




珠宝店名字大全 好听的珠宝店名字大全 金生缘 千禧之源 良辰美钻 钻石世家 同心珠宝 一得珠宝 八喜珠宝 宝盈珠宝 珠光宝气阁 金玉良缘 玉珠翠缘 璀璨世界 好运金城 盛丰珠宝 金凤翔珠宝 玉香阁珠宝 翡翠月亮 美佩宝居 华光珠宝 金世缘珠宝 臻熙珠宝 太子妃珠宝 蒂凡尼珠宝 钻界珠宝 恒久爱珠宝 老凤祥珠宝 月光宝号珠宝 万得利珠宝 冰晶宝光 紫气金来珠宝 一诺千金珠宝 艾斐堡钻石 琉璃珠宝 祥瑞珠宝 碧水轩 溢彩珠宝 大福珠宝 帝豪珠宝 文雅珠宝 璀璨翡翠 之恋珠宝 蓝娴翡翠 玉钻斋 蓝迷珠宝 淡纥翡翠 永心珠宝 金缘珠宝 鑫源珠宝 欣缘珠宝 梦想珠宝 梦幻情缘 珠光宝气 珠光宝器 翠云阁 金万福 珊瑚礁 一家宝店 龙珠之星 同梦奇缘 绝妙珠宝 天缘珠宝 九天珠宝 恒恒珠宝 皇冠珠宝 Glittering――金光闪闪 光彩耀人――Yao honorable people 粒粒在目――Li Li in the head 万德福珠宝 泰瑞宝 百宝阁 祥福瑞珠宝 千禧珠宝 福生珠宝

四个字的珠宝品牌名称起名 卡罗拉斯

国内前十名珠宝品牌名称有那些 1中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 周大福

2中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 周大生

3中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 老凤祥

4中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 六福5中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 周生生

6中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 明牌

7中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 金至尊

8中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 谢瑞麟TSL

9中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 潮宏基

10中国十大珠宝首饰品牌: 老庙

国内十大珠宝品牌是什么? 十大珠宝品牌,国内十大珠宝,国内十大珠宝品牌,中国十大珠宝品牌,中国珠宝品牌排名,全国珠宝十大品牌


周大福团体是郑裕彤博士及其家族领有的一个实力雄厚的私人商业团体,团体总资打造值超过 50 亿美元,所经营的营业广泛寰球,合共雇用员工约共 8 万人。团体营业主要由两间公司经营:周大福企业有限公司C埋头投资营业;周大福珠宝金行有限公司C经营周大福品牌钻石金饰生意。
















世界上有名的珠宝、首饰的名字及其简介? 一、Tiffany

查尔斯・蒂梵尼的儿子路易斯・康福特・蒂梵尼(Louis fort Tiffany)生于1848年。他虽不具备父亲独有的销售魄力,但同样富有创造精神。蒂梵尼的首饰设计工艺在他的手里得到了发扬光大。他到巴黎学习后,成为一名玻璃制品专家,创建蒂梵尼工作室并发明了独一无二的螺旋形纹理和多面形钻石切割工艺,使钻石闪烁出更加夺目的光彩,他设计的灯饰也大获成功。蒂梵尼成为美国新工艺的杰出代表,并使美国工艺品成为风行一时的商品蒂梵尼创立不久就设计出了束以白色缎带的蓝色包装盒,成为其著名的标志。




双“C”标志是珍贵和时尚的标志,围绕着这一标识,卡地亚制作了大量的精致的珠宝系列。铂金,黄金和钻石将这一标志附以生命。标志是生活的艺术,标识万岁!标识包含着丰富的信息,讲述着一个关于自己的美丽动人的故事,激发着卡地亚无穷的创作思想。卡地亚是一种象征,拥有者传达着世间最美好的语言都无法言喻的文化传承。卡地亚的品牌历史:1847年,Louis-Francois Cartier接掌其师Adolphe Picard位于巴黎Montorgueil街29号的珠宝工坊,卡地亚品牌于此诞生。 1899年卡地亚迁往现址,巴黎和平街13号。其后由卡地亚三兄弟Louis、Pierre和Jacques继承家业。他们的足迹踏遍了世界各地,从印度到俄罗斯,从波斯湾到新大陆。1902年和1909年卡地亚分别在伦处和纽约成立分公司,从此奠定了卡地亚的基础品牌创立年代:1847年 。


