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Ah - dah - dah
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Well , dey ll be plenty un m dah , i reck n , en you bet you he ll fetch one ef he gits a chanst
我看啊,歇佛逊家的人在那边有的是,他只要有机会,准会谈逮一个回来。 ”
●艺名 仓木麻衣 (Mai Kuraki)
●本名 青野真衣(Mai Aono)( まい あおの)
●英文名 Mai Kuraki
●别名 麻衣ちゃん、Mai-K、マイマイ(MaiMai)、クッキー(“Kuraki”的爱称“KuKi-”)
●星座 天蝎座
●血型 B型
●出生地 千叶县
●出生日期 1982年10月28日
●学校 立命馆大学(2001年4月入学,2005年3月毕业)产业社会学部 产业社会学科
●兴趣 绘画、**、音乐、制作饰品、写信
●尊敬的人 父母(有争议)
●家庭成员 父亲:山前 五十洋 母亲:青野 公子 哥哥:青野 拓也
●宠物 キャスパー(博德牧羊犬)、ライス(仓鼠)
●重要的事 朋友、时间、学校生活、家族、八音盒
●自我流行 芳香按摩、印度料理、火锅、搜寻地方特产、矿物泥负离子机
●所属公司 1999年至2007年5月GIZA Studio 2007年5月至今Northern Music
●事务所 LOOP
●喜欢的词语 “Let it be(成せば成る)” (nasebanaru) 顺其自然,只要努力就会成功
●喜欢的颜色 红色、粉色、橙色、白色、黑色等
●喜欢的植物 扶桑花
●喜欢的动物 狗、猫、熊猫、仓鼠、马
●喜欢的饰品 质朴的银质饰品
●喜欢的画家 CHRISTIAN RIESE LASSEN(克里斯蒂安·来易斯·拉森)
●喜欢的书籍 夏目漱石“こころ”(心)
●喜欢的漫画 青山刚昌“名探侦コナン”(名侦探柯南)
●喜欢的游戏 格斗游戏
●喜欢的演员 成龙、Meg Ryan(梅格·瑞恩) 、Johnny Depp(强尼·戴普)
●喜欢的运动 游泳,滑雪,保龄球,喜欢运动会上枪响后紧张的飞快短跑,百米栏获得过冠军,喜欢观看篮球和网球
●喜欢的食物 水果、意大利面、玉米沙拉、纳豆、西瓜、豆面酱煮鲭鱼 、柚子
●得意的料理 饭团、豆面酱汁
●喜欢的音乐 R&B
●喜欢的歌手 洋乐-迈克尔·杰克逊、劳伦·希尔、惠特妮·休斯顿、后街男孩、夏奇拉,邦乐-久保田利伸
●最喜欢的歌是 La La La Love Song(久保田利伸),美梦成真(买的第一张cd)
●关于作词 常在夜晚或者一个人的时候写
●关于唱歌 录音前一边运动身体一边喝自备的饮料
●接触音乐的动机 在小学高年级时看了迈克尔·杰克逊所主演的**开始,到后来看惠特妮·休斯顿的mv、live,感到“我也想成为这样的歌手”,于是对西洋音乐产生极大的兴趣。
●美国出道的单曲 Baby I Like
●日本出道的单曲 Love,Day After Tomorrow
●1999年10月,当她还只得16岁的时候已经在美国出道,推出首张CD [BABY I LIKE],以[外国输入盘]的形式在日本发售,旋即抢购一空,跟着以一曲[Love,Day after tomorrow]在日本出道,声名大噪,接着她的名字便开始经常出现在各音乐杂志及Oricon榜的至Top位置。
●首张CD她已能在波士顿有名的Cybersound灌录,更请来很多有名的音乐人合作,如Larry Thomas, Cybersound的掌舵人等。麻衣自小学高年级的时候看过Michael Jackson和Whitney Housten的表演后便喜欢上了英美音乐,并希望能成为这样的歌手。美国著名音乐人Mark Kamins听过[Baby I like]的Demo Tape后,对她大为赞赏,并为她请来很多著名DJ,制作了黑胶混音唱片[Baby I like REMIXS].
