


















“大堤堤下水涓流,乔家国色古遗丘。上有靡靡之茂草,四角花砖绕一怀。周郎尽瘁三十六,江淮哀痛吴主哭。胭脂色褪镜奁移,曾在黄垆在华屋。只今幽遂已成蹊,东望周郎宰木低。里人颜甚勿复较,我将锦石列丹题。” 他们的婚姻,正是千余年来人们心中的模楷;周瑜在吴战功显赫,“抗议而独立东吴,曜奇而三分壁”;《三国演义》的杜撰与渲染,使周瑜、小乔的佳配,更添加了浓郁的色彩。英雄与美人,本就是人们心中不朽的主题。怎奈何,周瑜早逝,小乔孤寡这不是一段香濡以沫的爱情,因为它不够长久但是这是人生最美好的时光时的爱情,因此更添浪漫周瑜的才气,小乔的娇媚天上仙人,地上佳侣 a1'









赵四**经姐姐介绍与张学良相识。两人一见钟情,很快坠入爱河。赵四**父亲是当时北洋政府交通部次长赵庆华,得知小女儿和有妇之夫的张学良在一起,气得脸发白,手发抖,大骂一通后,派吴妈和一个小丫环昼夜看守,一步不许出门。这种软禁的生活给赵四**带来无限的痛苦,在其六哥赵燕生的暗中帮助下,与家人不告而别,毅然追随自己心目中的英雄张学良来到沈阳。 1936年12月“西安事变”后,张学良吩咐参谋长在他离开西安后,立即将赵四母子送往香港。1940年,赵四**又回到张学良身边,以秘书的身份,尽夫人的责任,寸步不离地相随左右,陪伴着他一起度过漫长的幽居岁月。1964年,于凤至为了张学良的宗教信仰,为了报答几十年来一直照顾着张学良的赵四**,同意与张学良解除婚约,成全了张学良与赵四**的爱情。同年7月4日,在赵四**51岁的时候,这对“牢狱鸳鸯”终于结为正式夫妻。而这时他们已经相濡以沫,整整度过了36个春秋












陆 游 ——《钗头凤》















Southeast the love-lorn peacock flies Alack,

At every mile she falters and looks back!

At thirteen years Lanzhi learned how to weave;

At fourteen years she could embroider,sew;

At fifteen music on her lute she made;

At sixteen knew the classics , prose and verse,

At seventeen they wed her to Zhongqing,

And from that day what joy and pain were hers!

As work kept Zhongqing in the yamen far,

His absence made her love the deeper still

She started weaving at the dawn of day,

Worked at the loom until the midnight hour

The tapestries beneath her fingers grew,

Yet Zhongqing's mother sore berated her--

Not for poor work or any tardy pace,

But she was mistress:brides must know their place

At length in sorrow to Zhongqing she said,

"If I have failed to serve your mother well,

Useless to sayPlease go and tell her so

Should she think fit, I fain would go away"

The husband shame-faced , on this errand went

"Mother," he said , "no lordly post is mine

To wed Lanzhi was more than I deserved

As man and wife we love each other so

That naught but death itself shall server us

Less than three years have we been wedded now;

Our life together is a budding flower

Lanzhi me thinks ,has done her best,no less

Why treat her, then, with such unkindliness"

To which the shrewish mother made reply,

"Dull are your wits and foolish, O my son!

Your wife lacks graces and she lacks good sense

See her for what she is , self-willed and vain

The very sight of her offends my eyes

I wonder that you dare to plead her cause!

A proper wife I have in mind for you

Yonder she lives, a maid called Qin Luofu,

A matchless beauty, upon my word,

And I have ways to compass her consent

Now listen! We must get your slut away!

Yes, go must she, and go without delay!"

For filial piety he knelt down,

And pitiful yet firm was his appeal

"Mother, if'tis your will , cast out Lanzhi,

But do not think that I will marry twice!"

