


Prologue at Orchid Pavilion

兰亭临帖 行书如行云流水

月下门推 心细如你脚步碎

忙不迭 千年碑易拓 却难拓你的

真迹绝 真心能给谁

Practicing calligraphy at Orchid Pavilion, I have made the running style natural and smooth

A slight push at the door in the moonlight, my heart is as exquisite as your quick and short steps

Vexed, as the stone tablet rubbing is easy to do but your delicacy is beyond my reach

The genuine copy is lost, to whom I could give my genuine heart

牧笛横吹 黄酒小菜又几碟

夕阳余晖 如你的羞怯似醉

摹本易写 而墨香不退与你共留余味

一行朱砂 到底圈了谁

With the wine, dishes and the rising and falling melody from the bamboo flute,

In the afterglow, I envision your peachy cheek in shyness

The copy is easy to make and the smell of the paint stays, mixed with your fragrance

Who in the end had won your heart

无关风月 我题序等你

悬笔一绝 那岸边浪千叠

情字何解 怎落笔都不对

而我独缺 你一生的了解

Not about romance, I simply made this prologue waiting for your reply

Hang up my brush since then, to stand by the sea watching waves upon waves

How should I put this feeling down So, I leave it blank

Because the missing part is your life, your life without me

弹指岁月 倾城顷刻间烟灭

青石板街 回眸一笑你婉约

恨了没 你摇头轻叹谁让你蹙着眉

而深闺 徒留胭脂味

Time flies rusting out the silky skin without notice

Along the pavement, you glimpse back with a shy smile

Do you resent him, who made you sigh and frown with a headshake

In your boudoir, there lingers only the smell of the rouge

人雁南飞 转身一瞥你噙泪

掬一把月 手揽回忆怎么睡

又怎么会 心事密缝绣花鞋针针怨对

若花怨蝶 你会怨着谁

When parted, he looked back only to find the tears in your eyes

How could you come through the sleepless nights with a lonely moon and some mottled memories left in hand

What else troubles your heart that could put the embroidery on your nerves with every stitch

Who would you blame, if the flower blames the butterfly

无关风月 我题序等你回

手书无愧 无惧人间是非

雨打蕉叶 又潇潇了几夜

我等春雷 来提醒你爱谁

Not about romance, I simply made this prologue waiting for your reply

I Feel no qualms, so fear no rumor or suspicion

The raindrops clack on the plantain leaves sending away several more drizzly nights

I am right here waiting for the spring thunder to tell your true love

你好有一版新西兰小伙子叫Laurence Larson中文名字叫罗艺恒,翻唱成英文版的相当不错,可以去听听看。


  Your touch like brush strokes you hold colour in my skin

  The deep blue and pearl white glow like porcelain

  As I stare clear through the window that I’m locked within

  I count the seconds to see you again

  Possessions reach cannot hold beauty such as yours

  Yet still its clouds shroud your light so your petals fall

  Your flowers kiss I reminisce, now I only see in picture frames

  The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you

  The fire in my heart burning white and true

  A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides

  I see your shadow outlined through

  The sky still dark as I make my way to you

  White moon light guides our way, fields of morning dew

  Our world is greener on the other side so free

  The time is calling

  Perfection locked and untouched trapped behind this glaze

  The shining white holds its shape so elegantly

  Beautiful blue hides entwined hold its secrets tight

  All of its mysteries subdued beneath

  These eyes have only one mind, set upon us two

  My present, past and the future reside in you

  Although the Ink has come to fade

  Its art and meaning still remain

  The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you

  The fire in my heart burning white and true

  A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides

  I see your shadow outlined through

  The sky still dark as I make my way to you

  White moon light guides our way, fields of morning dew

  Our world is greener on the other side so free

  The time is calling

  The sky is crying blue, as I wait for you

  The fire in my heart burning white and true

  Our world is greener on the other side so free

  The time is calling



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上一篇 2024-03-02


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