●仓木麻衣的第二张CD[Love,Day after tomorrow]成了她在日本的出道作,她的歌曲全是由自己填词的,歌词令人产生共鸣,她的音乐风格同时带有R&B和JPop的味道,歌声有着透彻的感觉,因多方面和宇多田光相似,所以被喻为第二个宇多田光。
●仓木麻衣是1999年12月发行首张单曲「Love, Day After Tomorrow」而现身歌坛。刚发片时完全没有任合Tight-Up,外界也不认为她有进榜或是造成热烈回响的机会;孰知从发片前后开始,全国的FM电台在播放仓木麻衣的「Love, Day After Tomorrow」时,不断出现:「是谁的歌?」的询问反应,这种声浪由起初的小声音逐渐变成大波动。3个月后,仓木麻衣维持稳定的单曲成绩一举跃到第2名,销售突破127万张!外界一致公认仓木麻衣是拥有良好的音质、歌唱实力坚强的长卖型歌手。没有明星架势的她感觉不同于一般艺人,有的只是纯洁、透明的歌唱实力。
●从此备受外界看好的仓木麻衣,第2支单曲「Stay By My Side」果然一登场即抢下排行榜第1名,和前张单曲一样成为长卖型的歌曲。从不曝光的仓木麻衣自然成为外界关心、好奇的对象,诸如:「仓木麻衣是谁呀?」、「她是个什么样的人啊?」之类的问号此起彼落。而这些人的之所以关心、好奇,完全是因为喜欢她的歌所致,这也是仓木麻衣最强的地方。
●疯狂英语063期上的介绍 平城歌姬仓木麻衣 She is one of the hottest young singers from Japan and her name is Mai Kuraki(also known as Mai-K to her fans) Kuraki wanted to be a singer ever since she saw a movie about Michael Jackson’s life and watched Whitney Houston’s concert videos Around her second year in junior high school, she began making demo tapes, hoping that she would get a record deal Her chance to sing came while she was in junior high school A member of staff from her current label, GIZA Studio caught her fresh talent and immediately sent her to Cybersound Studio Boston(波士顿) to record her US debut single, “Baby I Like” under the pseudonym “Mai-K” which eventually became her nickname The studio staff were so impressed with her vocals that they encouraged her to go back to Japan and record With this early success under her belt, she released her Japanese debut single, “Love, Day After Tomorrow”, which charted as high as NO2, and broke sales records for longest selling singles, shifting 13 million copies Since her debut at sixteen, her singles and albums have never failed to chart in top three Despite Kuraki’s infrequent TV and magazine appearances, she has a very large fan base and is often compared to Utada Hikaru(宇多田光) because of their similar R&B styles On March21, 2005, Kuraki graduated from Ritsumeikan University(立命馆大学) in Kyoto where she studied modern culture and society
ⅰ 动画片
《Secret of my heart》 名侦探柯南 180话~204话 04th ed
《Start in my life》 名侦探柯南 219话~232话 06th ed
《ALways》 名侦探柯南 306话~332话 07th ed & 剧场版《朝向天国的倒计时》
《Winter Bells》 名侦探柯南 259话~270话 09th op
《Time after time ~花舞う街で~》 名侦探柯南 剧场版《迷宫的十字路》
《风のららら(风的啦啦啦)》 名侦探柯南 306话~332话 11th op
《Growing of my heart》 名侦探柯南 415话~424话 15th op
《白い雪》 名侦探柯南 459话~470话 26th ed
注:曾经出现在名侦探柯南动画版第238集-大阪3K事件(上集),漫画版Vol29 FILE9-FILE11中
ⅱ 电视剧
《Perfect Crime》 朝日电视台连续剧《为了热情生存的杀人(又名:狂野女人心)》主题曲
《Can't forget your love》 朝日电视台连续剧《为了热情生存的杀人》插曲
《Like a star in the night》 朝日电视台连续剧《暗夜天使》主题曲
《ベスト オブ ヒーロー(Best of Hero)》 TBS连续剧《ガチバカ!(认真的笨蛋 又译:格斗教师)》主题曲
《season of love》朝日电视剧《京都迷宫内案》主题曲
ⅲ 小说剧
《Reach for the sky》 NHK晨间小说剧“Audrey”主题曲
ⅳ 连续剧
《明日へ架ける桥(通往明天的桥梁)》 NHK综合台23时连续剧主题曲
ⅴ 广告曲
《Feel fine!》 资生堂 2002
《Kiss》 资生堂 2003
《If I Believe》 资生堂 2003
《Top Of The World》(翻唱) LION「香りつづくトップ」2008
ⅵ 游戏主题曲
《Key to my heart》 《宿命传说2》主题曲
《Silent love~open my heart~》[天堂II]主题曲
ⅶ 体育比赛
《RIDE ON TIME》第20回全日本大学女子校际接力长跑比赛选手权大赛主题曲
《SAME》 Sponichi创刊55周年“FamilyMart Dream Match”主题曲
