

一、香奈儿 GabrielleChanel:永远的经典 

香奈儿(CHANEL)),是由Gabrielle Chanel于1913年在法国巴黎创立的品牌,至今已有百年历史。




二、 路易威登LV Louis Vuitton:典雅巴黎气质 

路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)(1821年8月4日—1892年2月27日),世界奢侈品顶级品牌路易威登(Louis Vuitton)创始人,世界奢侈品史,时尚界最杰出的时尚设计大师之一。

Louis Vuitton1821年诞生于法国东部Franche-Comte。

1837年,16岁的Louis Vuitton离乡背井,到巴黎为贵族收拾行装。





三、迪奥 Dior:法国时装文化的最高精神

克里斯汀·迪奥(英语:Christian Dior),简称迪奥(Dior),是著名法国时尚消费品牌。

亦为全球最大的高级时尚品牌控股公司:LVMH 酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团的母公司(Mot Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, LVMH Group)路威酩轩集团,是一法国酒业与高价奢侈品制造集团。

Dior 握有 LVMH Group 4238% 的普通股及 593% 的表决权。

四、范思哲 Versace:意大利时尚帝国  


创立人:Gianni Versace詹尼·范思哲设计师:Gianni Versace詹尼·范思哲 (1997年詹尼逝世,公司及首席设计师由其妹Donatella Versace多纳泰拉·范思哲接手)设计风格:创立于1978年,品牌标志是神话中的蛇妖美杜莎(Medusa),代表着致命的吸引力。



五、普拉达 Prada:时尚世界的传奇 

意大利品牌Prada于1913年在米兰创建。Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。

六、巴宝莉 Burberry:浓烈的英伦色彩

Burberry (博柏利) 是成立于1856年的英国奢侈品牌,长久以来凭借独具匠心的创新理念、传统考究的精湛工艺和创意无垠的设计风格享誉全球。

七、高田贤三 Kenzo:清新而渊长的东方之风



八、纪梵希 Givenchy:国际时尚巨人 

Givenchy,来自法国的时装品牌,纪梵希最初以香水为其主要产品,后开始涉足护肤及彩妆事业。该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第四百一十一。

九、华伦天奴 Valentino:永恒的优雅惊叹号   


十、鲍士 Hugo Boss:优雅的德式风格

Hugo Boss,是世界知名奢侈品牌,源于德国,主营男女服装,香水,手表,及其它配件。


1香奈儿(Chanel)是一个法国奢侈品品牌,创始人是Coco Chanel(原名是Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ,中文名是加布里埃·可可·香奈儿),该品牌于1910年在法国巴黎创立。






克里斯汀·迪奥(英语:Christian Dior),简称迪奥(Dior),是法国著名时尚消费品牌。

亦为全球高级时尚品牌控股公司:LVMH 酩悦轩尼诗路易威登集团的母公司(Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, LVMH Group)路威酩轩集团,是一法国酒业与高价奢侈品制造集团。

Dior 握有 LVMH Group 4238% 的普通股及 593% 的表决权。

迪奥公司由法国时装设计师克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior,1905年1月21日-1957年10月24日)创立,总部设在巴黎。主要经营女装、男装、首饰、香水、化妆品、童装等高档消费品。











普拉达(PRADA)是意大利奢侈品牌,由玛丽奥·普拉达于1913年在意大利米兰创建。Miuccia Prada的独特天赋在于对新创意的不懈追求,融合了对知识的好奇心和文化兴趣,从而开辟了先驱之路。她不仅能够预测时尚趋势,更能够引领时尚潮流。



















10Hugo Boss

HUGO BOSS是世界知名奢侈品牌,源于德国,主营男女服装,香水,手表,及其它配件。

第一款BOSS香水于1993年推出。HUGO BOSS中国地区官方网上商城已经在2013年上线。

BOSS品牌的消费群定位是城市白领,具体又细分为以正装为主的黑牌系列(Black Label),以休闲装为主的橙牌系列(Orange Label)和以户外运动服装为主的绿牌系列(Green Label)。


香奈儿  路易威登  迪奥  范思哲 普拉达  巴宝莉  Kenzo  纪梵希  华伦天奴  Hugo Boss












香水、家饰品  设计风格:























