wes me with your caft of right
what just cause and judge midnight
feel the sorrow the night has swarrowed
feel the freedom like no tomorrow
Steping forth, the cure for a soul's demise
Reap the tears of the victim's cries
You'd do more to keep the sufferer from of a demon thats a put it under
Kill before the time to kill them all
Backstab the righteous law
Serving justice that dwells in me
Nothing comes as far as the eye can see
The eye can see
The eye can see
The eye can see
The eye can see
The eye can see
The eye can see
Bless me, with the leaf of a poetry
On it, I see the freedom reign
We are falling, the night is calling,
tears inside me coming down
Midnight calling,
Misery sobbing
crown me a cure relief
Raised through my father, blessed by the water,
Black night, dark sky, the devil's cry
Bless me, with the leaf of a poetry
On it, I see the freedom reign
We are falling, the night is calling,
tears inside me coming down
Midnight calling,
Misery sobbing
crown me a cure relief
Bless me, with the leaf of a poetry
On it, I see the freedom reign
Raised through my father, blessed by the water,
Black night, dark sky, the devil's cry
\swarrow\mathop{\hspace{1em}}^{ y =\tanh \alpha}
你可以在这里找到所有用文本表示数学符号的字符 Unicode Plain Text Encoding of Mathematics ,下面给出一些:
Keyword Glyph
above ┴
acute '
aleph ℵ
alpha Α
amalg ∐
angle ∠
aoint ∳
approx ≈
asmash ⬆
ast ∗
asymp ≍
atop ¦
because ∵
begin 〖
below ┬
beta Β
beth ℶ
bot ⊥
bigcap ⋂
bigcup ⋃
bigodot ⨀
bigoplus ⨁
bigotimes ⨂
bigsqcup ⨄
biguplus ⨃
bigvee ⋁
bigwedge ⋀
bowtie ⋈
bot ⊥
box □
bullet ∙
cap ∩
cbrt ∙
cdot ⋅
cdots ⋯
chi χ
circ ∘
close ┤
clubsuit ♣
coint ∲
cong ≅
cup ∪
daleth ℸ
dashv ⊣
Dd ⅅ
dd ⅆ
ddddot ⃜
ddots ⋱
degree °
Delta Δ
delta Δ
diamond ⋄
diamondsuit ♢
div ÷
doteq ≐
dots …
Downarrow ⇓
downarrow ↓
dsmash ⬇
ee ⅇ
ell ℓ
emptyset ∅
end 〗
epsilon ϵ
eqarray █
eqno #
equiv ≡
eta Η
exists ∃
forall ∀
Gamma Γ
gamma Γ
ge ≥
geq ≥
gets ←
gg ≫
gimel ℷ
hbar ℏ
heartsuit ♡
hookleftarrow ↩
hookrightarrow ↪
hphantom ⬉
hvec ⃑
ii ⅈ
iiiint 2A0C
iiint ∭
iint ∬
Im ℑ
imath ı
in ∈
inc ∆
infty ∞
int ∫
iota ι
jj ⅉ
jmath 237
kappa κ
Lambda Λ
lambda λ
lbrace {
lbrack [
lceil ⌈
ldiv ∕
ldots …
le ≤
Leftarrow ⇐
leftarrow ←
leftharpoondown ↽
leftharpoonup ↼
Leftrightarrow ⇔
leftrightarrow ↔
leq ≤
lfloor ⌊
ll ≪
Longleftarrow ⟸
longleftarrow ⟵
Longleftrightarrow ⟺
longleftrightarrow ⟷
Longrightarrow ⟹
longrightarrow ⟶
mapsto ↦
matrix ■
mid ∣
models ⊨
mp ∓
mu Μ
nabla ∇
naryand ▒
ndiv ⊘
ne ≠
nearrow ↗
neq ≠
ni ∋
norm ‖
nu ν
nwarrow ↖
odot ⊙
of ▒
oiiint ∰
oiint ∯
oint ∮
Omega Ω
omega ω
ominus ⊖
open ├
oplus ⊕
oslash ⊘
otimes ⊗
over /
overbar ¯
overbrace ⏞
overparen ⏜
parallel ∥
partial ∂
phantom ⟡
Phi Φ
phi ϕ
Pi Π
pi π
pm ±
pppprime ⁗
ppprime ‴
pprime ″
prec ≺
preceq ≼
prime ′
prod ∏
propto ∝
Psi Ψ
psi Ψ
qdrt √
ratio ∶
rbrace }
rbrack ]
rceil ⌉
rddots ⋰
Re ℜ
rect ▭
rfloor ⌋
rho ρ
Rightarrow ⇒
rightarrow →
rightharpoondown ⇁
rightharpoonup ⇀
sdiv ⁄
searrow ↙
setminus ∖
Sigma Σ
sigma Σ
sim ∼
simeq ≃
smash ⬈
spadesuit ♠
sqcap ⊓
sqcup ⊔
sqrt √
sqsubseteq ⊑
sqsuperseteq ⊒
star ⋆
subset ⊂
subseteq ⊆
succ ≻
succeq ≽
sum ∑
superset ⊃
superseteq ⊇
swarrow ↘
tau Τ
therefore ∴
Theta Θ
theta θ
times ×
to →
top ⊤
tvec ⃡
underbar ▁
underbrace ⏟
underparen ⏝
Uparrow ⇑
uparrow ↑
Updownarrow ⇕
updownarrow ↕
uplus ⊎
Upsilon Υ
upsilon υ
varepsilon ε
varphi Φ
varpi ϖ
varrho ϱ
varsigma σ
vartheta ϑ
vbar │
vdash ⊢
vdots ⋮
vee ∨
Vert ‖
vert |
vphantom ⇳
wedge ∧
wp ℘
wr ≀
Xi Ξ
xi ξ
zeta ζ