

沉甸甸,白花花,绿油油,黑黝黝,慢腾腾,阴森森,皱巴巴,亮铮铮,笑嘻嘻,香喷喷,乱哄哄,黑漆漆,轻飘飘,湿漉漉,红彤彤,骨碌碌,雾朦朦,喜盈盈,亮晶晶,黄灿灿,孤零零,毛绒绒,胖乎乎 一颗颗 一簇簇 绿油油 黄澄澄 红彤彤

笑眯眯 金灿灿 亮晶晶 香喷喷 水灵灵 水灵灵

笑哈哈 红艳艳 黑乎乎 圆溜溜 笑嘻嘻 黑洞洞

蓝幽幽 响当当 笑呵呵 脏兮兮 阴森森 胖嘟嘟

傻乎乎 顶呱呱 白皑皑 白花花,绿莹莹,黄澄澄,绿油油,明晃晃,慢腾腾,


毛茸茸,乱蓬蓬,清凌凌,水凌凌,湿漉漉,笑吟吟,空荡荡,红艳艳,白皑皑,明晃晃,恶狠狠,赤裸裸,野茫茫,蓝湛湛,红彤彤,碧澄澄,绿油油,红艳艳,金灿灿,乱腾腾、慢腾腾、热腾腾 喜洋洋,乐呵呵


毛茸茸,乱蓬蓬,清凌凌,水凌凌,湿漉漉,笑吟吟,空荡荡,红艳艳,白皑皑,明晃晃,恶狠狠,赤裸裸,野茫茫,蓝湛湛,红彤彤,碧澄澄,绿油油,红艳艳,金灿灿,乱腾腾、慢腾腾、热腾腾 喜洋洋,乐呵呵 笑呵呵 笑吟吟 笑盈盈 水汪汪 水灵灵 滴溜溜 乌溜溜 直勾勾 骨碌碌 眼睁睁 眼巴巴 乱蓬蓬 齐刷刷 凉冰冰 热乎乎 潮乎乎 黑乎乎 油渍渍 湿淋淋 汗腻腻 汗渍渍 油亮亮 油腻腻 光亮亮 光闪闪 油乎乎 光溜溜 黑油油 粘糊糊 亮晶晶 脏兮兮 皱巴巴 干巴巴 松塌塌 胖墩墩 肉墩墩 瘦巴巴 瘦嶙嶙 喜洋洋 喜滋滋 喜冲冲 兴冲冲 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋

茵茵 绿莹莹 青幽幽 毛茸茸 软绵绵 光秃秃 绿森森 直挺挺 一串串 一簇簇 白嫩嫩 白生生 白花花 黄灿灿 黄澄澄 红殷殷 红艳艳 甜丝丝

绿茸茸 绿油油 绿茵茵 绿莹莹 青幽幽 毛茸茸 软绵绵 光秃秃 绿森森 直挺挺 一串串 一簇簇 白嫩嫩 白生生 白花花 黄灿灿 黄澄澄 红殷殷 红艳艳 甜丝丝 甜津津 沉甸甸 香喷喷 胖乎乎 圆溜溜 油黄黄 黑亮亮 圆乎乎 圆滚滚 滑溜溜 蓬松松 油亮亮 红嫩嫩 红扑扑 冷冰冰 笑嘻嘻 阴森森 苦巴巴 笑眯眯 笑哈哈 笑呵呵 笑吟吟 笑盈盈 水汪汪 水灵灵 滴溜溜 乌溜溜 直勾勾 骨碌碌 眼睁睁 眼巴巴 乱蓬蓬 齐刷刷 凉冰冰 热乎乎 潮乎乎 黑乎乎 油渍渍 湿淋淋 汗腻腻 汗渍渍 油亮亮 油腻腻 光亮亮 光闪闪 油乎乎 光溜溜 黑油油 粘糊糊 亮晶晶 脏兮兮 皱巴巴 干巴巴 松塌塌 胖墩墩 肉墩墩 瘦巴巴 瘦嶙嶙 喜洋洋 喜滋滋 喜冲冲 兴冲冲 乐悠悠 乐陶陶 乐滋滋










一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB

三月份=MAR 四月份=APR

五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN

七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG

九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT

十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC








USMC=海军陆战队 NAVY=海军


AAMOF as a matter of fact

ADN any day now

AFAIC as far as I'm concerned

AFAICS as far as I can see

AFAICT as far as I can tell

AFAIK = as far as I know 就我所知

AFAIR as far as I remember

AFK away from keyboard

AISB as I said before

AISI as I see it

AIUI as I understand it

AKA - " Also Known As"