2011年1月15日至3月14日,《CULTURE CHANEL文化香奈儿》展览在上海当代艺术馆举办。400余件珍贵展品,画作、素描、影像、雕塑、手稿、珍贵艺术品、珍本文献、服装设计、香水与高级珠宝在此汇聚一堂,以历史的维度,创造性地描绘香奈儿的“现代”。


这项展览围绕着五大主题,包括“传奇的源起Origin”、“抽象的精粹Abstraction”、“隐藏的奢华Invisibility”、“自由的追求Liberty”和“幻境的灵感Imaginary”,参观者于上海当代艺术馆,在Christophe Massol原创音乐的伴随中,开启一段品牌探索之旅。


香奈儿是一个全球奢侈品品牌,该品牌产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品及其配件、化妆品、护肤品、香水等,在全球各地,都是有专柜售卖各种产品的。并且在国内,香奈儿品牌也是有不少专柜的,但香奈儿它是实打实的法国品牌。是由创始人是Coco Chanel(原名是Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel,中文名是加布里埃·可可·香奈儿)于1910年在法国巴黎创立,并且该品牌的名称是以创始人的名字进行命名的。该创始人一生都奉献于香奈儿这个品牌,且一生未婚。



一、香奈儿 (GabrielleChanel)永远的经典

Chanel香奈儿 创始人:Coco Chanel,设计师:Karl Lagerfel,发源地:法国,成立年份: 1914年,产品线:男装、女装、眼镜、香水、珠宝 1 双C:双C已经成为一种时尚界的骄傲,也是这个地球上女人最想拥有的品牌!永远的香奈儿,香奈儿已经成为全球最知名的品牌。 2 山茶花:没有人确切的知道为什么CHANEL对“山茶花”情有独钟。这容易让人想起俄罗斯的那位贵族。也许是因为爱情的力量,或者在一场俄国贵族的晚宴之前她的俄国情人曾亲自为她细心配戴;山茶花纯净的颜色,排列规则的花瓣,都使得CHANEL夫人深深为之着迷。对全世界而言,“山茶花”已经等同于CHANEL王国的国花,除了在各种饰品中出现外,更经常被运用在服装的布料图案上。 3 菱形格纹:立体的菱形格纹也是CHANEL的标志之一,被广泛运用到服装和皮件上。后来还被运用到手表的设计上。

二、 路易威登LV Louis Vuitton典雅巴黎气质

创始人:Louis Vuitton,设计师:Marc Jacobs,发源地:法国,成立年份: 1854年,产品线:男装、女装、时装、香水、服饰 品牌故事:一百五十年来,崇尚精致、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”是LV皮具设计的基础。LV皮具除了无可挑剔的完美做工之外,大大满足了名牌流行时代里人们的LOGO欲望。 1 MONOGRAM:LV图案的第一代。从1896年开始,它一直是LV皮件的象征符号,至今历久不衰。近年来,出现了用传统MONOGRAM图案作基础,将真皮质材压上时髦的塑胶亮面的设计。 2 DAMIER方格图案:1888年首创,并于1996年采用细腻优雅的棕**调重新推出。 3 著名的LV标识还有 EPI压纹,一共有黑、棕、绿、黄、蓝、红、橘七种颜色。现代的单色流水皮纹仅在皮件右下角压印一个LV标志。 4 皮面上精致耐看的图案以及以“LOUIS VUITTON”字母为主题的“涂鸦”之作。

三、迪奥 Dior法国时装文化的最高精神

创始人:Christian Dior,设计师:加里亚诺,发源地:法国,成立年份: 1946年,产品线:化妆品、成衣、香水、皮具、时装、珠宝首饰、服装鞋帽、内衣 品牌故事:“如果迪奥还活着,如今的时尚当是另外一个模样。”Christian Dior 是将传统服装带入现代功能主义的最具革新主义的艺术大师。并且还培养Pierre Cadin,Yaves Saint Laurent这样的时尚巨子。1997年,John Galliano的执印近乎完美地“颠覆”了Dior的本来面貌,但是对于Dior来说,奢华仍是本质。 1.CD:这个缩写常出现在Dior的配件上,像是皮带、皮夹的扣环,或是眼镜架的侧面。 2.Dior:Dior的另一个明显记号,在礼品盒上或皮包的提环上,也是“Lady Dior”皮包(已故的黛安娜王妃的钟爱)最明显的标志。

