ヴ 发音为 ブ,表示的是「vu」的音,但是读作“bu”。
“ヴ”配合あ行的小文字,va、vi、ve、vo 分别写作 ヴァ、 ヴィ、 ヴェ、 ヴォ
ヴァ 发音为 バ、ヴィ 发音为 ビ、ヴェ 发音为 べ、ヴォ 发音为 ボ。
电脑的死机现象是一个令所有电脑爱好者都头疼不已的问题。 对于电脑频繁的蓝屏,频繁的死机,一次又一次的重新启动真是令人感到无比厌烦。况且,对电脑进行频繁的重启所带来的硬件的损耗比正常运行时要大好几倍,这无疑大大增加了硬件损坏的几率。虽然死机是不可避免的,总结出一些可以有效地减少电脑死机的方法,能减少一些死机,多一些稳定。 产生死机的原因很多,但总的来说不外乎两大类:硬件原因和软件原因。下面我就分开来给大家具体地讲一讲。 硬件篇 1、Iosys、Msdossys等文件,如果这些文件遭破坏或被误删除,即 使在CMOS中各种硬件设置正确无误也无济于事。解决方法:使用同版本操作系统的启动盘启动计算机,然后键入“SYSC:”,重新传送系统文件即可。 初始化文件遭破坏由于Windows9x启动需要读取Systemini、Winini和注册表文件,如果存在Configsys、 Autoexecbat文件,这两个文件也会被读取。只要这些文件中存在错误信息都可能出现死机,特别是Systemini、Winini、 Userdat、Systemdat这四个文件尤为重要。 动态链接库文件(DLL)丢失在Windows操作系统中还有一类 文件也相当重要,这就是扩展名为DLL的动态链接库文件,这些文件从性质上来讲是属于共享类文件,也就是说,一个DLL文件可能会有多个软件在运行时需要 调用它。如果我们在删除一个应用软件的时候,该软件的反安装程序会记录它曾经安装过的文件并准备将其逐一删去,这时候就容易出现被删掉的动态链接库文件同 时还会被其它软件用到的情形,如果丢失的链接库文件是比较重要的核心链接文件的话,那么系统就会死机,甚至崩溃。我们可用工具软件如“超级兔仔”对无用的 DLL文件进行删除,这样会避免误删除。 硬盘剩余空间太少或碎片太多如果硬盘的剩余空间太少,由于一些应用程序运行需要大量的内存、这样就需要虚拟内存,而虚拟内存则是由硬盘提供的,因此硬盘要有足够的剩余空间以满足虚拟内存的需求。同时用户还要养成定期整理硬盘、清除硬盘中垃圾文件的良好习惯。 BIOS升级失败应备份BIOS以防不测,但如果你的系统需要对BIOS进行升级的话,那么在升级之前最好确定你所使用BIOS版本是否与你的PC相符合。如果 BIOS升级不正确或者在升级的过程中出现意外断电,那么你的系统可能无法启动。所以在升级BIOS前千万要搞清楚BIOS的型号。如果你所使用的 BIOS升级工具可以对当前BIOS进行备份,那么请把以前的BIOS在磁盘中拷贝一份。同时看系统是否支持BIOS恢复并且还要懂得如何恢复。 软件升级不当大多数人可能认为软件升级是不会有问题的,事实上,在升级过程中都会对其中共享的一些组件也进行升级,但是其它程序可能不支持升级后的组件从而导致各种问题。 滥用测试版软件最好少用软件的测试版,因为测试软件通常带有一些BUG或者在某方面不够稳定,使用后会出现数据丢失的程序错误、死机或者是系统无法启动。 非法卸载软件不要把软件安装所在的目录直接删掉,如果直接删掉的话,注册表以及Windows目录中会有很多垃圾存在,久而久之,系统也会变不稳定而引起死机。 使用盗版软件因为这些软件可能隐藏着病毒,一旦执行,会自动修改你的系统,使系统在运行中出现死机。 应用软件的缺陷这种情况是常见的,如在Win98中运行那些在DOS或Windows3.1中运行良好的16位应用软件。Win98是32位的,尽管它号 称兼容,但是有许多地方是无法与16位应用程序协调的。还有一些情况,如在Win95下正常使用的外设驱动程序,当操作系统升级后,可能会出现问题,使系 统死机或不能正常启动。遇到这种情况应该找到外设的新版驱动。 启动的程序太多这使系统资源消耗殆尽,使个别程序需要的数据在内存或虚拟内存中找不到,也会出现异常错误。 非法操作用非法格式或参数非法打开或释放有关程序,也会导致电脑死机。请注意要牢记正确格式和相关参数,不随意打开和释放不熟悉的程序。 非正常关闭计算机不要直接使用机箱中的电源按钮,否则会造成系统文件损坏或丢失,引起自动启动或者运行中死机。对于Windows98/2000/NT等系统来说,这点非常重要,严重的话,会引起系统崩溃。 内存中冲突有时候运行各种软件都正常,但是却忽然间莫名其妙地死机,重新启动后运行这些应用程序又十分正常,这是一种假死机现象。出现的原因多是 Win98的内存资源冲突。大家知道,应用软件是在内存中运行的,而关闭应用软件后即可释放内存空间。但是有些应用软件由于设计的原因,即使在关闭后也无 法彻底释放内存的,当下一软件需要使用这一块内存地址时,就会出现冲突。 开机黑屏的一般解决方法 一、检查电力供电,电脑电源,电源接口 1、检查机箱电源的接口和电源线是否完好,如果借口和电源线有破损、断裂的应当及时更换。 2、检查主板电源线插口,如果没有破损就将插口拔出再插入,按下电源开关时,轻轻搬动电源线看是否有反应来判断是否是因为电源线接触不良或焊点松脱导致电源没有接通。 3、采用替换法,将这台电源换到其他的机器上试试,同样也可以用一个好的电源接到机器上看是否能启动以判断电源的好坏。特别注意检查电源上的开关是否接通,有些电源是带有开关的。 二、采用最小系统法 1、将主板取下来,先用毛刷(质量要好,绝不能脱毛,笔者曾经遇到因为毛刷脱掉的毛掉入显卡插槽引起显卡不工作而黑屏的人为故障)进行清洁,不过最好用吹风的冷风档吹一吹,用皮老虎也行,这样清洁后,很多因为灰尘而引起的故障自然而然就得到解决! 2、将CPU,内存条,显卡插上,看机器是否点亮。同时可以采用替换法,将好的CPU、内存条和显卡插上测试,以判断故障所在。这时对于一些有关CPU的跳线 (硬跳线)要特别注意是否设置正确。特别是在升级CPU的情况下,要先看看主板是否支持新CPU。以免将电压设置过高将CPU烧坏。 3、如果在最小系统下,机器仍然不亮,而又确定了CPU(跳线设置也正确)、显卡、内存条都完好的情况下,就应该怀疑主板的问题了。关于主板的维修检测方法,另有专文介绍。 电脑死机的14种情况判断码每一个使用电脑的人都或多或少遇到过死机的问题,下列是常见的死机情况,以供大家参考: ◆情况1:板、卡接触不良、松动,或者板上的插槽坏了,或者干脆显示卡、内存等配件是坏的,导致显示器不亮。 ◆情况2:电压起伏太大,造成板、卡上电流或大或小,有时会损坏硬件。所以选择一款能够起到超电压保护的电源是至关重要,或者加稳压器。 ◆情况3:打印机、刻录机、扫描仪等外设已坏,但即插即用的技术使系统在启动时检测这些设备导致死机。 ◆情况4:超频超过火了,有时显示器不亮,有时是进入系统后死机,严重者会导致CPU被烧坏。 ◆情况5:如果主机运行正常,也有硬盘运行的声音,但显示器不亮,可能是显示器坏了,或者是显示器信号线接触不 好或是坏的,也有可能是显示器电源未插。 ◆情况6:开机只听见“嘀、嘀”的单声长声,估计是内存的问题,换个插槽试试,仍不行的话,可能是内存坏了。 ◆情况7:indows95、98系统需要把硬盘一部分作为虚拟内存,硬盘剩余空间太小,也会导致死机。 ◆情况8:病毒导致死机。 ◆情况9:软件的Bug导致死机。 ◆情况10:运行软件互相冲突,如16位与32位软件同时运行可能造成死机。 ◆情况11:网上时,黑客侵入。 ◆情况12:系统System等子目录中链文件Dll丢失,造成Windows系统瘫痪。 ◆情况13:错误修改了系统注册表信息,造成Windows系统不能启动。 ◆情况14:机器运行速度太慢,造成死机的假象。
这是合成也叫融图,安卓手机可以用picsart或photoshop的淡化工具或橡皮擦工具来制作完成。苹果版本的手机用photoBlender这款融图软件直接就可以制作,但要说的是一些手机软件里有模板或边框可以套用来制作,但缺点是模板是什么样就只能制作什么样,比如美图秀秀里的海报边框,鲜铀桌面里的模板,装B神器里的键盘文字图都可以制作。PS属于较专业的绘图软件,如果你不熟,但只是做黑底红字之类简单的图,可以考虑用OFFICE powerpoint做做看。然后在存的时候存成JPG档,再用画图或是PS做剪裁就好了。PS或者SAI吧,网上有教程的,可以去看看。不过还是得有绘画功底的,不然即使会软件也画不出来,除非是这是合成也叫融图,安卓手机可以用picsart或photoshop的淡化工具或橡皮擦工具来制作完成。苹果版本的手机用photoBlender这款融图软件直接就可以制作,但要说的是一些手机软件里有模板或边框可以套用来制作,但缺点是模板是什么样就只能制作什么样,比如美图秀秀里的海报边框,鲜铀桌面里的模板,装B神器里的键盘文字图都可以制作。按着别人的一模一样的画,可是现在都是有版权的,你画得和别人一样的画,也不是你的作品,不能用来挣钱的
Respect teacher, dear clas ates: The topic of my speech today is "let the world fill with love" Love is pure, is warm Love is infinite Also is immortal Love is a pure light, always illuminating our future Give us not discharge of motivation, let us go forward Chaoyang out, the lake for his dress, Crescent came up, the stars gave her pany, Spring has opened, some leaves to uphold: Birds sing, a cricket and harps The universe for us about love story A little girl walked meadow, saw a be thorns stabbed butterfly She carefully Meticulously for butterfly unplug thorn, let it fly again Butterfly into a fairy, the little girl said: "would you please make a wish, I will make it work" The little girl said: "I hope happy" Then the fairy stooped down in a whisper girl ear quietly, then disappeared The little girl indeed very happily spent her life The fairy say exactly what The little girl said: "the fairy told me I everyone around us need my love" Indeed, caring gentle wind, love is full of harmony, love is timely rain, loving kindness, love, fostering considerate Love can make you happy, love can make a person happy Life can only use love weave, geous We did not zhongsheng life in love Sometimes parents criticize us, this is actually to our love Parents are good to us Because we are the parents of the apple of the eye We like a all tree, need to pass pruned, watering, fertilizing ability thrive In class, the teacher often education us, to care for others, care for others is tantamount to care about themselves Because love is connecting link beeen people, only love everywhere sown and life will bee better Love is perfect, it gave us a lot of courage and confidence that we are full of confidence in the road of life unimpeded For love is happy, loving others but also pensate for precious