










Helen: This street is about a mile long

  Zo: It’s full of stalls

  Helen: And it’s one of the best known street markets in the UK

  Zo: 这条街就是伦敦的Portobello Market, 真正的street market 市场。

  Helen: Hello, I’m Helen Welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English

  Zo: 大家好,我是刘佳。在我们今天的BBC Learning English节目当中,我们回来给大家好好介绍一下伦敦市中心最有名的二手货市场Portobello Market 波多贝露市场。

  Helen: What does Portobello Market mean to people Here’s what one of them had to say


  Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic, long winding road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand

  Zo+Helen: 这位先生说到点上了。他用了很多个非常来形容波多贝露市集的特点。非常热闹充满了生气 (very lively),有着动感(very vibrant),比较原始 (quite raw), 多元文化 (multicultural ), 民族色彩 (ethnic)。 不过他也觉得波多贝露市集上有的东西标价过高 (overpriced)。 最重要的特点是你在这儿什么东西都能买到 (you can buy anything),只要是二手旧货 (that’s right, this is a market for old and second hand goods)


  Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic, long winding road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand

  Helen: The market has lots of stalls selling all kinds of things

  Zo: Stall 就是小摊,这些小摊虽然地方不大,可能只有几平米,可是也都挂满了各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。

  Helen: Jonathan has an antique map stall in the Portobello market So what sort of unique interesting things can you find at the market Jonathan gave us some ideas


  Well, as I said, anything and everything There are some shops stalls that are very expensive, and they have wonderful furniture, paintings, or pieces of pottery or porcelain

  Zo+Helen: 有些商店是古董专家,所以价格不便宜。像家具 (furniture), 画 (paintings), 陶瓷 (pottery and porcelain) 都有不少的选择。


  And then there’ll be a store selling what we call in this country bric-a-brac, and that can be anything from a little cup, to a tin, to a glass to an old game, to a toy, you name it And that’s the great thing about going to Portobello Road, you are never sure what you are going to find

  Zo+Helen: Jonathan 也提到很多小摊买的是二手杂货, 英语里有个特别的名字 (it’s called bric-a-brac) bric-a-brac 这类的东西一般都比较小,像杯子,小盒子,纪念品,玩具之类的。(You are never sure what you are going to find)逛Portobello Market 的乐趣就是你永远不知道你会发现什么。


  It’s full of surprises For a few pounds you’ll come away with a wonderful memento of London and something that’s probably unique

  Zo: 大家都说伦敦消费贵,可是你到了Portobello, 没准就花几镑钱就能买到好东西。

  Helen: That’s right, for a few pounds you could have something wonderful to remind you of London

  Zo: 而且是独一无二的纪念品 a unique memento。这才是最有意思的。

  Helen: A couple of other things about Portobello Market Firstly, the main market is only open on Saturdays

  Zo: 这个二手市集只有星期六才有。平时只有少数的商店才开门。

  Helen: And secondly, don’t be afraid to haggle

  Zo: haggle 就是讨价还价,只有在这种地方,才有机会和摊主谈谈价钱。不过可别杀价太狠了。

  Helen: Well I hope you now know more about the famous second hand market in London -- Portobello Market

  Zo: 波多贝露市集, 伦敦最有名的古董二手货市场。

  Helen: So until the next time, it’s goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English

  Zo: Bye



hand 1

1 / hænd; hænd/ n

[C] end part of the human arm below the wrist 手: take/lead sb by the hand 拉着某人的手[牵着某人的手走] have one's hands in one's pockets 双手插在衣袋里 =>illus 见插图

a hand [sing] (infml 口) active help 积极的帮助: Give (me) a hand with the washing-up 帮(我)洗洗餐具吧 Do you want/need a hand 你需要帮忙吗

[C] pointer on a clock, dial, etc (时钟、 仪表等的)指针: the `hour/`minute/`second hand of a watch 表的时[分/秒]针

[C] (a) manual worker on a farm or in a factory, dockyard, etc (农场或工厂、 船坞等的)从事体力劳动的工人; 劳工: `farm-hands 农场工人 (b) member of a ship's crew 船员: All hands (ie All seamen are needed) on deck! 所有船员都到甲板上来!

