Black Beauty

Black Beauty,第1张

《黑骏马(Black Beauty)》是安娜·塞维尔一生中写的唯一一本书,1877年一经出版就获得了巨大成功,被誉为“第一部真正的动物小说”。那时她的肝炎和肺结核已经非常严重,一年之后就去世了。虽然现在这本书如今被划分为青少年经典书籍,安娜·塞维尔的初衷却是写给长期与马儿打交道的人们,希望马儿能得到他们的理解以及友善的对待。安娜曾经说:

“My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt”







主人公Darkie吐槽:it is a smelly thing! 马嚼子确实是臭臭的(毕竟上面都是马口水),驯马师每次和马儿练习完,都会把它们头上的马笼头取下来,清洗一下马嚼子。

人们需要骑马或是让马儿拉车的时候,会在马厩里为马儿开始一系列“穿衣”流程:首先,给马刷毛(brush the loose hair and dirt off the horse's back)。这一步非常重要,因为如果不刷掉马代谢掉的毛发,一旦马的汗水将毛打湿,马会想要抖落它,骑手会很酸爽。然后,在马的头上套上马笼头,再安装马鞍(saddle),如果马蹄没有钉铁片(iron shoes),要检查是否有泥巴、杂草之类的塞在马蹄缝里(hoof care)。在整个过程中,马儿可能会觉得不舒服,所以要温柔的抚摸它们,和它们交流来calm them down。



原句:He would pat and stroke her and say, “Well, old Pet, and how is your little Darkie”


原句:he has to learn to wearand stand still while people put them on him


原句:Next, he drove some nails through the shoe quite into my foot so that the shoe was firmly on

4 「rather」:常见的意思是“与其”等,在这里的意思是表示程度“相当地”,类似 very。

原句:Sometimes we played rather roughly


1 Sometimes we played rather roughly They would often bite and kick as well as run

「roughly」:use too much force and not enough care or gentleness 这里的「roughly」是「gently」的反义词,意为“粗野地,(举止)粗俗地”。


2 I have never forgotten my mother’s advice I knew she was a wise old horse, and our master thought a great deal of her

「think a great deal of」: think highly of; value/regard…as important 对……有很高的评价,反义词可以说「think poorly of」~


a great deal of 常见的意思是大量的,a great deal of time。

3 I was already used to being led about the fields and lanes with reins and a head harness

「be/get/become used to sth/doing sth」习惯于……(做)某事;我们来举两个栗子:

After I moved to UK for a couple of years, I have been used to the rainy weather 我搬去英国几年后,习惯了那里的天气。

The colleagues are all very kind, making me get used to working with them very quickly 同事们人都很好,让我很快就习惯了和他们一起工作。

注意:「be/get used to doing sth」与「used to do sth」的区别,后者表示“过去经常做某事”。前文中的My mother used to go out to work after the sun came out and come back in the evening 就是说Darkie的妈妈过去常常日出而作,日落而息。再举个例子:We used to be good friends, but fell apart about a year ago 我们过去曾经是好朋友,但一年前关系破裂了。

4 Next came the saddle, but that was not nearly so bad

「not nearly」: far from远非,根本不;来个栗子:He has not nearly enough time to buy a flat in downtown London 他远没有足够的钱在伦敦市中心买一套公寓。

有同学可能要问了,为什么这个Next要放在句首呢?因为这里是由Next引起的倒装句,还原语序为:The saddle came next… 同理,here,there,now,then也能放在句首引起倒装,比如:Here/Now comes the special guest of this party 下面这位是本次聚会的特别来宾。


5 He then took a piece of iron the shape of my foot, and suddenly put it on my foot

「the shape of my foot」修饰前面的「iron」,意思是“和我的蹄子同样形状的马蹄铁”。这里就是说,主人拿出一块和我的蹄子同样形状的马蹄铁,快速给我套上。

6 I never felt more like kicking, but of course I could not kick such a good master

「feel like doing sth」想做某事,这里加上never和more,就是强调:我从来没有(never)这么想(feel more like)踢人,当然我不能踢我可爱的主人。

7 He must never be startled (受惊的) by what he sees, nor speak to other horses, nor bite, nor kick, nor have any will of his own


