中译英,Elin Lanto的简介,要英文的

中译英,Elin Lanto的简介,要英文的,第1张

Elin Lanto is an unordinary Sweden girl,22 years old not just having a young and beautiful face but also full of musical talents Lanto was born in a village near the Linkoping city,Sweden She was learning dancing from childhood, and 7 years old began to participate in various competitions However after a severe feet injury, she made an important decision--- dancing might be not suitable for her anymore

Lanto like to humming along with the radio, and she also try to record her own demo with a friend, recorded for her grandma, never thought for commercial purposes A chance of accidental, the famous musician Ingmar Berman received and listen to her album, therefrom the musical potential of this talented woman was uncovered



Prince Vivien and the Princess Placida

  Once upon a time there lived a King and Queen who loved one another dearly Indeed the Queen, whose name was Santorina, was so pretty and so kind-hearted that it would have been a wonder if her husband had not been fond of her, while King Gridelin himself was a perfect bundle of good qualities, for the Fairy who presided at his christening had summoned the shades of all his ancestors, and taken something good from each of them to form his character Unfortunately, though, she had given him rather too much kindness of heart, which is a thing that generally gets its possessor into trouble, but so far all things had prospered with King Gridelin However, it was not to be expected such good fortune could last, and before very long the Queen had a lovely little daughter who was named Placida Now the King, who thought that if she resembled her mother in face and mind she would need no other gift, never troubled to ask any of the Fairies to her christening, and this offended them mortally, so that they resolved to punish him severely for thus depriving them of their rights So, to the despair of King Gridelin, the Queen first of all became very ill, and then disappeared altogether If it had not been for the little Princess there is no saying what would have become of him, he was so miserable, but there she was to be brought up, and luckily the good Fairy Lolotte, in spite of all that had passed, was willing to come and take charge of her, and of her little cousin Prince Vivien, who was an orphan and had been placed under the care of his uncle, King Gridelin, when he was quite a baby Although she neglected nothing that could possibly have been done for them, their characters, as they grew up, plainly proved that education only softens down natural defects, but cannot entirely do away with them; for Placida, who was perfectly lovely, and with a capacity and intelligence which enabled her to learn and understand anything that presented itself, was at the same time as lazy and indifferent as it is possible for anyone to be, while Vivien on the contrary was only too lively, and was for ever taking up some new thing and as promptly tiring of it, and flying off to something else which held his fickle fancy an equally short time As these two children would possibly inherit the kingdom, it was natural that their people should take a great interest in them, and it fell out that all the tranquil and peace-loving citizens desired that Placida should one day be their Queen, while the rash and quarrelsome hoped great things for Vivien Such a division of ideas seemed to promise civil wars and all kinds of troubles to the State, and even in the Palace the two parties frequently came into collision As for the children themselves, though they were too well brought up to quarrel, still the difference in all their tastes and feelings made it impossible for them to like one another, so there seemed no chance of their ever consenting to be married, which was a pity, since that was the only thing that would have satisfied both parties Prince Vivien was fully aware of the feeling in his favour, but being too honourable to wish to injure his pretty cousin, and perhaps too impatient and volatile to care to think seriously about anything, he suddenly took it into his head that he would go off by himself in search of adventure Luckily this idea occurred to him when he was on horseback, for he would certainly have set out on foot rather than lose an instant As it was, he simply turned his horse's head, without another thought than that of getting out of the kingdom as soon as possible This abrupt departure was a great blow to the State, especially as no one had any idea what had become of the Prince Even King Gridelin, who had never cared for anything since the disappearance of Queen Santorina, was roused by this new loss, and though he could not so much as look at the Princess Placida without shedding floods of tears, he resolved to see for himself what talents and capabilities she showed He very soon found out that in addition to her natural indolence, she was being as much indulged and spoilt day by day as if the Fairy had been her grandmother, and was obliged to remonstrate very seriously upon the subject Lolotte took his reproaches meekly, and promised faithfully that she would not encourage the Princess in her idleness and indifference any more From this moment poor Placida's troubles began! She was actually expected to choose her own dresses, to take care of her jewels, and to find her own amusements; but rather than take so much trouble she wore the same old frock from morning till night, and never appeared in public if she could possibly avoid it However, this was not all, King Gridelin insisted that the affairs of the kingdom should be explained to her, and that she should attend all the councils and give her opinion upon the matter in hand whenever it was asked of her, and this made her life such a burden to her that she implored Lolotte to take her away from a country where too much was required of an unhappy Princess