AKA also known as

ANFAWFOS and now for a word from our sponsor

ANFSCD And now for something completely different

ARP - " Address Resolution Protocol"

ARQ - " Automatic Repeat Request"

ASAP as soon as possible

ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) :美国信息交换标准码。

ASP(Active Server Pages) :是一种基于 Windows NT 的 IIS 的服务器端的脚本编写环境。

ATLA another three letter acronym

AWGTHTGTATA Are we going to have to go through all this again

AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again

AYOR at your own risc

BAK back at keyboard

BBL be back later 稍后便回

BBS - " Bulletin Board Software" and " Bulletin Board System"

BBS be back soon

BCNU be seeing you

BF boyfriend

BFN bye for now

Big5 :大五码,中文内码之一, 此码代表中文繁体字, 为港、台地区广泛使用。

BIOS(Basic Input and Output System) :基本输入输出系统。

BOT back on topic

BRB = be right back 很快回来

Browser :浏览器,一种可在 Internet 上任何地方查找和访问文件的程序, 如网景公司 (Netscape) 所推出的 Netscape Navigator 或微软公司 (Microsoft) 的 Microsoft Internet Explorer 。

BSD - " Berkeley Software Distribution"

BSF but seriously folks

BST but seriously though

BTAIM be that as it may

BTDT been there done that

BTHOM Beats the hell outta me!

BTSOOM Beats the shit out of me!

BTW = by the way 顺便说一下

BTWBO Be there with bells on

Cc: - " Carbon Copy"

CD(Compact Disc) :光盘。

CGI - " Comman Gateway Interface"

CGI(Common Gateway Interface) :通用网关接口,通用网关接口,是 Web 服务器与外部应用程序之间的一个接口标准。

CIU(Computer Interface Unit) :计算机接口部件。

CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong

COTFLGOHAHA Crawling on the floor laughing guts out and having a heart attack

CU See you

CUA commonly used acronym

CUL See you later 再会

CUL8R See you later

CWYL Chat with you later

CYA Cover your ass

D& C Duck and cover

DBMS(Date Base Mananement System) :数据库管理系统。

DC = Washington D . C 华盛顿特区

DDE(Dynamic Date Exchang) :动态数据交换。

DEC(Digital Equipment Corporation) :数字设备公司。

DES - " Data Encryption Standard"

DIIK = damned if I know 我的确不知道

DILLIGAD Do I look like I give a darn!

DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a fuck!

DIY do it yourselves

DIY(er)(Do It Yourself) :自己动手做,泛指操作、使用、安装、维护计算机的人。

DNPM darn near pissed myself

DNS - " Domain Name Service"

Domain :域,称为网络区域, 每区有独立的运行方式。

DOS(Disk Operating System) :磁盘操作系统,是一种早期最常见的操作系统。

DUCWIC Do you see what I see

DVD(Digital Video Disk) :数字视盘。

DWISNWID Do what I say not what I do

DYHWIH Do you hear what I hear

DYJHIW Don't You just hate it when

E2EG ear to ear grin

EIDE(Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics interface) :增强型集成驱动器电子接口标准,传输速度高,适于大硬盘。

EIN(Educational Information Network) :教育信息网。

Elm - " Electronic Mail for UNIX"

E-mail :电子邮(函)件,是计算机应用软件的通用术语, 可使用户在不同的计算机上发送信息, 电子邮件是网络上最常用的通信方式。

EOD end of discussion

EOF end of file

EOS end of show

ESAL Eat shit and live!

ETLA extended three letter acronym

FAAK falling asleep at keyboard

FAFWOA for a friend without access

FAQ - " Frequently asked questions"

Fcc: - " File Carbon Copy"

FIFO first in first out

Firewall :防火墙,用来分割网域、过滤传送和接收资料、及防制非法入侵。

FITB Fill in the blank

FOAD Fuck off and die

FOAF friend of a friend

FOAFOAG father of a friend of a girlfriend

FOAG father of a girlfriend

FOC free of charge

FTASB faster than a speeding bullet

FTF = face to face 面对面

FTL faster than light

FTP - " File Transfer Protocol" (now often seen in lower case as " ftp" )

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) :文件传输协议,是 Internet 网上最早使用的文件传输程序。

FU fucked up

FUBAR - " F'd Up Beyond All Recognition"

