有没有cara dillon的grace和gadden valley的歌词?

有没有cara dillon的grace和gadden valley的歌词?,第1张

Craigie Hill 中文对照

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱

Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向

The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放

To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步

She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去

Though fortune does be pleasing I ′ll go along with you 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起

I ′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿

And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见

He said, my dear don′t grieve or yet annoy my patience 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心

You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你

I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地

To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤

Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 不久以后当一切都已经平息

T′will cause them for smile at our late going away 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福

We′ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀

We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴

If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡

The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁

Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭

Pleasure would surround you, you′d think on death no more 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡

Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方

I never thought my childhood days I ′d part you any more 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开

Now we′re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里

And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行



Episode #101

Original Airdate 9/21/98

SCENE I: Grace's Apartment/Will's Apartment

(The scene cuts between the two apartments; WILL is watching TV and talking to GRACE on the phone)

WILL: What are you doing

GRACE: Hanging out

WILL: Come over

GRACE: Will, I can't

WILL: Come on, Grace You know you want to

GRACE: Of course I want to, but--

WILL: It's going to be a good one I can feel it

GRACE: It's always good Still--

WILL: You're not going to come over, you want me to, uh talk you through it

GRACE: It's tempting, but I think I'll watch ER here

WILL: Another night alone with my clicker

GRACE: Oh, is that what the kids are calling it So, I went back to the sale today

WILL: Yeah Did you get that black, flowy thing

GRACE: No, you were right It's too "Stevie Nicks: The Heavy Years"

WILL: Eriq La Salle just smiled

GRACE: Really

WILL: No Did you buy anything

GRACE: Yeah I got a great camisole

WILL: Yeah Sexy

DANNY: [WALKING BY] I'm going to sleep

GRACE: Ask me in the morning

WILL: Was that Danny

GRACE: Yeah Jealous

WILL: Huh! Honey, I don't need your man I got George Clooney

GRACE: Sorry, babe He doesn't bat for your team

WILL: Well He hasn't seen me pitch

GRACE: Ok Say good night, Gracie

WILL: Good night, Gracie

SCENE II: Will's Apartment

(WILL is playing poker with JACK, ROB, and JURGEN)

WILL: It's to you, Jack

JACK: Give me a minute Please Ok [SINGING] A room without windows A room without doors

WILL: [ANNOYED] It's to you, Jack

JACK: Give me a minute, please Wow! [SINGING] A room where no guy but I can spy--[HUMMING] Nooo, not going to risk it this time 4 cards, please [EVERYONE SIGHS] Here's my ace [SHOWS HIS CARD]

WILL: Jack, now that you're moving in, can I make one small request

JACK: What's that

WILL: Change everything about your personality

JACK: Ha ha! I get it Comedy

ROB: [TO WILL] You didn't tell me Jack was moving in with you

WILL: Not moving in He's just staying with me till his apartment's finished

JURGEN: [HUMMING] Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm

JACK: Oh, I know that one! I know-- Uh, [SINGING] Did he need a stronger hand--

WILL: Yeah Jack He's not humming your intro, ok That's just a straight guy's way of thinking that you and I could ever be a couple

JACK: [TO JURGEN] Ok, first of all, Will should only be so lucky, ok So let's just clear that right up Second of all, you don't even know me that well Why would you just assume that I was gay [EVERYONE LAUGHS] Are you finished Ok FYI, folks, most people that meet me do not know that I am gay

WILL: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay Dead people know you're gay

JURGEN: Can we play poker

WILL: Yes Come on, who's in

ROB: Yes

JACK: I'm in for 10


WILL: Grace

GRACE: You keep playing

JACK: Oh, look, it's Sporty Spice

WILL: Did you and Danny have a fight

GRACE: Yeah, but I-- I don't want to talk about it right now I can't even think straight

WILL: That's funny Neither can Jack

JACK: Grace, did you know I was gay when you met me

GRACE: My dog knew

SCENE III: Will's Apartment

(WILL and GRACE are picking up after the poker game)