四、范思哲 Versace意大利时尚帝国

Versace范思哲 创始人:Gianni Versace,设计师:Gianni Versace 发源地:意大利,成立年份: 1978年 产品线:彩妆、化妆品、手袋、香水、女装 品牌故事:著名意大利品牌Versace代表了一个时尚帝国。他的设计风格是美感极强的先锋艺术,是米兰时尚之都著名的三“G”之一(另外两个是Gucci,Gianfranco ferre)。Versace对古文明一直非常向往,所以以“蛇发魔女Medusa”做为精神象征。他在服装上的色彩感均来自于希腊,埃及,印度这些古文明帝国。而优美的线条剪裁又使其成为性感的代言人

五、普拉达 Prada:时尚世界的传奇

Prada于1913年创办首家精品店。1978年,这个历史悠久的著名品牌被赋予了新的发展元素与活力。Miuccia(马里奥·普拉达的孙女)与当时具有丰富奢华产品生产经验的Patrizio Bertelli建立了商业合作伙伴关系。70年代的时尚圈环境变迁,Prada几近濒临破产的边缘。1978年Miuccia与其夫婿Patrizio·Bertelli共同接管Prada并带领Prada迈向全新的里程碑。Miuccia担任Prada总设计师,通过她天赋的时尚才华不断地演绎着挑战与创新的传奇。而Patrizio·Bertelli,一位充满创造力的企业家,不仅建立了Prada全世界范围的产品分销渠道以及批量生产系统,同时还巧妙地将Prada传统的品牌理念和现代化的先进技术进行了完美结合。

六、巴宝莉 Burberry:浓烈的英伦色彩

七、高田贤三 Kenzo:清新而渊长的东方之风

八、纪梵希 Givenchy:国际时尚巨人

九、华伦天奴 Valentino:永恒的优雅惊叹号

十、鲍士 Hugo Boss:优雅的德式风格

东莞市大朗粤雄纺织品有限公司 其前身为粤雄织染厂,开发各种批发毛料、服装定制。目前与许多知名品牌保持合作,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。

Gabrielle Chanel (加布里埃·香奈儿)生于1883年,是一对法国贫穷的未婚夫妇的第二个孩子。她的父亲是来自塞文山的杂货小贩,母亲是奥弗涅山区的牧家女。据说,香奈儿出生在法国索米尔;另一说法是生于法国南部山区奥弗涅。实际上,关于她身世的传说,历来众说纷纭,加之香奈儿至死竭力回避和掩饰,就更使她的出身蒙上一层迷雾。香奈儿的童年是不幸的。五岁那年,母亲死于肺结核。



姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校 (ConventSchool),并在那儿学得一手针线技巧。在她二十二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖啡厅歌手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名“Coco”,在不同的歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱维生。在这段歌女生涯中,Coco先后结交了两名老主顾,成为他们的情人知己,一名是英国工业家,另一名是富有的军官。结交达官贵人,令COCO有经济能力开设自己的店子。

1910年,Coco在巴黎开设了一家女装帽店子 (millinery shop),凭着非凡的针线技巧,缝制出一顶又一顶款式简洁耐看的帽子。她的两名知己为她介绍了不少名流客人。当时女士们已厌倦了花巧的饰边,所以 Chanel简洁的帽子对她们来说犹如甘泉一般清凉。短短一年内,生意节节上升,Coco把她的店子搬到气质更时尚 (fashionable)的Rue Cambon,至今这区仍是Chanel总部的根据地。做帽子绝不能满足Coco对时装事业的雄心,所以她进军高级订制服 (Haute Couture)的领域。


步入二十年代,Chanel设计了不少创新的款式,例如针织水手裙(tricot sailor dress) 、黑色迷你裙(little black dress)、樽领套衣等。而且,Coco从男装上取得灵感,为女装添上多一点男儿味道,一改当年女装过份艳丽的绮靡风尚。例如,将西装褛 (Blazer)加入女装系列中,又推出女装裤子。不要忘记,在二十年代女性只会穿裙子的。 Coco这一连串的创作为现代时装史带来重大革命。Coco对时装美学的独特见解和难得一见的才华,使她结交了不少诗人、画家和知识分子。她的朋友中就有抽象画派大师毕加索(Picasso)、法国诗人导演尚.高克多 (Jean Cocteau)等等。一时风流儒雅,正是法国时装和艺术发展的黄金时期。

