love live那就是我们的奇迹歌词、中文、中文音译、罗马音、日文,谢谢!

love live那就是我们的奇迹歌词、中文、中文音译、罗马音、日文,谢谢!,第1张




so re wa bo ku ta chi no ki se ki(罗马音)

中:sou lei wa bo ku da qi nong ki sei ki (搜类挖 薄库 大气 弄 ki sei ki)大概这个发音 最后三个音拼音里是没有相似发音的

楼上的歌名有问题 LL的歌名是用的仆 而不是私

歌曲名:King (Live)


专辑:Doubletake: Tree63



ya su ke wu yi su na ni da ji na guo (长生)

ta xi fo gei tei nv guir naer

mo do go bo li go

ku te ga dei so so

na nv ge du ka ni da guir

yi yo ni lo ku ha jo

ho ku ha su a lop jo

nai sa gei yi cho lo ma lian da lu na

do da xi wo su i se ga yo

ku na ku sa lai ku lei

kang xi ni co nu lin guir

yi sa la ni nu su ji ya to ro

ne da ga ni chew gei yo

chew na ne man man nv jia ba ji ma (孔吉)

pi jiang yo ro qia li ye jo

ma ji mo tan dei to

yo mo nan gu hop su ni ga

mu yo ni niala gu ha jo

ho fu hai su la ho jo

na se gei yi cho lo ma lv da o na

do da xi o su yi say ga yo

ha dei ku ma ma qi ma

] tan xi en ha xi tei jo

men li to la men na ge tui lv nui

ta xi nuo xi ma la yo

yi sa gei mo ta sa la

yi sa gei mo ta ni yo

mo li do la ta xi ma ma lv nai

na li nuo ji ma la yo


What do I live for So many people have thought of the question for thousands of years "If you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world" Johann Goth said "The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession" Einstein saidLei Feng, a communist soldier, said, "One lives to make others a more beautiful life" That is to say, we say that a value of life will be only in direct proportion to achievement and contribution he makes to our society And it means that we should lead a significant and valuable life But how should we do to make a significant and valuable life Though the long history of the development of our society, there were so many examples of the people who had struggled for the freedom of all humanbeings or the revolutionary of the countryAnd also there were so many scientists devoted their lives on the endless researches for the development of the scienceDon't you think their lives are valuable and won't be forget by us foreverThough some of them lived a short life, but their value of lives can be memorized forever One's life is only once ,but the steps on the development of our society are endless So we must value our lives and make much more contributions for our society and our generations in the future And do it from now,don't waste time in playing the video games or playing cards anymore Don't waste time in the unpratical daydreaming or the little things in our lives You should set up a goal and work hard for itSee the difficulties and disasters many people are facing in our world, and see the plans and measures for the development of our country,and let's turn our goals into reality with our deeds Let's not be a man full of promises but without any deeds Every one of us will have to die and every body will be rottenBut every one may make achievements and contributions which won't be rotten So let's make great contributions to human And only by these can we create a benefit and valuable life! 人工原创,值得信赖!如需要帮助请联系 古灵精怪 QQ 85867513!

1 靠…生活,以…为食物 line up (使)排队,(使)排成行live on 靠…生活,以…为食物live through 度过,经受住2 靠…生活;以…为食 live off 住在…之外;靠…生活live on 靠…生活;以…为食3 继续活着,继续存在 那位老人不再住在这里了。3) live on意为“继续活着,继续存在”如:Lei Feng has died, but his spirit lives on for ever

4 靠……生活;以……为食 little by little一点一点地,逐渐地live on靠……生活;以……为食live through经历过;度过;经受住



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