GRACE: Some fabrics never came in, and I wasn't able to make the presentation Diamond Interiors got the job

WILL: Oh, I'm sorry What a disappointment

GRACE: Thank you! See That's all I wanted to hear, but Danny said, "Well, when you put everything off till the last minute"


GRACE: Yeah And I lost it I started screaming, "Why can't you just let me have my feelings"

WILL: Grace, that is so Barbara DeAngelis "Making Love Work"

GRACE: I know Wasn't it

WILL: Yeah

GRACE: And then he says-- Get this-- "You don't have to get hysterical You sound just like your mother"

WILL: If you were on "Jerry Springer," that's the minute you jump out of your chair

GRACE: Yeah Can you believe that

WILL: Hmm You're staying here tonight Go wash your face I'll make up your bed

GRACE: [SIGHS] "You sound just like your mother" What kind of a person says that


WILL: A person you should've dumped a year ago


WILL: I said I hear they're re-releasing Vertigo


GRACE: [OFF-SCREEN] "You sound just like your mother" When you want push someone's buttons, that'll do it


WILL: Ohh! Jack, you can't move in tonight

JACK: What

WILL: Grace is very upset I told her she could stay here tonight You can move in tomorrow

JACK: Ok, that's interesting You think maybe you could've told me this-- Oh, I don't know-- Before I packed up my entire life!

WILL: You don't understand Grace has had a really-- What's in the hat box, your tiara

JACK: [MOCKING LAUGHTER] Ah-ha ha ha [TO THE BIRDCAGE] Look, Guapo, he made a funny Shut up, Will! I just schlepped all the way over here from the East Side, and you know how much Guapo hates riding in taxis!

WILL: Ok Ok Take it easy, Jack You sound just like your mother

JACK: [HORRIFIED GASP] Crossing the line! Ok, you nasty, bitter, lonely, balding man I don't need this crap from you, Will You know what I just don't need it [EXITING] What time tomorrow

WILL: 8:00-ish


SCENE IV: Will's Office

(WILL is having a meeting with his client, HARLIN)

HARLIN: You're my lawyer You tell me What have I got to do to buy this company

WILL: Well, first you've got to get something called a Hart-Scott-Rodino antitrust clearance and then we can negotiate standstills and lockups Naturally, that's after we do due diligence

HARLIN: What the hell is doo-doo diligence

WILL: No, Harlin, after we do due diligence

HARLIN: Doesn't matter how slow you say it, Will It's still doo-doo, isn't it I just want to know what it means

WILL: It's just crap that lawyers deal with Harlin, I'll handle it I've been representing your corporation for 5 years now, remember

HARLIN: I know, but my wife's been bugging me about the business lately She wants me to be a little more hands-on

WILL: You sure she's talking about the business

HARLIN: [LAUGHS] Yeah, she's talking about the business But I trust you, Will, so you do that doodoo That you do so well [HARLIN EXITS]

WILL'S ASSISTANT (OVER THE INTERCOM): [BUZZ] Will, it's Grace on line one


GRACE: Can I stay at your apartment again tonight

WILL: Of course As long as you want What are you doing

GRACE: I'm looking for tissues

WILL: Have your assistant get them for you

GRACE: She's late again

WILL: [SCOFFS] Oh! Fire her already

GRACE: I'm not going to fire Karen Her social contacts keep my business afloat

WILL: Why does she even work I mean, isn't she worth, like, a gazillion dollars

GRACE: She feels working keeps her down to earth

KAREN: [ENTERING] I know I'm late My driver had another bronchial incident It was disgusting I had to raise the partition But that's no excuse I should be punished I'm writing you a check

WILL [OVER SPEAKERPHONE]: Karen, tell Grace she should fire you

KAREN: Grace, tell Will to redirect his anger at his mother where it belongs Whoops

GRACE: [TO WILL] Call me later


KAREN: All right, honey, here you go Guilt, be gone!

