《The Queen Of Spades》(黑桃皇后)简介与读后感用英文写

《The Queen Of Spades》(黑桃皇后)简介与读后感用英文写,第1张


"Spade Empress" is one has the incredible color workAs soon as it described young military officer Ge you gracefully for to track down the secret which bet wins, intentionally pursued grasped this “the secret” countess's adopted daughter Ivanov to be elegant, finally countess who you is scared to death gracefully by Ge mystically appeared actually, “the secret” will tell Ge, but Ge violated “the secret” in the gambling the rule, because the gambling establishment was frustrated goes crazy

《The Queen Of Spades》读后感

" Four years ago, I live in St Petersburg, where he lived unrestrained life In St Petersburg, we get to know new in different occasions idle about young people formed a group Our life is quite loose Everyone in the Andre family meal drink no appetite, no fun; we'll gain extreme notoriety casino boss CA (Sophia Ashtar Puff 's ) house This is not necessary, just to use a pretend indifference to the poor old lady We have nothing to do with the day, at night, we are together, sometimes to the house, sometimes to the home, took the card play all night" ( Zhang Jishuang )This is the Russian poet Alexander sergeyevich Pushkin ( 1799-1837 ) to write a segment of words, he is creating his most famous novel" the queen of spades" ( II it K ) shortly before; in fact, it is his" Queen of spades" do the commentary notes Also in" a night like this," the Russian born French writer Henry Troia in written by the poet 's biography says," Pushkin in chalk on their sleeves to write a few lines of the poem, as the" Queen of spades" the first chapter of the inscription: ' in the rainy days, we often get together; had bet, -- may God forgive them, from 50 to 100 rubles Lose and win win win, lose, remember account with chalk, rainy days, they while away the time method is betting '" ( the inscription of Cao Manxi translation )" the queen of spades" manuscripts did not leave, experts believe that the creation of time in the autumn of 1833, October is a month and 11 month, poet in his manor through his" second" Baltic Jinnuo autumn these days; subsequently, Pushkin in 11 months to go to Moscow, the works finished draft read to his close friend Pavel NASS autumn gold ( II advanced k it ) listen Pushkin's love of gambling, all his royalties to flow to the table up; he as a gambler 's reputation as a poet is not inferior to his reputation, so that the police put him among the thirty-sixth famous gambler Good people to hear about gambling stories and anecdotal, Pushkin also have the interest Once, his friend Vladimir Demiteliyeweiqi, Golitzen Duke ( 3 every it it finishing it it it f it allus ) told him about one thing: that day, he lost badly, to his grandmother She did not give him the money, just tell him three cards, it is in Paris when she famous adventurer count St Germain was imparted to her " To have a try!" The old lady said So, Sergei took these three cards to place bets, the results have lost all won back Golitzen Duke story inspired Pushkin's inspiration, he created the" Queen of spades"As the novel," Queen of spades" Pushkin in the imagination and fiction, it works to enhance the attractiveness of The novel was published, author of Pushkin's diary in April 7, 1834 wrote:" my" Queen of spades" become fashionable for a time Gamblers bet on ' 3 ', ' 7 ' and ' A ' They found the old count and Natalya to Petrov 's similarity Does not seem to call me" Pushkin in his poet 's imagination, the real and imaginary skillfully combined, so that the" Queen of spades" became his most famous novels

  queen [kwi:n]








  [俚语] (尤指带有脂粉气的)搞同性恋的男子[亦作quean]












  希腊月神阿耳忒弥斯(罗马称狄安娜)的别称;月亮[亦作 Queen of night 或 Queen of the tides]

  举止像女王一般: She is an elegant woman fit to queen it in any place 她是个文雅的女人,在任何场所一举一动都像一位女王。

  (指女性)盛气凌人,专横跋扈(over someone): She is proud and queens it over the other workers in the office 她很骄傲,在办公室的其他工作人员面前盛气凌人。



  a queen of hearts

  Queen Anne (或 Elizabeth ) is dead! [口语、讽刺]过时的新闻了!早就知道了!

  queen it

  the Queen (lady) in the chair 天文学仙后座

  the Queen of Glory (或 Grace, Heaven) 宗教圣母马利亚

  the Queen of Heaven

  the Queen of love 希腊爱神阿佛洛狄忒(罗马称维纳斯)的别称

  the Queen of the Adriatic 亚得里亚海的女王(意大利威尼斯市的别称)

  tragedy queen 悲剧女演员

  when Queen Anne was alive 老话;几百年前的事

Tulip loved called "stunning glass", the bright glare of bright colors counted Open black tulip flower is believed to be rare and rare, hard to come by In the great French writer Alexandre Dumas "black tulip", the has described the "beautiful people get blinded, too perfect feel suffocated" Over the years, through artificial cultivation out of the gorgeous black tulip varieties, the "peerless beauty", "Black Queen", "Queen of the Night," "Black Gold", etc, Cuba is called a "Queen of the Night," the flower, the rosy purple petals lovely, extraordinarily elegant Its flower is rich in phosphorus, the night comes, it will be shining like countless fireflies Queen of the Night has a slightly dark purple and black, but flaunt exotic petals of bright red blood; shimmering, slender stems; elegant and beautiful, always proudly erect posture Queen of the Night is a very rare flower

In early February 2005, the three Singapore Polytechnic student self-bred 'The Black Tulip' varieties, commonly known as the 'Queen of the Night' This species is now on the market is still relatively rare, is one of the rare tulip varieties, with high economic value

Characteristics: tunic paper, the inner surface of the top and base of a few hairs 3-5 pieces of leaves, strip lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate Flower single flower top students, large and bright; tepals red or mixed with white and yellow, sometimes white or yellow, 5-7 cm long, 2-4 cm wide 6 stamens, filaments glabrous; no style, stigma increase was chicken coronavirus Flowering from April to May

Florid: The Black Tulip on behalf of the unique power of leaders confession of love, the crown of honor, the eternal blessings

Black Tulip chivalry (or melancholy love)



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