

贝多芬相关资料一七八七年四月,一位年青人前往维也纳拜见当时的大音乐家莫札特。此人其貌不扬,短小精明,在莫札特面前大展钢琴身手,连被誉称神童的莫札特亦为之惊叹。立即向在场的朋友说:“此年青人必为乐坛掀起狂澜。” 莫札特的预言不到十年立即应验,此人正是鼎鼎大名的贝多芬



他的父亲希望儿子成为第二个神童,以便他享受荣华富贵,所以强迫他学习钢琴,稍有不遂,即遭毒打。就在这样凄惨痛苦命运下,贝多芬渡过了童年。 贝多芬天赋过人,再加上后天刻苦的磨练,程度愈来愈高,连他的老师都自叹弗如。




~挣脱束缚 追求自由~

























「第九号交响曲」预演时贝多芬亲自指挥,但因耳聋无法进行,秩序大乱,因此正式公演时由乌姆劳夫指挥。 贝多芬仍在舞台上背对听众指导。当全曲演奏甫毕,听众深受感动,高声欢呼,掌声如雷,但贝多芬毫无知觉,还是经过演出者的提醒,他才看到了感人的场面,含泪答礼。




Beethoven relevant information in April 1787, the young people who went to Vienna to pay his respects to the great musician Mozart This person local farm laborers said admiringly, dapper and smart, and accomplishments in the face of Mozart piano market, the company has been hailed a child prodigy Mozart also 之 exclaimed Immediately told a friend : "This music for young people will set off the stage "Mozart immediately confirm the predicted less than a decade This person is famous Beethoven Beethoven was born December 16, 1770 near the Rhine River in Cologne, Germany, Bonn His father, John aligned with regard to eligibility, such as fancy life, Beethoven no childhood to speak of happiness ~ ~ Brutally whipping childhood music to love his father hoped that his son would become a second child prodigy, he enjoyed great fortune and wealth to , Therefore, forcing him to learn the piano, a little after 10 years, was beaten And it is in this miserable fate pain, Beethoven through childhood Beethoven's natural home, coupled with the rigors of acquired hard, getting the degree, even his teachers are equal At the age of 12 Beethoven piano and the organ employed as a court musician, but also take the responsibility to support their families Beethoven was in the palace were gradually attention, but he believes far in 1787 thanks to Mozart went to Vienna vote It is very unfortunate that his mother was dying in Bonn to return home soon, the mother had died This deals a heavy blow to Beethoven, he stayed five years in Bonn To achieve this, go back to Beethoven in Vienna in 1792 China's assistance to a lot of Count D'Estaing to repay Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op 53, dedicated to the future of the write-D'Estaing To the Vienna, Haydn and Beethoven educated on the subglottic year, also reiterated Croatia, Apure Cibeige teachers and others with Saliye neighborhoods, especially the latter, he studied there for 10 years Break away from the shackles of the pursuit of freedom ~ ~ Beethoven in Vienna in 1795, held its first concert He personally writing his play "Piano Concerto No 2" Vienna feel admiration thus he installment His "Symphony No 1" is the later, That same year, he also published a three Beethoven piano trio also laid the double image of the performer and composer After five years, he also writing the Piano Sonata No 1 to No 11 And the Piano Concerto No 1 to No 3 Beethoven again in 1799 to complete the "Symphony No 1" With his fantastic imagination, has shocked the music writing works In these works, filled with the joy of life with enthusiasm, but also an unprecedented freedom of mind, Even Mozart had broken the shackles of the strict form Beethoven occasion in a smooth sailing, winning the zenith However, unfortunately, the fate has befallen him -- his deafness diseases - To hear the voice of the Giants-This is a very cruel blow to fears that his deafness, Beethoven gradually believers, his increasingly eccentric In that time, he and a 17-year-old girl Giulietta Jia Dili ancient courtship Piano Sonata on the 14th of the famous "Moonlight" is a courtship of their works Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1802 from the Chungshan Institute of Science and the one-hour bus journey quiet village Composer where he completed a second symphony But ear problems worsened his pain is intense, and so he wrote the Heiligenstadt testament, tragic and unfortunate statement Later Beethoven rebuild confidence because of Kant's philosophy "We should forget their misfortune, and the best way is to work hard" At this time he returned to Vienna, Crawshaw Spring, in 1803 the Thundering Third write "Heroes" Symphony The song originally dedicated to Napoleon, but Napoleon coronation control, Beethoven angrily to obliterate the name of Napoleon, referred to as the "heroic symphony" The same year, the excellent writing another Beethoven Violin Sonata No 9 "Croatia adopted" Piano Sonata No 21 in 1804 to complete the "China D'Estaing" After 23 years at the completion of the Piano Sonata "enthusiasm" with a unique opera "fees Wanda Lane Europe" In this series of works in which he showed real skill, "D'Estaing China" with "warm" so obsessed with the world In 1806 he made "Piano Concerto No 4" and "Violin Concerto in D major" Also published in 1808 by Beethoven Symphony No 5 "Fate" and Symphony No 6 "Pastoral" Piano Concerto No 5 in 1809 to