谁知道周杰伦 出倒后 第一张专辑后 作音乐的艰辛.努力和付出!!

谁知道周杰伦 出倒后 第一张专辑后 作音乐的艰辛.努力和付出!!,第1张









冰心有首小诗 成功的花 人们只敬慕它显时的明艳 然而当初它的芽儿 浸透了奋斗的泪泉 洒遍了牺牲的血雨 杰伦的成名之旅 不正是这首诗滋生懂得诠译吗










JAY-Z 的 Don't Let Me Die

[R Kelly]

Dear God, bring our P-O-Ws home

And our brothers on lockdown, home



JEAH !!! Back blocked on everybody laptop

(HOV) Hittin' niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British is comin'

(KELL) Oh yeah da niggas is comin' get out ya good dishes or somethin' like it's Thanksgiving

(HOV) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready it's

[R Kelly]

Whatever happen Lord, dont pass me by

Cause whenever I did wrong it was ya name I cried

I heard you forgave over and over again

But when I found out I love you, you became ammune to my sins

Laid wide awake in da middle of my sleep (I see dead people)

And sometimes it's me Lord

I never wanted to be a thug father

I only wanted to be a son of a father

That's how it sounds inside, worse than da war in Iraq, when it's me against I

I gave up da weed and somehow Im still high

Three years still seein' them three guys Lord (Whoo)

Sometimes I dont know what you want from me, but I do know you know what I want from you

(Give it to me)

(Come on) Take away this Hennessey, take away me runnin' da streets

Stop people from rapin' me, take away all this jealously and prejudicy

Lord you said it was better place, I grew up around pimps, hustlers, hoes and project gates

Its HARD TO BELIEVE in what I cant see

I got to get this money and feed my family


Whatever in me guides my life, dear Lord Dont Let Me Die tonight

But if I shall before I wake, what shall I say

Its been a good run from hoodlum to outin' da states

How could one who made so much foul mistakes, still be allowed to have a smile on my face

How whatever da case Im glad it wasnt murder, in a town you never heard of

From a nickel plated burner

Now my life straight like a perm, tried to take da spot I earn

Muthafucka better learn


(Its HOV) Back blocked on everybody laptop

(KELL) Hit niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British is comin'

(HOV) Oh yeah da niggas is comin get out ya good dishes or somethin' like its Thanksgiving

(KELL) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready

[R Kelly]

Lord hear me out, got a few more things to say

These demons be chasin' me like everyday (Come here)

Nah my life on crutches, never say I never walk again

But da devil is a lie cause I believe within'

You're da reason that Im still here, even though I dont act like it

Even though I hear my callin' and fight it

Fools do me so wrong, its hard to stay righteous

Pimpin was allowed to happen I'll hide it

Believe me Lord I want you, got money and fame but still it just wont do

Sometimes I dont like who I am, when I look in da mirror my reflection is Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam)

And every night I have these weird dreams, that a preacher trapped inside of me wake up and cant


I feel like its twenty of me, goin' twenty different directions on a one way street Lord

I got houses, money and cars, and met every single superstar

I got da whole music industry sold, but it still dont matter

[R Kelly & Jay-Z]

When Im gone and my casket closed!!!


Whatever in me guides my life, dear Lord Dont Let Me Die tonight

But if I shall before I wake, I'd accept my fate

I did what I did my heart was in da right place (Ohhh)

I guess so I can live it put food on my plate

You must still love me not to let it in by three that day

Well whatever da case Im glad it wasnt murder, in a town you never heard of

From a nickel plated burner

I guess Im not finished wit my journey, please forgive me for my sins

Shit Im still tryna learn me


(HOV) From da back block on everybody laptop

(KELL) Hit niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British was comin'

(HOV) Oh yeah da niggas is comin get out ya good dishes or somethin' like its Thanksgiving

(KELL) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready


[(R Kelly) Jay-Z]

Many men (Whoo) have come and gone in these streets (Feel Me)

Walked alone in these streets (Ohhh) waitin' to hear from you (Come on Lord)

Oh Lord,(Whoo)wrap your arms (Wrap your arms around us God)around da hood

(Lift every peace from war, bring our soldiers home, Let us pray)






第一部《头文字D》故事梗概 故事的主人公藤原拓海是个普通的高中男生,拥有无与伦比的飞车天赋。从中一开始,每天早上驾驶那辆AE86在秋名山上飞驰,练成了华丽(注意:是华丽)的驾驶技术。必须注意,他的车技之所以高明,是有赖于每天凌晨必须将父亲做的豆腐送到秋名山山顶的饭店。无论刮风、下雨、下雪,五年间车技竟然突飞猛进。 黑白颜色的AE86是一辆只有130匹马力的日本“国宝级”旧款跑车,但凭着藤原拓海超凡的技术和天分,先后击败同样是天才少年Red Sun车队的高桥启介;驾驶令人望而生畏的黑色R32的中里毅;采用死亡胶布赛(用胶布粘绑住右手,使方向盘无法扭到空手时的最大限度)战胜了KightKids的第二把交椅;更在秋名山的山道中击败Red Sun第一把交椅,驾驶着代表高贵的FC3S的高桥凉介。当然,拓海的成长不止这些,“他的技术就像艺术一样”,我们最熟悉的就是AE86那华丽的甩尾(汽车用语。指车疾速行驶时疾速拐弯,车轮横向滑动的状态。)以及排水道跑法。 秋名山下坡最快的AE86神话正式开始。

