El Privilegio de Amar 歌词

El Privilegio de Amar 歌词,第1张

歌曲名:El Privilegio de Amar

歌手:Baby Music

专辑:Baby Music - Pop de los 90

Bustamante - El Privilegio de Amarte


Que podre decirte

En el corto tiempo

En que se vive una ilusion

Que podre dejarte

Tan pegado al alma

Que se quede alli en tu corazon

Yo no pretendo ensenarte

Lo que es el mundo

Me falta tambien

Pero vale la pena

Disfrutar cada vida

Porque me has regalado

El privilegio de amarte

Di lo que sientas

Haz lo que piensas

Da lo que tengas

Y no te arrepientas

Y si no llega

lo que esperabas

no te conformes

jamas te detengas

pero sobre todas las cosas

nunca te olvides de Dios

Seras del tamano

de tus pensamientos

no te permitas fracasar

lo mas importante

son los sentimientos

y lo que no puedes comprar

Y cuando llegue el momento

en que tu sola quisieras volar

aunque no estemos juntos

estaran los recuerdos

que con solo quererlo

volveras a vivirlo

Di lo que sientas

Has lo que piensas

Da lo que tengas

Y no te arrepientas

No te limites

Por lo que digan

Se lo que quiera

Pero se tu misma

Y si no llega

Lo que esperabas

No te conformes

Jamas te detengas

Pero sobre todas las cosas

Nunca te olvides de Dios

Pero sobre todas las cosas

Como te quiero mi amor



Tamally maak

We law hata ba eed any,

Fe alby hawak

Tamally maak

tamally fe baly we fe alby

Wala bansak

Tamally waheshny,

Low hata akoon waiak

Tamally maak

We law hata ba eed any

Fe alby hawak

Tamally maak

Tamally fe baly we fe alby

Wala bansak

Tamally waheshny,

Low hata akoon waiak

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak

Tamally maak

Maak alby, maak rohy

Ya aghla habib

Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any

[ From: http://wwwmetrolyricscom/tamally-maak-lyrics-amr-diabhtml ]

Le alby areeb

Ya omry el gai wel hader,

Ya aghla naseeb

Tamally maak

Maak alby, maak omry

Ya aghla habib

Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any

Le alby areeb

Ya omry el gai wel hader,

Ya aghla naseeb

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak

Tamally habibi bashtaklak

Tamally alaya men badlak

We law hawalaya kol el doon

Bardo ya habibi bahtaglak


Amr Diab - Tamally Maak (Always With You)

I am always with You

And even when Your far away from me,

Your love is in my heart

I am always with You

You're always on my mind and in my heart

I never forget You

I always miss You,

Even if I am with You

I am always with You

And even when Your far away from me,

Your love is in my heart

I am always with You

You're always on my mind and in my heart

I never forget You

I always miss You,

Even if I am with You

I am always longing for You Darling

I always need You and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my darling

I am always longing for You darling

I always need you and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my darling

I am always with You

You have my heart and my soul

My most precious love

My most precious love

And no matter if You away from me,

You are close to my heart

You are life in the future and the present

And the most beautiful of fates

I am always with You

You have my heart and my life

My most precious love

My most precious love

And no matter if You away from me,

You are close to my heart

You are life in the future and the present

And the most beautiful of fates

I am always longing for You Darling

I always need You and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my Darling

I am always longing for You Darling

I always need You and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my Darling

I am always longing for You Darling

I always need You and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my Darling

I am always longing for You Darling

I always need You and nobody else

And if I'm surrounded by the whole world,

I still need You, my Darling


Title Tamally Ma'ak

Artist Amr Diab

Tamally maak

We law hata ba eed any,

Fe alby hawak

Tamally maak

tamally fe baly we fe alby

Wala bansak

Tamally waheshny,

Law hata bakoon wayak

Tamally maak

We law hata ba eed any

Fe alby hawak

Tamally maak

Tamally fe baly we fe alby

Wala bansak

Tamally waheshny,

Low hata bakoon wayak

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak

Tamally maak

Maak alby, maak rohy

Ya aghla habib

Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any

Le alby areeb

Ya omry el gai wel hader,

Ya ahla naseeb

Tamally maak(maaaak)

Maak alby, maak omry

Ya aghla habib

Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any

Le alby areeb

Ya omry el gai wel hader,

Ya ahla naseeb

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak

Tamally habibi bashta'lak

Tamally enaya tendahalak

We law hawalaya kol el koon

Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak


Always with me

And even when you're away from me

Your love is in my heart

Always with me

Always on my mind and in my heart

And I never forget you

Always missing you

Even when you're with me

Always with me

And even when you're away from me

Your love is in my heart

Always with me

Always on my mind and in my heart

And I never forget you

Always missing you

Even when you're with me


I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

Always with me

You have my heart, you have my soul

My dearest love,

My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are

You're close to my heart,

My futur, my present

My most beautiful destiny

Always with me

You have my heart, you have my life

My dearest love,

My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are

You're close to my heart,

My futur, my present

My most beautiful destiny


I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love

I always long for you, my love

My eyes always call for you, my love

And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world

I always need you, my love



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上一篇 2024-03-04


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