[sing] skill in using the hands 手艺; 技能: He has a light hand with pastry, ie makes it well 他很会做糕点

[C] (a) set of cards dealt to a player in a card-game (纸牌戏中拿到的)一手牌: have a good, bad, poor, etc hand 拿到一手好、 坏、 糟牌 (b) one round in a game of cards (纸牌戏的)一局: Let's play one more hand 我们再打一局吧

[sing] style of handwriting 书法: He has/writes a good/legible hand 他字写得好[清楚]

[sing] (dated or fml 旧或文) promise to marry 许婚: He asked for her hand 他向她求婚 She gave him her hand (in marriage) 她同意嫁给他

[C] unit of measurement, about four inches (1016 cm), used for measuring the height of a horse 一手之宽(约四英寸, 即1016厘米, 用以量马的高度)

(idm 习语) all ,hands to the `pump (saying 谚) everyone must help 人人都该出把力: We've an urgent job on this week, so it's (a case of) all hands to the pump 我们本周有紧急任务, 所以人人都该出把力 at first, second, etc `hand directly/indirectly from the original source 直接、 间接地: I only heard the news at second hand 我只是间接听到这个消息的 (close/near) at `hand (a) near; close by 在附近; 在手头: He lives close at hand 他住在附近 (b) (fml 文) about to happen 即将发生: Your big moment is at hand 你的重大时刻即将到来 at sb's hands from sb 出自某人之手: I did not expect such unkind treatment at your hands 我没想到你如此刻薄 be a dab, an old, a poor, etc hand (at sth) have (or lack) the specified skill or experience 有(或缺乏)某种技能或经验: He's an old hand (ie very experienced) at this game 他是玩这种游戏的老手(很有经验) I was never much of a hand (ie never very good) at cookery 我从来不是干烹饪的好手(未做过好饭菜) bind/tie sb hand and `foot (a) tie sb's hands and feet together 捆住某人的手脚 (b) (fig 比喻) take away sb's freedom of action 使某人不能行动自如 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush => bird bite the hand that feeds one => bite1 blood on one's hands => blood1 bring sb/sth up by hand rear (a person or an animal) by feeding from a bottle 用奶瓶喂养(人或动物): The lamb had to be brought up by hand 这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养 by `hand (a) by a person, not a machine 用手而不用机器; 以手工: made by hand 手工制作的 (b) by a messenger (not through the post) 由传递者(非经邮局): The note was delivered by hand 这封短信经由专人送交 by one's own fair hand => fair1 cap in hand => cap change hands => change1 the dead hand of sth => dead the devil makes work for idle hands => devil1 eat out of sb's hand => eat fall, etc into sb's, etc `hands be taken or obtained (esp by an enemy) 落入某人(尤指敌人)之手; 为某人所获得: The town fell into enemy hands 该城已落到敌人手中 I would hate my diary to get into the wrong hands 我不愿意别人看我的日记 a firm hand => firm1 fold one's hands => fold1 force sb's hand => force2 from ,hand to `hand from one person to another 从一人之手转到另一人之手: Buckets of water were passed from hand to hand to put the fire out 人们一桶又一桶传递着水以便把火扑灭 gain/win sb's hand (fml 文) make sb promise to marry one 获得某人本人对婚事的应允 gain, get, etc the upper hand => upper get one's eye/hand in => eye1 get, have, etc a free hand => free1 give sb/get a big hand => big give one's `hand on sth (fml 文) take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物 (be) ,hand in `glove (with sb) working in close association 密切合作: He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起 ,hand in `hand (a) holding each other's hand 手拉手 =>illus at arm 见arm插图 (b) (fig 比喻) closely associated; linked together 密切关联的; 连在一起的: War and suffering go hand in hand 战争和苦难是同时并存的 ,hand over `hand using one's hands alternately (as when climbing) 双手交替使用(如攀登时) ,hands `off (sth/sb) (infml 口) don't touch (sth/sb); don't interfere 不许触及(某物[某人]); 不许干涉: ,Hands off my `sandwiches!别动我的三明治! ,hands `up (a) (said when addressing a group of people) raise one hand (eg to show agreementor to answer a question) (对大家说的话)举手(举一只手, 如用以表示同意或准备回答问题): Hands up, anyone who knows the answer 能回答的举手 (b) raise both hands (eg to show that one is surrendering) 举手(举双手, 如表示投降): Hands up and drop your gun! 举起手来, 把抢放下! ,hand to `hand (of fighting) involving physical contact with one's opponent 短兵相接; 肉搏: [attrib 作定语] hand-to-hand combat 肉搏战 have/take a hand in sth participate in sth; be partly responsible for sth 参与或介入某事物; 对某事物有一定责任: I bet he had a `hand in it 我敢说他一定参与了此事 have one's `hands free/tied be/not be in a position to do as one likes 可以[不能]自行其是 have one's `hands full be so busy that one cannot undertake anything else 忙得腾不出手来; 无暇兼顾 have sb in the palm of one's hand => palm1 have time on one's hands/time to kill => time1 have, etc the whip hand => whip a heavy hand => heavy a helping hand => help1 hold sb's `hand comfort or help sb in a sad or difficult situation 安慰或帮助某人(减轻痛苦或摆脱困境) hold `hands (with sb) sit, walk, etc beside another person with hands linked, usu as a sign of affection 与别人手拉手地坐着、 行走等(通常含有爱意): two lovers holding hands 手拉着手的一对恋人 in `hand (a) in one's possession and available for use 在手中(持有); 在手头(随时可用): I still have somemoney in hand 我手中还有些钱 Cash in hand, £3725手头现金共3725英镑 (b) in control 在控制下: We have the situation well in hand 我们完全控制住了局面 (c) receiving attention and being dealt with 得到照顾并在处理之中: the job in hand 正在办理的工作 The work is in hand and will soon be completed 这工作在进行中, 不久即可完成 in one's/sb's `hands in one's/sb's possession, control or care 在本人的[某人的]支配、 控制、 照料或监护之下: The affair is no longer in my hands 这事已不归我管了 Put the matter in the hands of a solicitor 把这事交给律师去办 in capable, good, etc `hands being well managed, etc 在妥善的管理等中: I've left the department in Bill's very efficient hands 我已把这个部门交由非常得力的比尔去管理 an iron fist/hand in a velvet glove => iron1 join hands => join keep one's `hand in retain one's skill by practice 藉练习以保持熟练程度: I like to play tennis regularly, just to keep my hand in 我喜欢经常打打网球, 以免技术生疏 know (a place) like the back of one's hand => know lay one's `hands on sb/sth (a) find sb/sth 找到某人[某物]: The book's here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it just now 那本书就放在这儿的什麽地方, 但我现在就是找不到 (b) (infml 口) catch sb/sth 捉住某人[某物]: If I ever lay my hands on the thief, he'll be sorry 我要是什麽时候抓到了那个贼, 有他好受的 (c) (of a priest) put the hands on the head of sb, to bless, confirm or ordain him (指牧师)对某人行按手礼(将双手按在某人的头上表示祝福、 对其施行坚信礼或授予圣职) hand 2

