

保护地球的英文是Protect the earth。

重点词汇:地球 the earth;the globe;world;planet。


1、臭氧层保护地球不受太阳紫外线的辐射。The ozone layer shields the earth from the sun's ultraviolet rays 

2、臭氧最广为人知的作用是保护地球免受太阳紫外线的伤害。Ozone is best known for its role in screening the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun

3、这些工艺品你可以让孩子在节日时送给亲戚,教育他们怎样做可以有助于保护地球。在这个特别的日子,花点时间想想你能为地球母亲做点什么,你能做点什么吧。Make a bunch of crafts that your kids can give to family members for the holidays to teach them about what they can do to help protect the planet

4、科学家们敦促世界自然保护联盟在地球濒危物种名单中把帝企鹅所处的位置提高。The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Nature to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earth's endangered species 

5、但是1974年美国学者指出,CFC进入同温层后将使保护地球上生物不受紫外线伤害的臭氧层遭受破坏。But in 1974, American professor pointed out that CFC, once in the stratosphere, destroys ozonosphere, which protects the human race from the radiation of ultraviolet rays


  An asteroid splashdown in one of Earth's oceans could trigger a destructive chemical cycle that would wipe out half of the ozone layer, according to a new study The massive loss of protection against the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation would likely force humans into a vampire-style existence of staying indoors during daylight hours


  The worst scenario based on an asteroid 1 kilometer wide would re-create the hole in the ozone layer, which appeared over Antarctica during the 1990s, except this would be worldwide UV levels in the study's simulation soared beyond anything measured so far on Earth by the UV Index's daily forecasts of overexposure to UV radiation, and remained that way for as long as two years


  Researchers tested scenarios with a 06-mile asteroid and a 03-mile asteroid (500 meters) at a specific location and specific time of year Models used in the research showed how ozone destruction would result from an asteroid strike launching seawater vapor hundreds of miles up into the highest parts of the atmosphere Chemical elements such as chloride and bromide that separated from the water vapor could then wreak havoc by destroying the ozone layer that protects life on Earth from UV rays


  Long-term effects of such high UV radiation would include skin-reddening, changes in plant growth and genetic mutations for humans and other organisms And an asteroid has about twice the chance of striking water rather than hitting land Those odds come from the fact that over 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water


  Asteroid hunters have found about 903 of an estimated 1,050 near-Earth objects (NEOs) with diameters of 1 kilometer or greater as of October 1 That still leaves well over 100 objects in the 1-2 kilometer size undiscovered









In the hustle and bustle of life, we often overlook the world around us and forget to appreciate and feel the beauty of nature However, after reading Moni's "A One-Day Tour of Earth," I was deeply moved It made me reexamine the world we live in and gave me a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature

"A One-Day Tour of Earth" is a science fiction novel by Moni about the protagonist spending a day on Earth During this one day, he experiences the changes of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and sees the beauty and miracle of life on Earth This novel depicts a colorful Earth world with a unique perspective and vivid language, which deeply impresses me with the charm of nature

During the process of reading this novel, I was deeply moved by the author's love and reverence for nature He describes the beauty of nature with delicate strokes and expresses his awe for life with affectionate words He shows me the power and beauty of nature and makes me feel the greatness and wonder of life

At the same time, this novel also deepened my understanding of Earth In Moni's writing, the Earth is a vibrant and energetic world, where every creature has its value and meaning This made me realize that we humans are not the masters of the Earth but part of nature, and we should respect every creature and protect our shared home

Furthermore, this novel also gave me a new understanding of life In the fast-paced life, we often overlook the beauty around us and forget to appreciate and feel the joy of life And Moni's "A One-Day Tour of Earth" is like a mirror, showing me the beauty and happiness in life, teaching me to cherish and be grateful

In summary, Moni's "A One-Day Tour of Earth" is a thought-provoking novel It made me reexamine the world we live in, giving me a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature It made me understand the true essence of life, teaching me to cherish and be grateful I believe that only when we truly feel and understand nature can we love our Earth, and then our lives will be more beautiful and happy

In the future, I will use Moni's "A One-Day Tour of Earth" as a mirror to remind myself to cherish nature and cherish life I believe that only in this way can we truly enjoy life and truly feel the beauty and greatness of nature

