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basketball 篮球 badminton 羽毛球 handball 手球 football 足球 hiking 远足 running 跑步 swimming 游泳 skating 溜冰 volleyball 排球 tennis 网球 hockey 曲棍球 skiing 滑雪 water skiing 滑水 dive 跳水 golf 高尔夫球 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 shot 铅球 discus 铁饼 javelin 标枪 hammer 链球 hurdles 跨栏 rope skipping 跳绳 bicycling 踏单车 weight lifting 举重 gymnastics 体操 dancing 跳舞 (Total:27) 2007-06-22 21:29:43 补充: archery 射箭baseball 棒球bowling 滚木球horizontal bar 单杠kungfu 功夫table tennis 乒乓球water polo 水球

参考: me

Riding 骑马 Diving 潜水 / 跳水 Ice-skating 溜冰 Jogging 慢跑 Squash 壁球 Hockey 曲棍球 Baseball 棒球 Tennis 网球 Water-skiing 滑水 Cycling 踏单车 Rowing 划船 Fishing 钓鱼 Hiking 远足 Skipping 跳绳 Badminton 羽毛球 Volleyball 排球 Basketball 篮球 golf 高尔夫球 table tennis 乒乓球 high jump 跳高 long jump 跳远 shot put 铅球 discus 铁饼 dancing 跳舞 football 足球 running 跑步 swimming 游泳 weight lifting 举重

basketball 篮球 badminton 羽毛球 handball 手球 football 足球 hiking 远足 running 跑步 swimming 游泳 skating 溜冰 volleyball 排球 tennis 网球

参考: me

table tennis 乒乓球 badminton 羽毛球 baseball 棒球 tennis 网球 volleyball 排球 golf 高尔夫球 hockey 曲棍球 bowling滚木球 american football 美式橄榄球 billiards 台球 water polo 水球 free exercise自由体操 vaulting horse 跳马 pommel horse 鞍马 horizontal bar 单杠 rings吊环 skiing滑雪 kungfu功夫 archery射箭 2007-06-28 16:14:14 补充: dancing 跳舞football 足球running 跑步swimming 游泳weight lifting 举重


参考: ME

#英语资源# 导语在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。以下是 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


 Spring returns to the earth, full of green The annual Arbor Day is coming again Let's follow the trend and go to the suburbs to plant trees, so as to jointly create a beautiful earth

 On arbor day, our team of more than 120 people began to climb the mountain The leader gave us a very detailed division of labor, including soil digging group, water lifting group, watering group, tree planting group and quality supervision group My little friends and I were assigned to the tree planting group With spades, pickaxes, hoes and buckets, we began to plant trees Boys carry water and dig holes, women and children water and plant trees We are very particular about the quality of tree planting Tree pits should be dug 30 cm long, 40 cm wide and 40 cm deep I'll dig the tree pit first, and then plant small trees When I dug a big stone in the process of digging the tree pit, I dug out the big stones with my hands, picked up the small stones in the pit one by one, put the saplings in, put the good soil without impurities around the small tree with my hands, and then smash the soil with my small fist, and then build a small cofferdam around the small tree with the small stones just picked up, so as to save water and soil, and then pour a bucket full of peanut oil water, Then my little tree will be planted Then hang the small sign with my name and hope written on it on my little tree

 Holding a tired pace, I walked down the path with a happy mood When I looked back and saw the little saplings just planted swaying gently in the breeze, it seemed to wave goodbye to us!, I hope I can see the lush mountains next year Let each of us take action, love nature, love every plant and grass, plant trees, and have a green consciousness Only in this way can our society be harmonious May everyone in the world plant a small sapling and watch them grow up How interesting it is! The future of the earth is definitely green

 Although I am tired today, I feel very happy in my heart


 Today is Arbor Day Under the guidance of our teachers, we came to the park to plant trees

 With a bucket in my right hand and a shovel in my left hand, I set out for Qujiang park Qujiang park is even more vibrant in spring, with flowers in clusters and full of spring The teachers and students came to a vacant lot with tree planting tools and their carefully selected saplings After the teacher told us the essentials of tree planting, everyone began to work hard in the sky and earth Some measured, some dug pits, some fetched water, and some carried saplings I looked at the students and thought: great, this vacant lot is about to become a green shade!

 Zhang Xiaoxue and I were in a group We found a small hill that protruded out and decided to plant trees on it I picked up the shovel and dug hard, but I didn't expect it to come out I looked at Zhang Xiaoxue around me and wanted to get a little enlightenment from her I saw Zhang Xiaoxue bending over, holding the shovel tightly, pedaling on the shovel back, digging hard, and the sweat on her face was also increasing She took a few breaths and wiped the sweat off her forehead with her hand, She suddenly raised her head and looked at me suspiciously Obviously, she didn't know how to dig Teacher Chen, who had been looking aside, saw it Without saying a word, she picked up Zhang Xiaoxue's shovel and began to shovel soil One shovel left and one shovel right Sweat continued to flow down his forehead He didn't care to wipe it In a short time, he dug the pit It's really worthy of teacher Chen It's really great! I sighed from my heart Looking at Zhang Xiaoxue again, her surprised eyes seemed to tell me that she also thought so After the pit is dug, it's time to plant small saplings Zhang Xiaoxue carefully put the saplings into the pit, looked left and right, and righted them Come and help! She suddenly spoke Oh, hearing her words, I shoveled the surrounding debris into the pit with a shovel After shoveling, step on the soil with your feet After stepping on it, water it Such a tree was planted