1 / hænd; hænd/ n

lend a hand => lend lift/raise a finger/hand (to do sth) => lift lift/raise a/one's `hand against sb threaten or attack sb 威胁或攻击某人 live from ,hand to `mouth satisfy only one's present basic needs (esp for food) 仅能满足眼前的基本需要(尤指食物方面的需要): [attrib 作定语] a hand-to-mouth existence仅能糊口的生活 make money hand over fist => money many hands make light work (saying 谚) a task is soon completed if many people help 人多好办事 not do a hand's `turn not do any work 什麽工作也不做: He never does a hand's turn around the house his wife does everything 家里的事儿他从来都不做--一切都由妻子操劳 off one's `hands no longer one's responsibility 不再承担责任: They'll be glad to get their son off their hands 他们再不必为儿子操心, 感到很高兴 offer one's hand => offer on either/every `hand (fml 文) on both/all sides 在两[每一]边; 在两个[各个]方面 on `hand available 现有(随时可用) on one's `hands resting on one as a responsibility 由本人照管; 由本人处理; 由本人负责: I have an empty house on my hands, eg one for which I want to find a buyer or tenant 我手中有一所空房子要处理(如想找买家或租客) on the `one hand on the `other (hand) (used to indicate contrasting points of view, opinions, etc 用以引导出相互矛盾的观点、 意见等) out of `hand (a) out of control; undisciplined 无法控制; 无纪律: The football fans have got completely out of hand 那些足球迷已经完全失去控制 (b) at once; without further thought 立即; 不假思索地: The proposal was rejected out of hand 这个建议当即遭到了拒绝 ,out of one's `hands no longer under one's control 不再受本人控制: I can't help you, I'm afraid the matter is out of my hands 我爱莫能助, 很抱歉--此事已非我力所能及 overplay one's hand => overplay ,play into sb's `hands do sth that is to (an opponent's) advantage 做有利於(对手)的蠢事; 让(对手)占便宜 put one's ,hand in one's `pocket be ready to spend or give money 伸手掏腰包(准备花钱或付款) putty in sb's hands => putty see, etc sb's hand in sth notice sb's (esp unfriendly or harmful) influence in sth 注意到某人对某事物的(尤指坏的)影响: Do I detect your hand in this 你在这件事情上起的作用, 能瞒得了我吗 set one's hand to sth (dated or fml 旧或文) sign (esp a formal document) 签署(尤指正式文件): set one's hand to a treaty 在条约上签字 shake sb's hand/shake hands/shake sb by the hand => shake1 show one's hand/cards => show2 a show of hands => show1 sit on one's hands => sit sleight of hand => sleight take one's courage in both hands => courage ,take sb in `hand take control of sb in order to improve his behaviour 管教某人: Those dreadful children need to be taken in hand 那些讨厌的孩子需要加以管教 take the law into one's own hands => law take one's life in one's hands =>life take matters into one's own hands => matter1throw one's `hand in (infml 文) abandon sth in which one is engaged 从正在做的某事中退出; 放弃某事物 time hangs/lies heavy on one's hands => time1 to `hand (a) within reach; readily available 在手头; 随时可用: I don't have the information to hand 我手头没有现成的资料 (b) (commerce 商) received 收到: Your letter is to hand, ie has reached me and is receiving attention 来函敬悉 try one's hand => try1 turn one's hand to sth (be able to) undertake sth (能够)担任某工作: She can turn her hand to all sorts of jobs 她能做各种工作 wait on sb hand and foot => wait1 wash one's hands of sb/sth => wash2 win hands down => win wring one's hands => wring

