

China Famous Tea

1, Hangzhou West Lake Longjing, ranking the highest in China's tea Produced in the West Lake in Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province in the surrounding mountains Longjing tea Tingzhiqiaojian shape, flat Junxiu, smooth-absorbed, in the green color was yellow After brewing, lasting aroma qing GAO, Xiangfuruolan; Tangse apricot green, clarity, Yedinenlv, absorbed Qicheng duo, bud bud upright, lifelike Commodities tea soup, Qinrenxinpi, between teeth Lau-fong,回味无穷

2, Suzhou Piluochun tea, in second place One of the famous Chinese green tea Dongting Biluochun tea produced in the Dongting Lake Taihu in Jiangsu Province Wuxian Hill Biluochun tea of the cable thin, curly-Lo, Phi full hair, dark green color After brewing, Wei Xian Sheng Jin, Qingxiang fragrance, Che-green water

3, Taiping Huangshan MAO Feng Huangshan in Anhui Province MAO Feng tea produced in the south Pacific County, Xixian County, north of Huangshan

4,安溪铁观音a Qingcha category, is one of China's famous Oolong tea安溪铁观音tea produced in Anxi County, Fujian Province安溪铁观音tea has a long history and is known as tea brewing Wang said there are still seven Yuxiang; Tangse golden, Yedi hypertrophy soft, Yan Liang uniform and red leaf edge, the green heart-rimmed

5, Yueyang Junshan Yinzhen one of China's famous Yellow tea

6, Pu'er tea distribution center in the original distribution Pu'er County, so named for

7, Jiujiang Lushan clouds one of the famous Chinese green tea

8 Xinyang Maojian produced in Xinyang, Henan

9 Hongbian Qi Hong in the global black tea, Qi Hong unique, a hundred years ever, with its high-Sau-known Qi Hong, is the short title of Qimen black tea, black tea for the efforts of the treasures

10, Suzhou Huacha jasmine tea in one of the most famous, jasmine tea in China to share

The type of Tea

1, green tea: tea is a fermented tea

2, black tea: green tea and black tea On the contrary, is a full-fermented tea

3, Oolong tea: Oolong tea is Qingcha, is a kind of red between the semi-fermented green tea and tea Oolong tea in six major categories of the most complex and time-consuming process, the bubble of the most stress, drink tea drinking was also known as Gong Fucha

There are many kinds of tea,

To take the time named are: pure social tea, Guyu tea, tea or Yuqian, Bailu tea

To the origin of the name: Longjing tea, Zhejiang, Fujian's Wuyi Cha, Cha Lu'an, Anhui, Yunnan Pu'er tea, Hunan Jun-cha, tea, and other top Taiwan freeze

In fact or auspicious symbol named after the text: Longfeng tea, tea-long mission, Queshe tea, Biluochun, Shoumei Tea, Tieguanyin, and so on

To have named after the color: green tea, black tea, white tea, and so on

Named to the taste are: mannose tea, Gucha, etc

Named to the aroma: Xiangpian tea, jasmine tea, chrysanthemum tea, and so on

To form the name: Mission tea, Tuocha, blocks of tea, such as stem-chip

The effect of tea

1 Contribute to aging, 2, help to inhibit cardiovascular disease, 3, and contribute to the prevention of cancer 4, contribute to the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries 5, help Beauty skin care 6, help digestion 7 Jiangzhi help, help mouthguard Mingmu

Benefits: tea can lose weight, drinking tea can prevent tooth decay, tea is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the tea is a panacea


茶叶(a tea leaf)






茶叶作为一种饮料,从唐朝开始,流传到我国西北各个少数民族地区,成为当地人民生活的必需品,“一日无茶则滞,三日无茶则病”。中国是茶树的原产地。然而,中国在茶业上对人类的贡献,主要在于最早发现了茶这种植物,最先利用了茶这种植物,并把它发展形成为我国和东方乃至整个世界的一种灿烂独特的茶文化。如我国史籍所载,在未知饮茶前,“古人夏则饮水,冬则饮汤”,恒以温汤生水解渴。以茶为饮则改变了人们喝生水的陋习,较大地提高了人民的健康水平。至于茶在欧美一带,被认为“无疑是东方赐予西方的最好礼物”, “欧洲若无茶与咖啡之传入,饮酒必定更加无度”, “茶给人类的好处无法估计”,“我确信茶是人类的救主之一”,“是伟大的慰藉品”等等。世界各国饮茶及茶的生产和贸易,除朝鲜、日本以及中亚、西亚一带是唐朝前后就从中国传入者外,其他多是16世纪以后,特别是近200年以来才传入发展起来的。








