



A 裁床:Cutting room

1 纸样制作原理及方法:The methods & principle of pattern making

2 排唛架方法:The methods of marker making

3 YPD的计算及工厂唛架利用率:YPD calculation & marker use rate

4 拉布及割布方法,工票之使用方法及功用:Methods & function of spreading & cutting

5 裁剪日产量:Daily quantity of cutting

6 裁单:Cutting Report

B.板房:Sample room

1 裤子,恤衫的车缝工序:Understand the procedures of sewing pants and shirt

2 熟识各个工序的称谓:Understand the name of various procedures

3 熟识各个线缝的名称及功能:Understand the name and function in various seams

4 了解缝1件衫所需的辅料:understand sub-materials used in a shirt

5 熟识样板制造单:Understand sample order


1 熟识生产制造单:Understand the production order

2 熟识整个生产线的工序安排:Understand the product line lay out

3 各个工序的定价标准:Price standard of various process

4 质量控制方法:Methods of quality control

5 日产量:Daily product quantity

6 常见的车缝设备:Work-aids sewing Machine & attachments

7 常见的车缝疵点:Various types of sewing problem

D洗水厂: Washing department

1 洗水方法及不同的洗水特点:Washing type & various characteristic

2 不同洗水的洗涤剂:Various chemical consumption for each type of garment wash

3 如何控制洗水质量:Garment washing quality control

E.包装:Packing department

1 包装工序的任务及要求:What propose with packing process

2 包装方法:Types of packing

3 包装所需的辅料:What assembly will be used in packing

4 包装机械设备:Packing equipment

5 装箱方法:Methods of packing

6 出货所需之文件:Shipping document

7 如何控制包装质量:How to control packing quality

二)GFG: Golden Field Garment

质量检查 QC: Quality control

1. 服装中-英名称

衬衣 Shirt Blouse T-恤: T-Shirt

POLO Shirt 毛衣 Sweat shirt

裤子 Pants 牛仔裤 Jeans

喇叭裤子 Bell bottom jeans 裙子 Skirt

外套 Coat 连帽T-恤 Parka

运动衫 Sports jacket 连衣裙 Dress

圆台裙 Circular 百褶裙 Gether Skirt

裤裙 Flare Culotte Skirt 马甲 Vest

背心 Tank top 西装 Suit

2. 衣服部位中-英文名称

前幅 Front 后幅 Back

上级领 Collar 下级领 Collar Band

前筒 Front Placket 钮子 Button stay

袋 Pocket 担干 Yoke

袖 Sleeve 袖侧 Sleeve placket

介英 Cuff 裤头 Waist Band

耳仔 Belt Loop 拉链贴 Zipper catch

拉链牌 Zipper Fly 袋贴 Pocket Facing

前浪 Front Rise 后浪 Back Rise

裤脚 Leg Bottom 侧骨 Side Seam

袋口 Pocket Mouth 袖叉 Sleeve Slit

机头 Riser 明袋 Patch Pocket

唇袋 Jetted Pocket 袋盖 Pocket Flap

插袋 Cross Pocket 袋衬 Bearer

袋布 Pocket Bag 袖口贴 Sleeve Band

兜帽 Hood 夹圈 Armhole

钮门 Button Hole 凤眼 Eyelet Button Hole

捆条圆领 Crew neck

3. 制衣工序名称 Garment Product Procedure

PPC: Production Plan Control

纸样 Pattern 唛架 Marker

裁剪 Cutting 绣花 Embroidery

样板 Sample 车缝 Sewing

洗水 Washing 成衣染 Garment Dye

整烫 Ironing 包装 Packing

质量检查 Quality Inspection 质量控制 Quality Control

石洗 Stone Wash 化学洗 Chemical Wash

茶化洗 Teast Wash 漂洗 Bleach Wash

钮 Button 线 Thread

唛头 Label 挂卡 Hand tap

贴纸 Sticker 朴 Interlining

胶袋 Plastic bag 胶夹 Plastic Clip

拉链 Zipper 橡根 Elastic Band

肩垫 Shoulder Pad 衬纸 Tissue Paper

绅 Drawstring 领蝴蝶 Collar Butterflies

领胶条 Collar Stripe 纸箱 Paper Carton

针 Pins

三) 布的中-英文名称

1 梭织布 Woven

牛津纺 Oxford 府绸 Poplin

青年布 Chambray 绒布 Flannel

条格布 gingham 泡泡纱 Seersucker

灯芯绒 Corduroy 卡其 Drill

哔叽 Serge 华达呢 Gabercord

2针织布 Knit

平纹布 Jersey (Drop 11 Jersey/Lycry Jersey)

