



《21》是英国女歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯的第二张录音室专辑,标准版唱片共收录11首歌曲,于2011年1月24日由XL唱片公司发行 ,专辑的音乐总监和制作人由阿黛尔·阿德金斯、保罗·艾普沃斯等担任。2012年2月,《21》获得第54届格莱美奖“年度专辑”、“最佳流行专辑”奖项。


阿黛尔·阿德金斯(Adele Adkins),1988年5月5日出生于伦敦托特纳姆,英国流行歌手。2008年,阿黛尔发行了首张专辑《19》,获得当年水星音乐奖提名,并在全球取得了超过900万的销售量。其中的单曲《Chasing Pavements》助其获得格莱美最佳新人和最佳流行女歌手两座大奖。2011年,阿黛尔推出第二张录音室专辑《21》,拥有三支冠军单曲。该专辑全球销量突破3200万,是21世纪全球销量最高的录音室专辑,被Billboard官网评为史上最伟大的专辑第一位 。



Just gonna stand there and watch me burn你是不是就打算站在那看着我五内如焚But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉Just gonna stand there and hear me cry你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣But that’s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie不过没关系,因为我连你的谎言都爱,连你的谎言都爱Eminem]I can’t tell you what it really is我说不出来它到底是什么I can only tell you what it feels like我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉And right nowit’s a still night in my wind pipe现在我的气管像被堵住一样I can’t breathe but I still fight while I can fight无法呼吸但是我仍在尽力坚持As long as the wrong feels right it’s like I’m in flight就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉High off the law, drunk from my hate,借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚It’s like I’m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate我就像这溺水一样,越是挣扎就越窒息And right before I’m about to drown, she resuscitates me就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我She fing hates me and I love it 我爱她恨我的感觉。Wait! Where you going I’m leaving you等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。No you ain’t Come back we’re running right back不,你不能走。回来吧 我们重新来过!Here we go again我们重新来过。It’s so insane cus when its going good its going great这真是神奇,因为它向着完美发展。 I’m superman with the wind at his back我就像超人一样无往不利!Shes Louis Lane but when its bad its awful, I feel so ashamed I snap她就像超人的白痴女友,糟糕的时候一塌糊涂我都感到羞耻Whos that dude I don’t even know his name这人又是谁?我连他名字都不知道I laid hands on him, I’ll never stoop so low again我揍了他 ,告诉她我再也不会妥协了I guess I don’t know my own strength连我自己都不知道我有多强硬[Chrous][Eminem]You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe你曾经爱一个人爱到窒息么?When you’re with ‘em 当你和他们在一起的时候You meet and neither one of you even know what hit ‘em你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道到底在干什么Got that warm fuzzy feeling慢慢享受你的暧昧感觉吧Yeah, them those chills you used to get ‘em呵~那些你们曾经的欢乐时光Now you’re getting f^%king sick of looking at him现在你看对方一眼都感觉恶心You swore you’d never hit him; never do nothing to hurt him你发过誓再不做出任何伤害他的事情。Now you’re in each other’s face spewing venom in your words when you spit them但是你现在却换了副嘴脸,恶语相加You push pull each other’s hair, scratch claw hit him你现在却把他推来搡去,不停地伤害着他Throw him down pin him你在蹂躏着他,像用针一样刺痛他So lost in the moments when you’re in them如此沉迷般的伤害着对方It’s a race that’s the culprit controls your boat这就如同一次比赛,但却是罪恶在掌控着你So they say you’re best to go your separate ways它告诉你分道扬镳是你最好的选择Guess if they don’t know you cus today that was yesterday他们大概不知道今日是非是引昨日而起Yesterday is over it’s a different day如果以前的事没发生就不会这样Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her就像破唱片一样一遍又一遍的重复你对他的承诺 Next time you show restraint下次你要克制自己You don’t get another chance不然你们之间就没有机会了Life is no Nintendo game生活不像打游戏But you lied again然而你又食言了Now you get to watch her leave out the window现在你只能眼睁睁的丢掉她给你的最后一次机会I guess that’s why they call it window pane我想这也就是所谓的遗憾吧 ??[Chorus][Eminem]Now I know he said things hit things that we didn’t mean现在我明白了他说的事与愿违、口是心非And we fall back into the same patterns same routine我们又回到了原来的套路上But your temper’s just as bad as mine is你脾气跟我一样坏You’re the same as me你跟我一样But when it comes to love you’re just as blinded但是每每当我们快修成正果时却总是错过Baby, please come back宝贝,回来吧。It wasn’t you, baby it was me好吧,宝贝儿都是我的错Maybe our relationship wasn’t as crazy as it seemed没准我们的关系并没有看上去那么不可救药Maybe that’s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano也许我们就像是水火相容的结果All I know is I love you too much to walk awaythough我只知道我爱你爱得不能自拔Come inside, pick upyour bags off the sidewalk回家吧,拿上你的东西回家吧。Don’t you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk难道你没有听出我声音中的真诚么?I told you this is my fault我都说了,这都是我的错。Look me in the eye ball过来看着我的眼睛。Next time I’m pissed, I lay my fist at the drywall Next timeThere won’t be no next time我绝不会再发火再动手了,决不会了I apologize even though I know its lies我明知道我的道歉是谎话I’m tired of the games I just want her back我受够这场争执了,我只想让她回来。I know I’m a liar我知道我就是个骗子If she ever tries to f^$%ing leave again但是如果她再TM试图离开我的话Im’a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire我会把她绑在床上,点燃房子……