  The Fairy refused at first with a great show of firmness, but who could resist the tears and entreaties of anyone so pretty as Placida It came to this in the end, that she transported the Princess just as she was, cosily tucked up upon her favourite couch, to her own Grotto, and this new disappearance left all the people in despair, and Gridelin went about looking more distracted than ever But now let us return to Prince Vivien, and see what his restless spirit has brought him to Though Placida's kingdom was a large one; his horse had carried him gallantly to the limit of it, but it could go no further, and the Prince was obliged to dismount and continue his journey on foot, though this slow mode of progress tired his patience severely

  After what seemed to him a very long time, he found himself all alone in a vast forest, so dark and gloomy that he secretly shuddered; however, he chose the most promising looking path he could find, and marched along it courageously at his best speed, but in spite of all his efforts, night fell before he reached the edge of the wood

  For some time he stumbled along, keeping to the path as well as he could in the darkness, and just as he was almost wearied out he saw before him a gleam of light

  This sight revived his drooping spirits, and he made sure that he was now close to the shelter and supper he needed so much, but the more he walked towards the light the further away it seemed; sometimes he even lost sight of it altogether, and you may imagine how provoked and impatient he was by the time he finally arrived at the miserable cottage from which the light proceeded He gave a loud knock at the door, and an old woman's voice answered from within, but as she did not seem to be hurrying herself to open it he redoubled his blows, and demanded to be let in imperiously, quite forgetting that he was no longer in his own kingdom But all this had no effect upon the old woman, who only noticed all the uproar he was making by saying gently:'You must have patience'

  He could hear that she really was coming to open the door to him, only she was so very long about it First she chased away her cat, lest it should run away when the door was opened, then he heard her talking to herself and made out that her lamp wanted trimming, that she might see better who it was that knocked, and then that it lacked fresh oil, and she must refill it So what with one thing and another she was an immense time trotting to and fro, and all the while she now and again bade the Prince have patience When at last he stood within the little hut he saw with despair that it was a picture of poverty, and that not a crumb of anything eatable was to be seen, and when he explained to the old woman that he was dying of hunger and fatigue she only answered tranquilly that he must have patience However, she presently showed him a bundle of straw on which he could sleep

  'But what can I have to eat' cried Prince Vivien sharply

  'Wait a little, wait a little,' she replied 'If you will only have patience I am just going out into the garden to gather some peas: we will shell them at our leisure, then I will light a fire and cook them, and when they are thoroughly done, we can enjoy them peaceably; there is no hurry'

  'I shall have died of starvation by the time all that is done,' said the Prince ruefully

  'Patience, patience,' said the old woman looking at him with her slow gentle smile, 'I can't be hurried "All things come at last to him who waits;" you must have heard that often'

  Prince Vivien was wild with aggravation, but there was nothing to be done

  'Come then,' said the old woman, 'you shall hold the lamp to light me while I pick the peas'




He fights hard, will he reach his aim


He'll survive for his friends

He is like a crying wolf tonight


He's the winner in the end


He is proud and he'll take his chance


He is fighting for his last friends


But his freedom

Oh, its not for free

But he feels, he will survive

He is free, free like the wind


He is free, and he will win


'Cause he's fighting for the hounor


To be free

He is free, free like the wind


He is free, and he will win


'Cause his heart is brave


Hes fighting for his life, oh no oh no

He had it all

What they took away


Sometimes proud an sometimes sad


But hes fighting for a better life


What you give, is what you get


He can make it

If he really tries


Take the chains throw them away


He has the power when you dont give up


Feeling stronger every day

He is free, free like the wind


He is free and he will win


'Cause his fighting for the hounor

To be free

He is free, free like the wind

He is free and he will win

Cause his heart is brave

Hes fighting for his life, for his life




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上一篇 2024-02-15


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