茶类名 制作特色 代表产品

绿茶 不发酵的茶(发酵度为零) 龙井茶,碧螺春

黄茶 徽发酵的茶(发酵度为10-20m) 白牡丹,白毫银针,安吉白荣

白茶 轻度发酵的茶(发酵度为20-30m) 君山银针

青茶 半发酵的茶(发酵度为30-60m) 铁观音,文山包种茶,冻顶乌龙茶

红茶 全发酵的茶(发酵度为80-90m) 祁门红茶,荔枝红茶

黑茶 后发酵的茶(发酵度为100m) 六堡茶,普洱茶











































中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 14487-93 The terms of tea sensory tests

1 主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了一套评茶术语和定义。 本标准适用于我国各类茶叶的感官审评。

2 各类茶通用术语

21 干茶形状术语

211 显毫 tippy 茸毛含量特别多。 同义词 茸毛显露

212 锋苗 tip 芽叶细嫩,紧卷而有尖锋。

213 身骨 body 茶身轻重。

214 重实 heavy body 身骨重,茶在手中有沉重感。

215 轻飘 light 身骨轻,茶在手中份量很轻。

216 匀整 evenly 上中下三段茶的粗细、长短、大小较一致,比例适当,无脱档现象。 同义词 匀齐;匀衬

217 脱档 unsymmetry 上下段茶多,中段茶少,三段茶比例不当。

218 匀净 neat 匀整,不含梗朴及其他夹杂物。

219 挺直 straight 光滑匀齐,不曲不弯。 同义词 平直

2110 弯曲 bend 不直,呈钩状或弓状。 同义词 钩曲;(耳环)