香奈儿(Coco Chanel)成名后,遇上俄国作曲家伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基(Stravinsky Igorgor) ,伊戈尔带着妻子与年幼的孩子们,到法国表演《春之祭》。《春之祭》在当时而言是前卫的舞台艺术,法国人不接受,伊戈尔怀才不遇。伊戈尔的创作受到勇于创新的香奈儿赏识,她不但资助伊戈尔继续创作,也让伊戈尔与他的妻小搬到豪宅与她住在一起。伊戈尔的太太疾病缠身,美丽独立性感的香奈儿近水楼台,与伊戈尔这名有妇之夫发生不伦之恋……



除了时装,Chanel也在1921 年推出Chanel No 5香水,女星妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)作代言人的No5香水瓶子是一个甚具装饰艺术 (Art Deco) 味道的玻璃瓶。而“双C”标志也让这瓶香水成为Chanel历史上最赚钱的产品,且在恒远的时光长廊上历久不衰,至今在 Chanel的官方网站依然是重点推介产品。

三四十年代,第二次世界大战爆发,Coco Chanel把她的店子关掉,与相爱的纳粹军官避居瑞士。1954年,Coco重返法国,Chanel东山再起,以她一贯的简洁自然的女装风格,迅速再俘虏一众巴黎仕女。短厚呢大衣、喇叭裤等等都是Coco Chanel战后时期的作品。或者只需讲战后Chanel风格一直保持简洁而贵丽,多用Tartan格子或北欧式几何印花,而且经常用上花呢 (tweed)造衣,舒适自然。

Coco Chanel1971年逝世后 ,德国名设计师Karl Lagerfeld成为Chanel品牌的灵魂人物。自1983年起,他一直担任Chanel的总设计师,将Chanel的时装推向另一个高峰。还有一处有趣地方堪可提及,就是品牌创立了接近九十年,从未造过一件男装,直至2005/2006 的秋冬系列才造了几件男装上市而已。

香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!甚至一直到70多岁的高龄她都还复出视事。香奈儿集团在1983年由Karl Lagerfeld出任时尚总监,但至今每一季新品仍以香奈儿精神为设计理念。


Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils and aroma pounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, animals, objects, and living spaces a pleasant ellThe word perfume used today derives from the Latin "per fumum", meaning through oke Perfumery, or the art of making perfumes, began in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt and was further refined by the Romans and Persians Although perfume and perfumery also existed in India, much of its fragrances are incense based The earliest distillation of Attar was mentioned in the Hindu Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita The Harshacharita, written in 7th century AD in Northern India mentions use of fragrant agarwood oilThe world's first recorded chemist is considered to be a woman named Tapputi, a perfume maker who was mentioned in a cuneiform tablet from the second millennium BC in Mesopotamia[1] She distilled flowers, oil, and calamus with other aromatics then filtered and put them back in the still several times[2] Recently, archaeologists have uncovered what are believed to be the world's oldest perfumes in Pyrgos, Cyprus The perfumes date back more than 4,000 years The perfumes were discovered in an ancient perfumery At least 60 stills, mixing bowls, funnels and perfume bottles were found in the 43,000-square-foot (4,000 m2) factory[3] In ancient times people used herbs and spices, like almond, coriander, myrtle, conifer resin, bergamot, as well as flowers[4] The Arabian chemist, Al-Kindi (Alkindus), wrote in the 9th century a book on perfumes which he named Book of the Chemistry of Perfume and Distillations It contained more than a hundred recipes for fragrant oils, salves, aromatic waters and substitutes or imitations of costly drugs The book also described 107 methods and recipes for perfume-making, and even the perfume making equipment, like the alembic, still bears its Arabic name[5]The Persian Muslim doctor and chemist Avicenna (also known as Ibn Sina) introduced the process of extracting oils from flowers by means of distillation, the procedure most monly used today He first experimented with the rose Until his discovery, liquid perfumes were mixtures of oil and crushed herbs or petals, which made a strong blend Rose water was more delicate, and immediately became popular Both of the raw ingredients and distillation technology significantly influenced western perfumery and scientific developments, particularly chemistryKnowledge of perfumery came to Europe as early as the 14th century due partially to the spread of Islam But it was the Hungarians who ultimately introduced the first modern perfume Made of scented oils blended in an alcohol solution, the first modern perfume was made in 1370 at the mand of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary and was known throughout Europe as Hungary Water The art of perfumery prospered in Renaissance Italy, and in the 16th century, Italian refinements were taken to France by Catherine de' Medici's personal perfumer, Rene le Florentin His laboratory was connected with her apartments by a secret passageway, so that no formulas could be stolen en route France quickly became the European center of perfume and co etic manufacture Cultivation of flowers for their perfume essence, which had begun in the 14th century, grew into a major industry in the south of France During the Renaissance period, perfumes were used primarily by the wealthy to mask body odors resulting from infrequent bathing Partly due to this patronage, the western perfumery industry was created By the 18th century, aromatic plants were being grown in the Grasse region of France to provide the growing perfume industry with raw materials Even today, France remains the centre of the European perfume design and trade。