1837年,蒂爵的创始人Louise Derier(1807-1874)在巴黎Grands Boulevards开始了金银器及珠宝镶嵌的专门店。由于家族传统的独特工艺技法以及Louise Derier认真的工作精神,使得蒂爵家族曾被上流社会所推崇的产品。


梵克雅宝自其诞生之日起便一直是世界各国贵族和名流雅士所特别钟爱的顶级珠宝品牌。传奇般的历史人物和名流巨星无不选择VanCleef&Arpels梵克雅宝的珠宝以展现他们无比尊贵的气质与风采。 VanCleef&Arpels曾为许许多多的王孙贵族、社会名流制作过高级珠宝,每一件都是极其华贵的珍宝。

中国珠宝十大名牌 1 周大福 (于1929年,中国驰名商标,十大珠宝品牌,钟爱的珠宝品牌,周大福珠宝金行有限公司)

2 六福 (十大珠宝品牌,香港名牌,香港上市企业,行业著名品牌,六福集团(国际)有限公司)

3 金至尊 (中国驰名商标,十大珠宝品牌,香港名牌,行业著名品牌,金至尊实业发展(深圳)有限公司)

4 周生生 (创立于1938年,香港十大名牌珠宝品牌,周生生集团国际有限公司)

5 周大生 (于1966年在香港,中国驰名商标,中国名牌,十大珠宝品牌,周大生珠宝有限公司)

6 戴梦得 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,十大珠宝品牌,上海戴梦得钻石有限公司)

7 越王 (中国名牌,开始于1901年的绍兴陈氏银楼,杭州越王珠宝有限公司)

8 福辉 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,十大珠宝品牌,福建省福辉珠宝有限公司)

9 谢瑞麟 (于1971年,香港著名品牌,公司成立于1971年,谢瑞麟珠宝有限公司)

10 老凤祥 (于1848年,中国驰名商标,中国名牌,十大珠宝品牌,上海老凤祥有限公司)

国内外十大珠宝品牌有哪些 1、 卡地亚(Cartier)(1847年法国巴黎) 2、 蒂芬尼(Tiffany&Co)(1837年美国纽约) 3、 宝格丽(Bvlgari)(1884年于意大利) 4、 梵克雅宝VanCleef&Arpels (1906年法国巴黎) 5、 海瑞温斯顿HarryWinston(1890年美国纽约) 6、 蒂爵(DERIER)(1837年法国巴黎) 7、“蓝色尼罗河”(BlueNile)(1999年美国) 8、 宝诗龙(Boucheron)(1858年法国巴黎) 9、 御木本(MIKIMOTO)(1893年日本) 10、施华洛世奇(SWAROVSKI)(1895年奥地利) 一览珠宝英才网整理


都有哪些珠宝名字 排名前十

全球十大珠宝首饰名牌? 第一名 卡地亚(Cartier) 卡地亚,这个被英国国王爱德华七世誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”的著名品牌,在 150余年中,创作了许许多多光彩夺目的美妙作品。这些作品,不仅是珠宝腕表创作的精品,而且在艺术上也具有很高的价值,值得欣赏玩味,往往还因曾归属名人,而被蒙上一层传奇色彩。从印度王子订制的巨大项链,到曾与温莎公爵夫人行影相随的虎形眼镜,以及大文人科克托充满象征符号的法兰西学院佩剑,卡地亚讲述着一个又一个传奇故事

第二名 蒂芬尼(Tiffany&Co) 1837年9月18日,查尔斯・刘易斯・蒂梵尼贷款1000美元作为资本,在位于纽约市百老汇大街259号开设了一家名为Tiffany&Young的文具及日用精品店,开业当天的营业额仅为498美元;至查尔斯刘易斯蒂梵尼在1902年逝世时候遗留下的财产为3500万美元。