GRACE: Karen, I don't want a check I want assistance I'm the boss I give you checks

KAREN: Yes, you do, honey, and I love them I do You know, I keep them all right here in this box So, what else

GRACE: [SIGHS] Danny and I got into a fight

KAREN: Oh, honey, call him and make up

GRACE: Why would I do that It wasn't my fault

KAREN: Well, in the long run, it doesn't matter

GRACE: I don't know that there's going to be a long run

KAREN: UhGrace You're You're what, 40

GRACE: I'll be 31 next month

KAREN: So I rounded up [BEAT] Honey, Danny is a good catch You've been living together for a year Close the deal already


KAREN: I'm serious, Grace Pick up the pace


GRACE: I'm serious, Karen Pick up the phone



SCENE V: Will's Apartment

(WILL, GRACE, ROB, and ELLEN are finishing up dinner)

ELLEN: So, Will, have you seen Michael since you two broke up

WILL: Uh--

GRACE: No, he hasn't, but I have Michael's not doing well He got fat, he's depressed, cheap haircuts, not good Actually it's really sad

ROB: What are you talking about I just saw him He looks great

GRACE: Uh, Robyou're dismissed

WILL: Thanks for trying, sweetie

GRACE: His haircut really was awful

WILL: I know You know what I think it's time for $25,000 Pyramid

ROB: Hello!

ELLEN: All right So, Will, are you going to keep the place

WILL: Well, I thought it was going to be a little too expensive, so I told Jack--


WILL: Oh, no

JACK: [ENTERING, CARRYING HIS LUGGAGE AND GUAPO'S BIRDCAGE] Hi, honey, I'm home Oh, are we entertaining [TO ROB AND ELLEN] Welcome!

WILL: Jack, I meant to call you, but I--

JACK: Don't even--!

GRACE: Wait, wait I can stay at Rob and Ellen's tonight

JACK: No, you can't, Grace, because, apparently, you matter How about that

WILL: Jack, I am so sorry I-- Are bandannas back in 'Cause I didn't get that memo

JACK: [SING-SONG] Ha, ha-ha Ha, ha, ha, ha Let me tell you something, Will Truman, ok I don't need to live here, all right And you know what Guess who loses Hello, you do, because I could've turned you into a human being instead of this rude, self-absorbed, getting chunkier every day-- Oops, did that slip out-- Thing that you are [BEAT] What time tomorrow

WILL: 8:00-ish


WILL: Let's play the pyramid!

ELLEN: Ok You two first

GRACE: Ok You give, I'll receive

WILL: Just as God intended it

ROB: Ellen's timing Here's your first subject

WILL: All right


WILL: Ok, ok Uh [READING THE CARD] Oh, driftwood UhJohn Wayne Your parents' marriage

GRACE: Things that are dead

WILL: Yes Uhmy one night stand on Fire Island

GRACE: Latin things!

WILL: Good Uh The postcard I sent you from Italy Uh, "Everybody Hurts" by REM

GRACE: Oh! Things that make you cry!

WILL: Yes UmProfessor Gopnick's teeth--

GRACE: Things that are yellow!

WILL: Yes And, uha cane Uh, uh, a railing

GRACE: Huh No, come on, give me another clue!

WILL: Uheach other

GRACE: Things that you lean on!

WILL: That's it!

GRACE: Yeah!

ELLEN: You guys That was amazing, Grace You and Danny never do this well when we play

GRACE: I know I'm going to break up with him [SIGHS] It's just time Our relationship has reached a fork in the road, andending it with Danny is the rightprong Excuse me [GRACE EXITS TO THE BATHROOM]

WILL: Uh things that bring a dinner party to a crashing halt

SCENE VI: Will's Office

(GRACE is talking to WILL on the phone)

WILL: So, how did it go

GRACE: Not like I thought

WILL: Oh, Gracie, I'm sorry, but, you know, you give it some time--

GRACE: No, Will He proposed

SCENE VII: Grace's Office

(A DELIVERY MAN arrives with flowers)