品牌名称: 伊夫·圣·洛朗(yves saint laurent) 品牌档案: (1)类型:高级时装 (2)创始人:yves saint laurent 伊夫·圣·洛朗 (3)品类:高级时装、香水系列、首饰、鞋帽、化妆品、香烟等。

创始人yves saint laurent 伊夫·圣·洛朗1936年生于阿尔及利亚,21岁时任全球最有声望的迪奥时装公司的首席设计师品牌名称: 范思哲(versace) 品牌档案: (1)类型:高级时装、高级成衣 (2)创始人:詹尼·韦尔萨切(gianni versace) (3)注册地:意大利米兰(1978年) (4)地址:意大利米兰via ges 12 milanoitalia (5)设计师:贾尼˙范思哲,当娜泰拉·范思哲 品牌名称: 古孜 (gucci) 品牌档案: (1)类型:高级成衣 (2)创始人:古奇欧·古孜(gucciogucci) (3)注册地:意大利佛罗伦萨(1923年) (4)设计师: 1923年-1989年,古奇欧·古孜 1989年-1992年,richardmbertson(理查德·兰伯森),时装设计兼创意指导 1990年-1991年,dawnmello(唐·梅洛),美国籍设计师 1994年,tomford(汤姆·福特) (5)品牌线:gucci古孜 (爱马仕(hermes) prada 的包包 又一个意大利经典 芬迪(fendi) yves saint laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗 马球ralph lauren valentino瓦伦蒂诺 切瑞蒂(cerruti) 贝纳通(beton) anna sui(安那·苏) sonia rykiel索尼亚·里基尔 Dolce & Gabbana (D&G)又是一个意大利的经典品牌 guess miu miu 很受欢迎的意大利品牌。! 以"老鹰"为标志的emporio armani男女装是giorgio armani的二线品牌 唐纳·卡兰(donnakaran) LV 意大利有个很经典很经典的牌子叫Pollini也是 皮具业的经典 柏帛丽(burberry)。


香水最早起源于埃及、印度、罗马、希腊、波斯等文明古国十一世纪的十字军东征,给欧洲带来了灿烂的东方文化,香水这种悦人悦已的奢侈品,也在那时逐渐为欧洲人所接受和喜爱Perfume derives initially from countries with an ancient civilization such as Egypt ,India ,Rome ,Greece and PersiaEastward Expedition of the Crusades has brought splendid oriental culture for Europe in the 11th centuries ,and perfume,the delighting article of luxury,were increasingly accepted and been fond of by European 但是直到十六世纪以前,法国的香水工艺还很落后,香水的使用远未形成风气,那时候的法国人甚至拒绝洗澡,一般人家里没有浴室设备The French perfume handicraft falls behind very much until the 16th centuryPerfume sigmati has not formedAnd what's more,French refused to take a bath at that time ,even average homes did not have bath equipment at all1533年,教皇的侄女凯萨琳下嫁法王亨利二世,她带来了丰富瑰丽的意大利文化和生活方式,也成为了法国香水文化的始作俑者她的专职香水师还在巴黎开了第一家香水公司,此店的遗址还能在巴黎找得到In 1533,when Pope's niece married to the king of France,HenryⅡ,she brought rich magnificent Italian culture and life-style,and became the creator of France perfume cultureHer perfumer ran the first perfume pany in Paris ,which can be found in Paris now,leaving only ruins而后来的一位国王亨利四世却对香水不以为然,百姓都讥笑他是臭王路易十三也是个臭王,他的王后对他的臭味忍无可忍,但直到临死前才告诉她的侍女,于是侍女们信誓旦旦向她保证,在她死后,一定用干净的亚麻布、香水和她收集的340副有香味的手套给她陪葬The next king,Henry Ⅳ was not interested in perfume and people all sneered at him as a elly kingThe Louis ⅩⅢ was also a elly king ,and his queen could not stand his ellHowever,she did not tell her maids until dead,so her maids promised to her with an oath that it's absoulutely done to prepair clean linen,perfume and 340 pairs of the glove she collected as buring stuff路易十四一点都不像他的祖先,他对于臭味极其敏感,他命令宫廷香水师必须每天调制出一种他所喜欢的香水,否则就有上断头台的危险故后世对他有“香皇”之称到了路易十六,更是动用倾国之力将意大利的香水及香皂工业高手挖过来,从此奠定了法国香水工业的基础Unlike his ancestors,Louis ⅩⅣ was a ell shaperHe ordered that perfumers in the palace must modulated ont kind of perfume he liked in each day,or they are threatened to be cut the headSo he was called "the incense emperor " in the later agesIn Louis ⅩⅥ,overwhelming power was used to hire proficient from。