complete the "Emperor" These are all 1840 masterpiece ~ ~ Volcano Beethoven harbors warm feelings in the hearts and there are infinite, delicate terrific harmony, perfect Beethoven piece that China intends to put his ideas If No 5 "Fate", at the beginning motives, the god of destiny is forced to knock on the door No 6 "Pastoral" more detectable out Beethoven intended to describe the first part of his nature that is marked "soothing countryside" word Napoleon occupied Vienna in 1809, Prince mad flee and Beethoven's economic predicament Amid the day in the war, he remained in Vienna, painstaking creation, He's "Emperor" Concerto is to write the rumble of artillery Because the "fate" and "Pastoral" was first performed in Vienna is not the favored Beethoven who left for Germany, but Rudolph Duke Rob Harrison High Chavez prince and retain the Duke trio strongly that he left In future, Beethoven's writing "Piano Trio in the Grand Duchy" These dedicated benefactor ~ ~ Music flying into ordinary people's homes for the air since one of the new Europe after the French Revolution, thus confirming the individual freedoms and human rights Beethoven's music is also of the civilians, and bring the people of the aristocracy to music Beethoven's achievements's vertical SHENPIX Napoleon defeated Vienna, resumed the festive atmosphere Beethoven making a relief concert debut in 1812 in "Symphony No 7" and "Symphony No 8" extraordinary circumstances He also won the respect of the people of Vienna Beethoven from between 1804 to 1814, suffered physical deafness defeat, but in this 11 years, He created the rich historical precedent He wrote a musical treasures were resplendent mankind's treasures His "Symphony No 7" without a title, Wagner dance is a symbol of this piece, The final movement is particularly passionate "Symphony No 8" Symphony is the most uncertain Congress, the most straightforward song to achieve the concept of life and an attitude of detachment visit Beethoven's life started in 1815 in the third paragraph He was already a third of adults have a more thorough grasp of life, and then writing the music, In addition to this ancient melt Symphony No 9 "Choral" and "Missa Solemnis", Piano Sonata String Quartet is music, this is an intrinsic and deep spiritual moods Klosson not absent due to the world-things - brother Carl died in 1814, Beethoven's nephew also shoulder the responsibility of raising the guardianship But after the adoption process and the problems brought about by his nephew to give him a lot of hardship In short, he was unable to love to his nephew Beethoven how to get along with the total collapse of truth Van Beethoven became more depressed, more serious health and economic difficulty When he is making every effort to create two works -- "Missa Solemnis" and "Symphony No 9" Qu in particular to the former Archbishop Rodolfo coronation ceremony was appointed to the use of performance It is a heavy responsibility, he spent about five years time and be completed in 1823 , May 7 at his "Symphony No 9" premiere, he also pushed to a new peak of popularity "Symphony No 9" and "Ode to Joy" chorus is taken from Schiller's poem "Ode to Joy" He early on there was this idea that after 32 years, finally fulfilled "Symphony No 9" for the success he brought to life the greatest pride and joy "Symphony No 9" when the preview command Beethoven himself, but unable to deafness and chaotic Therefore performed by the Umlauf formal command Beethoven is back to the stage to guide the audience When the whole song recital just completed, the audience was deeply moved and cheered, thundering applause, but no perceived Beethoven, After the performances or reminded that he only saw the moving scene, tearfully offered This is Beethoven's last public appearance, he unknowingly under suffering from liver disease gradually in the interests of serious illness spent time on the day He will stay away from the mundane world of mind, but more quiet Then Beethoven seemed thin, pure height, overlooking the soon to cast aside the world Writing last five string quartets first song He is the last of these chamber works, but also given the world Beethoven wills Proof of the eternal spirit can overcome suffering and even death can be overcome ~ ~ Beethoven's final round of the Thunder has been limited for the rest of his life alone in 1826 and moved the operation four times, However, the disease has shown no improvement At March 26, 1827 Vienna, suddenly a big snowstorm, accompanied by the deafening Thunder At this time Beethoven enclasp Youquan, swallow the last breath According to ancient records, in Beethoven's funeral was held on March 29 About 20,000 people participated in the Vienna escort to a memorial Mass at the Church Jasseur



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