> -handed (in compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词)

having hands as specified 有某类型手的: big-handed

(a) using the specified hand usually, in preference to the other 常用某只手的(而不常用另一只手): right-handed people (b) made by or for the specified hand 用某只手做的; 为某只手做的: a left-handed blow a one-handed catch

handful / ˈhændful; ˋhændfʊl/ n (pl -fuls)

1 [C] ~ (of sth) as much or as many as can be held in one hand 一把: pick up a handful of sand 抓起一把沙子

2 [sing] ~ (of sb/sth) small number 少数; 少量: a handful of people 少数几个人

3 a handful [sing] (infml 口) person or animal that is difficult to control 难控制的人或动物: That young lad is quite a handful, ie is lively and troublesome 那个小伙子真难管束(活泼而淘气)

# `handbag (US purse) n small bag for money, keys, etc, carried esp by women (装钱、 钥匙等的)小手提包(尤指女用的) =>illus at luggage 见luggage插图

`hand-baggage n [U] (US) = hand-luggage

`handball n [U] any of several games in which players throw a ball to each other or hit it (usu with a gloved hand) against a wall 手球运动

`hand-barrow n light two-wheeled barrow (两轮的)手推车

`handbill n printed advertisement or announcement distributed by hand 传单

`handbook n small book giving useful facts; guidebook 手册; 指南: a car handbook 汽车手册 a handbook of wild flowers 野生花卉手册 Cf 参看 manual n 1

`handbrake n (in a motor vehicle) brake operated by hand, used when the vehicle is stationary (机动车的)手刹车, 手闸: Don't drive with the handbrake on 手闸扳上时不可开车 =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii

`handcart n = cart 1

`handclap n [sing] clapping of the hands 拍手; 鼓掌: give sb a slow handclap, ie clap slowly and rhythmically to show impatience 对某人缓慢而有节奏地鼓掌(表示不耐烦)

`handcuffs n [pl] pair of metal rings joined by a chain, for fastening round the wrists of prisoners 手铐: The prisoner wore (a pair of) handcuffs 犯人戴着(一副)手铐 =>illus at shackle 见shackle插图 `handcuff v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tnpr] ~ sb (to sth/sb) put handcuffs on sb 给某人戴手铐: The demonstratorhad handcuffed herself to the railings 有个示威的妇女把自己铐在栏杆上

`hand-grenade n grenade thrown by hand 手榴弹

`hand-gun n (esp US) gun that is held and fired with one hand; pistol 手枪

,hand-`held adj held in the hand 手提式的; 便携式的: film taken with a ,hand-held `camera 用手提式摄影机拍摄的影片

`handhold n thing that a climber may grip, eg on a rock face 攀登者可以抓牢的东西(如岩石上的)

`hand-luggage (US `hand-baggage) n [U] luggage that is light enough to be carried by hand 手提行李

,hand`made adj made by hand 手工制的: ,handmade `pottery 手工制作的陶器 Cf 参看 machine-made (machine)

