say hey miss carter是什么歌

say hey miss carter是什么歌,第1张

歌曲《Partition》,具体歌词是“Let me hear you say Hey MsCarter,Hey MsCarter,Say Hey MsCarter


Beyoncé(碧昂丝),美国歌手、词曲创作人、唱片制作人、金球奖提名女演员、时装设计师、舞蹈家。代表作品:《Dangerously In Love》、《Partition》等。


Let me hear you say Hey Ms Carter

Hey Ms Carter

Say Hey Ms Carter

Hey Ms Carter

Give me some

See me up in the club with fifty-leven girls

Posted in the back diamond fangs in my grill

Brooklyn brim with my eyes sitting low

Every boy in here with me got that smoke

Every girl in here got to look me up and down

All on Instagram cake by the pound

Circulate the image every time I come around

G's up tell me how I'm looking babe

Boy this all for you just walk my way

Just tell me how it's looking babe

Just tell me how it's looking babe

How it's looking babe

I do this all for you baby just take aim

And tell me how it's looking babe

How it's looking babe

Tell me how it's looking babe looking babe

Drop the bass mane the bass get lower

Radio say Speed it up I just go slower

High like treble pumping on the mids

Ya man ain't ever seen a booty like this

And why you think ya keep my name rolling off the tongue

'Cause when he wanna smash I'll just write another one

I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Like like liquor like like like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Like like liquor like like like liquor

Beyoncé Beyoncé

Are you happy to be in Paris

Are you happy to be in Paris

Beyoncé Beyoncé


Driver roll up the partition please

Driver roll up the partition please

I don't need you seeing 'Yoncé on her knees

Took forty-five minutes to get all dressed up

We ain't even gonna make it to this club

Now my mascara running red lipstick smudged

Oh he so horny yeah he want to fk

He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse

He Monica Lewinsky'd all on my gown

Oh there daddy daddy didn't bring the towel

Oh baby baby we better slow it down

Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up

We ain't even gonna make it to this club

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me

Driver roll up the partition fast


Driver roll up the partition fast

Over there I swear I saw them cameras flash

Handprints and footprints on my glass

Handprints and good grips all on my as

Private show with the music blasting

He like to call me Peaches when we get this nasty

Red wine drip we'll talk that trash

Chauffeur eavesdropping trying not to crash

Oh there daddy daddy now you ripped my fur

Oh baby baby be sweating out my hair

Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up

And we ain't even gonna make it to this club

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me


Est-ce que tu aimes le sexe

Le sexe je veux dire l'activité physique le coït

Tu aimes ça

Tu ne t'intéresses pas au sexe

Les hommes pensent que les féministes détestent le sexe mais c'est une

Activité très stimulante et naturelle que les femmes adorent

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me



以上内容参考 QQ音乐-Partition



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上一篇 2024-01-21


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