suitable for all hair types中文是什么意思…

suitable for all hair types中文是什么意思…,第1张

suitable for all hair types




Nearly$ 2 billion a year is spent world-wide in surgical procedures for hair loss, according to the international society of hair restoration surgery

国际植发协会(international society of hair restoration surgery)的数据显示,每年全世界用于手术治疗脱发的花费高达近20亿美元。






1I saw a girl with green hair today, but it takes all sorts I suppose


2Well, it takes all sorts to make a world He probably thinks you waste your

time and money on collecting antiques


3It takes all sorts世界上各种各样的人都有。






栖息于有丛林或疏林的干燥地区,平时独居,仅在交配季节成对,也有由母豹带领4~5只幼豹的群体。猎豹是奔跑最快的哺乳动物,每小时可达 120公里。以羚羊等中、小型动物为食。除以高速追击的方式进行捕食外,也采取伏击方法,隐匿在草丛或灌木丛中,待猎物接近时突然窜出猎取。母豹1胎产 2~5仔。寿命约 15年。











English name: Cheetah, this word is comes from to northern Indialanguage Chita, Cheetah to have the spot the meaning

Is classifying: Is the chordate gate, the mammalia, 食肉目, the catbranch, the cheetah is, the cheetah plants The cheetah has twosubspecies, is the African subspecies, is the Asian subspecies TheAfrican subspecies quite are many, but also some 9,000 to 12,000heads The Asian subspecies quite are few, it mainly lives in Iran,now also has about 300

Cheetah's torso length is 1 meter to 15 meter, the tail length is 06meter to 08 meter, the shoulder is high is 07 to 09 meter, the bodyweight generally is 35 to 72 kilograms The male cheetah's build isbigger than the female cheetah, the cheetah back color is faint yellowslightly Its abdomen color quite is shallow, usually is the whiteIts whole body all has the black the spot, has together the blackstripe from the corners of the mouth to the corner of the eye, thisstripe is we uses for to distinguish the cheetah and a leopard'scharacteristic

食肉目 the cat branch cheetah is Shan Xingzhong Outside takes theform of the leopard, but stature compared to leopard thin, four limbstall and slender, the foot fingernail is straighter, does not looklike cat branch animal such to be able completely to shrink thefingernail Small but circle; The whole body colorless light yellowand mixed has many small sunspots (to see chart) Presentlydistributes in Africa

Perches to has the jungle or the thin forest dry area, usually livesalone, only pairs in the copulation season, also has by the femaleleopard leads 4 ~ 5 young leopards' communities The cheetah is runsthe quickest mammal, each hour may amount to 120 kilometers Take theantelope in and so on, the small animal as the food Besides carrieson by the high speed pursuit way preys on, also adopts the ambushmethod, goes into hiding in the thick patch of grass or the shrubbery,waits the game to approach time suddenly flees seeks The femaleleopard 1 embryo produces 2 ~ 5 young Life approximately 15 years

The cheetah although 凶猛 good fights, but is easy to tame, ancienttimes once used it to help hunts for The cheetah once had a morewidespread distribution area, the various countries all had from theAfrican continent to Asia south perches, because the humanitylong-term overflowed to hunt for, at present places extinction such asIndian, Soviet central Asia, very has been rare in African north westeach place

The cheetah is king of the dash which the animal kingdom deservesAccording to measured that, a grown-up cheetah can within severalseconds achieve each hour 100 kilometers (may imagine drive on highspeed road ~) But this certainly cannot guarantee they are surefirein hunting for, must know nature this God is extremely fair, italthough granted them not to have by the peer speed, actually did nothave simultaneously to grant them the endurance, if the cheetah couldnot catch the game in the short distance, it could give up, thewaiting next time launched an attack

How cheetah's appearance and does they other most cats branch animaldistant relative not look like Their head quite is small, the nose onthe one hand two respectively has obvious black stripe continuously toextend from the corner of the eye place to the mouth on the otherhand, is similar to two tear stains (see above chart, this also isthey distinguishes one of between other big cats most remarkablecharacteristics) Their stature slender, the build is thin, heightapproximately 140 - 220cm, highly approximately 75 - 85cm Their fourlimbs very are also long, but also some 长尾巴 Cheetah's hairassumes the shallow golden color, the above is embellishing the blackcircular spot, carries on the back long also has the deep color which(some types cheetah carries on the back like the long neck hair samehair "the long neck hair" quite obviously, but on the body spot quiteis big, likes strip short stripe, this kind of cheetah is called it"the king cheetah" The king cheetah was once considered wasindependent subspecies, but afterwards passed through the researchdiscovery, they unique and the beautiful pattern only was the genemutation product) Cheetah's claw some similar dogs fingernail,because they cannot like other cat branch animals equally completelyto take back the claw in the meat pad, but is only can take back onehalf

Between the cheetah because the gene is close, the people carried onthe classification for cheetah's subspecies also to become a difficultmatter To in the cheetah blood protein analysis demonstration,between the different cheetah's difference is extremely slight, sincetherefore always has the dispute to the cheetah subspecies' divisionThe home station at present only arranges in order 5 kinds Left sidespecifically requests an audience to tabulate