2111 平伏 flat and even 茶叶在盘中相互紧贴,无松起架空现象。

2112 紧结 tightly 卷紧而结实。

2113 紧直 tight and straight 卷紧而圆直。

2114 紧实 tight and heavy 松紧适中,身骨较重实。

2115 肥壮 fat and bold 芽叶肥嫩身骨重。 同义词 雄壮

2116 壮实 sturdy 尚肥嫩,身骨较重实。

2117 粗实 coarse and bold 嫩度较差,形粗大而尚重实。

2118 粗松 coarse and loose 嫩度差,形状粗大而松散。

2119 松条 loose 卷紧度较差。 同义词 松泡

2120 松扁 loose and flat 不紧而呈平扁状。

2121 扁块 flat and round 结成扁圆形或不规则圆形带扁的块。

2122 圆浑 roundy 条索圆而紧结。

2123 圆直 roundy and straight 条索圆浑而挺直。 同义词 浑直

2124 扁条 flaty 条形扁,欠圆浑。

2125 短钝 short and blunt 茶条折断,无锋苗。 同义词,短秃

2126 短碎 short and broken 面张条短,下段茶多,欠匀整。

2127 松碎 loose and broken 条松而短碎。

2128 下脚重 heavy lower parts 下段中最小的筛号茶过多。

2129 爆点 blister 干茶上的突起泡点。

2130 破口 chop 折、切断口痕迹显露。

22 干茶色泽术语

221 油润 bloom 干茶色泽鲜活,光泽好。

222 枯暗 dry dull 色泽枯燥,无光泽。

223 调匀 even colour 叶色均匀一致。

224 花杂 mixed 叶色不一,形状不一。此术语也适用于叶底。

23 汤色术语

231 清澈 clear 清净、透明、光亮、无沉淀物。

232 鲜艳 fresh brilliant 鲜明艳丽,清澈明亮。

233 鲜明 fresh bright 新鲜明亮。此术语也适用于叶底。

234 深 deep 茶汤颜色深。

235 浅 light colour 茶汤色浅似水。

236 明亮 bright 茶汤清净透明。

237 暗 dull 不透亮。此术语也适用于叶底。

238 混浊 suspension 茶汤中有大量悬浮物,透明度差。

239 沉淀物 precipitate 茶汤中沉于碗底的物质。

24 香气术语

241 高香 high aroma 茶香高而持久。

242 纯正 pure and normal 茶香不高不低,纯净正常。

243 平正 normal 较低,但无异杂气。

244 低 low 低微,但无粗气。

245 钝浊 stunt 滞钝不爽。

246 闷气 sulks odour 沉闷不爽。

247 粗气 harsh odour 粗老叶的气息。

248 青臭气 green odour 带有青草或青叶气息。

249 高火 high-fired 微带烤黄的锅巴或焦糖香气。

2410 老火 over-fired 火气程度重于高火。

2411 陈气 stale odour 茶叶陈化的气息。

2412 劣异气 gone-off and tainted odour 烟、焦、酸、馊、霉等茶叶劣变或污染外来物质所产生的气息。使用时应指明属何种劣异气。

25 滋味术语

251 回甘 sweet after taste 回味较佳,略有甜感。

252 浓厚 heavy and thick 茶汤味厚,刺激性强。

253 醇厚 mellow and thick 爽适甘厚,有刺激性。

254 浓醇 heavy and mellow 浓爽适口。回味甘醇。刺激性比浓厚弱而比醇厚强。

255 醇正 mellow and normal 清爽正常,略带甜。

256 醇和 mellow 醇而平和,带甜。刺激性比醇正弱而比平和强。

257 平和 neutral 茶味正常、刺激性弱。

258 淡薄 plain and thin 入口稍有茶味,以后就淡而无味。 同义词 和淡;清淡;平淡

259 涩 astringency 茶汤入口后,有麻嘴厚舌的感觉。

2510 粗 harsh 粗糙滞钝。

2511 青涩 green and astringency 涩而带有生青味。

2512 苦 bitter 入口即有苦味,后味更苦。

2513 熟味 ripe taste 茶汤入口不爽,带有蒸熟或闷熟味。

2514 高火味 high-fire taste 高火气的茶叶,在尝味时也有火气味。

2515 老火味 over-fired taste 近似带焦的味感。

2516 陈味 stale taste 陈变的滋味。

2517 劣异味 gone-off and tainted taste 烟、焦、酸、馊、霉等茶叶劣变或污染外来物质所产生的味感。使用时应指明属何种劣异味。

26 叶底术语

261 细嫩 fine and tender 芽头多。叶子细小嫩软。

262 柔嫩 soft and tender 嫩而柔软。

263 柔软 soft 手按如绵,按后伏贴盘底。