第三名 蒂爵(Derier)

第四名 梵克雅宝(VanCleef&Arpels)

第五名 宝格丽(Bvlgari)

第六名 香奈尔(Chanel)

第七名 伯爵(Piaget)

第八名 万宝龙(MontBlanc)

第九名 欧米加(Omega)

第十名 夏利豪(Charriol)

珠宝品牌名字大全什么金利好听 美宝来


Kites have been around for thousands of years and they are a part of many different cultures around the world

In China,there's a long history to fly a kite in the Spring while usually the weather and wind are so suitable for this leisure and with the development of society, flying kite bee to be a world wide sport

The most famous kite flying city in China is Weifang cit y in Shandong provience, every year there are numerous kite lovers go there to fly their own kites


Donna Karan

Donna Karan is the fashion designer and the creator of the DKNY (Donna Karan New York) clothing label

The first DKNY flagship store opened in 1999 at Madison Avenue and 60th in New York Aording to the pany’s web site there are Donna Karan stores in New York, Manhasset, Boston, Costa Mesa, London, Singapore, Tokyo, Fukuoka, Las Vegas and Dubai The Donna Karan store in Berlin was closed in December 2001 The DKNY label has its own stores, located predominantly in retail shopping malls Apart from DKNY stores in New York, Costa Mesa, Short Hills, Boston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, there are international outlets in London, Anerp, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tel Aviv and Montreal, as well as Cancún, Barcelona, Ankara, Manchester, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Beirut, and Athens among others In addition, there are so-called Donna Karan Company stores, predominantly located within outlet malls, which sell the merchandise at reduced prices

Since 2005, Donna Karan has offered online shopping of its DKNY and associated lines at the label's web site Products range from DKNY and DKNY Jeans womenswear, aessories, underwear, shoes, baby clothing, the PURE collection to DKNY menswear The latter was available up until the spring 2007 season Since then only the DKNY Jeans label, underwear, eyewear and watches have been offered online for men

The pany maintains design studios, showrooms and offices at 550 Seventh Avenue (Manhattan) (headquarters) and 240 W 40th St in New York City


Chivas Regal is a premium Scotch whisky produced by Chivas Brothers in Aberdeen, Scotland, founded in 1801 The Chivas brand's home is Strathisla Distillery at Keith, Moray in Speyside, Scotland

Chivas Regal is one of the best selling premium whiskies in the world, available in over 200 countries It is the best selling premium Scotch whisky in Europe and Asia Pacific and is rated one of the world's most powerful spirits brands Chivas Regal is one of the best performing spirits brands globally, with sales having grown by 40% over the last four years


Introduced in 1987, Bijan by Bijan perfume for women is a refined, oriental, woody fragrance This feminine scent possesses a blend of sandalwood, oakmoss and orange flower Bijan for Women perfume contains 173 precious ingredients, while the eau de parfum contains 157 The ingeniously designed circular glass flacon bottle with an open center and a dividing web visually defies gravity when half full, the fragrance fills o separate chambers

Estée Lauder

In 1946, Mrs Estée Lauder began with one face crème, and the desire to bring out the beauty in every woman By the time the revolutionary fragrance Youth-Dew was introduced in 1953, the Estée Lauder brand had already won a reputation for innovation, research and quality

Today, Estée Lauder's skincare, makeup and fragrance collections exemplify the best that technology, science and art can achieve The Estée Lauder name on a product is recognised in over 100 countries for quality maintained and promises kept

Christian Dior

Headquartered in Paris, Christian Dior SA (more monly known as Dior) is a French high-fashion clothing retailer owned by the major luxury pany, Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton Alone, Christian Dior SA itself controls 42% of LVMH assets The Dior label is the namesake of designer Christian Dior who launched the haute couture empire in 1946 Christian Dior Couture, a division of the whole House of Dior, designs and produces some of the world's most coveted haute couture, as well as luxury ready-to-wear fashion, menswear and aessories Today, Dior operates about 160 boutiques worldwide with plans to open more in the ing years