8 One day, when there was a good deal of kicking

a good deal of 大量的

kicking 踢来踢去


live upon sth 依靠……生活

as soon as 一就

well off 处境好的

round and round 一圈又一圈

stand still 一动不动

in time 迟早

think a great deal of 对……评价很高

be/get/become used to sth/doing sth 习惯于……

used to do sth 过去常常

be fond of 喜爱

not nearly 远非

feel like doing sth 想做某事

by the small trees 在小树近旁

about the filed about=around

in time 最后,表将来的一个时间点




They based their message on the religious belief that "Christ has come to teach his people himself", stressing the importance of a direct relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and a direct religious belief in the universal priesthood of all believers They emphasized a personal and direct religious experience of Christ, acquired through both direct religious experience and the reading and studying of the Bible

a breathtaking beauty





It had been a four-hour journey, in part through the breathtaking beauty of plumasnational forest



Now the driftwood hut is a relic of a bygone age, in a wilderness of breathtaking beauty


                                                                                             The Origin of this book

I have little use for the past and rarely think about it;However,I would briefly like to tell you how I came to be a spiritual teacher and how this book came into existence


Util my thirtieth year, I lived in a state of almost continuous anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression It feels now as if I am talking about some past lifetime or somebody else's lfe


One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday,I woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute dreadI had woken up with such a feeling many times before, but this time it was more intense than it had ever beenThe silence of the night,the vague outlines of the furniture in thedark room,the distant noise of a passing train everything felt so alien,so hostile,and so utterly mean-ningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the worldThe most loathsome thing of all,however,was my own existenceWhat was the point my continuing to live with this burden of miseryWhy carry on with this continuous struggleI could feel that a deep longing for annihilation,for nonexistence,was now becoming much stronger than the instinctive desire to continue to live


"I can not live with myself any longer"This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mindThen suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was"Am I one or two" If I can not live with myself, there must be two of me:the 'I' and the 'self' that 'I' cannot live with"Maybe," I thought,"only one of them is real" I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated I was gripped by an intense fear,and my body started to shake I   heard the words "resist nothing," as if spoken inside my chestI could feel myself being sucked into a void It felt as if the void was inside myself rather then outside Suddenly,there was no more fearand I let myself fall into that void I have no recollection of what happened after that  


I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the windowI had never heard such a sound beforeMy eyes were still closed,and I saw the image of a precious diamondYes,if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would like be likeI opened my eysThe first light of dawn was filtering through the curtainsWithout any thought,I felt,I knew,that there is infinitely more to light than we realizeThat soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itselfTears came into my eyes, I got up and walked arond the room,I recognized the room,and yet i know that i had never truely seen it beforeEverything was fresh and pristine,as if it had just came into existenseI picked up things,a pencil,an empty bottle,marveling at the beauty and aliveness of it all


That day i walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on earth,as if i had been born into this worldtine

For the next five months, i lived in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and blissAfter that, it diminished somewhat in intensity,or perhaps it just seemed to because it became my natural statei could still function in the world,although i realized that nothing i ever did could possibly add anything to what i already had



i knew,of ccourse,that something profoundly significant had happened to me,but i didn't understand it at all it wasn't until several years later,after i had read spiritual texts and spent time with spiritual teachers,that i realized that what everybody was looking for had already happened to me i understod that the intense pressure of suffering taht night must have forced my consciousness to whitdraw from the indentification with the unhappy and deeply fearful self,which is ultimately a fiction of the mindthis withdrawal must have been so complete that this false, suffering self immediately collapsed,just as if a plug had been pulled out of an inflatable toywhat was left then was my true nature as the ever-present i am: consiciousness in its pure state prior to identification with formlater i also learned to go into that inner timeless and deathless realm that i had originally perceived  as a void and remain fully consciousi dwelt in states of such indescrible bliss and scaredness that even the original experence i just described pales in comparisonA time came when ,for a while, i was left with nothing on the physical plane i had no relationships,no job,no home,no socially defined identity i spent almost two years sitting on park benches in a state of the most intense joy


but even the most beautiful experiences come and gomore fundamental,perhaps,than any experiences is the undercurrent of peace that has never left me since thensometimes it is very strong,almost palpable,and other times it is somewhere in the background,like a distant melody


later people would occasionally come up to me and say:"i want what you have can you give it to me,or show me how to get it"and i would say:"you have it already"you just can't feet it because your mind is making too much noise"that answer later grew into the book that you are holding in your hands

before i knew it,i had an external identity againi had become a spiritual teacher