《Born to be free》 2007年A3冠军杯赛主题曲
ⅷ 与他人合作
《What can I do》 Michael Africk with Mai-K 日韩共同制作的动画片“パタパタ飞行船の冒険” 片尾曲《To night I feel close to you》&《My story your song》与孙燕姿(Yanzi)跨国合作 Compilation Album《
GIZA studio MAI-K & FRIENDS HOTROD BEACH PARTY》&《GIZA studio R&B RESPECT vol1 ~six sisters selection~》与GIZA studio的歌手合作
Ⅸ 翻唱歌曲
《EXPERIENCE》 1st Maxi Single中 I JUST CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU(原:Michael Jackson)
《EXPERIENCE》 1st Album中 REMEMBER THE TIME(原:Michael Jackson)
2007年6月16日赴台与罗志祥搭档担任颁奖嘉宾,并演唱“secret of my heart”刚结束为期8个月的LIVE巡回演唱会,仓木麻衣今天台、日同步推出第四张新专辑《If I Believe》,专辑中收录她与孙燕姿的合作曲《Tonight,I fell close to you》,仓木麻衣接受台湾媒体的fax interview,谈到她们合作的趣事及身为大学生歌手的心境。 仓木麻衣回忆初次和孙燕姿见面,“她给人很爽朗亲切的感觉,感觉上她很轻松、快乐地做著音乐。”两人的合作曲是由仓木麻衣作词,“我希望拥有不同文化的两个人,如果能藉由共同合作一件作品,而让双方互相有新的灵感启发的话,那就太好了,我是基于这样的心情作词的。” 在拍摄合作曲 MTV 的过程中,仓木麻衣说她和孙燕姿不止谈音乐,也谈了些个人方面的事,“我们也互相教对方说日文及中文,非常有趣,同时用中文、日文、英文3国语言交谈,这还是第一次呢,让我印象很深刻。” 仓木麻衣进入立命馆大学就读已经三年,作为一位学生歌手,仓木麻衣觉得与其作时间上的分配计划,心境上的转换更为重要,“继续升学是我自己的决定,所以今后在学业与工作两方面,我都会努力加油的。”
All Night
Baby I Like
Baby Tonight~You&Me~
Brand New Day
Born to be free
Best of hero
Can't forget your love
Can't get enough~gimme your love~
Chance for you
Come on! Come on!
Cuz you’ll know that you’re right
Cherish the day
Diamond Wave
Did I Hear You Say That You're In Love
Delicious Way
Don't leave me alone
Double Rainbow
Everything's All Right
Fairy tale ~my last teenage wish~
Feel fine !
Give me one more chance
Gonna keep on tryin'
Growing of my heart
Happy days
Honey, feeling for me
I'll be there
If I Believe
I don't wanna lose you
I sing a song for you
It's All Right
I Like it I Like that
Just A Little Bit
Just Like You Smile Baby
Key to my heart
Like a star in the night
Love, Day After Tomorrow
Lover Boy
Loving You…
Make My Day
Mi Corazon
Moon serenade,Moonlight
My Story,Your Song
Not that kind a girl
One Life
Over the rainbow
one for me
Please let me wonder
Reach for the sky
Rescue Me
Ride on time
Ready for love
Safest Place
Secret of my heart
Seven Nights
season of love
Simply Wonderful
Stand Up
Start in my life
Stay by my side
Stepping ∞ Out
State of mind
Silent love~open my heart~
secret roses
Tell me what
Tell me your way
The ROSE~melody in the sky~
Think about
This is your life
Through the River
Time after time ~花舞う街で~
Tonight, I feel close to you
Trip in the dream
Trying To Find My Way
The frozen sea
Voice of Safest Place
What are you waiting for
What I feel
Winter Bells
What Can I Do
YES or NO~TRANCE Continental Remix~
You are not the only one
You look at me~one
You and Music and Dream
ベスト オブ ヒーロー (Best of hero)
いつかは あの空に
今 君とここに
一秒ごとに Love for you
Chinese:King's dint is great
English name: Lee Hom
Birthday: In 1976 on May 17
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon
Horoscope: Taurus
Height: 178 cms
Blood type: The type of O
贯籍 : Guangdong 番禺
Educational background: The United States 麻 state Williams College graduates
Habit:Baseball, music, painting, movie, drama, artistic
Pet phrase: "It's all good!"
