如何理解诗歌Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose

如何理解诗歌Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose,第1张

Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷尔特茹德•斯坦因的一句诗。意思是“罗斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一样”。她首次在英语中连用三个is。

所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是“一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一样”。

The sentence "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose" was written by Gertrude Stein as part of the 1913 poem Sacred Emily, which appeared in the 1922 book Geography and Plays In that poem, the first "Rose" is the name of a woman Stein later used variations on the phrase in other writings, and "A rose is a rose is a rose" is probably her most famous quote, often interpreted as "things are what they are" In Stein's view, the sentence expresses the fact that simply using the name of a thing already invokes the imagery and emotions associated with it As the quote diffused through her own writing, and the culture at large, Stein once remarked "Now listen! I’m no fool I know that in daily life we don’t go around saying 'is a … is a … is a …' Yes, I’m no fool; but I think that in that line the rose is red for the first time in English poetry for a hundred years" (Four in America)

Gertrude Stein's repetitive language can be said to refer to the changing quality of language in time and history She herself said to an audience at Oxford University that the statement referred to the fact that when the Romantics used the word "rose" it had a direct relationship to an actual rose For later periods in literature this would no longer be true The eras following romanticism, notably the modern era, use the word rose to refer to the actual rose, yet they also imply, through the use of the word, the archetypical elements of the romantic era It also follows the rhetoric law of thricefold repetition to emphasize a point, as can be seen in speeches dating back to the sophists

Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷尔特茹德•斯坦因的一句诗。意思是“罗斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一样”。她首次在英语中连用三个is。

所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是“一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一样”。

歌曲名:Last Rose Of Summer

歌手:Judas Priest

专辑:Sin After Sin

Last Rose Of Summer

Sin After Sin

Judas Priest

Throughout the soft and timeless days of August

'Til now the shadows begin to grow much longer

The sunset's fire has deepened blood red

I give you this, the last rose of summer

A token of my unyielding love

So when the winter's mantle stills the earth

And all around seems dead and cold

This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

Do not despair, mother nature simply rests

In sleep she has well earned

'Til one day not so very far from now

With the opening of the first rose buds I shall return

A token of my unyielding love

So that when winter's mettle steals the earth

And all around seems dead and cold

This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

The last rose of summer

In your long shadows

The last rose of summer

In the sunset

The last rose of summer

Take this rose that I give you

The last rose of summer

Don't worry about the winter

The last rose of summer

I shall return

The last rose of summer


《Rose in Bloom》(Alcott, Louisa May)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读



书名:Rose in Bloom

作者:Alcott, Louisa May




As authors may be supposed to know better than anyone else what they intended to do when writing a book, I beg leave to say thatthere is no moral to this story Rose is not designed for a modelgirl, and the Sequel was simply written in fulfillment of a promise, hoping to afford some amusement, and perhaps here and there ahelpful hint, to other roses getting ready to bloom L M Alcott, September 1876



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