Adopt the minister, the person of 浙 rather, the personality is bright, the humanness is morally uprightHe usually says to the person:" my whole life is all not lascivious"Go to the gold 华 once by luck, to the city is north, unloading the luggage the break in 兰 if temples兰 if temples construct very magnificent, but everywhere miscellaneous grass a the vestige of 踪 for livinging no one Thing two places that monk live, the door is all the 虚掩 Only a cabin having the south, the door bolt is as if newAdopting the minister rather main temple is the east, seeing the very plentiful bamboo that grow, there is a very big pond under the step, the feral lotus flower has openedThe pure joss-stick that adopt the minister to like here lotus flower very much ratherRun into the city at the right moment to is nearby in the examination, the local price that stop for the night is very expensive, think to be first to take a walk to wait for conveniently in here live down, then in the temple the temple moderate to come back stillThe time of the evening, a the man opens the south a meaning for of door, rather adopting minister right away coming up to saluting behind, explaining oneself hope staying overnight That man says:" this temple already no one live in the inside, I also want to stay overnight of, can meet with the Sir, is really honored to"Adopt the minister rather very happy, use to make the bed by the 藁 , the 立 rises a few wooden boards is used as the small a plan for, making long- last lived inThe moonlight is clean that evening, two people sit side by side in building confabulation, introduced own name each otherThat man claims to be the surname 燕 , red 霞 in wordAdopt rather the minister guess him is the person who take examinations, but see from the man's accent, again unlike is river's 浙 on taking ofHence cheat he say that the oneself is a Qin's ground people, the tone expresses of special and sincereSoon two people have had nothing to say then, making mutually then the 揖 farewell return to own room

Adopt the minister rather the in view of the fact living for the first time here, so the donkey years can't sleep to go toHear the north of the house like has the voice, seeming to the someone or other houseHence get up, from the north of a window peeps, seeing only there is a yard outside the short wall, having a women of more than 40 year oldsStill have an old year women, wear the red clothes, put the some the grass of 蓬 on the head, dodderingTwo people under the month say the words oftenThe women says:" small 倩 how the 么 is so long and did not come back"The old women says:" arrive probably and soon"The women says:" do not know the maternal grandmother whether have the complaint to the small 倩 in 聂 " the old women says:" did not hear of, but the maternal grandmother has a little the animation apparently"The words hasn't said over, a 17- year old woman is already and lightly but to, the looks is beautifulThe old women says with smile:" the back talks about other people is ill-mannered, I two ill for speaking of miss, having no noticing miss to, happily having no saying misses"Say again and immediately after:" the miss is beautiful same as draw the middleman, if I is also a man, also will be addicted to the miss certainly" That miss answer way:" the maternal grandmother does not say to like, other people says the good having again that does what use"The women did not know to say the amount what with woman againThink rather that they are a neighborses random confabulationses, returning the sleeping then, over have no for a long time and all any voiceAdopt the minister rather just prepare to sleep to go to, discover suddenly someone arrived at the place that oneself live, getting up to see a young woman for actually, the detection is just that sees in the north 院 quicklyAdopt the minister rather to ask the purpose of the woman quicklyThat woman says with smile:" can not sleep in the evening, hope with gentleman knot husband and wife it good" Adopt rather the positive 辞 in righteousness in minister talk of say:" I fear other people saysWhile taking a wrong step take results in eternal regret, the morals is to the utmost the 丧 "That woman says:" no one knows in the evening"Adopt the minister the again scathing refusing ratherThat woman still says what apparently, adopting the minister rather to say loudly:" you leave to go to at once!Otherwise I call in the south house of that individual"The woman peeps out the terrified appearance, leaving thenArrived a quilt for of outside, suddenly and again coming back, will a gold putting at rather adopting minister topAdopt rather the minister throw the gold to outworker, saying:" ill-gotten gains, compromised my travelling bag"That woman contain the color of 愧 withdraw the house, ten rises to is adopted the gold that minister throw away rather, soliloquize of say:" this man sees an iron and stone for such as commonness"