`handmaid (also `handmaiden) n (arch 古) female servant 女仆; 侍女

,hand-`picked adj carefully chosen 仔细挑选的; 精选的

`handrail n narrow rail for holding as a support, eg when going up or down stairs 扶手(如楼梯的) =>illus at stair 见stair插图

`handsaw n saw used with one hand only 手锯

`handshake n 1 shaking of sb's hand with one's own, as a greeting, etc 握手

(idm 习语) a ,golden `handshake => golden

,hands-`on adj [attrib 作定语] practical 亲身实践的;实习的: have ,hands-on ex`perience of a computer keyboard有操作计算机的实际经验

`handspring n somersault in which a person lands first on his hands and then on his feet 手翻; 前手翻腾越

`handstand n balancing on one's hands with one's feet in the air 手倒立: do a handstand 做手倒立动作

`handwriting n [U]

1 writing with a pen, pencil, etc 书写

2 person's particular style of this 书法; 笔迹: I can't read his handwriting 我看不懂他的笔迹

`handwritten adj written by hand (ie not printed ortyped) 手写的: Letters of application must be handwritten申请信必须手写 hand 3

2 / hænd; hænd/ v

[Tnp, Dnn, Dnpr] ~sth (to sb) give or transfer sth with one's hand or hands 交; 递: He handed round the biscuits 他把饼乾传递过去 Please hand me that book 请把那本书递给我 She handed it to the boy 她把它交给了那个男孩子

(idm 习语) hand/give sb sth on a plate => plate1

(phr v) hand sth down (to sb) (a) pass sth on by tradition, inheritance, etc 传递某物; 把某物往下传: stories handed down from generation to generation 代代相传的故事 Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother 我的衣服大多是我哥哥传给我的 (b) (esp US) announce sth formally or publicly 正式宣布某事物; 颁布某事物: hand down a budget, legal decision, verdict 公布预算、 判决、 裁定 hand sth in (to sb) bring or give sth; offer or submit sth 交来、 交上、 提交或呈交某物: Hand in your examination papers now, please 请把试卷交上来 She handed in her resignation 她提交了辞呈 hand sth on (to sb) send or give sth to another person 将某物送交或转交他人: Please hand on the magazine to your friends 请把这本杂志传给你的朋友们看 hand sth out (to sb) distribute sth 分发或分配某物: Relief workers were handing out emergency rations (to the survivors) 救济人员在(向生还者)分发紧急配给品 hand (sth) over (to sb) transfer (a position of authority or power) to sb 把(权位或权力)移交给某人: I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy 我现在辞去主席职位, 交由我的副手接替 hand over power to an elected government 把权力移交给经选举产生的政府 hand sb over to sb (esp at a meeting, on TV, etc or on the telephone) let sb listen or speak to another person (尤指在会议、 电视等中或在电话里)让某人听另一个人的讲话或与另一个人谈话: I'm handing you over now to our home affairs correspondent 现在请听本台记者报道的国内新闻 hand sb/sth over (to sb) deliver sb/sth, esp to authority 把某人[某物]交出(尤指交给当局): They handed him/their weapons over to the police 他们把他[武器]交给了警方 hand it to sb (infml 口) (always with must or have (got) to 需与must或have (got) to连用) give sb the praise that he deserves 给某人以应得的赞扬; 肯定某人的优点: You've got to hand it to her she's damned clever 你不能不佩服她--她简直聪明到了极点

# `hand-me-downs (also `reach-me-downs) n [pl] used or unwanted things (esp clothes) that are given to another person, esp a younger brother or sister 某人用旧的或不要的而传给他人的东西(尤指留给弟弟妹妹用的衣物): I don't want your old hand-me-downs! 我不要你那些用过了的旧东西!

`hand-out n

1 (esp) food, money or clothes given free to a needy person 施舍物(尤指食物、 金钱或衣物)

2 (a) leaflet, etc distributed free of charge 免费散发的印刷品 (b) prepared statement given, eg by a politician, to newspaper men (政治家等对报界发表的)声明 (c) duplicated sheet containing examples, etc distributed by a teacher 教师分发给学生的讲义等

`hand-over n (period of) transfer, esp of power or responsibility (尤指权力或职责的)移交(时期)





1、Dynastic Cycle:Eurekas与Inspirations给予对应的tech与civic 60%的加速值(原先是50%)

