求专业翻译!翻译下面一段话(香奈儿的起源) 如果写的不对,热爱香奈儿的可以重写。(中英文)

求专业翻译!翻译下面一段话(香奈儿的起源) 如果写的不对,热爱香奈儿的可以重写。(中英文),第1张

Chanel创办人Coco Chanel原名 “Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ” ,中文名:加布里埃可可香奈儿,1883年出生于法国的Auvergne。她十二岁时母亲离世,父亲更丢下她和4个兄弟姐妹。自此,她由她的姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校 (Convent School),并在那儿学得一手针线技巧。在她二十二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖啡厅歌手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名 “Coco”,在不同的歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱维生。在这段歌女生涯中,Coco先后结交了两名老主顾,成为他们的情人知己,一名是英国工业家,另一名是富有的军官。结交达官贵人,令Coco有经济能力开设自己的店子。 
Chanel founder Coco Chanel formerly known as" Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel", Chinese Name: Gabriella Cocoa Chanel, was born in 1883 in Auvergne in france Her mother died at the age of twelve, she left her father and 4 brothers and sisters Since then, she made of her aunt dependent adult, when read into the convent school ( Convent School ), and in the learned hand sewing skills When she was twenty-two years old, in 1905, she became the" cafe singer" ( Cafe singer ), and the name" Coco", in different bar and cafe musicians In this section the Showgirl career, Coco has made two regular customers, as their lover bosom friend, a British industrialist, another is the richest officer To make high officials and noble lords, let Coco have the financial ability to set up their own shop
1910年,Coco在巴黎开设了一家女装帽店子 (millinery shop),凭着非凡的针线技巧,缝制出一顶又一顶款式简洁耐看的帽子。她的两名知己为她介绍了不少名流客人。当时女士们已厌倦了花巧的饰边,所以 Chanel简洁的帽子对她们来说犹如甘泉一般清凉。短短一年内,生意节节上升,Coco把她的店子搬到气质更时尚 (fashionable)的Rue Cambon,至今这区仍是Chanel总部的根据地In
1910, Coco has opened in Paris a millinery shop ( millinery shop ), with a special needle sewing skills, a top and a concise style of the hat Two of her friends as she describes many celebrity guests The ladies had tired of fancy trim, so Chanel concise hat to them like oasis generally cool A short span of one year, business is rising, Coco put her son of store moved to temperament more fashion ( fashionable Rue Cambon ), since this area is still Chanel headquarters base



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