

Original lover lover mm yeah uh
Catch a groove girl catch a groove that's right
A who da man dat love to make you moist and wet
A who da man dat love to make you moan and sweat
A who da man dat love to make you scream out "yes"
A who da man dat love to make you moist and wet
A who da man that love to make you moan and sweat
A who da man dat love to make you scream out "yes" naw

Sweet succulent and fine
A twinkling eye on my darling divine
I love the way you move all the way you're designed
Your only lines are my mind forget the corny line
Now let me hit you off with this question sign
You seem to be the type for me to wine and dine
A little candlelight dinner toasted over some wine
Well I will hit you off with this lyrical rhyme
Now Mr Lover keep her rockin' Mr Lover keep her rockin'
Mr Lover keep her rockin' and swing

Now Mr Lover keep her rockin' Mr Lover keep her rockin'
Mr Lover keep her rockin' and swing

Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
Once I get my hands on you
(Luv me luv me luv me sex machine)
Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
I hope you feel the same way too
Step in my caravan of love
So I can love and give you hot oil rubs
Dem ever wet kissies wit' dem brazen hugs
And now your sweet silky body on my Persian rug
While we be sippin' cocoa from da same ol' mug
I'm readin' fortune cookies from the Chines proverb
It had some great stuff written in it with some cool rub-a-dub
A little ol' reminisce in the hot tub huh
Mr Lover Mr Lover Mr Lover
Mr Lover Mr Lover Mr Lover

Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
Once I get my hands on you
(Luv me luv me luv me sex machine)
Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
I hope you feel the same way too
Girlie girlie
You woke up a real sex machine
Girlie girlie
Huh I'll hit you between da sheets
Girlie girlie
Whoo I'll make you moan and scream
Girlie Girlie
You know what I'm sayin'
Girl you're unique
Now let me take a whiff of that sweet physique
Girlie girlie
You're the only girl allowed to make my heart stop beatin'
Make me ha ha breathless Can can hardly speak
To meet a lady of your calibre is an honor indeed
Leave a lastin' impression for weeks and weeks
I want to throw rose petals to your humble feet
Lay you gently on my sheet and sexercise you to sleep huh
Mr Lover Mr Lover Mr Lover

Mr Lover Mr Lover Mr Lover

Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
Once I get my hands on you
(Luv me luv me luv me sex machine)
Ooh boy I love you so
Never ever ever gonna let you go
I hope you feel the same way too

- Shaggy - Luv Me Luv Me -



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上一篇 2024-03-13


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