2、The First Emperor:工人可消耗charge 完成15% 的Ancient & Classical奇观的原始产能花费


Great Pyramids:所有工人+1 charge,免费工人(这个与中国的特殊能力简直相辅相成,抢其它奇观,盖长城,改良奢侈品资源等)


Petra:沙漠区块变成+2 Food,+2 Gold,and +1 Production

Great Library:Ancient & Classical的tech都会得到加速加成(确保科技领先)

因为这几点关系中国开局的思维,概念上在于运用特殊能力抢盖最多的远古与古典奇观,首要目标应是取得The Great Library确保科技优势,以及早期抢盖Great Pyramids

然而deity level的AI本身有开局优势,因此有时候不容易抢成功,因此要靠宗教,政策,贸易路线与小城邦的辅助。





开局第一个研发的科技选首都附近有的资源,如有石头就选mining,有牛羊就animal husbandry,有麦子米饭就选pottery。


产两个Scout,因为这版早期探索的探索效益非常大,一方面是原始村落触发Eurekas与Inspirations的机率很高,且现在有机会在探索中拿到great work。有时候会带来很高的宗教值加成等等。






扛枪说话 男人的枪战场


挑选第二城的位置时要考虑一下奇观的建设条件,譬如首都附近都是平原,第二城最好找市中心3格内邻近沙漠的(Great Pyramids,Petra)。以及具有丘陵(Oracle)。

生产Slinger是为防御用途,配合地形以及战士的zone of control,杀掉一个野蛮人Scout可以触发弓箭技术的加成。杀三个野蛮人可以触发Bronze working。弓箭技术在早期是必须,为了击退野蛮人之外,若是初期其它文明向你无预警宣战(在deity level还满常发生的),两支弓手加一开始的战士通常能有效防御。




其它比较重要几个奇观对应的科技分别是:irrigation(Hanging Gardens),Astrology(Stonehenge),Masonry(Great Pyramid)。没有意外应该都要优先取得。


基本所需都研发完后,先投资Astrology,这样你的Scout在发现Natural Wonder后可以直接完成该项科技。之后就直接盖巨石阵。


大方向则是尽早取得Recorded History(The great library)。(盖两个campus可以加速)。

然后尽早取得political policy(发现三个城邦可以加速),因为可转换政体到autocracy,会有奇观建造加成。

当code of law完成后,用工人改良三个地块取得craftsmanship加速,发现新大陆取得foreign trade加速。两个都很好触发所以一开始交互研发即可。

要注意的是Code of law完成后,经济政策我通常选God King(+1 Faith and +1 Gold in the Capital)。


(早期信仰我觉得+10% city growth rate应该是长期下来最好的,但是根据经验不选+15%奇观加成会导致奇观抢不赢deity AI)之后建造Stonehenge抢宗教,我会选以下:


Jesuit Education:Campus、Theater Square的建筑物都可以用宗教值购买。


Great Library要盖在Campus旁,且Campus内必须有Library。选这个信仰我们可以在Campus完成后马上购买Library,下一回合直接进行Great Library的建设。



关于工人加速奇观,每个工人成本是50单位,有3个charge,而中国血汗劳工的特殊能力又多一个charge。所以平均一个charge是12。5个生产成本。因此用工人去完成像是Great Library,Petra(400 production)都是赚的。

工人的charge消耗完会消失,有一个小技巧是,在金字塔还没盖完以前,不要消耗所有工人的charge,留下一个。当金字塔完成后那些只剩1 charge的工人全部都会再多一个charge,再把他们拿去加速其它奇观XD。


远古时期,利用没战犯值这点,跟左邻右舍尽量开战,用scout + archer(Scout这代很好用的XD)三不五时去破坏一下限制他们发展。你的城市中只要有2个archer + 一开始的战士基本上他们动不了你。有远古城墙后更不用说。