珠地 Pique (Twill Pique /Oxford pique /Athletic pique)

双珠地 Lacoste (Oxford Lacoste 牛津珠地)

双面布 Interlock (interlock pique /interlock jacquard 双面提花)

毛圈布 Terry ( twill french terry 法兰绒 /Fleece 磨毛毛圈布)

提花 Jacquard (herringbone /bubble jacquard 泡泡提花布)

罗纹 Rib (mini waffle 十字罗纹/法式罗纹 French rib)

棉布 Cotton fabric

麻布 Linen

丝绸 Silk

毛 Wool

化学纤维 Chemical fiber

四)制单要求 The requirement in production order

生产制单 production order 样板制造单 Sample order

款号 Style Number 客户 Customer

数量 quantity 尺码 Size spec

交货期 Delivery 装箱要求 Carton Requirement

纸箱规格 Carton Measurement 毛重 Cross height

净重 Net height 说明 Description

目的地 Final destination 颜色 color

五) 其它

样板 Sample 货前板 Pre-Production sample

销售板 Sales Sample 展览板 Presentation sample

批准板 Approval sample 会议板 Meeting Sample

测试板 Test sample

六)布 疵常见术语

紧纱:Tight 断纱:Yarn Broken

走纱:Missing Course 抽纱:Yarn with Drawn

针孔:Needle Holes 针路:Verticial Line

横间:Horizontal Line 漏针:Dropped Stitch

停机布痕:Stop Mark 幼纱:Yarn Thinning/Thin Yarn

错花:Wrong Pattern or Wrong Structure


跳线:Skip Stitch 用错原料:Wrong Material

缝线散口:Run off 用错缝线:Incorrect Thread

错唛:Wrong Label 破洞:Holes

突咀:Excess Extension 不对称:Mismatched

车着唛头:Sandwich Label 歪唛:Off Center or Side left/right

尖位不尖:Pointed Area not Sharp 弯位不弯:Unsmooth Curve

爆口:Open Seam 披苏:Loose Thread

插竹歪:Crooked Collar Stay 领底松:Collar setting too Loose

车唛不对折痕:not Following the Folded Mark of Label

下级领高低:Crooked Collar Hi-Low/off Center Line

烂钮尖:Burst Collar Point 领尖不对条:Mismatched Collar Stripe

错领型:Wrong Collar Shape 刀剪领:Scissoring

长短领尖:Uneven Collar Point Length 起角:Nose in Extension-Collar /Cuff

露上领线:Thread Visible Outside 下级走样:Poor Banding

领咀长短不定:Wrong Lapel Length 领错底面:Overturn Collar

上领黏边:Folded Edge on Collar Closing 内领窝谷:Fullness on Inside Around Collar setting

起耳子:Lock stitches-loop 断线:Broken Stitches

落坑:Run off Stitch 积线球:Lumps of Thread

藏色线:Trapped Color Thread 驳线不齐:Untidy Joined Stitching

缝线阔窄:Uneven Seam 线路不美:Untidy Stitching

布包朴过紧:Tightness of Interlining after Sewing

露朴:Exposure Interlining 领咀朴空:Empty Collar Point

领朴起泡:Bubbling/Delimination Fused Collar

皱:Pucking 走鸡:Miss Design Feature

反光:Underply Visible Outside 露牙:Grinning

扭:Twisted/Misaligned Underarm and Side Seam

高底袋:High/low pocket 筒起波浪:Fullness on Center Placket

筒歪:Crooked Center Placket 担干谷:Fullness on Yoke

前肩大小边:Crooked front Folding 欠返针:Miss Back tack

唛头字母被盖:Hidden Wordings 子口反骨:Seam Overturn

欠开骨:Without Press Open 裤咀歪:Distorted Waistband End

突钮子:Extension of Right Fly Too Long 大细唇:Uneven Lips

裂唇:Open Lips 叠唇:Overlapped Lips