At this the mother's fury knew no bounds

She ranted wildly, strumming on her stool:

"Is reverence for aged parents dead

Defend a wife and flout a mother's wish

This stranger in the house I will not bear,

And none henceforth to thwart my will shall dare!"

Zhongqing fell dumb before his mother's rage,

Made her a bow profound and went his way

In tears and sorrow he sought poor Lanzhi,

Though little cmfort for them both he knew

"The thought of parting rends my heart in twain!

And yet my mother will not be gainsaid

My duties at the yamen call me hence

Tis best you go back ato your brother's home

My yamen tasks complete, I will return

And take you with me to our home again

It has to be,alas! Forgive me now,

And doubt not I will keep my solemn vow!"

Lanzhi made answer sorrowful and low:

"Nay, take no care to come for me again

'Twas in the depth of winter, I recall,

I first came to this house a timid bride

I bore myself with filial reverence,

Was never obstinase, self-willed or rude

For three years, day and night , I toiled for her,

Nor heeded how long that sorry state might last,

My only care to serve your mother's will

And to repay the love you bore to me

Yet from this house I now am driven out

To what avail to bring me back again

I'll leave my broidered jacket of brocade,

(Its golden lacings still are fresh and bright,)

My small, soft canopy of scarlet gauze

With perfumed herbs sewn in its corners four

My trunks, my dowry, too, I leave behind,

As fair as ever in their silken wraps---

Things, some of them, I had a fancy for,

Though now neglected and untouched they lie

True, they are only cheap and tawdry wares,

Not nearly good enough for your new bride

But you may share them out as tiny gifts,

Or, if you find no fit occasion now,

Keep them, my dear," she said , her eyes all wet,

"And her who owned them do not quite forger"

When the loud cock-crow maked another day

Lanzhi arose betimes and dressed herself

She put on her embroidered skirt of silk,

And silken slippers pleasing to the eye,

Studded her braided locks with jewellery,

Hung pearly earring in her little ears,

With touch so delicate applied the rouge

Until her lips, already perfect, glowed

Her fingers had a tapering loveliness,

Her waist seemed like a many-coloured cloud

A peerless beauty did she look, and sweet

The grace with which she moved her little feet

To Zhongqing's mother then she bade farewell

In tender words that found a churlish ear:

"Lady, I am of humble origin,

Not well instructed and not well brought-up

Stupid and shallow and inept am I---

A sorry mate for any noble heir

Yet you have treated me with kindliness,

And I ,for shame , have not served you well

This house for evermore today I leave,

And that I cannot serve you more I grieve"

Then, trickling down her cheeks warm tears,

She bade farewell to Zhongqing's sister dear:

"When to this house I first came as a bride,

Dear sister, you wer just a naughty child

See, you have grown well nigh as tall as I

Now I must bid a hasty , long farewell;

Yet,if you love me,sister, for my sake,

Be gentle to your mother, care for her

When all the maidens hold their festivals,

Forget not her who once looked after you"

With blinding tears and with a heavy heart

She took her seat then in the waiting cart

For fear of prying eyes and cruel tongues

Zhongqing would meet her where the four roads met

On the rough road her carriage pitched and shook,

The wheel-rims clattered and the axle creaked

Then suddenly a horseman galloped up,

Down leaped the rider eagerly---'twas he!

They sat together and he whispered low:

"My love shall last to all eternity!

Only a short while with your brother stay,

The little while my yamen duties take

Then I'll come backLet not your heart be sore!

I'll claim you for my very own once more!"

Poor Lanzhi, sobbing , fondly plucked his sleeve

"Oh, what a comfort bear to give me up,

Then come , but come before it is too late!

Be your love strong, enduring as the rocks!

Be mine resistant as the creeping vine!

For what more fixed than the eternal rocks

Yet when I think upon my brother, lord

And tyrant of his household , then I fear

He will not look on me with kindliness,

And I shall suffer from his rage and scorn"

At length in tears the loving couple parted,

And lengthening distance left them broken-hearted

When Lanzhi, all unheralded, reached home,

Doubt and suspicion clouded every mind

"Daughter!"her mother in amazement cried

"Alas! what brings you unattended back!

