Characters: (In the order of appearance)
Jerry as Michael (M)
Li as Alex (A)
Mark as Chris (C)
Vincent as Waiter (W)
The three emotions we express in this play: victorious, disgusted and confused
(In the Railway Station)
M: Alex, Chris! You are back!
A&C: Michael! Oh, thank you for picking us here We're so glad to see you!
M: Me too Congratulations to your victory in the national final competition! It must be an exciting moment when you heard that you get the golden medals, isn't it
A: Yes I just can't believe that we defeated all other competitors! Right, Chris
C: Yes, it was really amazing You know, just in one second, you became the winner, and you became the elite It happened so sudden that I wondered whether I was dreaming
M: Well, you guys will soon find that you're not dreaming Now you're the idols of all the students in the university! I think you can attend the American Idol now!
A: Oh, please, I don't want to be idol…
C: (Interrupt): Yes, because you're not an American idol, you're just "Alex idiot"
A: Hey, Chris! (All of them laugh)
M: Ok, guys, it's getting late You must be hungry after 23-hours trip What about going to have dinner first
C: That sounds great to me What about you, Alex
A: I'm starving Let's go
(In the restaurant)
A: We've sit here for five minutes, and no waiter comes!
M: Come on, Alex, have patience Maybe they're just too busy to serve us
C: Really I don't think they're busy Look at those two waiters, they're laughing, but not working! Hey! You! Come here! (A second) Please bring us the menus
W: OK, sir Here you are, sir
A: You see, we have three people here Can you bring two more menus for us
W: Sorry, sir We don't have extra menus
C: Oh, you don't Then what's that (Point to the other table) Don't tell me that's not menu
W: It is, sir But it belongs to that tableM: But we can't see anyone having dinner there
W: Yes, but…
C: Don't say any "but" to me Now, you bring the menus to us, or we bring the complaints to your boss
W: OK, here you are, sir
(They order the food)
(30 minutes later)
A: I'm starving! Where's our food Waiter!
W: Yes, sir
M: We give the order 30 minutes ago, but nothing is served still Can you ask the kitchen to cook faster
W: Oh, they cook fast, very fast But your food is not easy to cook, it needs more time You should be patience
C: We should be patience Yes, we are patience, we are patience enough to wait for the mother pig giving birth to the baby pig, we are patience enough to wait for the baby pig growing up, and we are patience enough to wait for the grown pig being killed and becoming my pork steak! Now, give you five minutes If we can't see our food in five minutes, we will give our patience to another better-served restaurant!
W: OK, sir Please wait a second
(The food is being served)
M: I ordered the Cappuccino, but what's this Coca Cola
W: Exactly, it's Pepsi Cola
M: I don't care what kind of cola it is, what I want is coffee, not cola!
W: Well, sir, they share the same color And I think cola tastes better…
C: Great, and rabbit and rat share the same letters So why don't you give me a rat if I order the rabbit Jesus! Ridiculous!
A: I can't stand this stupid restaurant and this idiotic waiter any more Chris, Michael, let's go
C&M: Right, let's go
(Outside the restaurant)
A: I can't believe that is a restaurant I'd rather say that it's a psychiatric hospital!