Chanel No 5

Chanel No 5 was the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and has been on sale continually since its introduction in 1921 It has been described as "the world's most legendary fragrance", and remains the pany's most famous perfume The pany estimates that a bottle is sold worldwide every 55 seconds

valentino garavani

Valentino is a master of elegance and opulence In business since 1960, the Italian designer made his mark early on creating luxurious gowns with intricate detailing and tastefully body-conscious silhouettes The fabrics tend to be both delicate and rich—laces, chiffons, and silk crepe, along with wool, leather, and suede Valentino has long been popular among European royalty, American socialites, and celebrities While his new creations get a great deal of attention—and requests, especially around red-carpet time—many also collect his vintage dresses, like the black gown with white piping Julia Roberts wore to aept her Oscar in 2001 The menswear collection is known for sharp, classic tailoring


In 1893, at the age of just enty-one, a young gentleman inventor, Alfred Dunhill, inherited his father's saddlery business on London's Euston Road The entrepreneurial Alfred quickly responded to the growing passion for automobiles and developed a luxurious line of aessories - Dunhill's Motorities This first collection included car horns and lamps, leather overcoats, goggles, piic sets and timepieces Alfred's claim was to provide "Everything but the Motor" to his discerning clientele

Over one hundred years later, Alfred Dunhill has bee the leading maker and purveyor of English luxury goods for men Alfred Dunhill has always been mitted to innovation in design and function, realised in the finest materials by highly skilled craft en Choose from a superior selection of exceptional Leathergoods, Timepieces, Writing Instruments, Ready to Wear and Jewellery

True to our heritage, the art of finely crafted leathergoods remains at the heart of the pany Using only the very highest quality of raw materials, carefully selected from the world's leading tanneries, Alfred Dunhill offers an unparalleled collection of leathergoods; from capacious hand made touring luggage, elegant attaché and document cases, through





Baseball is a sport played beeen o teams usually of nine players each It is a bat-and-ball game in which a pitcher throws (pitches) a hard, fist-sized, leather-covered ball toward a batter on the opposing team The batter attempts to hit the baseball with a tapered cylindrical bat, made of wood (as required in professional baseball) or a variety of other materials (as allowed in many nonprofessional games) A team scores runs only when batting, by advancing its players—primarily via hits—counterclockwise past a series of four markers called bases arranged at the corners of a niy-foot square, or "diamond" The game, played without time restriction, is structured around nine segments called innings In each inning, both teams are given the opportunity to bat and score runs; a team's half-inning ends when three outs are recorded against that team











The libra is appears night of in the summer in the Milky Way west constellation, mark of the constellation is symbolizing the balance o trays, the libra protection star is Venus, its patron god is west the just goddess Si Duo the Li Asia and love goddess Venus regarding the good and evil o extreme ideas, is maintaining the very balanced condition, this is the libra individualityGenerally speaking, the libra person's life is ordinary and joyfulThe libra person can forever maintain is not injured can get along in all social situations, the ooth manner, therefore, does not like displaying the innermost feelings the truth



Rapping hip hop music can be traced back in many ways to its African roots Centuries before the United States existed, the griots of West Africa were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums and sparse instrumentation Because of the time that has passed since the griots of old, the connections beeen rap and the African griots are widely established, but not clear-cut However, such connections have been acknowledged by rappers, modern day "griots", spoken word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics

Blues music, rooted in the work songs and spirituals of slavery and influenced greatly by West African musical traditions, was first played by blacks (and some whites) in the Mississippi Delta region of the United States around the time of the Emancipation Proclamation Grammy-winning blues musician/historian Elijah Wald and others have argued that the blues were being rapped as early as the 1920s Wald went so far as to call hip hop "the living blues"

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

The Memphis Jug Band, an early blues group, whose lyrical content and rhythmic singing predated rapping

Jazz, developed from the blues and other African-American musical traditions, originated around the beginning of the 20th century Aording to John Sobol, the jazz musician and poet who wrote Digiia Blues, rap "bears a striking resemblance to the evolution of jazz both stylistically and formally"