FUBAR fucked up beyond all recognition

FUBB fouled up beyond belief

FUD (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and disinformation

FWIW = for what it's worth 对其价值而言

FYA for Your amusement

FYE for Your entertainment

FYI = for your information 供参考

GA go ahead

GAFIA get away from it all

GAL get a life

Gateway :网关,资料传输在不同的网段相接的接口。

GB :国标码,中文内码之一, 此码代表中文简体字, 为中国大陆广泛使用。

GD& R - " Grinning, Ducking and Running (After snide remark)"

GF girlfriend

GFAK go fly a kite

GG - " Good Game"

GGN gotta go now

GIGO garbage in, garbage out

GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that

GMT - " Greenwich Mean Time"

GMTA great minds think alike

GNU - " GNU is Not Unix (recursive)"

GR& D grinning, running & ducking

GTFOOMF Get the fuck out of my face

GUI - " Graphical Users Interface"

HAK hugs and kisses

HAND - " Have A Nice Day"

HAND have a nice day

HLOL hysterically laughing out loud

HLOLARAWCHAWMP hysterically laughing out loud and rolling around while clapping hands and wetting my pants

homepage :主页,在任何超文本系统中, 作为进入 Web 有关文档的初始入口点的文档。

HOMPR Hang on, mobile phone's ringing

HP who's then running horrified into the street beeing killed accidentally by a yellow bulldozer ROTFLBTCUTS unable to stop

HTH - " Hope This/To Help(s)"

HTML - " HyperText Markup Language"

HTML :超文本标示语言,此语言专用在全球互联网上, 为网上标准格式化的一种, 需用浏览器来观看。

HTTP - " HyperText Transfer Protocol"

HTTP :超文本传送方式,此为网页常用的传送方式之一。

HWS(PEST) husband wants sex (please excuse slow typing)

hyperlink :超链,此为连接另一些网页的入囗, 含有此连接点的文字通常以蓝字底线显示。

hypertext :超文本,此文件规格含有超文本处理语言, 可以通过链接至其它地方, 用於网页上。

IAC in any case

IAE = in any event 无论如何

IAE in any event

IANAL I am not a lawyer (also IANAxxx, such as IANACPA)

IANALBIPOOTV I am not a lawyer, but I play one on TV

IARTPFWTSIOWIM I am repeating this parrot-fashion with out the slightest idea of what it means

IBC inadequate, but cute

IBTD I beg to differ

IC = I see 我明白

ICCL - " I Could Care Less"

ICMP(Internet Control Messages Protocol) : Internet 信报控制协议,如果服务器关闭了该协议服务,那么你将无法" ping" 通它。

IDE(Integrated Drive Electronices interface) :集成驱动器电子接口标准,是硬盘广泛使用的一种接口标准。

IDGAD I don't give a damn

IDGAS I don't give a shit

IDK I don't know IDK - " I don't know"

IHTFP - " I have truly found paradise" (or: I hate this f'n place)

IIRC - " If I Recall Correctly"

IIRC If I recall correctly

IITYWIMWYBMAD If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink

IITYWTMWYKM If I tell you what this means will you kiss me

IIWM if it were me (mine)

ILIWTPCT I love it when the plan comes together

ILSHIBAMF I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!

IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol) 协议: Internet 消息访问协议,这是一种比 POP3 协议更具先进特性的协议。

IMBO in my biased opinion

IMCAO in my completely arrogant opinion (Use for attracting flames!)

IMCO in my considered opinion

IME in my experience

IMHO = in my humble opinion 依本人愚见

IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion

IMO = in my opinion 在我看来

INPO in no particular order

IO - " Input Output" As in file IO

IOW = in other words 换句话说

IP Address :网络协定位址,又称网络地址、 IP 地址, 此地址在全球网络上独一无二, 不可重复。

IP(Internet Protocol) :网络协议。

IRC - " Internet Relay Chat"

IRL in real life

ISA(Industrial Standard Architecture) :工业标准结构,是即将淘汰的一种总线结构。

ISO(International Organization for Standardization) :国际标准化组织。

ISP - " Internet Service Provider"

ISP(Internet Setvice Provider) : Internet 服务提供商。

ISTM it seems to me

ISTR I seem to recall

IT(Information Technology) :信息技术。

ITA I totally agree

IYKWIM - " If You Know What I Mean"

IYKWIMAITYD - " If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do"

IYSWIM If You see what I mean

JAM Just a minute

Java :爪哇语言, Java 是 SUN 公司的编程语言, 用于编制面向网络的小应用程序 (Applet) , 墒雇�秤卸��男Ч�霸怂愕哪芰Α

JavaScript :这是一种在网页中使用的描述语言,可以使网页变得生动活泼。微软版的 JavaScript 被称之为 JScript ,可以在 ASP 中使用。

JM2C - " Just My 2 Cents"

KISS keep it simple, stupid

L & R = later 稍后

LAN - " Local Area Network"

LAN(Local Area Network) :局域网。

LIFO last in first out

LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause!