英文 中文 英文 中文

Amber 琥珀色 Khaki 土**

Amethyst 蓝紫色 Leek Green 葱绿色

Antique Bronze 古铜色 Lilac 淡紫色

Brown 棕色 Lemon 柠檬色

Blue 蓝色 Magenta 品红色

Burgundy 红紫色 Muney 紫红色

Bordeaux 红酱色 Copper Brown 棕红色

Maroon 酱紫色 Brilliant Green 艳绿色

Navy Blue 藏青色 Black 黑色

Orange 橙色 Canary 嫩**

Olive 橄榄色 Clay 土灰色

Pink 桃红色 Crimson 梅红色

Plum 梅红色 Pea Green 豆绿色

Carmine 胭脂色 Peacock 孔雀蓝

Corinth 紫酱色 Rubine 酱色

Claret 枣红色 Red 红色

Dark Blue 深蓝色 Malachite Green 孔雀绿

Fawn 淡黄褐 Royal Blue 品蓝色

Flesh Color 肉色 Ruby 红玉色

Fast Blue 坚牢色 Sorrel 红棕色

Golden Yellow 金** Sky Blue 湖蓝色

Golden Brown 黄棕色 Scarlet 大红色

Grass Green 草绿色 Turquoise Blue 翠绿色

Grey 灰色 Tangerine 桔红色

Honey 蜜** Violet 紫色

Isobella 淡** White 白色

Jade Green 翠绿色 Yellow **

Mastic 乳白色


Attention Card 注意卡

Buckle 字扣,铁扣

Back end sticker 外箱检针济贴纸

Plastic Butterfly 胶蝴蝶,胶托

Button Mould 钮模

Boxes 内箱

BSupport 胶托(FOR M&S)

BSupport 胶托(FOR M&S)

Button 钮

Carton 外箱

Inner Carton 内箱

Division Pad 内插筒

Shoulder Cotton Pad 棉织带

Carton Tag 箱贴纸

Plastic Clips 胶夹

Plastic Collar Support 胶领圈

Paper Collar Stripe 纸领条

Collar Stay 插竹

Drawstring 棉绳

Elastic Band 细橡根

Embroidery Patch 绣花章

Cum Tape 平橡根

Herringbone Tape 人字带

Hook and Eye 安全枢(银色)

Plastic Hangers 胶衣架

Hang Tag 挂卡

Interlining 朴

Jocker Tag 挂卡(For Tommy)

Lace 丝带,花边

Box end Label 内盒贴纸(For M&S)

Content Label 成份唛

Leather Disc 皮牌

Exterior Label 旗唛(For ANF)

Flag Label 旗唛,皮士唛

Luggage Pin 胶针

Item Label 旗唛

Zipper Pull 拉链头

Main Label 主唛

Neck Label 领唛

Country Origin Label 产地唛

Pocket/Placket Label 袋唛/旗唛

Label of Other 其它唛

Size Label 西士唛

Wash Care Label 洗水唛

Yoke Label 担干唛

Content/WC/SZ Label 成份/洗水/西士唛

Metal Clip 叉字铁夹

Magic Sticker 魔术贴

Nylon Loop 尼龙捆条

Nylon String 尼龙绳

Small Polybag 小胶袋

Polybag 胶袋

Plastic Clip 胶夹

Poly Envelope 胶袋(封口)

Golden Field Pocket Fabric 高丰袋布

Piece goods (Job costing) 工作用品

Paper Belt (纸)腰带(装饰用)

Pins 针

Cowhide Pager 牛皮纸

Plastic 胶针

Paper Tag 纸牌

Price Ticket (OCR) 价钱牌

Ribbon 丝带

Rectangle Clip 方型胶夹

Rivet 铆钉

Polybag Sticker 胶袋贴纸

Carton Sticker 外箱贴纸

Sundries 杂物

Safety Pins 扣针

Shoulder Pad (Tape) 扁带

Inner Box Sticker 内盒纸箱

Hang tag Sticker 挂卡贴纸

Plastic Shirt Band 胶领条

Paper Shirt Band 纸领条

Shirt Board 纸板

Size Sticker 西士贴纸

Sticker 贴纸

Glee 胶

Staple Wire 备用电线

Levis Tab 标签(For Levis)

heat Transfer 转移印花

Tag Tin 胶针(用枪打)

Tissue Paper 纸领条,衬纸

Thread 线

Twill Tape 斜纹带

Waist Band 印字系带,纸腰带

Waist Tag 腰牌

Zipper 拉链

Plastic Sticker 胶贴纸


1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you


2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you

太太,中午好, 您想买什么?