Wei wei of a "love" don't know how many dedicated touched the hearts of the men of Yes, love is the call of the heart, love is the source of life, as long as everyone give a little love, the world will bee a better human Love, hidden in every corner of the world, will see you have to find it, have finds it out to others Everyone needs love, let the world is full of love! When mother unfortable, we can put the pills pillow quietly, When dad tired, we can put the cup of tea on dad before Walk on the road, see kids fall, we can gently pecked him up, Sitting in the car, we can actively offer their seats to old people, During the break, see which clas ate glum, we can sincerely acpanied him a chat Love, is from the intravenous drip calamities Love does not to do something big, love can mean a ile, a gesture, one look Worldly "love" is eternal, it is changeless, is forever in the world All the breathtaking action, all have the power of love, all is love to create, no love, no everything A person have a heart of others, can always put yourself in others' shoes And have a love of dedication, then was given the innermost feelings enrichment, noble personality, love shine Willing to society pay the truth and love person, is the most happy person, because happiness always favours those who love life and dedicated kind person Therefore, love, that we have fellowship, Love makes the world no longer lonely Let you I stretch out your hand, warm let the world is full of love, let the life in full blossom everywhere the true, the good and the beautiful flowers 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学: 今天我演讲的题目是《让世界充满爱》。 爱是纯洁的,也是温暖的。爱是无限的。也是不朽的。爱就是一道无瑕的光芒,时刻照亮着我们的未来。给予我们不泄的动力,让我们勇往直前。 朝阳出来了,湖水为他梳妆;新月上来了,群星给她做伴;春花开放了,有绿叶扶持;鸟儿鸣唱了,有蟋蟀弹琴……天地万物都在为我们讲述有爱的故事。 一个小女孩走过一片草地,看见一只被荆棘刺伤的蝴蝶。她小心 翼翼地为蝴蝶拔掉刺,让它重新飞翔。蝴蝶化作一位仙女,对小女孩说:“请你许个愿,我将让它实现。”小女孩说:“我希望快乐。”于是仙女弯下腰来在女孩耳边悄悄细语一番,然后消失了。小女孩果真很快乐地度过了一生。仙女到底说了什么呢?小女孩说:“仙女告诉我,我周围的每一个人都需要我的关爱。” 的确,关爱是轻轻的风,关爱是及时雨,关爱充满和谐,关爱扶植善良、关爱善解人意。关爱能使人快乐,关爱能使人幸福。生活只有用关爱编织,才能绚丽多彩。 我们何尝不是每时每刻都生活在关爱中呢 有时候家长会批评我们,这其实是对我们的爱。家长是为了我们好。因为我们是家长的掌上明珠。我们好比一棵小树,需要经过剪枝,浇水,施肥才能茁壮成长。课堂上,老师时常教育我们,要去关心别人,关心别人就等于关心自己。因为爱是连接人与人之间的纽带,只有把爱处处撒播,生活才会变的更美好。 爱也是完美的,它给了我们很大的勇气和信心,让我们充满信心在人生的道路上畅通无阻。 得到关爱固然幸福,关爱他人更是弥补珍贵。韦唯的一首《爱的奉献》不知打动过多少人的心。是的,爱是心底的呼唤,爱是生命的源泉,只要人人献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 爱,藏在世界的每个角落,就看你有没有去发现它,有没有把它找出来给予别人。人人都需要爱,让世界都充满爱吧! 当妈妈不舒服时,我们可以悄悄地把药片放在枕边;当爸爸累了时,我们可以把一杯热茶放在爸爸面前。走在路上,见到小朋友摔倒,我们可以轻轻地把他扶起;坐在车上,我们可以主动地给老人让座;课间休息时,看见哪位同学闷闷不乐,我们可以诚恳地陪他聊一聊……关爱,就从这点滴做起。关爱不一定要做什么惊天动地的大事,关爱可以是一个微笑,一个手势,一个眼神…… 世间的“爱”是永恒的,是不变的,是永存于世的所有的惊人举动,都有爱的力量,都是爱创造出的,没有爱,就没有一切。一个人心里有别人,总能设身处地地为他人着想,并有爱的奉献,那么得到的将是内心的充实,高尚的人格,爱心的照耀。甘愿给社会付出真情和爱的人,是最幸福的人,因为幸福总是偏爱那些热爱生活而乐于奉献的善良的人。 因此,爱,使我们心灵相通;爱,使世界不再孤单。让你我伸出温暖之手,让世界充满爱,让生活中处处开满真、善、美的鲜花。