DELIVERY GUY: Grace Adler Design

KAREN: Oh, my God, would you look at that Now, who in the world would be sending-- Oh, carnations They must be for you Oh, yup, they're from Danny Oh, well, isn't he a sweetheart Uh-- [READING THE CARD] Oh, my Well I'm surprised you're still walking

GRACE: Give me that [READING THE CARD, LAUGHING] Oh, he is so great I can't believe I ever doubted he was the one

SCENE VIII: Will's Apartment

(WILL and JACK are having dinner)

WILL: Bon appetit So, what am I going to do about Grace

JACK: What's the big deal Why don't you Can I get a skosh more gravy [MAKES A CHOKING NOISE] It's a little dry You don't like Danny, I mean, just tell her it's a bad idea

WILL: I don't tell people who to marry

JACK: Ok, you always tell me what you think of the men I date

WILL: I'm talking about marriage, not Rudy, the Jewish cowboy you met on the Internet

JACK: Shalom, my lonesome prairie dog [BEAT] Look, she's your best friend, Will You have to tell her what you think Be honest

WILL: I can't Before my brother married Ginny, he asked me what I honestly thought of her Well, I told him She's morose and controlling and icy Well, they got married anyway Now she hates me, and my brother and I don't talk Couldn't handle losing Grace like that

JACK: Hmm You know, I'm going to call Rudy again [BEAT] Oh, God, I'm sorry But more importantly, it's terrible about you and your brother It's awful It's-- [JACK STOPS WILL FROM POURING HIM WINE] No, no, no, do you have any mineral water Sulfites

WILL: So, when are you moving in

JACK: Well, I'm going to be away on business for a while, and, uh--

WILL: With what--ha! What business

JACK: Business I have business And clients And work-relatedbusiness

WILL: How is the work-related client business these days

JACK: What is this Why do you have to be so mean

WILL: Because you love it, and I love you, and-- and you love gel And you have a home here when you get back

JACK: You see You can be a very great guy when you want to be

WILL: Well, I got to be nicer to you

JACK: Yes, you do

WILL: Because you are a good friend

JACK: Yes, I am

WILL: I know it's got to be rough on you

JACK: Will, don't

WILL: Trapped in a man's body like that

SCENE IX: Will's Apartment

(WILL is watching TV as GRACE enters)



GRACE: What are you watching

WILL: Pop Up Video Turns out Fiona Apple doesn't particularly like apples Apple Brown Betty was invented by a guy named Darren, and get this: Bobby Darin's dog was named Fiona You get--what are the odds of that

GRACE: I said "yes"

WILL: What

GRACE: I said "yes"

WILL: Oh, my God Oh, my God! Come here!


WILL: Wow, let's have a look at that ring Oh, it's beautiful When is the stone being put in

GRACE: I knew you were going to say that

WILL: Well, this You know, I'm--I'm thirsty


WILL: What what I'm happy for you

GRACE: Lying Lying man talking

WILL: Grace, stop it I am happy for you I want you two to have a great life together

GRACE: You do Oh, thank God I was so worried coming over here So I have your blessing then


GRACE: I love you

WILL: Love you

GRACE: Ok, I've got to go tell my family

WILL: Uh, Grace, don't

GRACE: I have to, Will They're paying

WILL: No I mean, don't marry Danny


WILL: Honey, I got to be honest This guy's not enough for you I mean, your passion, and you're--you're creative and beautiful and perfect, and this guy, I mean, you should be with someone moresomebody else I mean, he's not funny, he doesn't know what your favorite flower is, he's passive-aggressive, the man high-five's you after sex, Grace You're so afraid you're never going to get married, you can't even see how wrong he is for you I mean, think about it If you really believed he was the one, would you be asking me for my blessing

GRACE: Go to hell, Will [GRACE EXITS]

SCENE X: Grace's Office

(KAREN is on the phone)