Language:Country language, English
Family form 况 :Parents,1 兄 ,1 younger brother
Special technical ability:Violin, piano, drum, write a song
Favorite sport:Stick ball
Most the category that like: Jazz piano
Most the person who admire: Father
Most the singer who enjoy: Stevie Wonder
Most the entertainer who like: Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Prince, George Michael, Sting
Most the movie that like: The night visits the blood-sucking vampire and stimulate 1995, small women
Most the sport that like: Baseball
Most the nation/ region that like: Chinese Taiwan
Most the animal that like: Mankind
Most the color that like: Blue color
Most the food that like: Japanese cuisine, concourse sandwich, grapefruit juice, Pizza, Peking roast duck
Biggest wish: Do a has to the pop music boundary to create to get alone with others contributively
Just 华 :Sing(14 years old affiliation Show Choir glee club19 annual expenditures are a personal album), baseball( left pitcherSteal bases king), English( start learning from the child bearingUp to now 21 years), French( from the beginning an arrive high three), Chinese( return to set 后 to start learningUp to now however short and short two yearsSay however of slip away very much), musical instrument( violin hand, guitarist, jazz drummer, piano hand, left hand anywayThe dint is great to there is quite a few hand), phrase song artistic(13 years old rises to start the artistic, up to now roughly more than 40 works), painting( the painting 《 eagle 》 wins a prize), thesis( the work 《 life wins a prize with religious 》 ), music play( since senior high school the every year plays the satge play)
Advertise the experience:
1SHISEIDO Shiseido SQ concept expansion spokesperson
2维 his 露 P
Publish album
《 rival in love Beethoven's 》
If 《 you hear my song 》
The window way 》 of the earth of 《 nature
The 《 likes to miss your 》
White paper in《》
《 I love your 》 with the life
Great 》 in good dint in《
The revolution around sun of 《 rotates the 》
The 《 is impossible to miss your 》
1999: The tenth Golden Melody Awards" the best male sing on stage the best album producer in person's" and" prize", Singapore Golden Melody Awards the best record creation
2000:CHANNEL[ V] Chinese 榜 inside 榜 99 song prize
英文名字: Lee Hom
生日: 1976年5月17日
生肖: 龙
星座: 金牛座
身高: 178公分
血型: O型
贯籍 : 广东番禺
学历: 美国麻州Williams College毕业
口头禅 : "It's all good!"