第二部《头文字D》故事梗概 藤原拓海由于不败的战绩,必然会受到新的挑战。 《头文字D》的第二部着重突出拓海的成长,当然不乏激烈的挑战。最经典的要数赤诚和依吕波山路两位老大的比拼。年轻的拓海在爱情上触了礁,在输给国王车队的lanEvo 3后,拓海遇到了人生的挫折,对自己和AE86产生了怀疑,AE86真的有足够的实力吗? AE86的重生来自拓海的爸爸文太,他为AE86改装了车用引擎。同时,拓海遇到了同样是AE86的强劲对手秋山涉。有意思的是比赛规则是在同一赛道两车来回追赶,直到其中之一能超越对方为止,既要技术又考耐力。胜利让拓海继续接受这辆AE86和重拾信心回到车手的生涯。

第三部《头文字D》故事梗概 这部主要讲述梦想和前途。 同场飙技的伙伴们在高中毕业后各自工作,有的去东京打工,有的在加油站工作。 故事的主人公拓海最后选择了边工作边飞车,正职是运输公司的司机,同时加入了赤诚Red Sun车队,并为“改写各地的记录,留下传说”而奋斗。 职业车手生涯正式开始。 虽然说“车手是不需要爱情的”,《头文字D》里不缺爱情。以AE86为目标的武内树找到了自己的真爱阿珍,但在爱与赛车两者中毅然选择了赛车。同样是赛车手的池谷浩一郎和佐藤真子也各自选择了自己的梦想,最后佐藤真子还是没等到池谷的到来。 爱情在大结局里终于出现。拓海和女友的爱情虽然曲折但是完美,从女友以前只会为了钱而出卖肉体,到想让拓海看到她的改变和努力,彻头彻尾是一个浪漫的爱情故事,而且,结局以英雄救美的形式出现。相信可以羡慕死一大堆情窦初开的男女。暂时是结局了,而且看结尾也没有续集的意思 第四部结局是说FD和86赢了神之脚和神之手,神之手还教给托海连凉介都想学的小角度漂移技术(介于常规漂移与咬地的跑法),然后就说D的年青人继续向明天奋斗。


[R Kelly]

Dear God, bring our P-O-Ws home

上帝啊 把我们的战俘带回家吧

And our brothers on lockdown, home





JEAH !!! Back blocked on everybody laptop


(HOV) Hittin’ niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British is comin’

(KELL) Oh yeah da niggas is comin’ get out ya good dishes or somethin’ like it’s Thanksgiving

噢耶 我兄弟们就要来了 快准备一顿盛宴款待 就像感恩节到了一样

(HOV) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready it’s

R Kelly就要来了!快做好准备迎接。。。

[R Kelly]

Whatever happen Lord, dont pass me by

不论发生什么 上帝啊不要让我错过

Cause whenever I did wrong it was ya name I cried


I heard you forgave over and over again


But when I found out I love you, you became ammune to my sins

但当我发现我爱你时 你让我感到罪恶

Laid wide awake in da middle of my sleep (I see dead people)


And sometimes it’s me Lord


I never wanted to be a thug father


I only wanted to be a son of a father


That’s how it sounds inside, worse than da war in Iraq, when it’s me against I

这是我内心的声音 比伊拉克战争还可怕 当我和自己作对时

I gave up da weed and somehow Im still high


Three years still seein’ them three guys Lord (Whoo)

三年了 我还能看见它们 上帝啊

Sometimes I dont know what you want from me, but I do know you know what I want from you

有时候我不知道你想从我这儿得到什么 但我知道的是你知道我想从你那儿得到点儿什么

(Give it to me)


(Come on) Take away this Hennessey, take away me runnin’ da streets

Stop people from rapin’ me, take away all this jealously and prejudicy

Lord you said it was better place, I grew up around pimps, hustlers, hoes and project gates

带走这瓶轩尼诗 带我走 在那些街道上奔跑

别让人们再我 不要再用嫉妒和偏见看我

上帝啊你说你要把人间变得更美好 但是你看看我 我在这样一群人(各种不法职业者)之中长大

Its HARD TO BELIEVE in what I cant see


I got to get this money and feed my family



Whatever in me guides my life, dear Lord Dont Let Me Die tonight

无论什么引导着我的生命 亲爱的上帝别让我今晚就死了

But if I shall before I wake, what shall I say

但如果我真就这样死了 我该说什么好

Its been a good run from hoodlum to outin’ da states

从一个街头无赖到现在这个地步 我也不容易

How could one who made so much foul mistakes, still be allowed to have a smile on my face


