Eve Of Destruction 歌词

Eve Of Destruction 歌词,第1张

歌曲名:Eve Of Destruction

歌手:Hot Tuna

专辑:Pair A Dice Found

Eve Of Destruction

Bishop Allen

Charm School

King Chris Coyne, Total Shams, and Shoeless Jed

Wise Chyld King, Sean and Reshma, Coll and Brian

Darkhorse Jack setting things on fire at Glass

Fernie's got a drink, and Blake's got a wedding ring

Darya the Mad Russian, Lissa, who gave up her naps

Dia Sokol, Dan Mooney, Errol, and ol' Jackpot Junior

Doung and Nell, Randy Bell, drums by Microsoft Excel, and Margaret Welles

Lynchburg, Williamsburg, Park Dr, and Austin Texas, car alarms on Grand Street

English 10a, Piper, Rege, Matt, and K

Getting weird with the Buj, all the folks down at DuMont

Bonnie, who sings on our record, Sam and Max, the Therien fam

Young Farrington, Blair, Myles' brother, and Myles

Amie Barrodale, and everyone we know named Christian

James and Clayton, Hamm's, and the Champagne School

And I tell you over and over and over again, my friend

That I'm down with you, even on the eve of destruction

And if this moment is gone in a flash

And my hand in yours becomes ash in ash

And everyone becomes just dust in the blast

At least this day will be our last

And I tell you over and over and over again, my friend

That I'm down with you, even on the eve of destruction

Maybe St Peter won't let us in

Saying Heaven's a place for the innocent

Then we'll have a dance, yeah a dance, on the head of a pin

And God will grin and shoo us away

And I tell you over and over and over again, my friend

That I'm down with you, even on the eve of destruction

And I tell you over and over and over again, my friend

That I'm down with you, even on the eve of destruction

even on the eve of destruction

even on the eve of destruction

even on the eve of destruction


你找这首歌听听是不是这个 ?

歌手:Blake Shelton 歌名 The More I Drink

He was sittin' at the bar,

sippin' on a regular Coke

We were drinkin' and smokin'

and makin' him the butt of our jokes

We all said,

Man, what happened to you

Why can't you just have a few

He said,

I would if I could,

but it's probably best that I don't

Cause the more I drink,

the more I drink

Yeah, I'm the world's greatest lover

and a dancin' machine

I get loud, I get proud

and it gets worse

Well if I have one,

I'll have thirteen

Naw, there ain't no in-between

Cause, the more I drink,

the more I drink

A couple of cold ones,

and somebody hands me a shot

Hell, even buck-tooth

and bow-legged women start lookin' hot

And pretty soon I'm bummin' cigarettes

and sweet talkin' some big brunette

Yeah, once I get on a roll,

ain't no tellin' where I'll stop


Humm, that's what I'm talking about

Man, if I have one,

I'll have thirteen

And they can't get me off the kareoke machine,

The more I drink

the more I drink

Yeah, the more I drink,

the more I drink, the more I drink



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上一篇 2024-01-18


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