264 匀 even 老嫩、大小、厚薄、整碎或色泽等均匀一致。

265 杂 uneven 老嫩、大小、厚薄、整碎或色泽等不一致。

266 嫩匀 tender and even 芽叶匀齐一致,嫩而柔软。

267 肥厚 fat and thick 芽头肥壮,叶肉肥厚,叶脉不露。

268 开展 open 叶张展开,叶质柔软。 同义词 舒展

269 摊张 open leaf 老叶摊开。

2610 粗老 coarse 叶质粗梗,叶脉显露。

2611 皱缩 shrink 叶质老,叶面卷缩起皱纹。

2612 瘦薄 thin 芽头瘦小,叶张单薄少肉。

2613 薄硬 thin and hard 叶质老瘦薄较硬。

2614 破碎 broken 断碎、破碎叶片多。

2615 鲜亮 fresh bright 鲜艳明亮。

2616 暗杂 dull and mixed 叶色暗沉、老嫩不一。

2617 硬杂 hard and mixed 叶质粗老、坚硬、多梗、色泽驳杂。

2618 焦斑 scorch batch 叶张边缘、叶面或叶背有局部黑色或**烧伤斑痕。

3 绿茶术语

31 干茶形状术语

311 细紧 wiry 条索细长紧卷而完整,锋苗好。此术语也适用于红茶和黄茶干茶形状。

312 紧秀 tight and slender 紧细秀长,显锋苗。此术语也适用于高档条红茶干茶形状。 同义词 苗秀

313 蝌蚪形 tadpole shape 圆茶带尾,条茶一头粗。

314 圆头 roundy piece 条形茶中结成圆块的茶。

315 盘花 spiral 含芽尖,加工精细,炒制成盘花圆形或椭圆形的颗粒。

316 卷曲 curly 呈螺旋状或环状卷曲。此术语也适用于黄茶干茶形状。

317 细圆 fine round 颗粒细小圆紧,嫩度好,身骨重实。

318 圆紧 round and tight 颗粒圆而紧结。

319 圆结 round and tightly 颗粒圆而结实。

3110 圆整 round and normal 颗粒圆而整齐。

3111 圆实 round and heavy 颗粒稍大,身骨较重实。

3112 粗圆 coarse and round 颗粒稍粗大尚成圆。

3113 粗扁 coarse and flat 颗粒粗松带扁。

3114 团块 round drop 颗粒大如蚕豆或荔枝核,多数为嫩芽叶粘结而成。

3115 扁瘪 flat and thin 叶质瘦薄无肉,扁而干瘪。

3116 黄头 yellow head 叶质较老,颗粒圆结,色泽露黄。

3117 扁削 sharp and flat 扁茶边缘如刀削过,不起丝毫皱折。

3118 尖削 sharp 扁削而尖锋显露。

3119 扁平 flat 扁直坦平。

3120 光滑 smooth 表面油润发亮。

3121 光扁 smooth and flat 扁平光滑。

3122 光洁 smooth and clean 表面尚油润发亮。

3123 挺秀 tender and straight 挺直、显锋苗、造形秀美。

3124 紧条 tightly 扁条过紧。

3125 狭长条 narrow 扁条过窄、过长。

3126 宽条 broad 扁条不紧过宽。

3127 折叠 unflat 叶张不平呈皱叠状。此术语也适用于白茶干茶形状。

3128 宽皱 broad and shrink 扁条折皱而宽松。

3129 浑条 roundy leaf 扁条不扁呈浑圆状。

3130 细直 fine and straight 细紧圆直、两端略尖,形似松针。

32 干茶色泽术语

321 绿翠 green jade 碧绿青翠、鲜艳。此术语也适用于叶底。

322 嫩绿 tender green 浅绿嫩黄。此术语也适用于汤色和叶底。

323 深绿 deep green 绿得较深,有光泽。

324 墨绿 black green 深绿泛乌有光泽。此术语也适用于白茶干茶色泽。 同义词 乌绿

325 绿润 green bloom 色绿而鲜活。富有光泽。

326 起霜 silvery 表面带银白色有光泽。

327 银绿 silvery green 色深绿表面银白起霜。

328 灰绿 greyish green 绿中带灰,光泽不及银绿。此术语也适用于白茶干茶色泽。

329 青绿 blueish green 绿中带青。此术语也适用于绿茶叶底色泽和乌龙茶干茶色泽

3210 黄绿 yellowish green 以绿为主,绿中带黄。此术语也适用于绿茶汤色和叶底;黄茶干茶和叶底的正常


3211 绿黄 greenish yellow 以黄为主,黄中泛绿。此术语也适用于汤色和叶底。

3212 露黄 little yellow 面张含有少量黄朴、片及黄条。

3213 灰黄 greyish yellow 色黄带灰。

3214 枯黄 dry yellow 色黄而枯燥。此术语也适用于白茶干茶色泽。

3215 灰暗 greyish dull 色深暗带死灰色。

3216 灰褐 greyish auburn 色褐带灰无光泽。此术语也适用于红茶干茶色泽。

33 汤色术语

331 绿艳 brilliant green 绿中微黄,鲜艳透明。