M: Yes, that's terrible! How can it survive in the market economics
C: The important thing is how can it survive in Guangzhou This city is going to hold the Asian Game in 2010 If there're some more restaurants like this, what will the foreign people think about Guangzhou and China
A, C&M: (Sigh)
1发 音
不以为然(bù yǐ wéi rán)
解 释 :不认为是对的,表示不同意(多含轻视意)。然:正确,对。
示 例 :听他说洋人不是,口虽不言,心下却老大~。◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》
语 法 :动宾式;作谓语、定语、状语;含轻蔑意味
五 笔 :gnyq
not to regard it as right; object to; disapprovingly; not altogether approve of
1 The boy laughed at his failure in the exam 这男孩对考试不及格不以为然。
2 She curled up her lips with disapproval 她不以为然地翘起了嘴唇。
3 Ma Jin laughed and shook her head disbelievingly 玛金笑了笑,很不以为然地摇了摇头。
Nanji said that I take exception to such a state is undesirable daughter, and she encouraged the boys finely dressed inboy's clothing, green pants seem ridiculous, even in her leisure time with her classmates sin betty talked to my daughterstates
In particular, snoring middle-aged, a time when the prime of life, sparring snore often disagree
Hermione was stomping up the stairs, looking disapprovingly at the package in harry's hand
But other fish to disagree, think gates on fire, far away from the pond, don't make a fuss over it
3出 处
宋·苏轼《再乞罢详定役法状》:“右臣先曾奏论前衙一役,只当招募,不当定差,执政不以为然。” 《史记·魏世家》:“谋士苏代听了这些话,很不以为然。”
4示 例
明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十四回:“伍员不以为然,遂与伯嚭俱事吴王。”
5用 法
不以为然的近义词是不敢苟同,意思是不敢随便地同意,指对人对事抱慎重态度,出自 明·王世贞《蔺相如完璧归赵论》。
1发 音
不以为然(bù yǐ wéi rán)
解 释 :不认为是对的,表示不同意(多含轻视意)。然:正确,对。
示 例 :听他说洋人不是,口虽不言,心下却老大~。◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》
语 法 :动宾式;作谓语、定语、状语;含轻蔑意味
五 笔 :gnyq
not to regard it as right; object to; disapprovingly; not altogether approve of
1 The boy laughed at his failure in the exam 这男孩对考试不及格不以为然。
2 She curled up her lips with disapproval 她不以为然地翘起了嘴唇。
3 Ma Jin laughed and shook her head disbelievingly 玛金笑了笑,很不以为然地摇了摇头。
Nanji said that I take exception to such a state is undesirable daughter, and she encouraged the boys finely dressed inboy's clothing, green pants seem ridiculous, even in her leisure time with her classmates sin betty talked to my daughterstates
In particular, snoring middle-aged, a time when the prime of life, sparring snore often disagree
Hermione was stomping up the stairs, looking disapprovingly at the package in harry's hand
But other fish to disagree, think gates on fire, far away from the pond, don't make a fuss over it
3出 处
宋·苏轼《再乞罢详定役法状》:“右臣先曾奏论前衙一役,只当招募,不当定差,执政不以为然。” 《史记·魏世家》:“谋士苏代听了这些话,很不以为然。”
4示 例
明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第七十四回:“伍员不以为然,遂与伯嚭俱事吴王。”
5用 法
问题一:不以为然的然什么意思 不认为是对的。表示不同意。含有轻视意味
问题二:不以为然的意思 对某一件事无所谓
问题三:“不以为然”“不以为是”的意思分别是什么? 前者原意是不认为是这样,引申为带有蔑视的不同看法。后者是不认为是正确的。
问题四:不以为然是什么意思 很多人都以为这个词是满不在乎的意思,实际上,根据权威资料显示:不以为然指不以为如此、不以为对的意思。
问题五:不以为然的然的意思是什么 5分 如此,正确
问题六:不以为然什么意思 30分 中文 不以为然(bù yǐ wéi rán) 解释:然:正确,对。不认为是正 确的。多用来表示不同意 出自:宋・苏轼《再乞罢详定役法 状》:“右臣先曾奏论前衙一役,只当招募, 不当定差,执政不以为然。” 示例:听他说洋人不是,口虽不 言,心下却老大~。◎清・李宝嘉《官场现形 记》 近义词:嗤之以鼻、不敢苟同、满 不在乎 反义词:五体投地、仰承鼻息 语法:动宾式;作谓语、定语、状 语;含轻蔑意味 五笔:gnyq
not to regard it as right; object to; disapprovingly; not altogether approve of 例句 1 The boy laughed at his failure in the exam 这男孩对考试不及格不以为然。 2 She curled up her lips with disapproval 她不以为然地翘起了嘴唇。 3 Ma Jin laughed and shook her head di elievingly 玛金笑了笑,很不以为然地 摇了摇头。 兰芝很不以为然地说我这种小女儿态是 要不得的,她绾着男孩的发髻,穿着男孩的 衣饰,翠绿的裤子显得滑稽,她甚至在空闲 时与她的同学仲卿大谈特谈我的小女儿态。 Nanji said that I take exception to such a state is undesirable daughter, and she encouraged the boys finely dressed inboy's clothing, green pants seem ridiculous, even in her leisure time with her clas ates sin betty talked to my daughterstates 尤其中年人打呼噜,正值年富力强,对 打呼噜往往不以为然。 In particular, snoring middle-aged, a time when the prime of life, sparring snore often disagree
问题七:不以为然和不以为意是什么意思? 不以为然
bù yǐ wéi rán
〖示例〗听他说洋人不是,口虽不言,心下却老大~。 清・李宝嘉《官场现形记》