2011年,她参与演唱的专辑《上山之旅》获得美国第53届格莱美Best Age Album(新世纪音乐专辑奖),从而成为第一位获得格莱美音乐奖的中国籍音乐家。

一首英文歌,是男声, 时一直重复i love you

Stewart Mac - I Love You

I Love You - Stewart Mac

专辑名称I Love You

艺人姓名Stewart Mac 史都华麦克


There was once a broken man 曾经有个心碎的男人

Who walked a lonely road 他孤独地走在路上

And gave up all his dreams 放弃所有梦想

And I was once this broken man 我曾经就是这样一个心碎的男人

Who stared into the sun 他盯着太阳

And just refused to see 却只是拒绝正视它

I was lost amongst the clouds that wouldn't fade 我曾经迷失在无法消散的云雾中

I was looking for an answer 我不断的寻找答案

I was searching but I didn't take the time 寻找著却错过了时机

I was down and out and feeling so afiaid 一度的失落潦倒并且感到害怕

I love you! 我爱你

The way that you turned me round你让我转变的方式

And chased away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤

I love you! 我爱你

The way that you changed my word你改变了我的世界

When I'm with you当我和你在一起的时候

Love may e and love may go 爱也许会来临会离去

But now it's here to stay 但此刻它正在这里逗留

Forever and a day with you 和你相伴的一天 将定格成永恒

And when i see you ile 当我看到你的微笑

I fall into your eyes 我陷入你双眸的温柔

Don't ever fade away永远不要消逝

I need you here to make the dark clouds drift away 我需要你为我驱散乌云

And to make the mornings bright again 让清晨再次沐浴在明媚的阳光中

I'm right here for you 我在这儿等你

There's nothing more to say不需要任何的言语

I'm just happy that you're mine and here to stay 我很欣喜你是属于我的

I love you! 我爱你

The way that you turned me round 你让我转变的方式

And chased away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤

I love you! 我爱你

Yes I do! 是我 我真的爱你

The way that you changed my word 你改变了我的世界

When I'm with you 当我和你在一起的时候

It doesn't matter we're far 不管我们相隔多么遥远

Or where we're going 或我们将去向何方

As long as you're with me all the way 只要一路有你陪伴

And the nights are no longer lonely 夜晚不再孤单

And wake up now to find a brighter day 现在就醒来去寻找更美好的未来

I love you! 我爱你

Yes I do!~ 是我 我真的爱你

The way that you turned me round 你让我转变的方式

And chased away my blues 让我远离心中的忧伤

I love you 我爱你

Yes I do! 是我 我真的爱你

The way that you changed my word 你改变了我的世界

When I'm with you 当我和你在一起的时候

~Edited By: So Smile~ So笑^^

一首英文歌, 时重复so I always(was?) do for you oh for you

Phillip Phillips——Gone, Gone, Gone


And I would do it for you, for you

Baby i'm not moving on

I love you long after you're gone

For you, for you

You would never sleep alone

I love you long after you're gone

And long after you're gone gone gone

一首英文歌,男声, 重复出现I FEEL SO GOOD (fall) IN LOVE WITH YOU

(It) Feels So Good 是Steven Tyler的 貌似DJ版更给力

求一首英文歌歌名,男声, 时连唱三遍you and i

Space Cowboy

求一首英文歌 时I got alone ~~~ 然后是 before i can see your love 重复两遍 男声 速度较快

Def Leppard - Long Long Way To Go

You held my hand and then you slipped away 瞬间感觉不到你手臂的温度(你握着我的手又突然松开)

And I may never see your face again 也许是必须面对的别离(我可能再也见不到你的脸)

So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside 请教我如何粉饰单调心(告诉我怎样充实内心的空虚)

Without love, what is life 没有爱的抚慰,生命一无所有(没有了爱,生活是什么)

And anyone who knew us both can see 每一个了解我们的人都知道

We always were the better part of me 二种生活会凝华为一段幸福(我们一直都是最合适的)

I never wanted to be this free 我对自由的狂热也无法制止我(我根本不想要这样的自由 )

All this pain, does it go away 隐藏着痛苦的迷雾何时散去?(这所有的痛苦,会消失吗 )

Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )

And you're nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)

I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走)

Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)

Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走

Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前

To you, to you 对你说

From memory, there is no hiding place 翻开尘封的记忆,思维无法伫足(记忆中,我无处可躲)

Turn on the TV and I see you there 银幕上舞动着你的身影(开启电视也看到你)

In every crowd there's always someone with your face 街市中嗅到你的幽香(人群中总有人和你相象)

Everywhere, trying not to care 忧愁时尝试淡忘(每次都试着不去在意 )