3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you


4, Welcome to our countelr 欢迎光临本柜

5, Welcome to Wuhan plaza 欢迎光临武汉广场

6, Please take your time 请随便看看

Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客)

7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you


C:I’m thinking of buying a toy for my son


S:May I know how old is he他几岁了?

C:He’ll be six next Sunday The toy is for his birthday


S:I see How about this one 我明白了,这个怎么样?

Conversation B

S:Welcome to counter madam what can I do for you


C:I’m just looking around 我只是随便看看。

S:Please take you time If any thing you like ,just let me now


C:Ok I will thank you 谢谢,我会的。

Exercise 1



1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet


2The Infornation Desk is on the first floor (Ground floor)


3Please go downstairs(upstairs)请下


4You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor


5Follow me ,please 请随我来。

6、Thls way,Please 这边请。

7、You will not miss it 你不会错过的。

8、Where is the sport-department-It’on the flfth floor


9、The cashler is on thls wsy 收银台在那边。

10、It’s on you right hand slde 在你的右手边。


C:Excuse ms,could you tell me where the sport-department is


S:It’s on the 5th floor,you may take the escalator to


C:Thank you,By the way,how can I find the tollet


S:Taka a left turn,then go straight on,It’s on your right hand slde ,You will not miss it


C:Thanks a lot 谢谢!

S:You are welcome 没关系!




1、 Do you want me to show you something 你想看些什么?

2、 Which one do you like 你喜欢哪一个?

3、 Are you interested in any speclal brand你是否对特别的品牌感兴趣?

4、 May I know what you like请告诉我你看中了什么商品?

5、 Would you like this one,which I recommend to you你喜欢我推荐的这件商品吗?

6、 It’a world-famous brand这是国际名牌。

7、 I think it looks good on you我觉得你穿这件很人合适。

8、 It is the most popular color this year这是今年最流行的颜色。

9、 This brand is suitable for young people这个品牌适合年轻人。

10、 It seems you are interested in …你好象对这件商品感兴趣?

11、 Do you have something like this你们有没有象这样的东西?

12、 Here you are 给你。

13、 How about this one你觉得这个怎么样?

14、 Wait a moment,please 请稍等。

15、 I’ll be back soon我马上回来。

16、 I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long对不起,让您久等了。

Conversation A

S:Good everning miss Do you want me to show you something


C:Yes ,I’m looking for a pair of gloves


S:What do you have in mind你想要什么样的?

C:I’m not sure may be a leater one


S: Jiut a moment I”ll get you one(A moment Leter )Here you are You may try it on


C:Thank you this pair fits me perfectly 谢谢,这双非常适合我。

Conversation B

S:welcomeIt seems you’re interested in this dress


C:Yes but I’m afraid it is too thick to wear in summer


S:That’s no probelm It is made of cotton ,so you won’t feel hot


C:That’s nice ,but I don’t like the color


S:The color is popular or young peopl



C:Let me take it 那我买下吧。

S:Here you are You can have a try 给你,你可以试一下。




1. What size ,please 请问多大尺码。

2. What your size 你的尺码是多少?

3. What size do you take 你穿多大的尺码?

4. Here is the one in your size这件是你要的尺码。

5. This is a good fit 这件很合适。

6. It’s too big 太大了。

7. It’s too small太小了。

8. It’s too tight 太紧了。

9. It’s too loose 太松了。

10 How about greenIt’s size ten


11Please try it on 你可以试穿一下。

12I’m afraid this is the largest one we have


13.I’m afraid we liaven’t the size you want



S:Good evening madam 晚上好, 女士

C:Good evening Would you please show me the shoes in black colour


S:All right Do you like this one


C:It looks very nice Let me try it on看上去很漂亮,让我试试。

S:What is your size多大尺吗?

C:36, please 36码的。

S:How about this pair 这双怎么样?

C:This is a good fit 穿着很合适。




1、What color do you like你喜欢什么颜色?

2 What is yout favorite color你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

3 Do you think a blue on

e will do你认为蓝色的行吗?

