


http://wwwmegancavallaricom/mp4/i_need_to_knowmp3 (芭比之森林公主片尾曲)



two voices



Connected Katharine McPhee













在我的臂弯中(Right Here In My Arms):


在我的臂弯中 重逢(Right Here in My Arms Greenhouse):http://tiebabaiducom/%B0%C5%B1%C8/shipin/plays/%B0%C5%B1%C8%B5%E7%D3%B0%B8%E8%C7%FA/#videoId=011c8d366a104da0bce8f17b




就在我的岛上 (Here on my island)

在我的臂弯中 (Right Here In My Arms)

我要知道 (I Need To Know)

舞会中 (At the Ball)

经常多一点(Always More)

在我的臂弯中-重逢(Right Here in My Arms-Greenhouse)

当我们有爱 (When we have love)


http://baikebaiducom/view/1183398htmltp=0_10 (部分,部分有误)

http://tiebabaiducom/fct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&sc=3177266896&z=314001816&pn=0&rn=50&lm=0&word=%B0%C5%B1%C8#3177266896 (部分)




http://baikebaiducom/view/1183398htm (百科)




Free (自由)

How Can I Refuse (我怎么能拒绝)

I Am A Girl Like You (我是个像你的女孩)

To Be A Princess (成为一个公主)

The Cats Meow (猫的叫声?)

If You Love Me For Me (如果你爱上真实的我)

Written In Your Heart (写在你我心中)


http://tiebabaiducom/fkz=469206562 (中英对照)

http://tiebabaiducom/fkz=144610483 (英文)


Megan Cavallari 是作曲 (芭比之真假公主)

以下是在一个英文网站找的该片的插曲及其演唱者(括号内是**中的人物名)(tmarvolo - 魔法师 四级 整理)。

1 Free - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)

2 How Can I Refuse - Performed by Martin Short (Preminger)

3 Written in Your Heart - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)

4 I am a Girl Like You - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)

5 To be a Princess - Performed by Alessandro Juliani (Julian) & Julie Stevens (Erika)

6 The Cat's Meow - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)

7 If You Love Me for Me - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Mark Luna (Dominick)

8 Written in Your Heart

9 I'm on My Way - Performed by Sara Niemietz



1Princess Destiny(片头)



里面比宝唱的歌(感谢 alanjoey):


夜后咏叹调 《心中燃烧着复仇的怒火》




芭比之长发公主:love and imagition can change the world——Barbie


芭比之天鹅湖:You are braver than you think——Barbie


芭比之真假公主:Live in your dream——Barbie


芭比与魔幻飞马之旅:There is always hope——Barbie


芭比之12芭蕾舞公主:There is a difference that only you can make——Barbie


芭比之森林公主:There may be miracles awaiting ,

They may be closer than we know ,

When we have love to guide us as we go ——Barbie



芭比之梦幻仙境:What makes you different,makes you special——Barbie


芭比梦幻仙境之人鱼公主:Trust your true self——Barbie


芭比梦幻仙境之魔法彩虹:Together we are strong——Barbie


芭比之蝴蝶仙子:The most beautiful thing you can be is yourself——Barbie



芭比之钻石城堡:Friendship is the true treasure——Barbie


芭比之圣诞颂歌(又名 芭比之圣诞欢歌 ):Keep the beauty of Christmas in your heart everyday of the year——Barbie


芭比之拇指姑娘(尚未推出):Even the smallest person can make a big difference——Barbie

(即使是最渺小的人也能创造巨大的改变) -----------



芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅 (中文配音)












芭比之圣诞欢歌 (英语)




近期推出(感谢 13456t7):

芭比之花仙子(Barbie Presents Thumbelina)


芭比与3个火枪手(Barbie & the three musketeers)







"Barbie Girl"

Hi Barbie

Hi Ken!

Do you wanna go for a ride

Sure Ken!

Jump In

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world

Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly

You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,

kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please

I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees

Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,

hit the town, fool around, let's go party

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we're just getting started

Oh, I love you Ken!