332 浅黄 light yellow **较浅。此术语也适用于黄茶和白茶汤色。

333 深黄 deep yellow **较深。此术语也适用于白茶和黄茶汤色。

334 红汤 red liquor 汤色发红,绿茶已变质。

335 黄暗 yellow dull 色黄而暗。此术语也适用于叶底色泽。

336 青暗 blue dull 色青而暗。此术语也适用于绿茶、压制茶和红茶叶底色泽。

34 香气术语

341 一般绿茶香气术语

3411 馥郁 fragrance 芬芳持久,沁人心肺。此术语也适用于乌龙茶和红茶香气。

3412 鲜嫩 fresh and tender 具有新鲜悦鼻的嫩茶香气。此术语也适用于红茶香气。

3413 鲜爽 fresh and brisk 新鲜爽快。此术语也适用于绿茶滋味、红茶香味和乌龙茶滋味。

3414 清高 clean and high 清香高而持久。此术语也适用于黄茶和乌龙茶香气。

3415 清香 clean aroma 清鲜爽快。此术语也适用于乌龙茶香气。

3416 花香 flowery flavour 茶香鲜悦,具有令人愉快的似鲜花香气。此术语也适用于乌龙茶和红茶香气。

3417 板栗香 chestunt flavour 似熟栗子香。此术语也适用于黄茶香气。

3418 甜香 sweet aroma 香高有甜感。此术语也适用于黄茶、乌龙茶和条红茶香气。

342 烘青花茶香气术语

3421 鲜灵 fresh lovely 花香新鲜充足,一嗅即感。

3422 浓 heavy 花香浓郁,强烈持久。

3423 纯 pure 花香、茶香比例调匀,无其他异杂气。

3424 幽香 gentle flowery flavour 花香文静、幽雅柔和持久。

3425 香薄 thin aroma 花香短促,薄弱 同义词 香弱

3426 香浮 weak aroma 花香浮于表面,一嗅即逝。

3427 透兰 magnoma 茉莉花香中透露玉兰花香。

3428 透素 tea aroma 花香薄弱,茶香突出。

35 滋味术语

351 爽口 brisk 有刺激性,回味好,不苦不涩。此术语也适用于乌龙茶和红茶滋味。

352 鲜浓 fresh and heavy 鲜洁爽口,富收敛性。此术语也适用于红茶滋味。

353 熟闷味 stewed taste 软熟沉闷不爽。此术语也适用于黄茶和红茶滋味。

36 叶底术语

361 青张 blue leaf 夹杂青色叶片。此术语也适用于乌龙茶叶底色泽。

362 靛青 blue 蓝绿色

4 黄茶术语

41 干茶形状术语

411 扁直 flat and straight 扁平挺直。

412 肥直 fat and straight 芽头肥壮挺直,满坡白毫。形状如针。此术语也适用于黄绿茶和白茶干茶形状。

413 梗叶连枝 whole flush 叶大梗长而相连。

414 鱼子泡 scorched points 干茶有如鱼子大的突起泡点。

42 干茶色泽术语

421 金黄光亮 golden bright 芽头肥壮,芽色金黄,油润光亮。

422 嫩黄光亮 tender yellow bright 色浅黄,光泽好。

423 褐黄 auburnish yellow 黄中带褐,光泽稍差。

424 青褐 blueish auburn 褐中带青。此术语也适用于压制茶干茶、叶底色泽和乌龙茶干茶色泽。

425 黄褐 yellowish auburn 褐中带黄。此术语也适用于乌龙茶干茶色泽和压制茶干茶、叶底色泽。

426 黄青 yellowish blue 青中带黄。

43 汤色术语

431 黄亮 yellow bright 黄而明亮。有深浅之分。此术语也适用于黄茶叶底色泽和白茶汤色。

432 橙黄 orang

Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries Most chinese enjoy drinking tea It do good to peaple healthy As we all know tea has a spacial taste。 It can clear the bowels,Moisten mouth and so onThere are various kind of teasuch as Tieh-Kuan-Yin,Pu-erh Some is cheap while some is expensiveTea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world



Today is Sunday,I go to ZhongShang park whit my brotherThis park is very beautifulWe are very happy to going thereIn the afternoon,we are very hungry,so we go to a supermarket to by some foodWe are very happy today,I hope I can e there agian!