LMFAO Laughing my fucking ass off

LOL = laughing out loud 大声笑

LSHMSH laughing so hard my side hurts

LTIP laughing till I puke

MB(Mega Byte) :百万字节,也称找兆字节,为 10241024 个字节。

MDA - " Mail Delivery Agent"

Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor"

MFG more friendly garbage

MFTL my favorite toy language

MHOTY my hat's off to you

MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) :乐器数字接口。

MIME - " Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions"

MMIF my mouth is full MOSFET - "

MTFBWY May the force be with you!

MTG = meeting 会议

MUD - " Multiple User Dungeon" an interactive multiuser game

MYOB Mind your own business!

NALOPKT Not a lot of people know that

NBD no big deal

NFI no friggin' idea

NFW no fucking way

NH - " Nice Hand"

NIMBY not in my back yard

NIT = night 晚上

NNTP - " Network News Transfer Protocol"

NOS(Network Operate System) :网络操作系统。

NRN = no reply necessary 不必回答

NS(Network Service) :网络服务。

NTL nevertheless

NTP - " Network Time Protocol"

NTTAWWT not that there's anything wrong with that

NY = New York 纽约

OK - abbreviation of " oll korrect"

OAO over and out

OATUS on a totally unrelated subject

OAUS on an unrelated subject

OBTW oh, by the way

OIC Oh , I see .我明白了。

OICQ 使用的便是本协议。

OLE(Object Linking and Embedding) :对象链接与嵌入。

OLL KORRECT, so the abreviation for those words were OK

ONNA Oh no, not again!

ONNTA Oh no, not this again!

OOTB out of the box (brand new)

OOTC obligatory on-topic comment

OS(Operating System) :操作系统。

OSF - " Open Software Foundation"

OSI(Open System Intercinnection) :开放系统互连。

OTC Over the counter

OTOH = on the other hand 另一方面

OTOOH on the other other hand

OTT over the top

OTTH on the third hand

OTTOMH off the top of my head

OTTOMHAROOB off the top of my head and rolling out of bounds

OTW on the whole

OWTTE or words to that effect PS - " Post Script"

PCI(Peripherial Component Interconnect) :外围设备互连,也是一种总线结构。

PD public domain

PEM = privacy enhanced mail 保密邮件

PERL - " Pratical Extraction and Reporting Language" or " Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister" "

Perl 语言:目前在写 CGI 程序中最流行的一种语言, 大部份用来写给通用网关接口处理一些网页传送。

PINE - " Pine Is Not Elm"

PITA pain in the ass

PLS = please 请

PMFJI - " Pardon Me For Jumping In (another polite way to get into a running discussion"

PMIGBOM Put mind in gear, before opening mouth!

PMJI - " Pardon My Jumping In (another polite way to get into a running discussion"

PMYMHMMFSWGAD Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for some one who gives a damn

POP3 协议:电子邮件接收协议第三版,支持该协议的电子邮件服务器允许用户把服务器端的电子邮件用电子邮件收发程序接收到本地来。

POV point of view PovRay - " Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer"

PPP - " Point-to-Point Protocol"

PS - " Post Script"

RAEBNC Read and enjoyed, but no comment

RARP - " Reverse Address Resolution Protocol"

Re: - " Regarding" Often used in mail software

Req: - " Request"

RFC - " Request For Comments"

ROTBA reality on the blink again

ROTFFNAR rolling on the floor for no apparent reason

ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing 笑得在地上打滚

ROTFLAHMS and holding my sides

ROTFLASTC and scaring the cat

ROTFLBTC biting the carpet

ROTFLBTCACTC and scaring the cat


ROTFLBTCDICAJTTWADBSIHPWTRHITSBKABAYB dancing in circles and jumping through the window almost dieing by smashing into

ROTFLGO guts out

ROTFLMAO - " Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off"

ROTFLOL out loud

ROTFLOLVH out loud very hard

ROTFLSTC scaring the cat

ROTFTPOF trying to put out flames

ROTFWTIME rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes

RSN real soon now (which may be a long time coming)

RTF - " Rich Text Format"

RTFAQ read the FAQ RTFI read the fucking instructions

RTFM read the fucking manual

RTFMA read the fucking manual, again

RTFMS Read the fucking manual, sir! (from the military)