12 Dancing Princesses Theme - Barbie aquastarlight




这是shine 的下载网址


  SM公司旗下组合 SHINee 的成员Key

  SHINee万能钥匙 Key

  Key shinee-key Key 키

  本名:金起范(金基范)Kim Ki Bum김기범キーキムキボム

  队内职务:主唱,Rapper ,副领舞



  昵称:万能钥匙、潮KEY﹑KK、KeyBum、锁头君、观察达人 Keymera(观key)、蚕蛹范范(小时候的昵称)、“疯”KEY(因为跳女团的舞蹈时接近疯狂状态)、紫菜包饭(音:KIMBAM)、金bongbong





  兴趣/专长:Rap,Dance,Water Ski,汉语,英语,绘画,购物





  选秀经历:05’ S M 全国选秀 casting








  个人经历:2007年 为Super Junior**《花美男连锁恐怖事件》中片尾曲Wonder Boys参演伴舞 

  2009年 东方神起亚洲3巡首尔站、南京站中担当俊秀solo《Xiahtic》的rap部分

  2009年 担任综合节目《现在是花美男时代》的固定MC

  2009年 SHINee《2009,Year of us》with 珉豪 《Get Down》

  2009年 少女时代亚洲巡演首尔站FeatJessica《Barbie Girl》Rap

  2010年 KBS Music Bank 特别舞台与IU合作《给你的信》中的rap

  2010年 Trax迷你专辑《Let U Go》Feat 《Healing》rap

  2010年 少女时代二辑《Oh!》中Feat《火星病毒》(Boys & Girls)

  2010年 有线电视节目《美女老师的偶像养成》(Raising Idol)固定演出

  2010年 少女时代亚洲巡演上海站 Feat允儿《给我介绍好人》Rap FeatJessica《Barbie Girl》Rap 

  2010年 与泰民、MIN担任《音乐中心》的一日MC

  2011年 4月14日—23日 由Key和他的舅父--建筑家金东锡一起举办了"Boogie-woogie行星探险"展示

  会, 个人共创作16幅画,画展在西楚洞的时尚摩纳哥美术馆举办。




Barbie Girl是doll中的神话!




芭比娃娃出自Mattle公司老板娘Ruth Handler的点子。她设计的清纯俏娃娃最先叫“莉莉”,由一家德国玩具公司于1955年推出。但是,“莉莉”被装扮成了放荡的性感女子,这与她最初的想法相去甚远。











关注国际T台,会发现今年最红模特中许多都有着一张如塑料娃娃般的脸,像Gemma Ward、Lily Cole等,她们的走红也成为如今T台模特界流行的风向标,代表着以芭比娃娃为代表的纯女性风潮的回流。而看看伦敦时装周Zandra Rhodes的妆容,芭比妆容是本季彩妆流行趋势的浓缩。再看看蕾丝、重叠的皱褶、亮片珠子、花卉图案、蝴蝶结,大牌的服装更是将芭比元素用到极致。”

barbie girl


Hi! Barbie

Hi Ken!

Do you wanna go for a ride

Sure Ken

Jump in

I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation(Repeat)

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


I'm a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world,

Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly

You're my doll, rock'roll, feel the glamour in pink,

Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky

You can touch, you can play, if you say:

"I'm always yours"


Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Make me walk, make me talk,

do whatever you please,

I can act like a star,

I can beg on my knees

Come jump in, bimbo friend,

let us do it again,

Hit the town, fool around,

let's go party

You can touch, you can play,

if you say: "I'm always yours"

You can touch, you can play,

if you say: "I'm always yours"


Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we are just getting started

Oh, I love you Ken!