语言:国 语、英语
家庭 状 况:父母、1兄、 1弟
喜爱的运动:棒 球
最喜欢的科目: 爵士钢琴
最佩服的人: 爸爸
最欣赏的歌手: Stevie Wonder
最喜欢的艺人: Elton John、 Stevie Wonder、Prince、George Michael、Sting
最喜欢的**: 夜访吸血鬼、刺激1995、小妇人
最喜欢的运动: 棒球
最喜欢的国家/地区: 中国台湾
最喜欢的动物: 人类
最喜欢的颜色: 蓝色
最喜欢的食物: 日本料理、总汇三明治、葡萄柚汁、Pizza、北京烤鸭
最大的心愿: 做一个对流行音乐界有贡献的创作人
才华:歌唱(14岁加入Show Choir合唱团19岁出第一张个人专辑)、棒球(左投手盗垒王)、英文(从出生开始学至今21年啦)、法文(从初一到高三)、中文(回台后开始学至今不过短短两年却说的很溜)、乐器(小提琴手、吉他手、爵士鼓手、钢琴手、左手anyway力宏有好几手)、词曲创作(13岁起开始创作,至今约四十余首作品)、绘画(画作《鹰》得奖)、论文(作品《人生与宗教》得奖)、音乐剧(自高中起年年演舞台剧)
1SHISEIDO 资生堂SQ概念推广代言人
奖项 :
1999年 : 第十届金曲奖“最佳男演唱人”及“最佳专辑制作人奖”、新加坡金曲奖最佳唱片制作
The US valuable lotus through great writer's advertisement investment and the upscale market's special counter construction, causes the spokesman who oneself become the fashionable tidal current Compared in the Chinese cosmetics market attacks the high-end skill to be insufficient, takes the populace route to flow in the popular goods domestically produced brand, the US valuable lotus has obtained the unification in the contradiction 2003 year mid-December, the US valuable lotus has held a activity in New York, celebrates its Chinese Branch to start the profit This distance US valuable lotus enters Chinese market already in the recent 8 years But the Chinese market's profit, looks like in the US valuable lotus, is a successful matter At the same time, possesses the Multinational corporation which develops in China to be the same likely, US valuable lotus most recent several years management, what are more is pays great attention the market development and the channel construction, but is not take gains as the first goal; On the other hand, along with to the Chinese market understanding's gradual deepening, the US valuable lotus has located itself, no matter in recent years were the brand management or the channel construction, more and more tallied with the Chinese national condition In the populace cosmetics market, today's US valuable lotus already occupied the market absolute initiative in the Chinese home, covers Paulo according to Oulaiya China company chairman “the Pyramid type strategy”, the US valuable lotus is continued to locate for the populace consumable The US valuable lotus had a slogan “to let each Chinese women have a US valuable lotus's product at least” In order to serve this purpose, the US valuable lotus formulated had the affinity price to the Chinese ordinary consumers US valuable lotus lipstick's price basic superior in 30-60 Yuan this sector But Shiseido's similar products price above 100 Yuan, looks like SK mostly Ⅱ Such brand, Similar products' price is US valuable lotus's 10 times nearly Along with the SARS time's reduction behavior, the US valuable lotus's product more and more can expend in the price for the populace, in theirs promotion, the individual type's lipstick price even already lowered to 10 Yuan, must be lower than the majority of domestically produced brand's price, this stimulated greatly to the price has been sensitive, but had the pursue name brand trend low end consumer the US valuable lotus is take the female as the goal expense community's brand, but when purchases the cosmetics, what the female most pays attention is the product brand, its proportion relative high Therefore, although is the price not high popularity product, but the US valuable lotus actually pays attention sets up own brand image the advertisement takes enhances the brand popularity and the loyalty method effectively, is valued cosmetics enterprise's But the cosmetics consumer is also easiest is about the advertisement institute community Therefore, in 1999 until now, cosmetics advertisement continuously by its strong delivery tendency hold advertisement market front row Compares with its competitor, the US valuable lotus feminine launches a psychological attack to the present age to fight is more overbearing and is swift and fierce Opens a fashionable publication casually and turns on the television, may see the US valuable lotus the advertisement It is reported that the US valuable lotus's once occupied the Chinese overall cosmetics advertisement investment in advertisement investment 1/2 to adapt Chinese's esthetic taste, the US valuable lotus invited inland star Zhang Ziyi in April, 2001 to take the post of its Asian vivid spokesman, attempted by her health contour, the fresh makings, the enchanting charm to deduct the US valuable lotus to be compatible, fashion, vigor, vitality brand image although US valuable lotus in price and channel aspect more and more popular, but because its brand image maintains quite well, the consumer has not reduced to its brand fine reputation and the loyalty Moreover, because has the formidable brand image support, the US valuable lotus product produces goods rate has been high, can provide the stable repayment to the dealer, even if therefore yields profit for the dealer is lower than the competitor far, various dealers are willing to cooperate with them has the formidable rallying point brand, to proliferate the price which each corner the sales network, the majority of consumers can accept, the low cost of operation, the US valuable lotus's in domestic market start profit is merely “the start
5号是夏奈尔的幸运数字,夏奈尔5号最传奇,最耳熟能详的故事是这样子的:有位记者问美国性感巨星玛丽莲·梦露**:你穿什么睡衣入睡?她娇媚地回答说:A few drops of Chanel NO5(擦几滴夏奈尔5号而已)。
Chanel NO5 香水是以现代花香系列为号召,首先闻到的是摩登——现代香系列中的新鲜花香(包括伊兰花及苦橘)的香首,然后香体由玫瑰和茉莉带出,最后以白檀香为基底衬托。其实内容包含了不下130种的香精,而且其中的主味大多是人工合成的现代花香香精(通称乙醛,可使香味多变化,而这正是Chanel NO5 的最大特色。
——格拉斯的茉莉及玫瑰,透过乙醛丰富的变化,成为最具女性魁力的化身,精致地诠释了经典永恒的女性柔美,展现了独一无二的女性风味。1921年5月,当香水创作师Ernest Beaux呈现给香奈儿夫人多重的香水选择,香奈儿夫人几乎毫无犹豫地选出了第五款,即当前誉满全球的香奈儿5号香水。一个以数字命名的香水品牌,缘何能如此风靡世界?