千里之行,始于足下,开始几关,你会受到CAESAR的训练,他将教 你建城的基本要点,如果你感到迷惑,仔细看看他的话吧。下面讲 讲我一般的ROUTINE,

  看看地图,分析一下食物来源,要种地还是要打鱼,以种地为例, 画一条街,建30-60座房子,等来些移民,建些PREFECTURE(古罗马 的行政官,也是消防队),和ENGINEER’S POST(建筑队),注意干地 PREFECTURE要多建,湿地可少建。马上建些FARM(农场),建个GRANARY (谷仓),建些MARKET(市场),好了,马上解决喝水问题,建些RESERVOIR (水塔)和FOUNTAIN(喷泉),全体人民吃上饭,喝上水,千万别忘了建 个CLINIC,别发生瘟疫啊。马上建(TEMPLE)庙,五个神一人一个,注 意要不偏不倚,好,建个FORUM来收税。注意你的钱在不断减少,出 路之有一个,搞贸易,看看大地图,那些城市可以与你贸易(红的), 马上生产对方需要的东西,注意高级产品的价钱是原材料的三倍左右, 尽可能加工后再出口,以陶瓷为例,建N个CLAY PIT(粘土坑),再建 2N个POTTERY WORKSHOP(陶瓷厂),为储存物资,你还的要建个WAREHOUSE (仓库),海上贸易你还得有DOCK(码头)。建完这些再扩展你的房子, 建个THEATER(剧院),再建个SCHOOL(学校),用PLAZA(漂亮的路)和 GARDEN(花园)把房子围起来,此时,你所有的房子应该变成SMALL CASA 了,好了,鬼子该打过来了,马上建BARRACKS(兵营)和MILITARY ACADEMY (军校),再在鬼子要过来的方向建个FORT(军事基地),要能生产武器 就建个LEGIONARIES(军团,战斗力最强),没武器建个标枪队救急也行, 怎么,鬼子上来了,先存盘吧。打退敌人后,慢慢等着吧,等你有了钱, 有了几支部队,就可以慢慢扩张城市了,当然,若你选的是危险任务, 城防是第一要素。

  行了,你的城市起来了,你开始为不能过关发愁了,这个该死的PROSPERITY 怎么就是不长呢,听我慢慢道来吧。


   1。你每建一个新建筑(GARDEN等除外),就会丛里面走出一个穿棕衣服 的人,他无目的漫游,如果在近处发现居民区,你的建筑物就开始工作 了,你的LABOR ADVISOR就会给这个建筑物拨派劳动力(如果你有足够 WORKER的话),很明显,离居民区太远的建筑物是不会工作的,到底离 多远哪,自己观察吧。

   2。右击你的房子,房子里的居民会告诉你这房子为何不能发展,满足 他们的要求吧,你不失望的,同样,右击路上的行人,他们会告诉 你他们对这个城市的看法,你的子民不象你想象的那样愚昧,听听他们 英国口音的英语,也是种享受。 2。你生产的粮食会由农场工人送到就近的谷仓里,然后如果你市场附近 的房子需要食物,有个FAT LADY就会到左近的谷仓里,然后领一队小孩子 出来把食物运到市场中,然后这位大嫂会在附近漫游,路过的房子就会 得到食物。结论是这样的,离市场太远的房子得不到食物或供应不稳定, 同样,离谷仓太远的市场也不会有食物。为增加效率,你应在农场附近 建个谷仓,再在居民区附近建个谷仓(这个谷仓用GETTING FOOD指令保证 它也有粮食),再建几个市场来散发食物),大体上,一个街区50栋房子 养1000人需一个谷仓,三个市场,大约七块田。

   3。其它物资供应(陶瓷,家具,油,葡萄酒)也是同理,你需要多个仓库 来保证稳定的供应,如果你的房子变来变去,一会是INSULAE,一会是CASA, 多半你的物资不能保证供应。

   4。你的居民一开始全是平民,如果房子变成了VILLA或更高,这些房子 里的人就成了贵族,贵族交税很多,不过他们不工作!!,哈,如果你 的人民都成了贵族,你就要饿死了。变VILLA的奥秘是供应葡萄酒,所以, 不要对你的大部分街区供应葡萄酒,如果你这样做,会怎样呢,你会陷入 严重缺乏工人的境地,这样,有些工作将无法完成,你的房子会变 来变去,你将不能更好治理城市。一个城市能养多少贵族呢?就看你的 效率了,能养多少养多少,到10%就很不错了。我一般是这样做,离大部 分街区远远的,建个居民区,只有它附近的仓库里才允许有葡萄酒,毒吧, 另外,附近建上只有贵族才需要的东东,如HIPPODROME(跑马场),HOSPITAL(医院) ACEDEMY(大学)等等,这个居民区离工厂,农场都远远的,附近布满了 提高DESIREBILITY的东东,如LARGE STATUE(大雕塑),GOVERNOR’S PALACE (就是咱家啦),SENATE(议会)等,各种设施齐全,各种物资保证供应 (别忘了要两种不同的WINE才能VILLA才能继续发展啊),把贵族们养得 舒舒服服的,狠狠抽他们的税。


