POP音乐(流行音乐)是根据英语Popular Music翻译过来的。流行音乐准确的概念应为商品音乐,是指以盈利为主要目的而创作的音乐。它是商业性的音乐消遣娱乐以及与此相关的一切“工业”现象。(见前苏联《音乐百科词典》1990年版)它的市场性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。
流行音乐19世纪末20世纪初起源于美国,从音乐体系看,流行音乐是在叮砰巷歌曲、布鲁斯、爵士乐、摇滚乐、索尔音乐等美国大众音乐架构基础上发展起来的音乐。其风格多样,形态丰富,可泛指Jazz、Rock、Soul、Blues、Reggae、Rap、Hip-Hop、Disco、New Age等20世纪后诞生的都市化大众音乐。
流行音乐,根据英语Popular Music翻译过来的。按照汉语词语表面去理解,所谓流行音乐,是指那些结构短小、内容通俗、形式活泼、情感真挚,并被广大群众所喜爱,广泛传唱或欣赏,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲。这些乐曲和歌曲,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中。因此,又有"大众音乐”之称。
Pop的例句:The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop软木塞砰的一声从瓶口迸了出来。We can charge$50 a pop我们可以每个收费50元。
She jumped as someone popped a balloon behind her有人在她背后弄爆了一个气球,把她吓了一跳。I'll pop over and see you this evening我今晚就赶去看你。
He popped his head around the door and said hello他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。Pop your bag on here把你的包放在这上面。
pop,一种具有强烈节拍的现代流行音乐。一般认为,流行音乐有广义和狭义之分,这里的“波普”是指狭义的流行音乐,如70、80年代著名歌手罗斯(dianaross)、里奇(lionel richie)、惠特尼休斯顿(whitney houston)、麦当娜(madonna)、迈克尔杰克逊(janet jackson)等人演唱的很多歌曲。流行歌手(pop singer)。
Synth pop
synth pop中的“synth”,即synthesizer,顾名思义,synth pop就是“由synthesizrs炮制出来的流行乐”,当然除synthesizer外还会用上其它电子乐器如电脑及鼓机等等。
synth pop于80年代初期开始流行,至八十年代中开始沉寂,当年在香港也曾掀起过一阵热潮。
synth pop的特点是科技感强,有时会破冰冷,歌曲多是“三分钟流行曲”(3-minutes pop),很多时synth pop乐手会作入时打扮。
synth pop代表组合:Depeche Mode、 Human League、 Duran Duran、 Gary Numan
dream pop
dream pop是种“梦”般的流行曲,他有一种迷离的气氛,多synthesizers(电子合成器)造成,加了echo效果的电吉他也是重要的成分,歌唱部分往往很“breathy”即呼吸声重,歌词也往往有梦般的诗意色彩。
代表乐队有cocteau twins,Lisa germano,stetienne,this mortal coil,my bloody valentine,mazzy star 和dead can dance等。
classical pop是指带古典响乐味道的流行曲,多用弦乐伴奏的歌曲都可列入此类,例如the Beatles的“eleanorrigby”就是。澳洲乐队crowded house的一些作品也可列入此类。如果说classical pop,则是指经典的流行曲。
chamber pop是指典雅、高贵、精致的一种流行乐,它有一定的古典隐约感觉。chamber music一词来自古典音乐,中文叫室内乐,是种小组弦乐演奏曲式,气氛高雅。chamber pop于90年代兴起,是对当时的lo-fi及grunge的一种反应,强调优美的旋律、精致的配乐、干净的录音,每每多用弦乐、管乐制造巴洛克时代的音乐感觉。
外国代表队有 the divine comedy,rialto,eric matthews 及balle&Sebastian等。
The British do a lot of popping They pop in and pop out; pop up and pop down; pop over and pop across; pop into; pop off Americans don't use this strange expresstion much 让我们赶快看看在英国这么流行的pop都有哪些常见的用法,当然,请在非正式场合使用下列用语。
Jack:"Betty, will you marry me"
Betty was so happy She told her best friend next day:"Jack and I are going to be married next month He popped the question last night, suddenly and unexpectedly, when we were walking in the park I'm so happy!"
popped the question: InformalTo propose marriage 求婚
Jane给他的女友 Selma打电话:
"Selma, I'm going to be near your place tonight Is it OK if I pop in for a minute"
pop in:To visit briefly: just popped by to say hello 短时间拜访
近义词:drop in;visit;pay a visit
又如:I was passing by, noticed the light was on, so I thought I would just pop in for a chat
"Peter, where have you been I phoned you several times this afternoon"
Perter:" Oh, I popped out to take the dog for a walk Sorry! Why don't you pop in this evening"
popped out : exit briefly;move out of or depart from; leave the room 短时间外出
近义词:exit, get out, go out, leave
又如:I'm going to pop out to the shops for ten minutes Don't answer the door if anyone calls
"Don, MrsShort on the tenth floor has a problem with her TV Will you pop up this evening helping her"
pop up:appear suddenly or unexpectedly 突然出现
又如:I hadn't seen him for years Then he just popped up one day at the club we used to belong to
" Jimmy, we don't have any suger Will you pop over the road to the shop and buy a packer"
pop over: 赶到
又如:My new neighbours across the road had just moved in so I popped over to see them
" Bob, old MrSmith on the second floor is very lonely I said I'd pop round tonight and keep him company"
pop round:去做客(时间不确定)
又如:A: Would you like to pop round one night this week Would Wednesday evening suit you B: I';d love to
" Sam, where did you buy that beautiful tie"
Sam:" I needed a new tie, so I popped into the department store and bought it"
popped into:To move quickly or unexpectedly 突然冲入
又如:The farm popped into view as we turned the corner
1 pop in, pop out, pop up和pop over基本都是appearing or disappearing (popping out) briefly and casually的意思。
2 当然,pop out 还有另外一个含义:burst open with a short sharpish sound 突然爆开,发出砰响
例如:He had shaken the champagne bottle and the cork popped out before he was ready to pour
pop其实有很多种意思,指卖点广告,因为全拼是 Point Of Purchase。另外也是品牌名称POP(全球)时尚网络机构,做服装时尚资讯的,也就是你问的pop服饰流行前线。