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! My end of the speech, thank everybody! Smile is a kind of language When you meet somebody, iling always means that you are a kind person Nobody will hate to talk with a person with a ile on his face A saying goes, "Life is a mirror If you ile to it, it will ile to you"I think keeping iling in life shows you are an optimistic person We can make our life better if we often ile For me ,the world is everyone of us ,so we can let the topic wider___Someone' ile: A ile can say many things It can say "hello" or "I love you" or imply "how are you doing today" Above all, however, a ile serves as our human connection When walking down the street, strangers often ile when their eyes unexpectedly meet In doing this, strangers acknowledge that they are alike in some way Though they may have different jobs, life-styles, and values, the ile is a symbol for the fact that both strangers have emotions- both share the most basic feelings we experience as human-beings Many Americans are familiar with The Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery This is a whimsical and fabulous book and works as a children's story as well as a thought-provoking fable Far fewer are aware of Saint-Exupery's other writings, novels and short stories Saint-Exupery was a fighter pilot who fought against the Nazis and was killed in action Before World War II, he fought in the Spanish Civil War against the fascists He wrote a fascinating story based on that experience entitled The Smile (Le Sourire) It is this story which I'd like to share with you now It isn't clear whether or not he meant this to be autobiographical or fiction I choose to believe it to be the former He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day From here, I'll tell the story as I remember it in my own words "I was sure that I was to be killed I became terribly nervous and distraught I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes which had escaped their search I found one and because of my shaking, I could barely get it to my lips But I had no matches, they had taken those "I looked through the bars at my jailer He did not make eye contact with me After all, one does not make eye contact with a thing, a corpse I called out to him 'Have you got a light, por favor' He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette "As he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently locked with mine At that moment, I iled I don't know why I did that Perhaps it was nervousness; perhaps it was because, when you get very close to another person, it is very hard not to ile In any case, I iled In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap beeen our o hearts, our o human souls I know he didn't want to, but my ile leaped through the bars and