

California - Jack And Jack

I can't stop, never let a hater

Kill your dreams, 19, I got paper

Katniss Everdeen

Nah, it's always in my favor

I pull up on the scene, black tee and a Blazer

Won't chase a woman, I re-place

I'll make you have deja vu when I walk by

Like, "Hey it's that guy! Yeah aren't you from Vine"

Hell nah I'm from Nebraska, get your facts aligned

But I ain't gonna lie, Jack and Jack

Did blow up on the app but we're more than that

Best duo in LA since Kobe-Shaq

We need a whole demolition just to hold us back

Run circles around the competition, culdesacs

Legs keep burnin' but it's so worth it

When you're young and earnin' money like a surgeon

Yeah it's cool and all

but spreadin' love's my purpose

So who's gonna tell me I can't do

Anything I put my mind to

Now I ain't tryna hear it

Bitch get up out my ear

I'm just a midwest kid dreamin' California

One way ticket cause I had to show yah

Flow so sick, make you catch pneumonia

I'm never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way

I'm fresh up in the game and I'm here to stay

Don't really got my shit together,

just appear this way

And I'm like everybody else, I got fears to face

Nowadays even the real are just a realist phase

And nobody's really what they seem

Learned that the hard way, cuts run deep

And these millions of people put their trust in me

Man I got a lot of pressure but I must succeed

So I'm a keep grindin' and workin',

I'm finally certain

My life is not meant to be wasted

The line of success all these people be tracin'

That shit, it ain't me, I'm a play my own way

And I'm a little unorthodox, I can't lie

No I ain't gonna conform I rock my own style

Tell that to the fans and everybody by side

Yo we're headed to the top

and you should keep a close eye

So who's gonna tell me I can't do

Anything I put my mind to

Now I ain't tryna hear it

Bitch get up out my ear

I'm just a midwest kid dreamin' California

One way ticket cause I had to show yah

Flow so sick, make you catch pneumonia

I'm never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way

Before I touched down, thought I had it all

Now it's midnight sessions, playin' basketball

My friends and my family, I'm a have to call

And tell 'em I'm never goin' home,

yeah I'm never goin' home

No way

Midwest kid dreamin' California

One way ticket cause I had to show yah

Flow so sick, make you catch pneumonia

I'm never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way, no way

Never goin' home, n-n-never goin' home

No way





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上一篇 2024-04-02


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