4 Do you like this kind of color你觉得这种颜色怎样?

5 I think red suits you most 我认为红色的最适合你。

6 Is this kind of color too bright for me 我穿这种颜色是不是太鲜艳了。

7 Brown is too oldish for you你穿棕色太老气了。

8 This color is quite popular这种颜色非常流行。

9 I like the color on me 我觉得这种颜色比较适合我。

10 It is colorfast这是不褪色的。

11 It doesn’t fade这种颜色不褪色。


C:Excuse me , could you show me a coat like the one on the model


S:Sure, you really have a good taste , madam ,What color do you like


C:The grey one looks nice灰色的看上去挺好的。

S:You may try it on , The mirror is behind you


C:Thank you , This color is quite beautiful ,but does it fsde


S:No, it is colorfast,不,它不褪色。

C:Then I’ll take this one Thank you那么我买一件,谢谢!

S:You’re welcome不用谢。



Red 红色 ;green绿色; yellow **; blue蓝色; purple紫色;

Black 黑色;white白色;pink 粉红色;orange橘**;brown 棕色;beige米色;grey灰色


1. Do you like this design 你喜欢这个款式吗?

2. What do you think of this style 你认为这个款式怎么样?

3. What style do you prefer 这两种款式,你更喜欢哪一个?

4. It’s the latest

fashion ,very popular 这是最新款,非常流行。


S:Good moring ,sir早上好,先生。

C: Good moring ,I want to buy a coat 早上好,我想买一件外套。

S:We have difierent kinds of coats I’m sure you can find the one you like 我们有各种外套,相信你会找到喜欢的。

C:Yes ,I hope so I’ve been visiting many big stores, but I haven’t found my favorite yet 希望如此。我已经去过许多大商店,但还没找到最喜欢的。

S:Do you like this oneIt’s the latest fashion of this year,very popular 你喜欢这一件吗?今年最新款,非常流行。

C:Thank youThat seems to be what I’m looking for 谢谢!这好像就是我要找的。



第七部分: 说明质量

1. This one is the highest quality 这种质量最好。

2. The quality is good 质量非常好。

3. This is made of cotton ,so it comfortable 它是棉的,穿着舒适。

4. These are more expensive , but the quality is super 价格虽然比较贵,但质量好。

5. It’s always out of stock , there is not much left 非常热销, 已所剩不多了。

6. Let me show you how to use it 让我示范给你看怎么使用。

7. It’s long lasting 非常耐用。

8. Please handle it with care 请小心拿好。

9. You have good taste 你眼光真不错。


S:Can I help you 你想买什么?

C;Yes ,I want to buy a cooking pot 我想买一个锅。

S:We have several kinds, all made pf different material 我们有


C:Which kind is most long lasting 哪能一种最耐。

S:I think the most long lasting is stainless steel 我认为最耐用的是不锈钢的。

C:That’s all right I’ll take one 那好吧,我买一个。




1 How much is it ? 多少钱?

2 How much does it cost 这个多少钱?

3 It is 240 yuan 240元。

4 It’s 15 yuan altogether 总共1580元。

5 Can you make it cheaper 能否便宜些?

6 Can you come down a bit 能否再降一点?

7 Any discount 有折扣吗?

8 If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discout 如果有贵宾卡,你可以得到9折优惠。

9 Is it on sale 这个削价出售吗?

10 These goods are on sale today 今天,这些商品降价销售。

11 We don’t ask for second prices 我们货无二价。

12 This is the bill ,please pay at the cashier’s 这是单据,请到收银台付款。

13 Wait a minute please ,I’ll make out your receipt 请稍等,我给你开发票。

14 Would you like to pay it in cash or by credit card 你是愿意用现金还是信用卡付款?

15 Yes ,we accept visa ,Maser and American Express card 是的,我们接受维萨、万事达和美国运通卡。

16 It’s free gift 这是我们的赠品。

17 It’s free of charge 这是免费的。

18 Anything else 还需要别的商品吗?


C:Please show me that white T shirt 请给我看看那件白色的T恤。

S:Here you are 给你。

C:It’s in good quality How much is it 质量很好,多少钱?

S:One hundred and eighty yuan 180元。

C:Oh,it’s too much ,Can you come down a bit 哦,太贵了,能否降一点?

S:If you have a VIP card ,you can get 10 percent discount 如果有贵宾卡,你可以得到9折优惠。




1 Thank you very much 谢谢你。

2 Thank you for your advice 谢谢你的建议。

3 I’m glad you enjoy it 很高兴你喜欢。

4 My pleasure 没关系。

5 You’re welcome 没关系。

6 Not at all 不用谢。

7 Don’t mention it 没关系。

8 It’s very kind of you ,we can’t accept tips 您太客气了,我们不收小费。


C:Thanks a lot 非常谢谢!