  有五个指标,人口再加四个RATING。一个一个看吧,人口很好过,一开 始建设就要想清楚要建多少房子,一间大约装二十人。规划好了再建。

   CULTURE也不难,看看你的RATING ADVISOR怎么说,你的学校,图书倌, 大学,剧院,以及庙的多少都会有影响,哪样脱后腿就建那个。


   FAVOR,哈,尽快完成领导的任务,再时不时送点小礼物(隔一年以上再 送第二次),CAESAR就会越来越赏识你,另外,降低自己的工资标准也 是一个好方法,注意你自己的存款在建设初期是可也捐给城市的(真是 大公无私啊),FAVOR RATING一开始别低于10,否则CAESAR就派兵来捉 你了。


  一是房子质量,这是最难的,一关比一关要求高,你的最终目的是把 平民都住进GRAND INSULAE里,贵族都住进PALACE里,保证所有房子的 食物物资供应,保证它们的SERVICE,从BARBER(理发店)到COLOSSEUM (大竞技场),做执政官就要事无具细,爱民如子嘛,一栋房子一栋房子 看,到底缺什么,一开始没规划好的就拆了重建。当然,效率第一, 重复建设将导致你缺乏工人,从而不能养足够多的贵族。多看看地图 的OVERLAY吧,把不必要的建筑去掉。至于房子怎样归化,我提两个建议, 一是6N或5N法,即一个长N,宽5或6的矩形,中间两排房子,一共4N+8或 4N+4间,中间空地建花园和喷泉,外围马路对面建各种设施。二是2N法, 同理,不过房子周围一圈全是马路,给各种设施以更大的空间,另外效率 也较高,比6N法的房子更易发展,缺点是房子密度不够。不管用什么 法子,应该注意岔路越少越好,这样效率才高。还有,你的有些房子 到了LARGE INSULAE就不动了,是因为DESIRABLITY不够,在近可能近 的地方建些MEDIUM或是LARGE STATUE就行变成GRAND INSULAE了。另外一 个TRICK是,在工业区,或农业区附近建些小房子,保证这些地方能 有工人,到要过关时,你猜怎么,十二月,存盘,把这些小TENT铲了, 一月就过关了。提醒一句,在你的POPULATION ADVISOR里可以 清楚的看到你的居民正住在哪个档次的房子里。最后,把我建城的小 TRICK罗列一下吧,谷仓底下是可以过的,它是个挺不错的十字路口, LARGE TEMPLE(大庙)除好看外,用处不大,在平民区小庙足够了,贵 族区可以修大庙,多修些ORACLE,不需工人,又能让神们高高兴兴的。 战斗快打响了,来个大节日吧,把MARS拍得高兴,一交火,敌人就 全死了。只要你的CLINIC(诊所)能覆盖全部居民,医院是不必要的! 不过,你得小心了,有了大瘟疫别找我啊。

  二是财政情况,你的政府在过去一年里要赚钱才行(用于CONSTUCTION的 不算),这一点前些关都很容易,大力搞贸易就行了,最后几关就有困难 了,因为你还得进口一些物资,怎么办?记住房子越好收的税就越多, 首先包证你在游戏初期赚到足够的钱用于后期建设,要报证出口 尽可能多的产品,快到年底点点大地图,看看是不是出口到极限了。同 时要100%的人抽税,(如果没有,看看TAX INCOME的OVERLAY,是谁在偷 漏税)。如果财政状况允许,努力加工资吧,你的人民会欢心鼓舞, 当然PROSPERITY也会提高,当然,提高税率及加工资,就看你怎么在二 者之间平衡了。最后阴毒一招,如果实在是入不覆出,待万事具备之时, 存盘,停止进口,明年一月就过去了。

  最后是就业情况,你城市的失业率不能太高,一般来说,你老是会缺 工人,失业的情况比较少见,如果失业率太高,太简单了,建个 HIPPODROME,一下用去150人,建些医院也是好办法。

  由于CAESAR III的战斗场面实在SUCK,我没怎么玩危险的任务, 过了几关,主要体会就是修厚城墙,多建TOWER,另外以静制动, 部队在TOWER底下缩成一团,鬼子AI很低,一般是轮番冲锋,全军 覆灭,实在不行还有S/L大法,呵呵,过关不难。

缶 [fǒu]







下面是有关缶的例句 希望可以帮上你的忙


Conversely, if the reasons for contractor, managed by the owners, the contractor's compensation for the loss of a written Jing, called Mody claims



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