All my life I've always wanted

To have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be

With no lessons, lords, or lunches Or to-do list in the way

No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay

That would be the day


All my life I've always wanted

To have one day for myself

Nothing waking up with a pile of work on every shelf

With no hems in need of pressing

And no sleeves in disarray

No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet

And no debt to pay

What would it be like to be


What would it be like to be




Free to try crazy things


Free from endless IOU's


Free to fly


Free to sing


And marry whom I choose


You would think that I'm so lucky That I have so many things

I'm realizing that every present comes with strings


Though I know I have so little

My determination's strong

People will gather around the world to hear my song


Can I come along


Now I fear I'll never be


Soon I will forever be



I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away

I could take flight but would it be right My conscience tells me stay


I'll remain forever royal


I'll repay my parent's debt

BOTH: Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret


But I'll never stop believing


She can never stop my schemes


2、I Am A Girl Like You


If I'd like to have my breakfast hot

Madame Carp will make me pay

And I have to fetch the eggs myself

And the barn's a mile away

It's cold and wet and still I get

An omlette on my plate

But in my head I'm back in bed

Snuggled up and sleeping late


If I want some eggs I ring the bell

And the maid comes running in

And she serves them on a silver tray

And she brings a cookie tin

And while I eat, she rubs my feet

And strolling minstrels play

But I'd rather be in my library reading science books all day


I'm just like you


You are


You're just like me

There's somewhere else we'd rather be

Somewhere that's ours

Somewhere that dreams come true

Yes, I am a girl like you

You'd never think that it was so

But now I've met you and I know

It's plain as day, sure as the sky is blue

That I am a girl like you

First I choose a fabric from the rack

And I pin the pattern down

And I stitch it in the front and back

And it turns into a gown


I wear the gown, without my crown

And dance around my room


And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom


I'm just like you (I think that's true)

You're just like me (Yes, I can see)


We take responsibility


We carry through (We carry through)


Do what we need to do

Yes, I am a girl like you


I'm just like you (I'm just like you)

You're just like me (You're just like me)


It's something anyone can see


A heart that beats (A heart that beats)


A voice that speaks the truth

Yes, I am a girl like you!


If You Love Me For Me


Once a lass met a lad

You're a gentle one, said she

In my heart I'd be glad

If you loved me for me

You say your love is true

And I hope that it will be


I'd be sure, if I knew

That you loved me for me


Could I be the one you're seeking

Will I be the one you choose Can you tell my heart is speaking

My eyes will give you clues


What you see may be deceiving

Truth lies underneath the skin


Hope will blossum by believing


The heart that lies within


I'll be yours

Together we shall always be as one

If you love me for me


Who can say where we'll go

Who can promise what will be

But I'll stay by your side


I'll be yours

Together we shall always

Be as one


If you love me for me

If you love me for me


Written In Your Heart

And you're always free to begin again

And you're always free to believe

When you find the place

That your heart belongs

You'll never leave

You and I will always be

Celebrating life together

I know I have found a friend forever more

Love is like a melody

One that I will always treasure

Courage is the key that opens every door

Though you may not know

Where your gifts may lead

And it may not show at the start

When you live your dreams

You'll find destiny

Is written in your heart

Though you may not know

Where your gifts may lead

And it may not show at the start

When you live your dream

You'll find destiny

Is written in your heart


To Be A Princess


To be a princess

Is to know which spoon to use

To be a princess

Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes

To maintain a regal gaite

Leave the parsley on your plate

And be charming but detached

And yet amused

To be a princess

Is to never be confused

Do a pliand never fall

Don't ever stray from protocol

All through the day

There's just one way

You must behave

Do keep a grip and never crack

Stiff upper lip and arch the back

Bend from above

And always wear your gloves

And wave

Shoulders back and

Tummy in and

Pinky out and

Lift the chin and

Slowly turn the head from side to side


I see now


Breathing gently

Stepping lightly

Smile brightly

Nod politely

Never show a thing you feel inside


To be a princess

Is to always look your best

To be a princess

Is to never get to rest

Sit for a portrait, never squirm

Sleep on a mattress extra firm

Speak and be clever

Never at a loss for words

Curtsy to every count and lord

Learn how to play the harpsichord

Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds


Thirds, thirds



She has beautiful eyes

Your spirits rise

When she walks in the room

Doors close

And the chemistry grows

She's like a rose

That's forever in bloom


Do a pliand don't

(Ever ever ever fall)

Never show dismay

(And be there when people call)

Be prepared whatever royal life will bring

Do keep a grip and don't

(Ever ever ever crack)

Take a dainty sip

(Never ever turn your back)

