The US valuable lotus through great writer's advertisement investment and the upscale market's special counter construction, causes the spokesman who oneself become the fashionable tidal current Compared in the Chinese cosmetics market attacks the high-end skill to be insufficient, takes the populace route to flow in the popular goods domestically produced brand, the US valuable lotus has obtained the unification in the contradiction 2003 year mid-December, the US valuable lotus has held a activity in New York, celebrates its Chinese Branch to start the profit This distance US valuable lotus enters Chinese market already in the recent 8 years But the Chinese market's profit, looks like in the US valuable lotus, is a successful matter At the same time, possesses the Multinational corporation which develops in China to be the same likely, US valuable lotus most recent several years management, what are more is pays great attention the market development and the channel construction, but is not take gains as the first goal; On the other hand, along with to the Chinese market understanding's gradual deepening, the US valuable lotus has located itself, no matter in recent years were the brand management or the channel construction, more and more tallied with the Chinese national condition In the populace cosmetics market, today's US valuable lotus already occupied the market absolute initiative in the Chinese home, covers Paulo according to Oulaiya China company chairman “the Pyramid type strategy”, the US valuable lotus is continued to locate for the populace consumable The US valuable lotus had a slogan “to let each Chinese women have a US valuable lotus's product at least” In order to serve this purpose, the US valuable lotus formulated had the affinity price to the Chinese ordinary consumers US valuable lotus lipstick's price basic superior in 30-60 Yuan this sector But Shiseido's similar products price above 100 Yuan, looks like SK mostly Ⅱ Such brand, Similar products' price is US valuable lotus's 10 times nearly Along with the SARS time's reduction behavior, the US valuable lotus's product more and more can expend in the price for the populace, in theirs promotion, the individual type's lipstick price even already lowered to 10 Yuan, must be lower than the majority of domestically produced brand's price, this stimulated greatly to the price has been sensitive, but had the pursue name brand trend low end consumer the US valuable lotus is take the female as the goal expense community's brand, but when purchases the cosmetics, what the female most pays attention is the product brand, its proportion relative high Therefore, although is the price not high popularity product, but the US valuable lotus actually pays attention sets up own brand image the advertisement takes enhances the brand popularity and the loyalty method effectively, is valued cosmetics enterprise's But the cosmetics consumer is also easiest is about the advertisement institute community Therefore, in 1999 until now, cosmetics advertisement continuously by its strong delivery tendency hold advertisement market front row Compares with its competitor, the US valuable lotus feminine launches a psychological attack to the present age to fight is more overbearing and is swift and fierce Opens a fashionable publication casually and turns on the television, may see the US valuable lotus the advertisement It is reported that the US valuable lotus's once occupied the Chinese overall cosmetics advertisement investment in advertisement investment 1/2 to adapt Chinese's esthetic taste, the US valuable lotus invited inland star Zhang Ziyi in April, 2001 to take the post of its Asian vivid spokesman, attempted by her health contour, the fresh makings, the enchanting charm to deduct the US valuable lotus to be compatible, fashion, vigor, vitality brand image although US valuable lotus in price and channel aspect more and more popular, but because its brand image maintains quite well, the consumer has not reduced to its brand fine reputation and the loyalty Moreover, because has the formidable brand image support, the US valuable lotus product produces goods rate has been high, can provide the stable repayment to the dealer, even if therefore yields profit for the dealer is lower than the competitor far, various dealers are willing to cooperate with them has the formidable rallying point brand, to proliferate the price which each corner the sales network, the majority of consumers can accept, the low cost of operation, the US valuable lotus's in domestic market start profit is merely “the start