KAREN: [ON PHONE] No, Rosario-- por favor, honey, listen to me for a second, ok Take Olivia and Mason to la store de los toys

WILL: [ENTERING] Where's Grace

KAREN: [TO WILL] Oh, honey, thank God How do you say "toy store" in Spanish

WILL: Tienda de juguetes

KAREN: Mm-hmm Thanks [INTO PHONE] F A O-ye, Schwartz-o ¡Sí! Sí, Rosario Gracias Hola [HANGS UP PHONE]

WILL: I haven't slept I can't get any work done Where is she

KAREN: Will, just stop right there I cannot tell you anything It's a secret

WILL: What is

KAREN: She's at City Hall, getting married-- [TO HERSELF] Oh, devil! Oh!

WILL: What What about the big wedding

KAREN: Well, she thought it was best to get it over with quickly, not make a big to-do, and I say brava


WILL: Grace

GRACE: Oh, look who's here

WILL: I'm sorry--

GRACE: Oh, it's a little late for that

WILL: No, I'm here, Grace I'm here to support your marriage

GRACE: There is no marriage

WILL: What

GRACE: There is no marriage And you want to know why Because my best friend-- that would be the part you're supposed to play-- my best friend dropped a bomb of poo on my head!

KAREN: Ew Honey, um no

GRACE: I mean, I was fine! I was getting married and then you come along You come, and you poison with the the thorns from the-- the flower [CRYING] You know, I had this metaphor worked out earlier, but I'm just very upset right now

WILL: Gracie, I just want you to be happy

GRACE: No, Will You want me to be alone, like you

WILL: Is that the way you see this


WILL: That's interesting, 'cause I, uh never thought of myself as being alone [WILL EXITS]

KAREN: Well, that was a little harsh

GRACE: Good!

KAREN: Uh, y-yes, yes, it is He's a bad person, very bad Grace, I think it's time for a couple of blue bippies

GRACE: I don't want any pills

KAREN: They're not for you, honey They're for me [RATTLES THE PILLS] You know, marriage iswhat Marriage is Marriage is, ok What the hell, that's all you need to-- [GRACE HAS EXITED] Grace Oh! Now she's gone She's gone, and I'm sitting here talking to myself like a crazy person Oh, my god, listen to me I'm still doing it!

SCENE XI: Will's Office

(WILL is at his desk as GRACE enters)

GRACE: Will, I am--I am so sorry for what I said back there


WILL: I know It was mean, but I know

GRACE: This morning, on the way to the ceremony, Danny looked at me and said, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," and I turned to him and said "you know, the limo has a phone" It wasn't right He was a smart, attractive man who loved me And who I loved, by the way Why wasn't it right

WILL: Sweetie, remember in college, we saw that French film about a man and a woman that were perfect for one another, but they kept missing each other, and in the last scene, they meet on a plane, because that's the way it was destined to be, remember And you said, "That's going to be me" Gracie, you're just in the middle of your movie Danny was a plot point, a nice, decent, postcoital-high-5-ing plot point There's still time, you know Go get some Raisinets

GRACE: I like Red Vines

WILL: Whatever you want The point is, it's not over If your movie's going to have a happy ending, you just have to see it through Come here

GRACE: Uh-uh

WILL: [KISSING HER FOREHEAD] Mwah! What do you say we go get a drink


WILL: What is with that dress

GRACE: Oh, give me a break I had 5 minutes to prepare for this

WILL: Still


(WILL and GRACE are drinking There are lots of patrons present)

PATRON #1: [TO WILL] I want you to make a toast to your lovely new bride!


WILL: Here's to the ball and chain If she makes it through the night, ba-bing! I think I'll keep her!

GRACE: Waitmy turn To my Will: You are my hero and my soul mate, and I'm a better woman for loving you


PATRON #1: Hey, hey, hey, come on, you two, how's about a kiss

CROWD: Oh, yeah! Yeah! [CHANTING] Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!


GRACE: Nothing Anything

WILL: Sorry Nothing Hmm



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