There's a time and place and way for everything

To be a princess

Is to never make your bed

To be a princess

Is to always use your head


The Cat's Meow

I can see it when you're feeling low

You can't hide that from me

You're no status quo calico

So why keep trying to be

'Cause you're more than that

You're my doggish cat

I wish you could see the you I see

I say

If you bark

Celebrate it

Make your mark

Serenade it

Noah's ark

Shoulda had a cat like you

And if

What you are

Is a strange you

Doesn't mean

You should change you

Only means

You should change your point of view

Hey, feline

You fetch just fine

To thine own self be true

Your bow wow's

The cat's meow

It's how I know you're you

You don't need the bows

Or tiara

Bid your woes


Trust your nose

'Cause it knows the way to go

When you

Chase your tail

You're enchanting

Spirits sail

When you're panting

When you wail

You're a rover, Romeo

There is not

One hair of you

That I would rearrange

I love you the way you are

And that will never change

That will never change


1、Two voices one song

So rare to find a friend like you

Somehow when you're around

the sky is always blue

The way we talk

The things you say

The way you make it all ok

And how you know

All of my jokes

But you laugh anyway

If I could wish for one thing

I'd take the smile that you bring

Wherever you go in this world I'll come along

Together we dream the same dream

Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

Now everyday is something new

And any part we take

I'm looking forward to

The way we try

And never quit

The way that all the pieces pet

The way we know

The heart by heart

And sing out loud

If I could wish for one thing

I'd take the smile that you bring

Wherever you go in this world

I'll come along

Together we dream the same dream

Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

And anywhere you are

you know I'll be around

and when you call my name

I'll listen for the sound

If I could wish for one thing

I'd take the smile that you bring

Wherever you go in this world

I'll come along

Together we dream the same dream

Forever I'm here for you, you're here for me

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

If I could wish for one thing

I'd take the smile that you bring

Where new by my song I can go around

Now I have all that I need

And a sweety soul will all with me

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

Oh ooh oh

Two voices, one song

2、We are gonna find it

Here we are

Far from home

Little bit hungry

And little alone

But it’s all right

Yeah, It’s all right

Cause in this room

There might be friends

Can’t see how the story ends

But it’s all right

Yeah, It’s all right

We can start anew

Can’t go back so we gonna go on

We’ll stick together staying strong

There’s a Diamond Castle in my mind

And some day soon

(Liana)We’re gonna find it

We’re gonna find it(repeat 2)

Somehow things are looking up

Felling like we’ve changed our luck

I can see life

In a new light

Can’t stay long, Can’t stay long

Passing through, Passing through

Don’t know where we are

Going to

But It’s all right

Cause we just might

Find a way that’s true

Can’t go back so we gonna go on

We’ll stick together staying strong

There’s a Diamond Castle in my mind

And someday soon

(Liana)We’re gonna find it

We’re gonna find it

We’re gonna find the perfect place for us to be

And hear our melody set free


We’re gonna find it

Can’t go back so we gonna go on

We’ll stick together staying strong

There’s a Diamond Castle in my mind

And some day soon

(Liana)We’re gonna find it

We’re gonna find it(repeat 5)

Someday soon


I’ m blindfolded

on this carriage ride that they call life

Keep trying to make it through the next turn

knuckles white and holding tight

So here I go

taking a curve,

but I know that I’m never alone

I think of you

and how you never let me go

I feel connected, protected

it’s like you’re sitting right with me all the


You hear me, you’re near me

and everything else’s gonna be all right

Cause nothing can break this

nothing can break this

nothing can break this


Connectedconnected inside

It’s not an accident, the time we spent apart

But now were so close, I can always find you right here in my heart

You’re giving me something I need, and I don’t ever want it to end

Because of you, I know I’ve found my strength again

I feel connected, connected, protected, protected, it’s like you’re sitting right with me all the