generated a ile on his lips, too He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to ile "I kept iling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension, too 'Do you have kids' he asked "'Yes, here, here' I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family He, too, took out the pictures of his ninos and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them My eyes filled with tears I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up Tears came to his eyes, too "Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out He led me out by back routes and out of the town There, at the edge of town, he released me Without another word, he turned headed back toward the town "My life was saved by a ile" Yes, the ile — the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection beeen o people I tell this story in my work because I'd like people to consider that underneath all the layers we construct to protect ourselves— our dignity, our titles, our degrees, our status and our need to be seen in certain ways — underneath all that remains the authentic, essential self I'm not afraid to call it the soul I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies We couldn't have hate or envy or fear I sadly conclude that all those other layers, which we so carefully construct through our lives, distance and insulate us from truly contacting others Saint -Exupery's story speaks of that magic moment when o souls recognize each other I've had just a few moments like that Falling in love is one example, and looking at a baby is another Why do we ile when we see a baby Perhaps it's because we see someone without all the defensive layers, someone whose ile for us we know to be fully genuine and without guile That baby-soul inside us iles wistfully in recognition Sorry,Ihave no time to translate it for you 叫做Our future 哦,加油啦,帮你搜到啦,是一个叫曹丰的学生 Our Future: A Battle beeen Dreams And Reality Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: When I was in the primary school, I have a dream I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less And bee more realistic Why Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be "fulfilled" Why do we have to surrender to the so-called "reality" What IS the reality actually Ladies And gentlemen, the reality is not real It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years A hundred years ago, "man could not fly" was still regarded as the "reality" Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do How did some of you get to Macau gverbet ynrnvloith;eot;weoiurtn;weouirtn;weoutrn;wvoeutn;woeut;nweirutn;weoutn;wveoiutn;woieutnwoevvutnwrut;werotu;weoiutrnv;woeutn;weoutnv;weoutnv;weutn;wveoiutnwpoeutrn;weirunv;eriutnw;eoutnv;weoutn;weirutnwv;eirutnwv;eotiunwv;eoutn;wveotun;weoirwuinu