At thirteen, I recall, you learned to weave;

At fourteen you could embroider, sew;

At fifteen, music on the lute you made;

At sixteen knew the classics, prose and verse

And then at seventeen, a lovely bride

How proud I was to see you prosper so!

Yet, dear, you must have erred in deed or word

Tell me the cause of your return alone"

Said Lanzhi, "Truly I am brought full low,

Yet in my duty did I never fail"

The mother wept for pity at her tale

Upon the tenth day after her return

There came one frome the county magistrate,

A go-between, to woo her for his son,

A lad who had bare twenty summers seen,

Whose good looks put all other youths to shame,

Whose tongue was fluent and full eloquent

Her mother, hoping against hope,said,"chile,

I pray you, if it pleases you, consent"

To which, in tears again , Lanzhi replied:

"Dear mother,when I parted with Zhongqing

He said , 'Be faithful!' o'er and o' er again,

And we bothe vowed eternal constancy

If I should break my word and fickle prove,

Remorse would haunt me till my dying day

Can I then think to wed again No ,no!

I pray you tell the matchmaker so"

So to the go-between the mother said:

"O honoured sir, a stubborn child is mine,

But lately sent back to her brother's house

A small official found her no good match----

How should she please the magistrate's own heir

Besides, she is in melancholy state:

Young gentlemen require a gayer mate"

So the official go-between went off

And , ere reporting to the magistrate,

Found for the sprig another fitting maid,

Born of a nearby family of note;

And , haply meeting withe the prefect's scrible,

Learned that His Excellecncy's son and heir,

A worhy , excellent and handsome youth,

Himself aspired to wed the fair Lanzhi

So to the brother's house they came once more,

This time as envoys from the prefect sent

The flowery, official greeting o'er,

They told the special reason they had come

The mother,torn this way and that, declared"

"My child has vowed she ne'er will wed again

I fear I know no way to change her mind"

But Lanzhi's brother, ever worldly-wise,

Was never slow to seize a heaven-sent chance,

And to his sister spoke blunt words and harsh:

"See you not, girl, how much this profits you

Your former husband held a petty post

Now comes an offer from the prefect's son"

A greater contrast would be hard to find

Turn down this offer if you will, this prize,

But think not I shall find you daily rice!"

What must be, must be, then thought poor Lanzhi

"Brother," she said, "what you have said is good

I was a wife and now am none again;

I left you once and then came back again

To dwell beneath you hospitable roof

Your will is such as cannot be gainsaid

True, to Zhongqing I gave my plighted word,

Yet faint the hope of seeing him again!

Your counsel I must welcome as a boon:

Pray you ,arrange the ceremony soon"

When he heard this , the official go-between

Agreed to everything the brother asked

Then to the Prefece's house they hurried back

To tell the happy outcome of their work

It seemed so good a marriage for his son,

The Prefect thought, that full of sheer delight

He turned the pages of the almanac,

And therein found the most auspicious date

To be the thirtieth of that same mohth

Whereon he summoned his subordinates:

"The thirtieth is a heaven-favoured day,"

Said she, "and that is but three days away

Have all in readiness to greet the bride"

The household was abuzz from floor to roof

As was befitting for a noble match

There were, to fetch the bride, gay gondolas

Fresh-painted with designs of lucky birds

And silken pennant fluttering o'er the deck

There were gold carriages with jade inlay

And well-groomed horses of the finest breed

With saddles shining, harness all arrayed!

As for the presents,strings of cash they told

Three thousand , bolts of silk and brocade

Three hundred and among those precious gifts

Were globe-fish brought from some far distant clime

The welcoming cortege,five hundred strong,

Would gladden all eyes as it passed along

In the bride's house the troubled mother said:

"Lanzhi,the Prefect's messengers have come

The welcoming party will arrive full soon

'Tis time you donned your bridal finery

You have agreedNo time to tarry now!"