During the mid-20th century, the musical culture of the Caribbean was constantly influenced by the concurrent changes in American music From the 1950s through the 1970s, the descendants of Caribbean slaves in Jamaica were mixing their traditional folk music styles of mento music with the jazz, soul, rock and blues of America In Jamaica, this influenced the creation of reggae music (and later dancehall) As early as 1956, deejays were toasting (an African tradition of "rapped out" tales of heroi ) over dubbed Jamaican beats It was called "rap", expanding the word's earlier meaning in the African-American munity—"to discuss or debate informally"

Etymology [Rap这个词本身的来历]:

The use of the word to describe quick speech or repartee long predates the musical form,meaning originally "to hit" The word had been used in British English since the 16th century, and specifically meaning "to say" since the 18th It was part of the African American dialect of English in the 1960s meaning "to converse", and very soon after that in its present usage as a term denoting the musical style

Rapping can be delivered over a beat or without acpaniment Stylistically, rap oupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song Rap is derived from the griots (folk poets) of West Africa, and Jamaican-style toasting It also has precedents in traditional Celtic music Modern rap battles, for instance, bear a striking resemblance to the Limerick Game, a traditional Gaelic drinking game in which people pete for notoriety by making up insulting limericks about each other, the loser having to buy the next round of drinks Likewise, puirt a beul, a form of Scottish mouth music was incorporated into Appalachian music and is an early ancestor of modern mouth percussion, or beatboxing The influence of Scottish and Irish music on hip hop is not direct, since virtually all of the originators of hip hop culture were African American, but were transferred indirectly by way of American roots music[citation needed] Roots music was created out of the fusion of African and Celtic music in the American South and is typified by the bination of African rhythms, Gaelic melodies, and (oasionally) vocal improvisation It forms the basis of virtually all American musical styles from bluegrass to the blues, jazz, rock, funk, and country Hip hop grew out of this same tradition; stripping down the melody, emphasizing the rhythm, and incorporating mouth music, battling, and vocal improvisation

Rapping developed both inside and outside of hip hop culture, and began with the street parties thrown in the Bronx neighborhood of New York in the 70s by Jamaican expatriate Kool Herc and others The parties introduced dancehall and the practice of having a "Master of Ceremonies," or MC, get up on stage with the DJ and shout encouragements to the crowd in a practice known as 'toasting' Over time, those shouts of encouragement became longer and more plex and cross-pollinated with the spoken-word poetry scene to evolve into rap It's believed that the first rapper to actually call himself an MC was Melle Mel from Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five He is also credited as being the first Hip Hop MC to rap in a traditional verse/chorus format From the beginning hip hop culture has been syncretic, incorporating sounds and elements from radically divergent sources While Funk breaks formed the backbone of early hip hop, Kraferk and other early techno artists were widely sampled as well







Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body It is meant to help one overe obstacles, which can be anything in the surrounding environment — from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls — and can be practiced in both rural and urban areas Male parkour practitioners are recognized as traceurs and female as traceuses Founded by David Belle in France, parkour focuses on practicing efficient movements to develop your body and mind to be able to overe obstacles in an emergency Also may be a form of entertainment or as a pastime Parkour is a physical activity which is difficult to categorize It is not an extreme sport, but an art or discipline that resembles self-defense in the martial arts Aording to David Belle, the physical aspect of parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as you would in an emergency You want to move in such a way, with any movement, that will help you gain the most ground on someone/something as if escaping from it, or chasing toward it Thus, when faced with a hostile confrontation with a person, one will be able to speak, fight, or flee As martial arts are a form of training for the fight, parkour is a form of training for the flight Because of its difficulty to categorize, it is often said that parkour is in its own category: "parkour is parkour" An important characteristic of parkour is efficiency A practitioner moves not merely as fast as he can, but also in the least energy-consuming and most direct way possible Efficiency also involves avoiding injuries, short and long-term, part of why parkour's unofficial motto is être et durer (to be and to last) Parkour is also known to have an influence on practitioner's thought process Traceurs and traceuses experience a change in their critical thinking skills to help them overe physical and mental obstacles in everyday life