The transnational brand has entered the Chinese marketplace with great majority different along top grade route , L'Oreal has led whose masses brand "Maybelline " in overseas into China, and the price having affinity with more and more convenient purchase channel, Yue Lai Yue has continued whose masses brand route The channel convenient and the price affinity do not damage the Maybelline brand image , build by the fact that the big spending advertisement throws into the special counter composing in reply luxury stores, Maybelline makes self become fad , the tidal current spokesman Compare in the lack attacking high-end skill on Chinese color stage makeup and costume marketplace, walk the domestic brand that the masses route stream in the staple goods, Maybelline has asked for an unification in contradiction Different from other transnational cosmetics Corp, that L'Oreal adopts is an all-direction brand and product tactics Therefore, behind buying Maybelline, L'Oreal has continued its popular allocation , has made but its brand image again according to this original brand characteristic General headquarter of buy before long in the day afer tomorrow , beautiful precious lotus is moved towards move to metropolis New York from Memphis Herefrom, host following the example of L'Oreal in overseas market, has been striking method of work of product "Paris- L'Oreal " , Maybelline has been increasing by two "New York" characters at the brand back , the purpose that such makes has been to tell a consumer definitely , this has been the product coming from New York , it certainly has been representing sex appeal , internationalization and up to the minute fad Fad , feasible Maybelline of popular allocation have a great vogue in fields such as Japan , Europe In 2002, it has occupied the whole world 19%'s marketplace portion That this several years visit Maybelline in the field of the channel is with other entirely different foreign capital brand road , that it chooses is the strongest supermarket of permeation and convenient store of chain Because of Maybelline is fixed position in masses brand , to this kind of brand , except price,convenient buying is also that consumer's importance considers a factor The large-scale market , department store have bigger effect, but the deficiency because of permeation though in the field of lifting brand image , popular brand of unable satisfied distant Maybelline need lets a consumer can can purchase its product in any place And, brand special counter in large-scale market , department store easily more than 100,000 yuan of investment , expensive renting and administration cost, the operating cost having increased a brand's, pulls the distant product and consumer's distance That the supermarket and other sell approach has been different , the characteristic all over each corners has increased the convenient no comment that the consumer buys, from time to time have discount being able to make the product the popular brand road leaking have affinity more on price
北京时间10月15日,自有品牌价值零售商名创优品正式登陆纽交所,股票代码“MNSO”,定价2000美元,高于此前的发行区间上限,总发行 3040万股ADS,连同超额配售权发行股份,市值达6992亿美元。
在他感慨以日本的消费之高,卖这些小东西居然还能赚钱的时候,另一个发现让他觉得更不可思议:这些商品,很多都印着“made in china”。
名创优品做的是日用品连锁零售,截至目前为止,公司拥有8,000+核心SKU(单品),涵盖生活家居、电子电器、纺织品、包袋配饰、美妆工具、玩具系列、彩妆、护肤洗护、休闲食品、香水香氛、文具礼品等11 个品类。
为了保持消费者的新颖感,并在每次进入商店时为他们带来新的惊喜,名创优品每隔7天会从10000个产品创意里挑出100个产品进行更新。这个更新过程既叫做“711理念”,也称之为“百里挑一 ”情怀。要达到这样的周转速度,与工厂定制产品并向供应商直接采购是最好的方案。
目前名创优品有超过 600 家供应商,其中大多是上市公司与一线品牌,也不乏一些为国际大牌代工的供应商。
自2016年以来,名创优品与Hello Kitty、漫威、迪士尼等17个全球知名IP都展开了合作。如果你在其他地方看到这些IP商品,会下意识地觉得要价不菲。但是在名创优品,凭借其科学合理的数字化运营体系,这些国际IP也能在保证质量的情况下,以合理的价格带给消费者愉悦的购物体验和满足感。
这其实是一种创新的C2M(用户直连制造)模式。它的核心价值是全面迎合消费者需求,以销量定产量。在用户端,可以为用户带来更低价更优质的产品;在工厂端 ,则赋予了工厂按需生产的能力,减少了库存风险,以实现双赢。
也许在不远的将来,名创优品在给他国消费者提供低价高质商品的同时也能给在外旅行出差的国人以及华人们带来更多的便利和温暖。而这一切的依托,就是我们引以为傲的Made in China。