1986年,拥有香奈儿“鼻子”雅号的调香师Jacques Polge创制了香奈尔5号淡香水,把优雅的女性美以全新方法再度演绎,轻快活泼的柠檬果与云呢拿香草,赋予淡香以甜美与惊喜的欢欣气息。此外,为香奈尔生产香水的Jacques Pollge公司一直坚持其一贯的独特配料:使用在格拉斯出产的一种茉莉和五月玫瑰。这也为香奈尔香水特有的高品质和馥郁的香味奠定了坚实的基础。
人类对消费品的要求越来越苛刻了,除了产品的功能、品质、容量等基础性的东西外,色彩、包装、瓶形等方面对促进销售也起着越来越重要的作用了。香奈儿5号香水已经有了独特的产品支撑点和完全的品质保障团队,是否就已经足够了。香奈儿夫人认为还不完美,还需要在瓶形方面再一次提升香奈儿5号香水,使它完全独立于高档香水之林,发出自己强烈耀眼而桀骜不训的光芒。基于Total Look的理念,香奈尔夫人认为香水是女性整体装扮中最后一道画龙点睛的重要步骤。因此,就算当时只有香水世家才会推出香水,以服装设计师出身的香奈尔夫人也决定坚持要以chanel的品牌推出香水,并在瓶形设计有着明显的天赋和卓越的见解:“我的美学观点跟别人不同:别人惟恐不足地往上加,而我一项项地减除。”正是这个理由,使香奈尔5号香水瓶简单的外形设计在同一个时期的香水作品里面,成为看起来最奇怪的一支,因为在所有极尽繁复华美之能事的香水瓶里面,唯有香奈尔5号香水像一瓶光溜溜的药瓶。可是这一种简单,形成了-股新的美学力量成功地打进了名媛淑女们高雅的心房,她们终于不必溺于浮华的富贵中,而可以在简洁有力的设计中 ,找到可贵的质感。香奈尔5号香水瓶有着状如宝石切割般形态的瓶盖、透明水晶的方形瓶身造型、线条利落、“CHANEL”和“N°5”之黑色字体呈现于白底之上,令人印象深刻。但在崇尚富丽繁华的当时,许多人都不看好这支看起来活像一瓶药罐子的香水,甚至有一些见过香奈尔5号香水的时尚专家,都认为香奈儿夫人一生的美名就要丧失在这一瓶“简陋”的瓶子之中。结果他们没有想到,这一瓶当初他们不看好的香水,在世界上当红的时间,竟比他们的寿命还要长久。也因如此,香奈尔5号香水瓶的现代美感令它在1959年获选为当代杰出艺术品,跻身于纽约现代艺术博物馆的展品行列。这是一种美学的追求,也是营销差异化不可多得的一个重要的环节——只有大胆创新,走出自己的新路,品牌和产品才能更好的得到发展。
如 Not only…but also, Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner… than
Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender
Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her
No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her
No sooner___ than it began to rain heavily
A the game began B has the game begun
C did the game begin D had the game begun
答案D 以具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,一般采用倒装句(谓语前置)。这类表示否定意义的词有never, seldom, scarcely, little, few, not, hardly, 以及not only…but (also), no sooner…than, hardly… when scarcely… when 等等。
注意:只有当Not only… but also连接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not only… but also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构。
Not only you but also I am fond of music