History of PerfumePerfume is thousands of years old - the word "perfume" es from the Latin per fume "through oke" One of the oldest uses of perfumes es form the burning of incense and aromatic herbs used in religious services, often the aromatic gums, frankincense and myrrh, gathered from trees The Egyptians were the first to incorporate perfume into their culture followed by the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Israelites, Carthaginians, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans The earliest use of perfume bottles is Egyptian and dates to around 1000 BC The Egyptians invented glass and perfume bottles were one of the first mon uses for glass Perfume was first used by the Egyptians as part of their religious rituals The two principal methods of use at this time was the burning of incense and the application of balms and ointments Perfumed oils were applied to the skin for eitherco etic or medicinal purposes During the Old and Middle Kingdoms, perfumes were reserved exclusively for religious rituals such as cleansing ceremonies Then during the New Kingdom (1580-1085 BC) they were used during festivals and Egyptian women also used perfumed creams and oils as toiletries ar co etics and as preludes to love-making The use of perfume then spread to Greece, Rome, and the Islamic world And it was the Islamic munity that kept the use of perfumes since the spread of Christianity led to a decline in the use of perfume With the fall of the Roman Empire, perfume's influence dwindled It was not until the twelfth century and the development of international trade that this decline was reversed Perfume enjoyed huge success during the seventeenth century Perfumed gloves became popular in France and in 1656, the guild of glove and perfume-makers was established The use of perfume in France grew steadily The court of Louis XV was even named "the perfumed court" due to the scents which were applied daily not only to the skin but also to clothing, fans and furniture The eighteenth century saw a revolutionary advance in perfumery with the invention of eau de Cologne This refreshing blend of rosemary, neroli, bergamot and lemon was used in a multitude of different ways: diluted in bath water, mixed with wine, eaten on a sugar lump, as a mouthwash, an enema or an ingredient for a poultice, injected directly。

and so on The variety of eighteenth-century perfume containers was as wide as that of the fragrances and their uses Sponges soaked in scented vinaigres de toilette were kept in gilded metal vinaigrettes Liquid perfumes came in beautiful Louis XIV-style pear-shaped bottles Glass became increasingly popular, particularly in France with the opening of the Baccarat factory in 1765As with industry and the arts, perfume was to undergo profound change in the nieenth century Changing tastes and the development of modern chemistry laid the foundations of perfumery as we know it today Alchemy gave way to chemistry and new fragrances were created The French Revolution had in no way diminished the taste for perfume, there was even a fragrance called "Parfum a la Guillotine" Under the post-revolutionary government, people once again dared to express a penchant for luxury goods, including perfume A profusion of vanity boxes containing perfumes appeared in the 19th century This picture shows a woman at her dressing tableDue to its ja ine, rose and orange-growing trades, the town of Grasse in Provence established itself as the largest production center for raw materials The statutes of the perfume-makers of Grasse were passed in 1724 Paris became the mercial counterpart to Grasse and the world center of perfume Perfume houses such as Houbigant (produces Quelques Fleurs, still very popular today), Lubin, Roger & Gallet, and Guerlain were all based in Paris。