S;You are welcome 不用谢。




1 Thsnk you for shopping 谢谢惠顾。

2 Hope to see you again 欢迎下次光临。

3 Have a good time in WuHan piaza 祝您在武广购物愉快。

4 Good-bye and good luck。再见,祝你好运。

5 See you later 再见。

to do some shopping; to go shopping 买东西

shopping centre 商业中心区

department store 百货商店

children's goods store 儿童用品商店

antique shop 古玩店

second-hand store 旧货店

counter 柜台

stall, stand 售货摊

show window 橱窗

show case 玻璃柜台

shelf 货架

cash desk, cashier's desk 收银处

price tag 标价签

prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价

discount 打折扣

change 零钱

to keep the bill 留发票

to wrap up 包装

free of charge 不收费

to deliver 送

be al sold out, out of stock 售空

shop assistant, salesman 售货员

saleswoman 女售货员

glassware counter 玻璃器皿部

enamel ware 搪瓷器皿

haberdashery 男子服饰用品

confectionery 糖果糕点

cosmetics 化妆用品

stationery 文具

fabrics 纺织品

dry goods 服装

ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装

men's wear 男服

women's wear 女服

underwear 内衣裤

sports goods, athletic equipment 体育用品

sundries 零星小物

toilet articles 盥洗用品

towel 毛巾

handkerchief 手帕

toilet soap 香皂

shampoo 洗发香波

soap 肥皂

laundry soap 洗衣皂

soap powder 肥皂粉

soap flakes 皂片

medicated soap 药皂

detergent 洗衣粉

cleanser 去污粉

tooth paste 牙膏

tooth brush 牙刷

toilet mirror 梳妆镜

hair brush 发刷

hair vaseline 发蜡

cosmetics 化妆品

lipstic 口红,唇膏

face powder 粉

compact 粉盒

powder puff 粉扑

cold cream 香脂

vanishing cream 雪花膏

perfume, scent 香水

perfume spray 香水喷子

coat hanger 挂衣架

clothes-peg, clothes pin 晒衣夹

string bag, net bag 网兜

thermos bottle 热水瓶

cap, cork 热水瓶瓶盖

travellers' water bottle, water flask, canteen 旅行水壶

lunch box, canteen 饭盒

thread 线

needle 针

button 钮扣

zipper 拉链

key-ring 钥匙圈

torch, flashlight 手电

bulb 灯泡

battery 电池

lock 锁

watch, wrist watch 表,手表

watch band 表带

watch chain 表链

clock 钟

alarm clock 闹钟

electric clock 电钟

umbrella 雨伞

parasol, sun umbrella 阳伞

knapsack 背包

handbag 女手提包

briefcase, portfolio 公事包

travelling bag 旅行包

suitcase 手提箱

trunk 大衣箱

magnifying glass 放大镜

binoculares 望远镜

hot-water bottle 热水袋

smoking set 烟具

lighter 打火机

jewelry, jewels 首饰,珠宝

jewel case 首饰盒

antique, curio 古玩

ornaments 装饰品

ring, finger ring 戒指

signet ring 印章戒指

necklace 项链

brooch 胸针

pendant 坠子

bracelet 镯子

chain bracelet 手链

ear ring 耳环

trinket 小饰物

safety-pin 别针

cuff-link 袖扣

diamond 钻石

gold jeweleries 金饰

silver jeweleries 银饰

pearl 珍珠

imitation 仿制品

genuine 真的

fake 假的

baby's cot, crib 婴儿床

cradle 摇篮

diaper, napkin 尿布

feeding bottle, feeder 奶瓶

teat, nipple 橡皮奶嘴

dummy, comforter 假奶嘴

perambulator 儿童车

go-cart, walker, babywalker 儿童学步车

rocking-horse 摇马

scooter 踏板车

child's tricycle 儿童三轮车

razor 剃刀

safety razor 保险剃须刀

electric razor 电剃刀

razor blade 刀片

shaving brush 剃须刷

shaving cream 剃须膏

comb 梳子

hair-brush 发刷

hair-net 发网

hair pin 发夹

hair oil, brilliantine 发油

hair lotion 生发水

pomade 发膏

hair drier 吹风机

hair-curler 卷发夹

electric clippers, electric shears 电推子

nail scissors 指甲剪

nail clipper 指甲夹

nail file 指甲锉

nail varnish, nail polish 指甲油








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