

  PINK,原名Alecia Moore,现年27岁,有着菲律宾血统中文媒体喜欢把她叫做粉红佳人她第一次以歌手的身份走入人们的视线是在2000年,那时的她还是一名R&B歌手,在法国尼斯举办的超级模特儿选秀表演会上她一鸣惊人,当时的美国女子乐坛正是流行乐大行其道的时候,但PINK的专辑《 Can it Take Me Home》的出现改变了这个现象,她的音乐大走R&B路线,而且她的R—B非常具有颠覆意义,似乎是向人们证明不只是黑人女子能唱R&B,白人女子一样能唱,而且能唱的更好次年,PINK的第二张专辑《Missundaztood》获得了爆炸性的成功,她的音乐风格发生了转变,不再拘泥于R&B,而是更多的加入了电子舞曲的风格,使人们认识到了这位叛逆女性的多变随后,PINK召集了众多大牌制作人推出了专辑《Try This

  》,然而想要更加摇滚的PINK似乎选错了方向,走到复古摇滚的小路里去了,这张专辑对于PINK来说无疑是十分失败的。但一蹶不振绝不是这位叛逆天后会展现出的风姿,在今年的4月,PINK推出了她的第四张专辑《I'm not dead》,这张专辑是我本人最喜欢的一张PINK的专辑,非常好听,也非常PINK几首主打歌的曲风以摇滚为主,也会掺杂一些舞曲和流行的风格,PINK本人说,这张专辑是迄今为止她最个人化的一张专辑,记录了她生活中的零散部分,她想让更多的乐迷了解她内心的真实想法


  不得不说,2006年对于PINK来说是不同寻常的,在这一年,她和她的摩托车手男友CAREY HART举行了婚礼


  我还没有死,就在你身上纹身的墨迹间游走!”久未露面的Pink终于宣告复出!在将近三年之后,一向大胆出位的Pink终于推出了她的第四张个人专辑《I'm Not Dead》。本张专辑在发行后第一周以12万6千张的单周销量名列本周Billboard 200专辑榜的第六位,追平了2001年的专辑《M!ssundaztood》成为Pink在Billboard 200专辑榜中打榜的最好成绩,而《I'm Not Dead》还在上周的英国榜中首周上榜即获得季军的好成绩。但与Pink以前的专辑相比,《I'm Not Dead》的首周销量却相对偏低。Pink的上张专辑是2003年11月发行的《Try This》,首周销量为14万7千张,名列Billboard 200专辑榜的第九位。

  虽然当年的坏女孩Pink如今已经结了婚,有了更为丰富的人生经历,但岁月的打磨丝毫没有使她变的平庸,而恰恰相反的是,一贯大胆的粉红佳人在这张无论是形式还是内涵都较为丰富的专辑中表现的反而更加犀利。本张专辑的首支打榜单曲是《Stupid Girls》,是本周Hot 100单曲榜中销量增量最大的单曲,目前共上榜9周,已经从上周第30位攀升到了本周第15位。而颇具争议的是,Pink在这首单曲的音乐录影带中借机讽刺了一下她早就看不顺眼的几位当红女星。

  在过瘾的骂了想骂的人之后,Pink也会像个小女人一般的抱怨着“离幸福很远”,“没有人了解她”。虽然歌中所讨论的也都是关于“爱情”的话题,但独具个性的Pink就是可以说出一些和别人不太一样的话,也并没有让人觉得腻味。接下来的《Dear Mr President》是这张专辑中需要特别介绍的歌曲。从歌名就可以看出,这是Pink献给美国总统的一封公开信:“亲爱的总统,来和我一起散散步吧,如果我们可以真诚的交谈我想问你一些问题。当你看到大街上那些无家可归的人你是什么感觉?在你每天晚上睡觉之前你都为谁祈祷?在你照镜子的时候你究竟什么感觉,你感到自豪么?在我们都在哭泣的时候你怎么能够睡得安稳?当一位母亲没有机会(跟他在战场上牺牲的儿子)说再见的时候你怎么想?你能看着我的眼睛告诉我答案么!”这首同样是送给总统先生的歌曲很容易让人想到绿日乐队(Green Day)2004年发行的大获成功的专辑《American Idiot》。比起来当今众多打着“Punk”旗号的伪朋克乐队,Pink似乎更具Punk精神。在这首歌曲中,与Pink合作一起质问总统的是美国着名的二人女子民谣摇滚乐队蓝靛女孩(Indigo Girls)。