There is the river of 兰 testing to take a servant to the person who rush through in the morning the second day, live in the east of house, died suddenly in the eveningThere is an eyelet in his sole, resemble to was stabbed by the 锥 of, have the blood since wound run off, it is public to all do not know is the reason whyThe second day in the evening, the servant whom that follows also died, the symptom of the death is too similar to his hostThe red 霞 in 燕 in time of the evening came back, adopting rather the minister inquired to him this affair, it is what ghost fuck that red 霞 in 燕 thinkAdopt rather the minister think the oneself the common humanness the integrity, so have no toward in the mind go toThe during the midnight divides that woman to arrive at again rather abode of adopting the minister, to adopt rather the minister say:" I saw so many people, did not see like of you are like this the square shooterYou are a square shooter, the 妾 dares not to have to shuffle outI a small 倩 , surname 聂 18 years old died that year, ising buried the side in this temples is last, wasing been coerced to harm to come and go the stranger here by the devil here, ising something to be compelled in fact and completelyHave had no in this temples now can the person who kill, afraid of the tonight night fork come back"Adopt rather the minister hear behind very frightened, asking the woman have what counterplanThat woman says:" live with the red 霞 in 燕 to can escape together"

Adopt rather the minister say:" do not go to the red 霞 in 燕 in come- on why" The woman says:" the red 霞 in 燕 is a strange person, so dare not to near to" Adopt the minister rather to ask again:" do those were woulded be how by the person who confuse" The woman says:" to person that I make physical advances, I take advantage o him the heedless time to stab his feet with the 锥 , he will feel in a daze then, I am then the his blood in 吸 provides that devil to drinkUse the gold captivation perhaps, in fact that is not heart that real gold but is 刹 ghost bone, if the person stay and can take person with liverGenerally is to use these two kinds of methods throws its is good lure them" Adopted the minister toward woman way to thank rather, ask again to be on guard the devil when to, the woman explains day eveningTime of leaving, the woman cries to say:" 妾 now body is in the sea of 玄 , cannot super livingGentleman sense of right 凛 however, can can save me certainly in a sea of woesIf the gentleman can take my cremated ashes, bury in the someone or other place,

I can turn a life time bore again"Adopt the minister rather to promise gladly, hence ask the place that woman cremated ashes putThat woman says:" that white poplar have the crow nest my cremated ashes up place put just" Time that say this words, that woman has come out door, disappear the 影踪

The second day, adopt rather the minister fear the red 侠 in 燕 occupies the egress, early early is roughly to like with the red 侠 in 燕 togetherHave in the morning the dishes to go with wine entertain the red 侠 in 燕 , and red 侠 in secretly careful and observational 燕 Adopt the minister rather to put forward again to live together, the red 侠 in 燕 pushes to take off to say oneself's personality eccentricAdopt the minister rather hence take the thing of the sleeping the strong a room for arriving red 侠 in 燕 , the red 侠 in 燕 has no way, have to move to open the bed let adopt rather the minister sleepsSleeping the front gives repeated advice to adopt rather the minister says:" I know that Sir is real intentions that gentleman, must live with me today, certainly and again hard speakHope the Sir not turn over my travelling bag, is all not good to our a pair otherwise" Adopt rather the minister mean the certain observance engagementHence each from sleep to go to, the red 侠 in 燕 put the casket son on the window, soon the voice of 鼾 , such as thunder,

Adopt rather however the minister cans not sleepArrive an orer so, adopt rather the minister sees the window to seem to the someone or other shadow outside, soon that shadow comes close then the window faces to trail and discover in the house, eye the 闪 catches fire the lightAdopt the minister rather very frightened, want that call come to the red 侠 in 燕 immediately, have the thing suddenly to come out from the box at this time, see a white light only, bump to break the stony window space, shoot to go out, accepted back again and quickly, resemble the lightning flashThe red 侠 in 燕 wakes up after discovering, adopting the minister rather to pretend the red 侠 in secretly observational 燕 in sleeping quicklySee only the red 侠 in 燕 take the box looks into, taking out a thing, towarding the moon took a look, that thing under the moonlight is radiant and extremely keen, 闪 white light, have probably two inch to long, is about the breadth with the leaf of 韭 Before long, the red 侠 in 燕 wrapped up that thing to a lot of layers again, putting as usual in him that broken- down casket son, still soliloquize way:" where the old ghost that come, so courageous, broke my box", then lie down againAdopt rather the minister feel that amazes very much, hence get up the matter that inquiry just now take place, and tell the red 侠 in 燕 just now and by oneself sees ofThe red 侠 in燕 says:" meet the bosom friend, how dare again mental reservation the oneself's body, I is a 侠 guestJust if is not that rock window space, the old demon has already diedNevertheless, that devil also hurt" Adopt the minister rather to ask again" pack in the box of is what things" The red 侠 in 燕 answer says:" is a sword, just I smells to discovers once evil spirit" Adopt rather the minister want and see that takes out the sword, the red 侠 in 燕 is generously, a 闪 weak and bare and small swordAdopt the minister from now on and rather to respect the red 侠 in 燕 more