RTM = read the manual 读指导手册

RUOK Are You OK SBCN Sitting behind the computer naked

SCNR Sorry, couldn`t resist

SCSI(Small Computer Standand Interface) :小型计算机磁盘标准接口。

SGML - " Standard Generalized Markup Language"

SHM Shit happens, mate SICS sitting in chair snickering

SIMCA sitting in my chair amused

SITD still in the dark SLIP - " Serial Line Internet Protocol"

SMOP small matter of programming

SMTP - " Simple Mail Transfer Protocol"

SMTP 服务器才能被发送出去。

SMTP(Simple Message Transfer Protocol) 协议:简单邮件传输协议,用于电子邮件的传输。电子邮件需要有

SNAFU situation normal, all fucked up

SNR signal to noise ratio

SO significant other

SOHF - " Sense Of Humor Failure"

SOI stunk on ice sp - abbreviation of " spelling"

SPAM - " Stupid Persons' AdvertiseMent "

SWAG - " Scientific Wild Ass Guess

SWALK - " Sealed With A Loving Kiss"

SWISH - " Simple Web Indexing System for Humans"

TAFN that's all for now

TANJ there ain't no justice

TANSTAAFL there ain't no such thing as a free lunch

TARFU things are really fouled up

TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)/IP(Internet Protocol) 协议:用于网络的一组通讯协议,包括传输协议和网际协议。

TCP/IP - " Transmissions Control Protocol/Internet Protocol"

TGAL think globally, act locally

THOT = thought 思想

TIA - " The Internet Adaptor"

TIA = thanks in advance 先谢谢了

TIC tongue in cheek

TINALO this is not a legal opinion

TINAR this is not a recommendation

TINWIS that is not what I said

TLA = three-letter acronyms 三个字母的缩写词

TLA VG = very good 非常好

TMTOWTDI there's more than one way to do it

TNOTVS theres nothing on TV so,

TNX thanks TPS(S) this program sucks (severely)

TPTB the powers that be

TRDMC tears running down my cheeks

TSOHF total sense of humor failure

TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge

TTFN ta ta for now

TTUL = talk to you later 以后再说

TTY - " Tele-TYpe"

TTYL talk to you later

TTYRS talk to you real soon

TUFD the user file died

TVM thanks very much

TWIMC - " To Whom It May Concern"

TYCLO Turn your CAPS LOCK off (Quit shouting)

TYVM = thank you very much 非常感谢

U = you 你

UBD user brain damage

UDP - " User Datagram Protocol"

UDP(User Datagram Protocol) 协议:用户数据报协议,这是一种架设于TCP/IP 协议之上的快速协议,但不具备较好的安全性

UPGS unfinished project guilt syndrome

UPS(Uninterrupted Power Supply) :不间断电源。

UR = your 你的

URL - " Uniform Resource Locator"

URL :全球资源统一定位符,网页在全球互联网上独一无二的定位点。

UTC under the counter

UTT under the table

VCD(Video Compact Disc) :可视光盘。

VETLA very enhanced

VGA(Video Graphica Array) :视频图形阵列。

VR virtual reality

VRAM(Video Read Access Memory) :显示存储器,供显示卡使用。

VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language) :虚拟实境模拟语言, 此语言可使网页产生虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality) 的立体动画效果。

WAB What another bill

WAG wild ass guess

WAIS - " Wide Area Information Server "

WAIS(Wide Area Information Server) :广域网信息服务。

WAN - " Wide Area Networks "

WAN(Wide Area Network) :广域网或称远距离网络。

WDYMBT What do you mean by that

WEDS / WEDNES = Wednesday 星期三

WGAS Who gives a shit

WIBAMU Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle

WIBNI would it be nice if

WMMOWS Wash my mouth out with soap!

WNOHGB where no one has gone before

WRT = with respect to 关于

WRT with regard to

WT without thinking

WTH what the hell

WTTM without thinking too much

WWW or 3W - " World Wide Web "

WWW( World Wide Web) :万维网,是 Internet 上发展最快的部分, 需用浏览器查阅。

WYLABOCTGWTR Would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark

WYLASOMWTC Would you like a saucer of milk with that comment

WYSIWYG = what you see is what you get 所见即所得

WYTYSYDG What you thought you saw, you didn't get

YAOTM yet another off-topic message

YHGASP You have got a serious problem

YMMV - " Your Mileage May Vary" (You may not have the same luck I did)

YWIA - " You're welcome in advance"

YWSYLS You win some, you lose some



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