The cheetah mainly distributes in Africa, once lived in Asia's India,India's cheetah also calls India the leopard (to exterminate) Thecheetah is the quickest animal which on the land runs, the speed mayamount to 120 kilometers, moreover the acceleration extremely is alsoastonishing, from starts running only needs to the maximum speed for 4seconds But the endurance is not good, is unable the long time topursue the game Cheetah's game mainly is the Thomsen 瞪 antelope andthe small gnu and so on middle and small scale 有蹄类 Cheetah'sbuild in order to adapt high speed pursues changes slenderly, the clawalso is unable likely other cat branch animal such at will to expandand contract, therefore is large-scale unable with other large-scaleto hunt moves the thing-in-itself lion, resistance and so on aardwolf,laboriously catches the game is frequently snatched by them Africa'sMarseilles clansmen not too are friendly to the cheetah Horse 塞族is the nomads, they cannot at will hunt and kill the wild animal,because they thought only has the domestic animal eloquence whichoneself breeds to be suitable edible, but they can use in the hand thelance to snatch the cheetah the game, is not for eat, but is uses forto feed the dog, like this they then may save feed dog's food Thepitiful cheetah only can rehunt for, but the high speed battue bringsthe consequence is the energy highly loses, cheetah continual battue 5are not successful or the game is snatched, has the possibility to beable to starve to death, because again did not have the strength tohunt for The young leopard's survival rate is very low, 2/3 youngleopard on and so on bites to death in front of a year old by the lionaardwolf or insufficient starves to death because of food

One, the cheetah is not a leopard, if the cheetah is a leopard, butalso was inferior to said the tiger is a leopard, we may look the catbranch animal's classification, a cat branch minute cat is, theleopard is, the cloud leopard is with the cheetah is We usually saidthe tiger lion all is the leopard is, but the cheetah is not theleopard is

Two, cheetah's claw is cannot expand and contract, this in the catbranch animal is an exception, such structure may play the spikesrole

Three, the cheetah is in the cat branch animal the only daytime leavesthe animal which the night bends down

Four, speed generally above 100 kilometers, individual short timespeed in 146 kilometers

Once argued a continuous topic in biosphere's: Actually is the cheetahthe cat branch or the dog branch, although is long likes the catbranch animal very much, but looked from the physiological essence,actually likes the dog branch Finally or is included the cat branch,but is with the leopard which the lion tiger leopard is at separatesThe single row as soon as is, also the cheetah is, the cheetah also isthe cheetah is the only 11 species Therefore has this kind of speech,the cheetah is not a leopard Yes, the tiger and leopard's relationsall are nearer than the cheetah and leopard's relations

加OF构成表语形容词(is 是系动词)

例如:a person of importance 一个重要人物(VIP)


of value, of importance (相当与valuable与important)。这就是所谓名词前面加of变为形容词(一样可以作表语与定语,作定语往往在所修饰的名词后面。如:an issue of imporatance)。还有一些稍微不太熟悉例子也希望大家学会,如:The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert (能耐受缺水在沙漠是有明显优势的)。Materials shall be of sufficient thickness 材料必须有足够的厚度(必须足够厚)。这些例子的特点是它们都有相应的形容词形式。如of advantage就相当与advantageous等。还有一种是of+名词表示形容词,而其名词没有相应的形容词形式的。这种用法无论是讲还是写都会让感觉你的英语又上了一个档次。还是先看一些例子吧:

All side effects are of gastrointestinal nature 所有的副作用都是胃肠道副作用。

The symptoms were of mild natrue 症状都很轻。

信不信由你,比方说第二句,就比All symptoms were mild听起来有档次些。


The troops are often of insufficient number to do the job 这些部队人数通常不足以完成任务。

Malignant tumors are of several types 恶性肿瘤可以分为几种类型。

Stationary may be less white and of a rougher texture (用回收的材料生产的)文具可能没那么白而且质地粗糙一些。

He is of royal blood 他具有皇室血统。(说He is royal blood就不对了。应为he不是blood)

The congregation is of Croatian descent 这些信众是克罗地亚裔的。(congregation是指某一社区的某个宗教的全部信教群众)

The boilers are of low-pressure design 这些锅炉为低压型的。

These products are of high quality 这些产品质量很高。

He is of pensionable age 他到了拿养老金的年纪。

Both sides think of the point as of no consequence 双方都认为这一点不重要。

Marriage today is less of an ego trip and more of an economic bargain for men 今天对男人而言婚姻与其说是自我人生旅程的一部分,倒不如说是一次经济上讨价还价的结果。

注意最后一句话的翻译众有无of意思是不一样的。 Marriage is an ego trip 就应该翻译成“婚姻是自我人生的旅程。”这样说意思就不完全对,因为婚姻并不是人生的全部。

做定语的例子:He is an engineer of Russian descent



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