A bright hour, adopt rather the minister see the window the outside again blood stain Two people hence went to the northern side of the temples, discover many shabby graves, have indeed as expected there is crow nest on a white poplar( 迨 camp 谋 since, the 趣 packs to want to return)The red the fiesta of 侠 in 燕 does obeisance the road absolute being, very of godliness, give a broken- Down skin 囊 afterwards and again to adopt the minister rather, say:" this is the sword bagStaying can keep off every kind of demon"Adopt the minister rather to want to follow the red 侠 in 燕 study swordsmanship originallyThe red 侠 in 燕 says:" honorable person in temperament, can learn thisBut I see the Sir is still the rich and honored middleman, is not our this a person"Borrow rather a people say own younger sister's 葬 in this place, hence dig the skeleton, wrapping up with the clothes, renting a ship started on journey to return( Rather the 斋 faces the 野 , ising outside because of the camp grave 葬诸斋 ,) the fiesta does obeisance the wish says:(" the wandering soul of 怜卿 , the near 蜗 in 葬 resides, the song cries to smell mutually, 庶 is disappeared the 凌 in male ghostA the 瓯 syrup water drinks, not pure aim in 殊 , the 幸 is not for 嫌 !")Offering sacrifices to the rites completes hereafter to adopt the minister rather prepare to go home, hear suddenly the there is someone behind call way:" etc, return together!"Adopt rather the minister turn head, the detection is a small 倩 in 聂 The small 倩 in 聂 is grateful of say:" the Sir's kindness, even if is to die ten times too the shortage to recompense, hoping can return with Sir together, doing obeisance to know your parents wait on to receive them too have no what is sorry"Adopted the careful details in minister rather once small 倩 in 聂 ,( the muscle 映 flows the 霞 , thin bamboo shoot in 翘 in foot), the time of the daytime, is beautiful and moving stillHence go to the den with small 倩 in 聂 together thenAdopt rather outside den the minister instruct the small 倩 in 聂 to wait a short while slightly in the outside first, the oneself's forerunner notifies the motherAdopt rather the mother of the minister know to settle a dispute the feeling to is a surprise very much later onRun into at that time and at the right moment rather wife's disease of adopting the minister is heavy, adopting rather the mother of the minister let adopt rather the minister did not want to tell his wife the in order to prevent the affair to frighten herAdopt rather the mother of the minister says over hereafter, a the woman enters the den already and lightly, groveling on the groundAdopt rather the minister say:" this is the small 倩 in 聂 "Adopt the mother of the minister rather very of scareSmall 倩 in 聂 to adopt rather the mother of the minister say:" I am a person alone, having had no the parents brothersJust someone or other form in bounty that be very grateful for the childe, I wish to fuck the miscellaneous matter in amount, with report the childe Helps its boon" Adopt rather the mother of the minister see the small 倩 in 聂 very of amiability, start daring then talking with her, say:" the miss has a liking for my son, I am very happy certainlyBut I this whole life so a son, continue the family line in the future, dare not to let him marry a ghost"The small 倩 in 聂 says:" I have no this meaningJust hope to wait on to receive two old"Adopt the mother of the minister as rather its sincerity move, promising her thenThe small the hope of 倩 in 聂 can call on wife of adopting the minister once and rather, adopt the mother of the minister rather to stop quickly, hence forget about itThe small 倩 in 聂 goes to kitchen to cook a meal then, tidying up the room, imitating the 佛 to have acquainted with here very muchArrived to adopt the mother of the minister rather to feel still in the evening that be afraid the small 倩 in 聂 very much, let her returning to house to go to then, however not establish for her bedThe small 倩 in 聂 knew that adopt minister the mother's meaning rather, hence left to go toWant into the den, backed to come out however to go back and forth in the open air, seem to have to be afraidAdopt rather the minister call her coming inThe small 倩 in聂 says:" house inside contain sword spirit make me very frightenedIn the on the road of so did not meet with you too be because of this reason"