The French have a long tradition and skills in the art of making perfumesThe great names in fashion have assisted i exporting some of the most important names in perfume thoughout the worldThe birth place for French perfumes is in the Provence region and is called OccitaneThe abundance of herbs,lavander and many other wild flowers on the rocky landscape,plus hundreds of years of experience in distilling mixtures and creating scentsFashion has been an important industry and cultural export of France since the seventeenth century,and modern "haute couture" originated in Paris in the 1860sToday,Paris,along with Tokyo,London,Milan,and New York City,is considered one of the world's fashion capitals,and the city is home or headquarters to many of the premier fashion housesHistorically,many of the world's top designers and fashion houses have been French,including Coco Chanel,Christian Dior,Louis Vuitton,Lanvin,Chloé,Hermès,Guy Laroche,Yves Saint Laurent and shoe designer Christian LouboutinThe Paris fashion houses also attract many foreign designers。


The French have a long tradition and skills in the art of making perfumes The great names in fashion have assisted i exporting some of the most important names in perfume thoughout the worldThe birth place for French perfumes is in the Provence region and is called Occitane The abundance of herbs, lavander and many other wild flowers on the rocky landscape, plus hundreds of years of experience in distilling mixtures and creating scentsFashion has been an important industry and cultural export of France since the seventeenth century, and modern "haute couture" originated in Paris in the 1860s Today, Paris, along with Tokyo, London, Milan, and New York City, is considered one of the world's fashion capitals, and the city is home or headquarters to many of the premier fashion houses Historically, many of the world's top designers and fashion houses have been French, including Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Lanvin, Chloé, Hermès, Guy Laroche, Yves Saint Laurent and shoe designer Christian Louboutin The Paris fashion houses also attract many foreign designers。


Chanel No5[1] was the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel,and has been on sale continuously since its introduction in 1921It has been described as "the world's most legendary fragrance",and remains the pany's most famous perfume[2] The pany estimates that a bottle is sold worldwide every 55 seconds[3]HistoryAccording to one story of the creation of Chanel No5,Coco Chanel missioned the renowned perfumer Ernest Beaux to make six perfumes for her choosingThey were labeled No1,No2,etcthrough No6(Breaux himself,qv,relates a slightly different version of the story)It was bottle No5 that was to Chanel's liking and became the chosen formulaThe number "5" was also her lucky number[citation needed]At the time of its inception,the most expensive perfume oil was ja ine due to the expensive distilling processChanel wanted to create the most costly perfume in the world,and as such No5 relies heavily on ja ineDespite wanting to do this herself,when Jean Patou introduced Joy,which actually was the costliest perfume in the world,Chanel was actually very scornful,saying "Joy was for women who wanted to put their petty morals on display [by wearing the world's costliest perfume]"[citation needed]Chanel introduced it first to some of her friends on May 5,1921Initially,it was given to preferred clients for free at her boutiqueThe fitting rooms in her boutique were also scented with No5This strategy is imitated today by retailersIn 1924,Pierre Wertheimer partnered Coco Chanel in her perfume businessHe owned 70%,Coco owned 10%,and her friend Bader owned 20%Chanel agreed to owning such a all amount in exchange for having plete control over the productToday,the Wertheimer family still runs the perfume businessNo5 was originally available in three strengths:Parfum,Eau de Toilette and Eau de CologneIn the late 1980s Eau de Parfum was introduced and the Eau de Cologne discontinued香奈尔五号是世界上最著名的香水产品之一,也是由香奈尔始创人可可·香奈尔推出的第一款香水可可·香奈尔委任Ernest Beaux开发六款香水配方,并依次命名为一号至六号,而其中第五号配方受到垂青而被推出市场,它是第一种以合成花香醛为主要材料的著名香水配方,在合成工艺尚待成熟前,人们在出门前习惯涂大量香水或经常补充,以维持芬芳的体香可可·香奈尔在1921年5月5日首次向朋友推介这种产品,随后以赠品方式向小服装店和相熟客户推广。

8求英国** 《香水》的英文简介,200词左右的,上英语课演讲用3


Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 1985 literary historical cross-genre novel (originally published in German as Das Parfum) by German writer Patrick Süskind The novel explores the sense of ell

and its relationship with the emotional meaning that scents may carry

Above all it is a story of identity, munication and the morality of

the human spirit

The story focuses on Jean-Baptiste Grenouille,

a perfume apprentice in 18th-century France who, born with no body

scent himself, begins to stalk and murder virgins in search of the

"perfect scent", which he finds in a young woman named Laure, whom his

acute sense of ell finds in a secluded private garden in Grasse

Some editions of Perfume have as their cover image Antoine Watteau's painting Jupiter and Antiope, which depicts a murdered woman



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