自己写的~~There are many different kinds of drinks in the word,like juice,coke,milk,coffee,tea and so onAnd my favorite drink is teaEvery day,no matter whether I thirsty,I drink a glass of tea It alls good and tastes a little sweetAfter drinking a cup of tea, I can fet all my problems and feel relaxedWhen I drink tea,I like to eat some pieces of breadI think tea and bread are good for my health












For thousands of years, tea has always been part of Chinese life, and now is one of the world on one of the most popular beverages Scientists have found that tea is good for the health of people, or even to prevent people suffering from cancer Anhui also produce tea, Chinese tea is famous for much Wele to FREE Anhui, Anhui enjoy tea together希望能够帮上你。


In China, different people in different places have different ways about making teaGenerally, it takes several stepsFirst, making the hot-pot In this way, we can clean the potSecond, putting the tea into the pot Make sure that the tea takes up one thirds of the potThird, making the tea-cup hot We had better use the hot-potted water to do thisNext, after a short time pour the water into the cup Seven tens of it is betterThen we can drink it

一篇题目为making tea的英语作文

Making TeaHow to make teaThe first thing you need to do to make tea is to boil some water While waiting for it to boil, You may get your teapot ready Wash it and Make sure to put the right amount of tea leaves into it When the water has boiled, you should pour it into the pot and wait for a few minutes, then pour the tea into some cups and send them to the guests Everyone will sip it after the tea has getting not so hot to drink You can also prepare some tea cake and snacks to enjoy the afternoon tea time!(大意:泡茶的正确步骤是先烧水,烧水时准备茶壶,倒入适量茶叶,等水烧开冲入茶壶等待一会,然后就可以把茶倒入茶杯,等水不那么烫了再啜饮。



The practice of drinking tea has had a long history in China, having originated from there The Chinese drink tea during many parts of the day such as at meals for good health or simply for pleasure Although tea originates from China, Chinese tea generally represent tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from ancient China Tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar忘采纳


The Culture of The Chinese Tea -"When a guest es to my home from far away on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him" — Ancient Chinese poem China is the home country of tea Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula After Ming and Qing Dynasty, tea culture seemed to take on a tendency of returning to the most basics in nature with less people deliberately seeking quality water and less occasions on which tribute tea was blindly elaborated People paid more attention to and placed more stress on the pure flavor of tea and its inherent taste through which spiritual pursuit could be realized, solace to soul could be obtained and the pursuit for a supreme bourn that human being and nature had been integrated into one entity could be attainedChinese tea culture Chinese tea culture has a long historyTea culture entered its most prosperous ear in Tang and Song Dynasty, which had evolved into a condition that the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status as national beverage And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture Tea culture is of much elegance In the contemporary society, tea culture plays a role of enriching cultural and leisure life, promoting the development of tea-related economy and trade, and propelling culture exchange beeen nations In the 21st century, tea culture will grow to an even larger scale, involve an even wider range of fields, perform an even stronger function and bring an even closer integration of tradition and modern times which will in turn promote tea culture to an international level Chinese tea is part of Chinese cultureMany people likes drinking tea,and a lot of kinds of tea have bee famousTea has a long history in ChinaThere are a variety of good tea which attract many foreignsSo we must do more to improve Chinese tea and add up more history stories and culture to itAt the same time ,we should prevent some bad tea from damaging the fame of Chinese teaOnly by doing so can Chinese tea bee more and more popular and valuable That the fashion drinking tea had extended all over the country and tea had thus won the status asnational beverage And at that moment Luyu who was honored as “ the Saint of Tea” and his masterpiece The Scripture of Tea appeared which promoted the Chinese tea culture to an altitude that had never been previously attained Those continually emerging eminent figures in the tea industry propelled an intentional pursuit for water, tea, tea set and decoction in tea drinking to such an extreme elegance, perfection, delicacy and sophistication, so much so that in late Tang and Song Dynasty, an extravagant fashion was formed and occurred in tea culture The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring" "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusia You may also imbibe it slowly in all sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea A tranquil, refreshing, fortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves


See the tea, tea, summer tea and autumn tea Tea plucking season is very exquisite Fresh tea plain drew a bud in four or a five leaves tightly Summer tea to take out a bud trilobites or a four leaves tightly Autumn tea in take out one bud o leaves and a bud harvest trilobites Tea is best, before the tomb-sweeping day (Gregorian calendar, 4, 5), also known as remarkably tea, then the tea not insect, the tea can calculate on "green food" After the tomb-sweeping day, insect growth, our country most tea farmers is chemical pesticides, below you can imagine Tea production process: green tea: the production without any fermentation process, after picking directly kill qingsong, rolling, drying and tea Clear fresh and pure taste, fresh and pleasant Because of the method is different, can divide again to pan Fried and Fried green tea, for example。