Adopt rather the minister know that what small 倩 in 聂 point is a skin 囊 that red 侠 in 燕 give his pack the sword, hence dismantle the skin 囊 to put the another an insideSmall 倩 in 聂 this just entered the house, sitting down by the side of candle; Over a short while, all did not talkAgain over a short while, the small 倩 in 聂 asks way:" does the Sir study in the eveningThe time of 妾 juniority reads the 《楞 strict through 》 , the now greater half all forgotThe hope can give me a spool of book, the leisure time in evening can browse once"

Adopt rather the minister promised herHence sit down again, did not talk as usual, over two more, the small 倩 in 聂 is as of old without the meaning that leaveAdopt rather the minister urge her to return to buildingThe small 倩 in 聂 says sadly:" I am the wandering soul of the other parts of country, fearing most to return to go to in the last home of 荒 " Adopt rather the minister say:" the building inside has had no other bed, and my brothers sister all abandons you very much" The small 倩 in 聂 stands to get up, wrinkle the appearance that eyebrows will cry, a class a the class tramples the stairs walks to go outAdopt the minister rather secretly very pitiful she, this want to stay she sleep the 榻 in bedside ascends, fearing again the mother blame and scoldThe small the daytime of 倩 in 聂 waits on to receive rather parents of adopting the ministerThe time of the evening excuses to leave, arriving then rather den of adopting the minister, read the Confucian classicsDiscovering to adopt rather minister would not ° went to bed, come out the room sadly The small 倩 in 聂 comes rather house before, adopt the wife of the minister rather because the disease can't fuck live, adopt the mother of the minister rather all tired and unbearable everydayEver since the small 倩 in 聂 come to hereafter, adopt the mother of the minister rather relaxed many, the in the mind also feels grateful the small 倩 in 聂 very muchA day in day is a day past, adopt the mother of the minister rather to have seen the small 倩 in 聂 people of the same group, go as far as to forget she is a ghost, the evening also cans not bear to the heart lets the her leaves to go to, letting then small 倩 in 聂 been together with her The new- Come time in small 倩 in 聂 did not eat, the half a year will drink the some light wine later onAdopt the minister rather to like the small 倩 in 聂 with his mother all and very, avoid as taboo to bring up very much she is a ghost, other people also cans not see clearly the small 倩 in 聂 is a ghostBefore long, adopt rather the wife of the minister died, adopt the mother of the minister rather to have the 倩 that let small meaning in 聂 passed by door secretly, but feared to take the ghost again disadvantageous to sonThe small 倩 in 聂 realized that maternal meaning is behind, to adopt rather the mother of the minister say:" stop for a year here, the mother should understand meFor the sake of no longer the disaster walks the person innocently, so follows behind the Sir comes backHaving no the other 企 begs, only because for admire the Sir the humanness the integrity open and aboveboard,( solid want according to a yearses of 赞 s, borrow the 博 seal the 诰 , with light spring 壤 )"Adopt the mother of the minister to also know rather that the small 倩 in 聂 has no malice, but fear to adopt rather the minister took the small 倩 in 聂 to can't continue the family line later onThe small 倩 in 聂 says:" having no the son and daughter is a heavenly arrangementThe Sir there is 3: son and daughter destined to very and lucky, can't have no the posterity of because take the ghost" Adopt rather the mother of the minister believed the small 倩 in 聂 , hence with adopt rather the matter that minister negotiate pass by doorAdopt the minister rather very happy, entertain each friend for thisIn public the person requests the time that see the bride, the happy attire in in beautiful attire in small 倩 in 聂 comes out, the all people is all the 睁 is big eye, all do not doubt the small 倩 in 聂 is a ghost, thinking on the contrary to is a fairy maiden to come down to earthHence all take the gift, emulate to know the small 倩 in 聂 The small 倩 in 聂 is good at to draw the 兰 , plum, hence express appreciation the wedding present with the painting, get the person of the painting will draw to collect as treasure, hereditary pass round, take it as a great honorThe small 倩 in a 聂 lies prone before window, as if deep in thoug



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