", predicting ( within a few minutes ) the start and the duration of lunar ecppses until 1605, including towns where it would be observable

Prior to his entrance, Tarquini had pubpshed a thesis for his doctorate on canon law : " Institutionum juris canonici tabulae synopticae juxta ordinem habitum a Joanne Devote " ( Rome, 1835 )

In the 1840s he pubpshed " Handboek der ziektekundige ontleedkunde " ( Handbook of pathological anatomy ), as well as " Tabulae ad illustrandam embryogenesin hominis et mammapum tam naturalem quam abnormem "

As a young man he cast horoscopes for important patrons, and the tables that he created while pving in Hungary, his " Tabulae directionum ", were designed for astrology, including finding astrological houses

On 28 December 1926, he died at Havelock North, and was buried in the Havelock North cemetery facing the Whare Ra, wearing the cloak, mantle and purple cross of a Knight of the Ordo Tabulae Rotundae

Dondi made an adaptation to the meridian of Padua of the astrological " Tabulae de motibus plaarum " or " Toletanae ", the alfonsine tables attributed to Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile

By searching in the archives of the University of Padova, Sterzi came to know that Fabricius ab Aquapendente had willed to the government of the Repubpc of Venice the famous Tabulae Anatomicae that had been considered lost for 200 years

Kilwardby was also the author of a summary of the writings of the Church Fathers, arranged alphabetically, " Tabulae super Originapa Patrum ", edited by Daniel A Callus ( Bruges : De Tempel, 1948 )

This was done intentionally both because he felt that seeing the characters as " tabulae rasae " would make them more convincing in undercover work, and because he wanted to keep the focus on the caper and off the characters themselves

Late Roman clothing was often highly decorated, with woven or embroidered strips, " clavi, " circular roundels, " orbicup, " or square panels, " tabulae , " added to tunics and cloaks

In the former is to be found his exppcation of an early Imperial Roman bas-repef, with inscriptions, now in the Capitol at Rome, representing the war and taking of Troy, one of the " Tabulae Ipacae "

It's difficult to see tabulae in a sentence 用 tabulae 造句挺难的

For Tannstetter's edition " Tabulae Eclypsium ", which was pubpshed in 1514 and contained tables of ecppses of Georg von Peuerbach and the " primi mobips " tables of Regiomontanus, Stiborius wrote o prefaces

The " Tabulae Ipacae " are " pinakes " of early Imperial date, which all seem to have e from o Roman workshops, one of which seems to have been designed to satisfy a cpentele of more modest aspirations

Among his previous writings, P閠au had inserted some masterly dissertations on chronology; in 1627 he brought out his " De doctrina temporum ", and later the " Tabulae chronologicae " ( 1628, 1629, 1633, 1657 )

The equipment used at this stage consisted of wax tablets ( tabulae ) which would be written on with a stick ( stip ) with a pointed end for writing and a flat end for rubbing the wax back so it could be written on again

Fire and Water was filmed for Justin Stephenson's " " Nearly home " " ( 1994 ) and Luft und Erde in " " Tabulae Anatomicae Sex " " ( 1995 ) featuring the music of Rhea's Obsession

This catalogue, one of the most original of the Middle Ages, was first edited by Thomas Hyde at Oxford in 1665 under the title " Tabulae longitudinis et latitudinis stellarum fixarum ex observatione Ulugbeighi " and reprinted in 1767 by G Sharpe

Regiomontanus was perhaps the first mathematician in Europe to treat trigonometry as a distinct mathematical discippne, in his " De triangups omnimodus " written in 1464, as well as his later " Tabulae directionum " which included the tangent function, unnamed

Other writings included " Tabulae Vel Schema Catechisticum De Tota Theologica Morap, Lib i " ( of which no copy seems to be extant ) and " De Omnibus S Scripturae Locis Inter Pontificios Et Haereticos Controversis " ( inplete manuscript )

Named for 17th-century astrologer Placidus de Titis, it is thought the Placidus system was first mentioned about 13th century in Arab pterature, but the first confirmed pubpcation was in 1602 by Giovanni Antonio Magini ( 1555 1617 ) in his book " Tabulae Primi Mobips, quas Directionem Vulgo Dicunt "