How whatever da case Im glad it wasnt murder, in a town you never heard of

不管是什么案子幸好不是谋杀 在我家那儿你听不到这些谣言

From a nickel plated burner

从一个镀镍的燃烧器?(nickel是五分钱,也是镍的意思 burner是燃烧的 plated单独用是镀某种金属)

Now my life straight like a perm, tried to take da spot I earn

Muthafucka better learn




(Its HOV) Back blocked on everybody laptop


(HOV) Hittin’ niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British is comin’

(KELL) Oh yeah da niggas is comin’ get out ya good dishes or somethin’ like it’s Thanksgiving

噢耶 我兄弟们就要来了 快准备一顿盛宴款待 就像感恩节到了一样

(HOV) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready it’s

R Kelly就要来了!快做好准备迎接。。。

[R Kelly]

Lord hear me out, got a few more things to say

上帝啊 我还有几句想对你说

These demons be chasin’ me like everyday (Come here)


Nah my life on crutches, never say I never walk again

我的生命就靠拐杖走路 我不能再行走了

But da devil is a lie cause I believe within’

但是那些恶魔的话是谎言 我还是相信

You’re da reason that Im still here, even though I dont act like it

你就是我还活着的原因 尽管我不喜欢我的人生

Even though I hear my callin’ and fight it

尽管我听到了召唤 我与之抗争

Fools do me so wrong, its hard to stay righteous

蠢蛋们总是冤枉我 坚持正义太难

Pimpin was allowed to happen I’ll hide it


Believe me Lord I want you, got money and fame but still it just wont do

相信我上帝 我想要银子和名声但是我就是得不到(山姆大叔的形象也总是和“I want you”联系在一起 指的大概是要你表达你的观点和看法啥的)

Sometimes I dont like who I am, when I look in da mirror my reflection is Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam)

有时我也还喜欢我现在的样子 但是当我照镜子时 我的影像是山姆大叔(美国的象征)

And every night I have these weird dreams, that a preacher trapped inside of me wake up and cant

每晚我做的那些怪梦 像有一个牧师活在我心中 他觉醒了



I feel like its twenty of me, goin’ twenty different directions on a one way street Lord

好像有20个我 在一条单行道上向着20个不同的方向奔走 上地啊(人格分裂吧)

I got houses, money and cars, and met every single superstar

我又房子车子票子 我见过每一个超级明星

I got da whole music industry sold, but it still dont matter

我卖掉了整个音乐公司 老子不在乎

[R Kelly & Jay-Z]

When Im gone and my casket closed!!!

当我死了 我的棺盖盖上了!


Whatever in me guides my life, dear Lord Dont Let Me Die tonight

不论什么引导着我的生命 上帝啊我今晚还不想死

But if I shall before I wake, I’d accept my fate

但如果我真死了 我也会接受我的宿命

I did what I did my heart was in da right place (Ohhh)


I guess so I can live it put food on my plate

所以我想就这样活着 把食物摆在我的盘子里(信上帝的人饭前要祷告)

You must still love me not to let it in by three that day

上帝啊 你一定眷顾着我 不会在3点之前让我心里的恶魔逃逸

Well whatever da case Im glad it wasnt murder, in a town you never heard of

还好 无论我做错了什么 只要不是杀人 你也不会从谣言中听说这些事儿

From a nickel plated burner


I guess Im not finished wit my journey, please forgive me for my sins

我想我的人生旅程还没走完 请宽恕我的罪行!

Shit Im still tryna learn me

该死的 我还想更了解自己一些啊



(Its HOV) Back blocked on everybody laptop


(HOV) Hittin’ niggas from da shower, hold a note like da guy who said da British is comin’

(KELL) Oh yeah da niggas is comin’ get out ya good dishes or somethin’ like it’s Thanksgiving

噢耶 我兄弟们就要来了 快准备一顿盛宴款待 就像感恩节到了一样

(HOV) And non other than da "R" and without further a due like Freddy get ready it’s

R Kelly就要来了!快做好准备迎接。。。


[(R Kelly) Jay-Z]

Many men (Whoo) have come and gone in these streets (Feel Me)

瞧 人们来来往往

Walked alone in these streets (Ohhh) waitin’ to hear from you (Come on Lord)

踽踽独行 想要听到你的声音 上帝啊

Oh Lord,(Whoo)wrap your arms (Wrap your arms around us God)around da hood

上帝啊 拥抱我们这些凡人 在你的庇护下

(Lift every peace from war, bring our soldiers home, Let us pray)

(将和平带给战争 把我们的战士带回家 让我们一起祈祷他们平安)



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