问题一:雪纺巴黎珠是什么成份 雪纺分为很多种,珍珠雪纺是雪纺的一种分类,又称为雪纺珠,和复合丝雪纺有点类似的质地,可以互相取代。皮肤接触后有一种冰凉的感觉,非常舒适,垂坠感比一般的雪纺要好,捻度也是比较高的哦! 珍珠雪纺面料的颗粒感更强,普通雪纺则没有;珍珠雪纺垂坠感更强,普通雪纺看起来更轻飘一些,但不是飘逸的感觉。从重量上来讲,同码数的珍珠雪纺要重过普通雪纺。如果是制作夏装长裙,珍珠雪纺面料比普通雪纺的效果会更好一些,看起来够飘逸,又有足够的垂坠感。 珍珠雪纺就是雪纺珠啊~~~也可以说是高捻的雪纺

问题二:巴黎珠面料夏天穿会热吗 您好,巴黎珠面料的特点:无弹、不易起皱、单层不透、下垂度好!属于雪纺系列,夏天穿不会热。希望我的回答能够帮助您~~

问题三:巴黎珠是什么面料 是不是一个雪纺的麻乱织组,你可以去卖雪纺的门店里看一下

问题四:巴黎长丝是什么面料 长丝是指在化学纤维中不切断的纤维 长丝分单丝,复丝和强力丝~长丝理论上来说 还不能称之为面料~

问题五:巴黎丝是什么面料 你问的是巴里纱吧,巴厘纱:巴里纱又称玻璃纱。是一种用平纹组织织制的稀薄透明织物。其特点是,经纬均采用细特精梳强捻纱,织物中经纬密度比较小,由于“细”、“稀”,再加上强捻,使织物稀薄透明。所有原料有纯棉、涤棉。织物中经纬纱,或均为单纱,或均为股线。按加工不同,玻璃纱有染色玻璃纱、漂白玻璃纱、印花玻璃纱、色织提花玻璃纱等。玻璃纱织物的质地稀薄,手感挺爽,布孔清晰,透明透气。

问题六:巴黎珠做转移印花后变平没珠感,各位大神有没有解决的方法呢 50分 望满意 欢迎追问

问题七:法国时装都有什么牌子? 品牌名称:夏奈尔(Chanel) chanel 品牌档案:(1)创始人:Gabriellechanel 夏奈尔 (2)注册地:法国巴黎(1913年) (3)设计师:1913年-1971年,Gabriellechanel(加布里埃・夏奈尔)1983年起,Karllargerfeld(卡尔・拉格菲尔德) (4)品牌线:chanel夏奈尔 (5)品类:1913年开设女帽及时装店制作服装;1921年起开发各式香水:如1921年的no5香水和no22香水,1924年的cuirderussie香水,1970年的no19香水,1974年的cristalle香水,1984年的coco香水,1990年的egoiste男用香水,1996年的allure香水;另外还有各类饰品,化妆品,皮件,手表,珠宝,太阳眼镜和鞋各类配件。 品牌识别: (1)双c在chanel服装的扣子或皮件的扣环上,可以很容易地就发现将cocochanel的双c交叠而设计出来的标志,这更是让chanel迷们为之疯狂的“精神象征”。 (2)菱形格纹:从第一代chanel皮件越来越受到喜爱之后,其立体的菱形车格纹竟也逐渐成为chanel的标志之一,不断被运用在chanel新款的服装和皮件上。后来甚至被运用到手表的设计上,尤其是“matelassee”系列,k金与不锈钢的金属表带,甚至都塑形成立体的“菱形格纹”。 (3)山茶花:chanel对“山茶花”的情有独钟现在对于全世界而言,“山茶花”已经等于是chanel王国的“国花”。不论是春夏或是秋冬,它除了被设计成各种质材的山茶花饰品之外,更经常被运用在服装的布料图案上。 品牌名称:伊夫・圣・洛朗(yves saint laurent) yslonline 品牌档案: (1)类型:高级时装 (2)创始人:yves saint laurent 伊夫・圣・洛朗 (3)注册地:巴黎 (4)设计师:圣・洛朗 (5)品类:高级时装、香水系列、首饰、鞋帽、化妆品、香烟等。 品牌简述: 创始人yves saint laurent 伊夫・圣・洛朗1936年生于阿尔及利亚,21岁时任全球最有声望的迪奥时装公司的首席设计师,但是好景不长,由于迪奥的老顾客们认为伊夫-圣洛朗过于激进,1960年他被炒了鱿鱼。1962年在巴黎建立自己的公司。圣・洛朗的设计既前卫又古典,模特不戴胸罩展示薄透时装正是他开的先声。圣・洛朗擅于调整人体体型的缺陷,常将艺术、文化等多元因素融于服装设计中,汲取敏锐而丰富的灵感,自始至终力求高级女装如艺术品般地完美。圣・洛朗的旗舰产品是高级时装,服务是全球仅几千名的富豪们,用料奢华,加工讲究,价格昂贵,是常人所难以接受的。 品牌名称:范思哲(versace) versace 品牌档案: (1)类型:高级时装、高级成衣 (2)创始人:詹尼・韦尔萨切(gian>>