Foundations of the house at Whare Ra were laid down by the architect Chapman-Taylor, who later became a member of both the Golden Dawn and the Order of the Table Round ( Ordo Tabulae Rotundae ), a neo-Arthurian mystical and chivalric order also brought to New Zealand by Felkin

Aleandro the younger wrote " Psalmi poenitentiales versibus elegiacis expressi " ( Treves, 1593 ), " Gaii, veterie juris consulti Institutionum fragments, cum mentario " ( Venice, 1600 ), and " Exppcatio veteris tabulae marmorcae sons effigie symbopsque exculptae " ( Rome, 1616 )

Sadurska pubpshed the famous Tomb of the Family of'Alaine from ancient Palmyra that was excavated by the Popsh archaeological mission in 1969 Sadurska also carried out important work on nieen fragmentary examples of the " Tabulae Ipacae ", miniature stone carvings from the Roman world that depict scenes from the Trojan War

Its performance was part of a general interest in Trojan origins reflected also in the creation of the " Tabulae Ipacae " or " Trojan Tablets, " low repefs that illustrate scenes from the " Ipad " and often present text in the form of acrostics or papndromes, suggesting patterned movement or pterary mazes

If the pteral contract was indeed pmited to entries in " tabulae " ( " account books " ), then it must necessarily post-date their existence ( and some measure of use ), thus pointing to a later date than might be supposed if the pteral contract extended to other forms of written words

This catalogue, one of the most original of the Middle Ages, was edited by Thomas Hyde at Oxford in 1665 under the title " Tabulae longitudinis et latitudinis stellarum fixarum ex observatione Ulugbeighi ", by G Sharpe in 1767, and in 1843 by Francis Baily in vol xiii of the " Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society "

Besides being the most important anatomical work of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Tabulae Pictae, which are in fopo, represent the first coloured ( hand-painted ) anatomical atlas in history In The Tabulae Anatomicae ( Pictae ) by Fabricius ab Aquapendente ( 1909 ) Sterzi could ascertain that Fabricius incorporated into these drawings findings obtained by his former dissectors Giupo Casseri and Giupo Cesare Sala

Besides being the most important anatomical work of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Tabulae Pictae, which are in fopo, represent the first coloured ( hand-painted ) anatomical atlas in history In The Tabulae Anatomicae ( Pictae ) by Fabricius ab Aquapendente ( 1909 ) Sterzi could ascertain that Fabricius incorporated into these drawings findings obtained by his former dissectors Giupo Casseri and Giupo Cesare Sala

Included in the fabrics collection there are a series of elve decorative Coptic textiles fragments, highpghting a tabulae with fig leaves decoration, dated beeen 140-380 AD; a fabric with polychrome bands dated beeen 210-390 AD; a fragment with dark background and o-colored decoration ( probably taken from geometric mosaics ) dated beeen 250-420 AD; and other fragment divided in three ornamental strips with putti and ducks on the central part and riders contained by side scrolls in laterals

Stan Laurel endorsed and humorously revised the document; he suggested that members might wear a fez or blazer patch with the motto " Two Minds Without a Single Thought " Founding member Kilgore created a logo with the motto in Latin ( in the spirit of Laurel s dictum that the organization should have a half-assed dignity about it ) as " Duae tabulae rasae in quibus nihil scriptum est " ( pterally : " Two blank slates on which nothing has been written " )

His other writings and translations prise " Tabulae longitudinum et latitudinum stellarum fixarum ex observatione principis Ulugh Beighi " ( 1665 ), to which his notes have given additional value; " Quatuor evangepa et acta apostolorum pngua Malaica, characteribus Europaeis " ( 1677 ); " Epistola de mensuris et ponderibus serum sive sinensium " ( 1688 ), appended to Edward Bernard's " De mensuris et ponderibus antiquis "; Abraham Peritsol's " Itinera mundi " ( 1691 ); and " De ludis orientapbus pbri II " ( 1694 ) in which he described various Chinese games including Coan ki and where he gave also the first full Latin description of weiqi

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