  在之后的九首歌中,专辑同名单曲《I'm Not Dead》,《Leave Me Alone(I'm Lonely)》,民谣曲风的《The One That Got Away》,本张专辑中最具Rock气质的《U + Ur Hand》以及慢版R&B歌曲《I Got Money Now》都是可以在任何一张流行音乐专辑中作为主打歌的单曲,而Pink对这几首风格不同的歌曲的把握也都相当出色。

  在本张专辑的幕后阵容中,瑞典着名制作人马克思·马丁(Max Martin)的大名非常耀眼,包括小甜甜布兰妮(Britney Spears),后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)和超级男孩(NSync)在内的多位一线流行歌手的专辑均出自他之手。Max Martin这次除了共同担任专辑制作人之外还负责鼓和其他乐器的编配,但值得“庆幸”的是,《I'm Not Dead》并没有被“情歌圣手”Max Martin改造成那种早已过时的只有流行情歌的专辑。从各方面来说,《I'm Not Dead》不仅是Pink所有专辑中最为出色的一张,而且也是当今流行乐坛不可多得的佳作之一


  01Stupid Girls

  02Who Knew

  03Long Way To Happy

  04Nobody Knows

  05Dear Mr President

  06I'm Not Dead

  07Cuz I Can

  08Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)

  09U & Ur Hand


  11The One That Got Away

  12I Got Money Now

  13Conversations With My 13 Year Old Self



  16I Have Seen The Rain (Hidden Track)


  1967年,单曲“Arnold Layne”和“See Emily Play”

  1967年9月首张专辑“The Piper at the Gates of Dawn”,“Astronomy Domine”和“Interstellar Overdrive”

  1969年,双唱片Ummagumma(乐队为“The More”)、“The Body”,1970)、《阴云蔽日》(Obscured By Clouds, 1972)等几部**配乐

  1970年,“Atom Heart Mother”,该专辑的一面是由6部音诗组成。



  1973年,专辑“The Dark Side of the Moon”问世;专辑“Wish You Were Here”是献给Syd Barrett的作品。


  1978年,“The Wall”。

  1982年由艾伦·帕克(Alan Parker)导演、鲍勃·吉尔多夫(BOB GELDOF)主演的同名影片“The Wall”问世。

  1981年,“A Collection of Great Dance Songs”

  1983年专辑“The Final Cut”。

  1987年,“A Momentary Lapse of Reason”


  1994年,“The Division Bell”

Jason Mraz

Geek In The Pink

(Yo brotha A to Z)

(Yo what's up B)

(Yo what time is it)

(Haha its laundry day!)

Well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it

If you like the way I'm thinkin' baby wink at it

I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes

Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it

well isn't it delicious crazy way that I'm kissin'

Cause baby listen to this don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'

Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in

But don't ever quit cause soon I'm gonna let you in but see

I don't care what you might think about me

You'll get by without me if you want

I could be the one to take you home

Baby we could rock the night alone

If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down

But sugar don't forget what you already know

I could be the one to turn you out

We could be the talk across the town

Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another

You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink pink pink

Like the geek in the pink yeah

Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody

But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her

Because she fall in love too often that's whats the matter

At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and

She was starin' through the doorframe

and eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend

Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then

Cause I ain't comin' home I don't need that attention, see

I don't care what she might think about me

she'll get by without me if she want

I could be the one to take her home

Baby we could rock the night alone

If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down

But sugar don't forget what you already know

I could be the one to turn you out

We could be the talk across the town

Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another

You might regret what you let slip away

Hey baby look at me go

From zero to hero

You better take it from a geek like me

I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums

Who wouldn't care if you complete him or not

So what I've got a short attention span

A coke in my hand

Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand

My hip hop and flip-flops well it don't stop with the light rock

A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot

The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm

Developing a language and I'm callin' it my own

So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean

That on the other side the grass is greener

I don't care what you might think about me

You'll get by without me if you want

I could be the one to take you home

Baby we could rock the night alone

If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down

But sugar don't forget what you already know

I could be the one to turn you out

We could be the talk across the town

Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another

You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink pink pink

I'm the geek in the pink yeah

geek is the color for fall

I'm the geek in the pink yeah

so I'm the geek y'all

in the pink y'all

geek is the color for fall

I'm the geek in the pink




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上一篇 2024-03-30


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