问题八:什么是新型面料 新型面料是指具有抗菌、除臭、促进人体微循环等功能的各类面料,逐渐成为各国尤其是日本、东南亚地区以及我国大陆和台湾等地纺织企业新产品开发的重点。





问题九:在纺织面料中,网眼布和巴厘纱的区别是什么 网眼布是针织的,布面有孔的,巴黎纱是梭织的,属于仿真丝系列的

问题十:CLōE是什么品牌? chloe我给楼主一个连接名品是 Chloe,但要在那e上面加一点或一小tick,因为那是法文的e 品牌简介: CHLOE诞生于20世纪50年代,那正是生活化的成衣品牌向贵族式的巴黎高级女装传统挑战之时,CHLOE品牌创造出了简洁美观、可穿性强的现代成衣理念。CHLOE品牌是巴黎高级成衣界的变色龙,它虽相当频繁地聘用各国名师,但品牌的风格框架并未因设计师的更迭而改变,一直保持着法兰西风格的色彩特征和优雅情调。其所聘设计师的个性投入,加上CHLOE生产经营体系的保证使CHLOE品牌风格保持与时代潮流同步。 60年代 CHLOE设计师珍妮多(Jeanne Do)推出了廓型纤长线条下垂的连衣裙,下摆饰以有金属光泽的几何块片,这种貌似现代铠甲的黑礼服裙在当时相当时髦。 60年代后期,卡尔拉格菲尔德执掌CHLOE。他在保留优美造型、简洁装饰等特色的基础上,吸纳了当时流行的多元化设计概念,如借鉴吉普赛民族的热情鲜明的服饰特色推出印有明快图案的滚条衬衫;在普通外衣及披肩上采用鲜亮的圆环贴画图等。 1988年,希特博恩(Sitbon)出任CHLOE设计师。他将CHLOE60年代的风格重新演绎,每一季作品均源于当代流行文化,体现现代女性自尊与自信的个性特点;此外,CHLOE牌采用华丽面料与精美装饰以及夸张的廓形等传统设计特色,也被重新找回。 1992年卡尔拉格菲尔德重回CHLOE。那易于穿脱的无结构主义设计风格使CHLOE又回到其70年代简约、舒适的风格,取自“花朵少年”的长串珠链、精致的丝质花朵发饰,洋溢着浪漫而怀旧的味道。 斯黛拉马尔卡内是现在克洛耶的总设计师。在她个人品牌的最新设计中,巧妙地把传统的男装面料运用到非常女性化的设计中,如金属网状的超短裙,新颖别致的针织衫及相配的及膝裙,轻柔美丽的蕾丝边等,色彩上则运用了暗绿、蓝灰、酒红和金银色,营造出60年代的气氛。 baikebaidu/view/402008



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