

In extremely ancient times, human beings relied on their intelligence to domesticate animals, so that they can not only eat meat at any time, but also use their fur to make clothes to keep warm Before silk, linen, cloth and silk were invented, humans used animal fur to make clothes to resist the cold

Later, with the progress of textile technology, people's clothes were also made of cloth, while animal fur clothes became a luxury People who can afford these clothes are often either rich or expensive But the animal fur used in these clothes is often mink or bear skin Have you ever seen anything made of pig skin An artist made such an attempt After tattooing a live pig, a pig skin of more than 700000 was bought by Chanel and made into a limited edition handbag What's going on

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The name of the man who tattooed the pig is WIM He is an artist from Belgium Since he was a child, he showed his artistic talent different from ordinary people and often did things that people couldn't understand In 1977, in order to create art, Wim went to a farm in the countryside to find inspiration On this farm, he saw a very interesting thing, that is, the farmer's children graffiti on the pigs with paintbrushes Most people may think these children are very naughty when they see them, but VIM gets his own creative inspiration from them

So he couldn't wait to buy a pig to try Of course, unlike the children, VIM didn't just doodle on the pigs, but decided to tattoo them Many people may find it incredible It's understandable to tattoo people, but what's the point of tattooing pigs Maybe it's the difference between the so-called artists and ordinary people

After buying the pig back, VIM asked someone to shave all the hair on the pig Because the tattoo was very painful, the pig would scream and struggle fiercely There was no way to tattoo, so VIM tried to anesthetize the pig However, because the dose of anesthetic is very difficult to control, more injections may kill pigs, and less injections can not have a good effect Pigs can only be anesthetized with a small dose, which can only last two hours at a time, and can only be anesthetized once a week for the sake of pig safety So the work of tattooing pigs took three months to complete, but it made VIM a lot of gains


Not long after tattooing the pig, VIM received a court summons from Chanel It turned out that he tattooed the logo of Chanel on the back of the pig, so Chanel believed that VIM infringed their trademark In fact, the original reason why VIM did this was to attract the attention of Chanel Therefore, facing the subpoena of the court, VIM did not panic, but contacted Chanel company and said he could give them the pig with Chanel logo, and the luxury goods made from the pig's skin would certainly sell at a high price

After discussion, Chanel felt that this was indeed a good way So after they obtained the pig skin, they made it into two handbags Once the two handbags were launched, they caused a sensation in the market, and even had been fried to 500000 yuan in the market Chanel, which saw the business opportunity, decided to cooperate with VIM to provide itself with tattooed pig skin But later, Wim's behavior was protested by animal protection organizations, saying that he tattooed animals as an act of animal abuse Therefore, in order to maintain the company's image, Chanel can only terminate the contract with vim


After the tattoo of a live pig, a pig skin of more than 700000 was bought by Chanel and made into a limited edition handbag Some of the artist's practices may be difficult for ordinary people to understand, or even feel meaningless But since this kind of thing can exist, there may be something special In any case, Wim's approach is an innovation It is with this unique artistic talent that he is valued by Chanel and gives a pig skin a higher value



2002年,演了银幕处女作《钢琴师》。2004年,在尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的**《国家宝藏》里饰演女配角Abigail Chase,还在**《特洛伊》中饰演那位引燃战火的海伦王后[1-2] 。2009年,在昆汀·塔伦蒂诺自编自导的**《无耻混蛋》饰演Bridget von Hammersmark。2012年,成为喜剧**《私奔B计划》的女主角。


300 ~ 379 法国

前缀码 编码组织所在国家 ( 或地区 )/ 应用领域 前缀码 编码组织所在国家 ( 或地区 )/ 应用领域

000 ~ 019;030 ~ 039;060 ~ 139 美国

020 ~ 029;040 ~ 049;200 ~ 299 店内码

050 ~ 059 优惠券

300 ~ 379 法国

380 保加利亚

383 斯洛文尼亚

385 克罗地亚

387 波黑

400 ~ 440 德国

450 ~ 459;490 ~ 499 日本

460 ~ 469 俄罗斯

470 吉尔吉斯斯坦

471 中国台湾

474 爱沙尼亚

475 拉脱维亚

476 阿塞拜疆

477 立陶宛

478 乌兹别克斯坦

479 斯里兰卡

480 菲律宾

481 白俄罗斯

482 乌克兰

484 摩尔多瓦

485 亚美尼亚

486 格鲁吉亚

487 哈萨克斯坦

489 中国香港特别行政区

500 ~ 509 英国

520 希腊

528 黎巴嫩

529 塞浦路斯

530 阿尔巴尼亚

531 马其顿

535 马耳他

539 爱尔兰

540 ~ 549 比利时和卢森堡

560 葡萄牙

569 冰岛

570 ~ 579 丹麦

590 波兰

594 罗马尼亚

599 匈牙利

600、601 南非

603 加纳

608 巴林

609 毛里求斯

611 摩洛哥

613 阿尔及利亚

616 肯尼亚

618 象牙海岸

619 突尼斯

621 叙利亚

622 埃及

624 利比亚

625 约旦

626 伊朗

627 科威特

628 沙特阿拉伯

629 阿拉伯联合酋长国

640 ~ 649 芬兰

690 ~ 695 中华人民共和国

700 ~ 709 挪威

729 以色列

730 ~ 739 瑞典

740 危地马拉

741 萨尔瓦多

742 洪都拉斯

743 尼加拉瓜

744 哥斯达黎加

745 巴拿马

746 多米尼加

750 墨西哥

754 ~ 755 加拿大

759 委内瑞拉

760 ~ 769 瑞士

770 哥伦比亚

773 乌拉圭

775 秘鲁

777 玻利维亚

779 阿根廷

780 智利

784 巴拉圭

786 厄瓜多尔

789 ~ 790 巴西

800 ~ 839 意大利

840 ~ 849 西班牙

850 古巴

858 斯洛伐克

859 捷克

860 南斯拉夫

865 蒙古

867 朝鲜

869 土耳其

870 ~ 879 荷兰

880 韩国

884 柬埔寨

885 泰国

888 新加坡

890 印度

893 越南

899 印度尼西亚

900 ~ 919 奥地利

930 ~ 939 澳大利亚

940 ~ 949 新西兰

955 马来西亚

958 中国澳门特别行政区

977 连续出版物

978、979 图书

980 应收票据

981、982 普通流通券

990 ~ 999 优惠券



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