固定搭配,make up 是补妆,化妆的意思。根据前面的句意说那个女生喜欢炫耀她的美貌,所以选A。

虽然do up 也有修葺、装饰的意思,但一般它后面是接物的,如:do up one's hair,梳头。

2010年Macy Gray推出最新单“Beauty In The World”!她被人称为拥有唐老鸭般的声音,她亦是新灵魂(Nu-Soul)女声潮流中的佼佼者,她就是独一无二的Macy Gray!原在南加大**学院攻读剧本写作的Macy,在一票搞音乐朋友鼓动下成为乐团女主唱,而浑然天成的音乐品味使得Macy发展出融合Hip Hop、Soul、Reggae、Old School Funk的特异风格,迅速在LA知名Clubs掀起骚动,98年获得Epic唱片公司延揽旗下,99年发行首张专辑“On How Life Is”,她仿若40年代爵士天后Billie Holiday的歌声,尽情在折衷多样风格的编曲中流动,时而甜蜜饶富趣味,时而活力昂扬充满韵味,产生「I Try」、「Do Something」、「still」等令人惊艳不已的排行单曲,同时在2000年的全英音乐奖勇得最佳国际女歌手、年度国际新人及葛莱美奖赢得最佳女歌手大奖,而专辑至今全球销售超过七百万张,将Macy的歌唱生涯推向最高峰。Beauty In The WorldMacy Gray - Beauty In The World Lyrics 语种 英语

I know you're fed up

Like a lead up for us

All they talk about is

What is going down

What's been messed up for us

When I look around I see blue skies

I see butterflies for us Listen to the sound and lose it

Its sweet music and dance with me

There is beauty in the world

So much beauty in the world

Always beauty in the world

So much beauty in the world

Shake your booty boys and girls for the beauty in the world

Pick your diamond pick your pearl there is beauty in the world

All together now ryedunetWe need more lovin'

We need more money, they say

Change is gonna come

Like the weather

They say forever

They say ryedunet

When they're in between

Notice the blue skies

Notice the butterflies

Notice me Stop and smell the flowers

And lose it the sweet music and dance with me

There is beauty in the world

So much beauty in the world

Always beauty in the world

There is beauty in the world

Shake your booty boys and girls for the beauty in the world

Pick your diamond pick your pearl there is beauty in the world

All together now ryedunetHeya throw your hands up and holla

Throw your hands up and holla

When you don't know what to do

Don't know if you'll make it through

Remember god is giving you beauty in the world

So love (Beauty in the world)

Yeah love (Beauty in the world) There is beauty in the world (Beauty in the world)

Beauty in the world (Beauty in the world)

Shake your booty boys and girls (Boys and Girls)

All the beauty in the world (Beauty in the world)

Pick your diamond pick your pearl (Pick your pearl)

There is beauty in the world (Beauty in the world)

All together now wwwryedunet

Yeah love

Yeah love

Oh love

All together now Hey baby when I'm looking at you

I know it's fact is true

There is hope for love

There is beauty in the world

Hey baby

Hey baby when I'm looking at you

I know this vibe is true

There's love

There's hope for love

There's beauty in the worldhttp://wwwryedunet/syy/yywh/201005/18331html

本篇文章来源于 外语爱好者网站( http://wwwryedunet) 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址: http://wwwryedunet/syy/yywh/201005/18331html

我是一名英语专业的老师,在我们的日常教学中,经常会对since now和from now有做区分,虽然两者都可以表示从现在开始,但是两者还是存在区别的,具体如下:


since now 英 [sɪns naʊ]   美 [sɪns naʊ] 从现在开始

from now 英 [frəm naʊ]   美 [frəm naʊ]   从现在





例:Great changes have taken place in Beijing from 1990 to 2000



例:Great changes have taken place in Beijing since 1990

自1990 年以来北京发生了很大的变化。


1、since now

——However, since we now live in a worldwide society, people's views about beauty are always changing  


——Parents may pick up some the cost of this change, though, since many will now need to stay home with their kids 


——The lovers in love forget each other since now  


2、from now

——You should look out for yourself from now on  


——Perhaps it would be best not to see much of you from now on  


——You're going to have to shift for yourself from now on  




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