背包线路:阳朔汽车总站——阳朔县人民医院——如家酒店——百里新村大门——东桃村——蕉芭林村——七仙峰 阳朔汽车总站景区旅游专线 。























这里日接待观光游客可达1000人以上,拥有床位40张,可同时容纳300人就餐,有多功能会议室一个,可容纳50 人。


转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 茶对人体的益处英语作文

The Japanese tea ceremony action is complicated and long, the most stringent tea ceremony lasted for four hours Japanese tea drink is tea powder brewing tea, the tea ceremony is a key step in the tea tea mix, called tea The old way of tea drinking in the Tang and Song Dynasties, still retains many legacy From a bowl of tea, looking for Tang relique The first step of Tang Dynasty is the processing of tea, the tea cake baked sweet after grinding into tea powder; and the key is to use iron to boil water, decocting, pay attention to water quality, water temperature

In Hubei Enshi, a long history of tea soup Legend, once some people try the tea deep fried, add to the soup boil, then treating damp heat diseases brought by the In the poor time, tea also has a meat substitute, as the special purchases for the Spring Festival, appeared in thirty years of oil soup Steaming green Green Tea technology of Enshi, can bring green and fresh taste more pure Fixing the tea in baking oven fifty to eighty degrees Celsius, hanging hand rub, dispersal work first, then, is the tea plastic glazing In 15 hours of pure Handmade, tea out fragrance, into the pine needle shape, this is the famous Enshi gyokuro

Chaozhou Kung Fu tea is known as "the living fossil China tea culture" In Chaozhou, tea is the high streets and back lanes popular art, is a part of life in Chaozhou Chaozhou is one of the most often bubble Fenghuang Dancong tea, this tea was produced in Chaozhou named Lantau Peak In Lantau Peak, more than two hundred years old in the old tea has Sanqianqibaiduo tree Fenghuang Dancong is semi fermented Oolong Tea, to flavor diversity Learn to make tea, tea, tea, in fact is the heart, can be a lifetime

Over the past one thousand years, people in the East in a bowl of water, to realize the true meaning of life, the people of the Tang Dynasty tea, sung made note of drink, Ming Dynasty changed the traditional tea, taste the tea liquor fragrance, while the Japanese tea ceremony in the tradition, the influence of the national spirit Years into the taste of tea, tea fragrance emitting a soul Each tea, but in practice, their own tea

In nineteenth Century, Fujian Black Tea and Oolong Tea swept the world, tea mostly sold to Britain, the main transport carrying tea is a clipper ship The flying shear shipping tea, winning a fast The traditional sailing from China to Europe to go for one year, and then the fastest flying shear ships need fifty or sixty days Yun tea range, at the cost of the life of gambling, the arrival of the first clipper ship will receive excess profits in london Then, each household income should be 1/10 to buy tea The nation from the understanding of tea to fall madly in love with tea, only less than two hundred years And let people know the value of the British tea, is a Portuguese princess, she is the first tea queen, in 1662 Tea queen on British society dumping, she brought tea fashion 400 years

At the beginning of seventeenth Century, Green Tea was brought to Europe, people generally think it tastes more like drugs, rather than drink Initially, tea appeared in Europe in the drugstore, because the price is expensive, is packaged into bags for sale The Europeans have Green Tea as a Oriental dianthera, the earliest export to Europe of usnic Green Tea produced in Anhui Xiuning China usnic tea, mature technology in the early Ming dynasty Today, organic Green Tea Anhui from Xiuning, is still a large number of exports, tea is the end of europe Every cup of tea the British drink came from overseas India, Sri Lanka and Kenya tea, high quality and inexpensive, the British did not worry tea Earlier, British people try to kind of tea, but because of the high latitude and cold climate, is not conducive to the growth of tea, failed, in three hundred years, the UK no people tea Tea cultivation, tea is the dream of many For almost ten years, the construction of the British Jonathan Tiger Sinan tea garden to harvest the first season of tea, although the output is very low, people know very little, but the only British tea, let the people drink their tea in britain More than 400 kilometers outside of London, Queen Memorial tea preparation work goes on, for more than 100 years, the Chuan Ning family for the British Royal special tea, each section are the one and only More than a hundred years ago popular tea dance, extinct today has close London's Hilton Wolf Hotel, held once a month the tea party, is the only UK a retain the old tea custom five Stars Hotel