You hear me, you’re near me,

and everything else is gonna be all right

Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this


Connectedconnected inside

Every time that I breathe, I can feel the energy

Reaching out, flowing through, you to me and me to you Find your dream,

walk or stand, you are everywhere I am

Separate souls, unified, total essence in my mind

I feel connected, protected, it’s like you’re sitting right with me all the


You hear me, you’re near me,

and everything else is gonna be all right

Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this




Hidden beneath the ground

Is the spring

That feeds the creak

Invisible as the wind

That you feel

Upon your cheek

And every breeze that whispers

Reminds us constantly

Sometimes what’s real

Is something you can’t see


In all that can be

A miracle starts

Whenever you dream


And sing from your heart

You’ll see

Your song will hold the key


Your song will hold the key……



Here on my Island the sea says hello

Dolphins are waving wherever I go

There's a song on the breeze

And a home in the trees

Friends I can talk with whenever I please

Here on my Islands the playgrounds are great

Slide every slide and you don't have to wait

There's so much to be seen for my new trampoline

Finding adventures our daily routine

Birds and bananas and comfy cabanas

And shell covered vases to fill

Coconut glasses with mint molasses

And pineapple parties to grill

Here on my Island there's nothing but fun

Vines you can swing from a nap in the sun

There are mud pies to make

There are branches to shake

Treasures a wait any road you take

I'll take the high path and I'll take the low path

And I'll take the path through the sky

I'll jump the river and I'll climb the mountain

And I'll stay here guarding the pie

Here on my Island the days are a dream

Hanging together we work as a team

And the magic extends

Through our family of friends

Here on my Island the fun ever ends


Sun goes down

And we are here together

Fireflies glow like a thousand charms

Stay with me

And you can dream forever

Right here in my arms

It’s magic

When you are here beside me

Close you eye

And let me hold you tight

Everything that I could ever need is

Right here in my arms, tonight

La la la

La la la

Stars begin to climb

Right here in my arms, tonight

la la la

la la la…………


Why does he look through circles

Why does he hide his feet

Why do I feel so shy when we meet

Isn’t the tree he sleeps in

What can he see from there

Could there be new horizon to share

All these

Question keep turning and churning and burning

Inside me

What are these feelings I feel when he’s here by my side

I need to know

these answers

I need to find my way

Seize my tomorrow

learn my yesterday

I need to take these chances!

Let all my feelings show

can't tell what’s waiting

Still I need to go

I need to know

Isn’t she just amazing

Daring and bold and sure

Different from girls that I met before

Do you think she might like me

How do I like look tonight

I just want everything to be right

All these

Question keep turning and churning and burning

Inside me

What are these feelings I feel when she’s here by my side

I need to know

these answers

I need to find my way

Seize my tomorrow

Learn my yesterday

I need to take these chances

Let all my feelings show

can't tell what’s waiting

still I need to go

I need to know

4、Always More

Every body is born to care

It's something we were meant to share

Not to keep to ourselves all alone

If we make room for someone new

Doesn't mean that there's less for you

only means that our circle has grown

Love knows

Love grows

Bigger than before

In your heart

there's always more

It's magic

The more you give it a way

The more love comes back to you every day

You are my Tika and I am your Ro

Always forever wherever we go


Love knows

Love grows

Bigger than before

In your heart


always more

always more

6、I Need To Know

Where is the land I come from

who lives where I was born

why do my memories start with a storm

What if I have a family

Somewhere beyond the sea,

could there be someone there missing me

Tell me!

Why I'm not sleeping and my hearts leaping

inside me!

Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide

I need to know these answers

I need to find my way

Seize my tomorrow

learn my yesterday

I need to take these chances

Let all my feelings show

can't tell what’s waiting

still I need to go

I need to know


Life is a sea I'm sailing, riding the winds of time,

looking to find the course that is mine

Striving to find direction,

Starting to understand

every wave’s a part of the plan

I'll keep!

Living and loving and leaving the doubting

behind me

Hope is the star I will follow wherever I go

I need to know these answers

I need to find my way

Seize my tomorrow

learn my yesterday

I need to take these chances

let all my feelings show

can't tell what’s waiting

still I need to go

I need to know

I need to know

Ya-eah (more) (less)

7、Right here in my arms

Sun goes down

And we are here together

Fireflies glow like a thousand charms

Stay with me

And you can dream forever

Right here in my arms, tonight

Sounds of day

Fade away

Stars begin to climb


Fill the breeze

Sweeter all the time

Sun goes down

And we are here together

Fireflies glow like a thousand charms

Stay with me

And you can dream forever

Right here in my arms, tonight


All the books I've read, all the poems always said

That a heart is made to share

Joy's not found in things such as necklaces and rings

But in love that's always there

That's the jewel beyond compare


Look at him

watching her

Doesn’t she look beautiful

Could they be

more content

What a perfect day

You never know

When you find

What you heart is yearning for

All you seek

Could be there

Just a breath away

I love the dress

I love the hair

The island rose is everywhere

I’m trying not to shed the tears

I’m glad these are all my ideas

The honey moon will start today

I bet that we can stow away

This has be the wedding of the year

Now that I’ve seen the world around me

Now that the answers are all clear

old concerns behind me

New adventures near

I know a chance is worth taking

And that a family can grow

When we have love to guide us as we go

Maybe miracles are waiting

It may be closer that we know

When we have love to guide us as we go

When we have love to guide us as we go





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上一篇 2024-03-24


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