Then every time I turn around 安静的凝视(每当我环顾四周 )

And you're nowhere to be found 窥不到轻盈的你(却怎么也找不到你)

I know I got a long, long way to go 我明白这征程永无止尽(我知道,我还有很长的路要走 )

Before I can say goodbye to you 于感受你的温柔之前(在能够向你告别以前)

Oh, I got a long, long way to go 噢,还有很长的路要走

Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前

To you, I wish you everythin' 虔诚的为你祈祷(对于你,我祝福你的一切)

And all the best that life can bring 上帝和撒旦都会为你俯首(但愿生活把一切最好的都给你)

I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh 仅仅乞求在某时你对我的思念(我只是希望你有时会想想我)

And even though I feel the pain即使泪水阻隔了视线(尽管现在我感到伤痛)

I know that I will love again 我也不会放弃对你的深情(但我知道我会重新踏上爱的旅程 )

The time will e, oh, and I'll move on 不管这种希望多吗渺茫,我更会拼尽全力(这一刻将来到,而我也将继续前行 )

I got a long, long way to go 我有很长的路要走

Before I can say goodbye to you 在我与你道别之前

Oh, I got a long, long way to go, got a long way to go 真的有很长的路要走

Before I can say goodbye, before I say goodbye 在离别之前

To all I ever knew, to all I ever knew 曾经一样

I got a long, I got a long, long way to go, long way to go 很长很长

Before I can say, before I say, goodbye to you 别离之前

Say goodbye, say goodbye 别离

Oh, I got a long, long way to go 说再见

Before I can say goodbye to all I ever knew 在能向往昔告别以前

一首英文歌 时歌词是i just wanna see you,重复好几次。

brave-Sara Bareilles

这首歌在2014格莱美上有过表演 还不错啦 歌手是个才女,但却不为天朝人民熟知


Steven Tyler - (It) Feels So Good



一首英文歌曲 时一直有Superman

taylor swift - superman


Muse - Supermassive Black Hole


求一首英文歌 男声 时 有什么 i dont wanna lie

歌词”i dont wanna lie“出自歌曲《I Don‘t Wanna Be a Soldier》。

歌名:I Don‘t Wanna Be a Soldier

歌手:John Lennon



Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Well, I dont wanna be a sailor mama, I dont wanna fly

Well, I dont wanna be a failure mama, I dont wanna cry

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no

Well, I dont wanna be a rich man mama, I dont wanna cry

Well, I dont wanna be a poor man mama, I dont wanna fly

Well, I dont wanna be a lawyer mama, I dont wanna lie

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, hey!

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, hey!

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Well, I dont wanna be a thief now mama, I dont wanna fly

Well, I dont wanna be a churchman mama, I dont wanna cry

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, hey!

Oh well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Well, I dont wanna be a sailor mama, I dont wanna fly

Well, I dont wanna be a failure mama, I dont wanna cry

Well, I dont wanna be a soldier mama, I dont wanna die

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no

有首英文歌 时重复what's you a way

ET (Katy Perry) - Klaypex

You're so hypnotizing

Could you be the devil

Could you be an angel

You're touch magizing

Feels like I am floating

Leave my body glowing

They say be afraid

You're not like the others

Futuristic lover

Different DNA

They don't understand you

You're from a whole 'nother world

A different dimension

You open my eyes

And I'm ready to go

Lead me into the light

Kiss me' k-k-kiss me

Infect me with your love

And fill me with your poison

Take me' t-t-take me

Wanna be your victim

Ready for abduction

Boy' you're an alien

It's supernatural

You're so supersonic

Wanna feel your power

Stun me with your laser

Your kiss is co ic

Every move is magic

You're from a whole 'nother world

A different dimension

You open my eyes

And I'm ready to go

Lead me into the light

Kiss me' k-k-kiss me

Infect me with your love

And fill me with your poison

Take me' t-t-take me

Wanna be your victim

Ready for abduction

Boy' you're an alien

It's supernatural


This is transcendental

On another level

Boy' you're my lucky star

I wanna walk on your wavelength

and be there when you vibrate

For you I'll risk it all

Kiss me' k-k-kiss me

Infect me with your love

And fill me with your poison

Take me' t-t-take me

Wanna be a victim

Ready for abduction

Boy' you're an alien

Your touch so foreign

It's supernatural


Kiss me' k-k-kiss me

And fill me with your poison

Take me' t-t-take me

Wanna be your victim

Ready for abduction

Boy' you're an alien

your touch far away

It's supernatural


男歌手:blake shelton(是美国偶像的评委哦)、Tim Mcgraw(很著名的乡村巨星)、 Luke Bryan、 Jason Aldean、Eric Church、Brantley Gilbert(有前途的新人)

女歌手:miranda lambert(乡村音乐奖的常客呀,跟blake是夫妻)、taylor swift(红遍全球的乡村天后)、kacey musgraves(2014格莱美打败霉霉获得最佳乡村单曲的大势新人)、Faith Hill(tim的老婆,也是很有名的)、Carrie Underwood(木头姐,是美国偶像的冠军)、Jana Kramer(是新晋歌手的获得者)



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