请给我几个英文名中的last neme,如Seon-aKim中的aKim,要好听的有内涵的特别的,比如sky(天空)什么的.

请给我几个英文名中的last neme,如Seon-aKim中的aKim,要好听的有内涵的特别的,比如sky(天空)什么的.,第1张

这个问题你的理解上有一些误解。"Last Name"这个概念在东西方中的理解有一些不同。"Last Name"的字面含义是“后名”。是相对于"First Name"即“前名”而言的。

“前名”和“后名”在姓名结构中其实就是“姓”和“名”。东方人姓名结构式“姓”在前,“名”在后。那么对于东方人而言"Last Name"就是自己的名字。而"First Name"则是“姓”。而在英文世界里,英文名的结构是正好相反的。是“名”在前,“姓”在后。所以对于英文人士而言,"Last Name"通常指的是“姓”。

当然,当今世界上东方姓名书写成字母后有时也遵照了英文名的格式,也就是把姓氏放在了后面。但这不是准则,国际上是承认东方姓名的传统格式的。所以"Fist Name"和"Last Name"其实只提出“前名”和“后名”,而并没有强调哪个是“姓”,哪个是“名”。这就避免了不同民族的姓名习惯造成的混淆。各民族可以根据自己的习惯来安排。

"Seon-aKim",从结构上看是一个韩国名字,不是英文名。这是以韩国拼音拼写的名字。"Seon-a"是名字,"Kim"是姓。这个韩国名字应该是是“金善雅”,韩国语读音为"gim 森 阿"是依照韩国拼音来书写的。正常的结构写法是"Kim Seon a"。只不过是将姓氏“金”"Kim"放到了后面。

如果是取一个英文名的话,"Last Name"意味着是自己的“姓”。姓氏是不能随便改的。否则的话会引起误会。而只能是去一个英文名字,也就是"First Name"。但是正常的英文名一般不会是英文单词直接用。这就好比中国人取名叫“王天空”,“李花朵”之类的名字了。名字属性还是正常点好。那么提供两个参考吧!都是正统的英文名字。把姓氏的汉语拼音加在后面就是完整形式了。


Clarence 克莱伦斯——读作'KLaiRens--传统英文名,一直主要的根源出自古拉丁语,有"杰出的,辉煌的"之类的含义。


Caroline 卡罗琳——读作:'KaRoLinn,这个名字体系比较庞大,演变分布很广,其各种书写体在拉丁语及德语法语等多种地区语种中都有演变出处。这个名字的本意为自由者。


歌手:Yoonchan Kwak


Brand New - Daisy

And we sing this morning

that wonderful and grand old message

I don't know about you

but I never get tired of it

Number 99: Just As I Am

I'm a mountain that has been moved

I'm a river that is all dried up

I'm an ocean nothing floats on

I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in

I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot

I'm a moon that never shows it's face

I'm a mouth that doesn't smile

I'm a word that no one ever wants to say

I don't wanna be,

He wasn't finding anybody

when he was on the shelf

I saw him in my dream

I'm a mountain that has been moved

I'm a fugitive that has no legs to run

I'm a preacher with no pulpit

Spewing a sermon that goes on and on

Well if we take all these things

and we bury them fast

And we'll pray that they turn into seeds,

to roots and then grass

It'd be all right, it's all right,

it'd be easier that way

Or if the sky opened up

and started pouring rain

Like he knew it was time to

start things over again

It'd be all right, it's all right,

it'd be easier that way

Well if we take all these things

and we bury them fast

And we'll pray that they turn into seeds,

to roots and then grass

It'd be all right, it's all right,

it'd be easier that way

Or if the sky opened up

and started pouring rain

Like he knew it was time to

start things over again

It'd be all right, it's all right,

it'd be easier that way


The Daisy


There was a house where various kinds of flowers were blooming in the front yard In every May, spring flowers came into bloom beautifully Tulips, roses and peonies boasted their lovely figures


A Daisy on a small part of the lawn close to the roadside and out side of the fence was also in bloom She was very small "Those flowers over there must be very happy People come to look at them" The small daisy envied the tulips, roses and peonies in the front yard


Then suddenly, a tiny little skylark came over to the small daisy, and she danced around her and sang beautiful songs "What a small pretty flower you are" The tiny little skylark stroked the daisy, and flew away to the wide and blue sky Now, other flowers envied the small daisy


The next morning, the Daisy heard the skylark's tearful voice The Small Daisy looked up at a cage hanging in the window The skylark was crying in the cage The Daisy wanted to help the skylark, but she couldn't do anything


After a while, two boys came over the fence, and crouched down near the Daisy "This lawn is good" Two boys poked at the lawn around the Daisy They drew a circle around her and cut out the lawn


Small daisy came to stand in the middle of the sod "Well done Should I pull this little daisy out" "No, let's keep it there It's pretty" Two boys brought the lawn and laid it down in the cage


The skylark flapped her little wings and cried But the small Daisy could not comfort her "Water, I want to drink water Everyone forgot to give it to me Why is the air so impure and thick" The skylark felt painful and pecked the lawn with her bill


Until that night, nobody gave her some water The skylark nodded her head to the Daisy "Good bye You will dry up and die like me soon" The skylark was very thirsty and painful but she did not touch the Daisy


The Daisy was so sad The skylark died laying her head next to the Daisy


The next day, the two boys came back They made a grave for the skylark with tears in their eyes The Daisy was thrown away with the lawn on the street "It was not the grave which the skylark wanted to have" The Daisy said to herself


The Daisy


There was a house where various kinds of flowers were blooming in the front yard In every May, spring flowers came into bloom beautifully Tulips, roses and peonies boasted their lovely figures


A Daisy on a small part of the lawn close to the roadside and out side of the fence was also in bloom She was very small "Those flowers over there must be very happy People come to look at them" The small daisy envied the tulips, roses and peonies in the front yard


Then suddenly, a tiny little skylark came over to the small daisy, and she danced around her and sang beautiful songs "What a small pretty flower you are" The tiny little skylark stroked the daisy, and flew away to the wide and blue sky Now, other flowers envied the small daisy


The next morning, the Daisy heard the skylark's tearful voice The Small Daisy looked up at a cage hanging in the window The skylark was crying in the cage The Daisy wanted to help the skylark, but she couldn't do anything


After a while, two boys came over the fence, and crouched down near the Daisy "This lawn is good" Two boys poked at the lawn around the Daisy They drew a circle around her and cut out the lawn


Small daisy came to stand in the middle of the sod "Well done Should I pull this little daisy out" "No, let's keep it there It's pretty" Two boys brought the lawn and laid it down in the cage


The skylark flapped her little wings and cried But the small Daisy could not comfort her "Water, I want to drink water Everyone forgot to give it to me Why is the air so impure and thick" The skylark felt painful and pecked the lawn with her bill


Until that night, nobody gave her some water The skylark nodded her head to the Daisy "Good bye You will dry up and die like me soon" The skylark was very thirsty and painful but she did not touch the Daisy


The Daisy was so sad The skylark died laying her head next to the Daisy


The next day, the two boys came back They made a grave for the skylark with tears in their eyes The Daisy was thrown away with the lawn on the street "It was not the grave which the skylark wanted to have" The Daisy said to herself







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