Lanzhi, too sad to utter any word,

Sobbed neath her kerchief to conceal her grief,

Her pale, pale cheeks all wet with bitter tears

She dragged a chair with heavy marble seat

Towards the window where there was more light,

Took silk and scissors, measure, needle , braid,

Cut out in grief and wet her thread with tears

Ere noon a jacket new and skirt she made;

By eve a wedding gown was all complete

Then in the twilight, desperate, forlorn,

Out at the gate she stole to weep alone

Then, suddenly ,her sobbing died away

Far off she heard a horse's anguished neigh!

Oh, that familiar neigh! yet why so sore

Indeed Zhongqing was riding fast that way

The master had heard news,lost heart , asked leave

The very steed, too, his forebodings shared

At last, her strainging eyes perceived him clear:

His presence filled her with both joy and pain

Patting the horse, she heaved a woeful sigh

"Zhongqing, my darling, at our parting dire

None could foresee the course events would take

You cannot guess my abject misery,

But all we hoped is now an empty dream

My mother you knew well my tyrant brother,

'Twas he who schemed to wed me to another

Now that the die is cast by fate austere,

What more can you expect of me, my dear"

Zhongqing, heart-stricken, forced himself to say,

"May you know every happiness, Lanzhi!

The rock stands fixed, unyielding evermore,

But oh! I fear the fibres of the vine

Have lost their toughness all too easily

May you be rich and live in happy state,

But as for me, why, death shall be may fate!"

That stung her to the quick, but she replied,

"Why say such cruel things to me,my dear

We both are shipwrecked on the sea of life,

Our vessels foundered by the ruthless gale

Life has enjoined that man and wife must sever:

Let us both die, and be one flesh for ever!"

Long hand in hand they stayed before they went

With mournful steps and slow their different ways-----

Two lovers , parting , knowing all too well

That death alone could make them one again

All roads to joy fast blocked, they did not quail,

But vowed to terminate their tragic tale

When Zhongqing, heavy-hearted, reached his home,

Straight to his mother's room he went,and bowed

"The weather changes, mother bitter cold,

A terrifying wind sears leaf and tree

The frost congeals the orchids, all the flowers,

And Zhongqing's life, too ,draws unto its close

His sole regret is leaving you alone,

But'tis his own desire to end life so---

No ghost, no devil, mother, hold him thrall!

Your son is like the rocks of Nanshan Range,

Immutable in death, immune to change"

The mother heard these words in sore amaze,

But guessed their cause, and pitied him in tears

"My son, sole heir of noble family,

What great and glorious prospects lie ahead!

Why for a wanton should you think to die,

One so inferior in every way

As I have told you, in the neighbourhood

There dwells a paragon of loveliness

Soon will I send a go-between to her,

And long and happy years be yours, my son!"

But he kept silence , bowed right low, and left,

Long, long is empty room he paced, and thought

A myriad thoughts of Lanzhi,love, and death

Oft glanced he sadly towards his mother's room;

The world seemed shrouded in a pall of gloom!

The day for Lanzhi's spledndid wedding came,

She lonelier than ever mid the throng

She waited, waited till the night should fall

At last the turmoil ceased, the guests thinned out

"This is the day," she mused, "My journey's end

My soul will wander, though my corpse remain"

The pond's dark waters beckoned, cold and chill

Barefoot she waded in ,and all was still

Though for the news Zhongqing was half-prepared,

It nowise the courtyard trees release he sought,

He turned southeast, and then the rope went taut

Linked in a common grief, the families

Buried the lovers beside Mount Huashan

And all around the graveyard grow dark pines,

Through all the changing seasons ever green,

With cypress interspersed and parasol trees

Like lovingly the leaves and sprays caress;

And in the foliage dwell two little birds,

That mate for life, whose very name is love

They cross their bills and sing to one another

Their soft endearments all night long till dawn,

And passersby stand spell-bound at the sound,

And lonely windows wake to hear and muse

Upon this story of a bygone day

Which shall endure till all shall pass away



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上一篇 2023-09-26


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