Tea is the best partner, people enjoy the afternoon sun The British cup, had ups and downs, the hidden land and sea A major meeting of East and West, affected the progress of human civilization Today, tea is no longer the world changing commodity, it return to its roots, a kind of artistic way of life, a spiritual communication




ChengXiang dragon

Soft Chinese



Sichuan brand




Heineken secco luona Heineken Corona

Tsingtao beer in Qingdao, chongqing pure raw

Mountain 1958

Fruits fruit

Seasonal Fruit platter Fruit

Bottled drinks

Paris Perrier water

Evian Evian

Coconut milk nestle coffee Wang wang

Coconut Juice Milk Nestle coffee

Jahath YouYou coffee tea

Coffee Which do you prefer milk

WangLaoJi water soluble C100 fruit profusion

Herbal which do you prefer

Nutrition fast line red bull pulse

Ep-red Bull

Ice tea tea, jasmine tea

Which do you prefer green jasmine which do you prefer black which do you prefer

Tropical fruit Orange Orange Orange more fruit juice

Pepsi Coca Cola Coca-Cola Pepsi cola -

QiXi Sprite of beauty, Sprite Seven - 185 Mirinda

Bright milk doll lactobacillus milk resounding 29-point win

The farmer mountain spring mineral mineral water

Snacks such

Product guest chips (potato chips can/bag)

Good friends send lily The pie

Oreo biscuit cookies

3 + 2 biscuits

Beef jerkys're beef

Bubble chili Pepper Pickled Chicken Feet type paintings

A chicken wings have wing Pickled Pepper paintings

Dried bean curd're bean

Yanjin raisin grapes

XuFuJi biscuit cookies

Chongqing HuDou odor

Pistachio nuts

Almond apricot

Wang wang steamed bun


QQ candy

Microwave popcorn popcorn


Popcorn popcorn

Hot dogs


Carrot Juice Apple cider carrots

Tomato Juice Tomato and Lemon Lemon Juice

Strawberries Strawberry Shake Shake

Chocolate milkshake Chocolate Shake

Dasheen Shake Shake colocasia esculenta schott

Ice cream Three Tastes Icecream

Banana Boat Icecream Banana Boat

Citron tea which do you prefer grapefruit

Watermelon watermelon juice sauce

Orange juice, orange juice

Characteristics of herbal tea

Health tonifying qi tea

Beauty tea,

Fine waist tight abdomen tea

ShenCha rather


Bali coffee

Chinese tea,

Tieguanyin longjing unopened bud




Spicy small face

Tomato egg noodles

Cows meat

Fried rice

Yangzhou rice

Indonesian Fried rice

Sour pork rice mushroom

Curry chicken with rice

Malaysia fry river powder

Snack food

Fried Spring rolls are your Fried

Fried pumpkin pie

Fried yam volumes

Liquor class

Lucy BaiXia more distant dry

Lida people (Australia),

Red wine

2007 law debao red (Germany)

Yantai wall, alcohol berries

Da people (Australia) 2007

96 of Great Wall red

ZhangYu berries (red) level chosen

innisfree the green tea seed cream,即悦诗风吟绿茶籽保湿面霜。









英 [pjʊə(r)]  ; 美 [pjʊr]  





1、pure water:纯水;纯净水;纯水分

2、pure gold:纯金;足金

3、pure white:纯白;纯白色


1、The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise 


2、She was still a holy and pure young girl 




1、neat adj:整洁的,整齐的



She always keeps her room neat


2、clean adj:干净的,整洁的



Go down to my bedroom and bring a clean shirt


3、tidy adj:[尤英]整洁的,整齐的



His bedroom was not very tidy




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