 Thanks to our unity and cooperation and the help of teacher Chen, we finished the task early Look at other students: Wei Qi and Jin Jing are watering the trees, and Wang Yanyan is planting the seedlings in the soil Teacher Chen is also busy He not only helps me and Zhang Xiaoxue plant trees, but also helps other students plant trees Everyone worked together, and the sun gradually sank

 Looking at the small saplings rising from the ground and the spring breeze blowing, they seem to be waving to us to say thank you


 Today is Arbor Day Xiao Gang, Xiao Jun and Xiao Li go to plant trees in the park

 When we get to the park, the scenery in the park is really beautiful! Beautiful white clouds are floating in the blue sky The green tree stretched its branches and leaves, like a big green umbrella The green grass was full of colorful flowers, and they also smelled a faint fragrance of flowers The spring breeze is still blowing gently It's so comfortable

 They happily found a vacant lot and began to plant trees Xiao Jun first dug a big hole in the ground with a shovel Xiao Gang then forcefully inserted the sapling into the hole, and then held the sapling and said, "Xiao Jun, you fill the soil" Xiao Jun said, "OK, you have to hold it tight" Xiao Gang said, "I see" So the small military shovel filled a few shovels of soil, and then stepped on the soil with his feet Xiao Li said, "I'll get some water" Before long, Xiao Li came back and poured water on it The tree species are ready They looked at the newly planted tree and said, "when this tree grows up, we can have a picnic under it and enjoy the cool"

 They sang and danced around the little tree At this time, a bird came, as if saying, "thank you for building a new home for me" It was late, and they went home happily


 One day, Xiao Hong called Xiao Ming and said, "Xiao Ming will go to the park to plant trees at 3 o'clock this afternoon Remember to bring a shovel and a bucket!"

 In the afternoon, Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming came to the park together It was as clear as a sea Xiao Ming dug a tree pit Xiao Hong carefully selected a small willow tree and carefully moved it into the tree pit Xiao Ming was filling a few shovels of soil Xiao Hong poured a few buckets of water with buckets, and a green willow was planted It was as beautiful as a little girl!


 March 12 is the annual Arbor Day

 White clouds are floating in the sky of the park It's really a good weather to plant trees! With the tools for planting trees, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong came to the park happily, carrying a small sapling They saw green grass, colorful flowers, and strong trees

 Looking left and right, Xiao Ming first found a flat and tight grassland and began to dig holes Xiao Ming rolled up his sleeve, held the shovel tightly, bowed his left foot, and dug with great strength Soon there was a big and deep pit Xiao Hong was not idle either She picked up a sapling, carefully put it into the pit, and steadily righted the sapling Then Xiao Ming filled the soil back again, patted the soil and stepped on it Finally, Xiaohong fetched a bucket of water from the river and poured it around the saplings The saplings seemed to be drinking water!

 After planting the trees, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong were tired and sweating Xiao Ming took a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his head At this time, the bird flew over and chirped, as if to say, "thank you for building a new home for us"


 Tomorrow is March 12 Our head teacher, Mr Wang, said that tomorrow is Arbor Day We are too young to plant trees We can only take us to help senior brothers and sisters water the trees they planted

 It's my first time to celebrate Arbor Day, so I'm very happy I wondered if Arbor Day would be as interesting as the Spring Festival

 With expectation, I came to the classroom with a small bucket My bucket is my favorite blue, and there is a little bear on it, which is very beautiful I was a little reluctant to give up before Later, I thought it was such an interesting arbor day

 Today, I worked with a group at the same table and watered many young trees to make them full Although I was very tired and my bucket was dirty, I was very happy


 The annual Arbor Day has come In the morning, the sun is bright and the warm wind blows across my face White clouds float in the sky, some like horses grazing on the grass, some like butterflies dancing in the flowers My mother took me to "Huangxing Park" to teach me how to plant trees I flew to the park like a happy bird!

 However, you can't plant trees in the park You need to make unified arrangements in your unit My mother had to point to a tree and teach me the steps of planting it

 The first thing to do is to dig a hole with a shovel The depth of the hole is to completely bury the roots After putting the trees into the pit, fill and compact the excavated soil one by one with a shovel Step on the soil with your feet When the tree stands steadily, the water will slowly pour into the soil, and the tree will "drink" full of water Only in this way can the tree be completely planted

 The big trees in the park grow up little by little Only after countless strong winds and heavy rains can they grow into big trees in the sky to protect us from the wind and rain!

 As long as we all have the awareness of planting and caring for trees, our earth will become more beautiful!


 Last Sunday, we held a family arbor day I didn't go to school to plant trees I originally felt very boring I didn't expect that since it rained, it would be interesting for me to go out to do anything on a rainy day, so I happily stepped on the water flowers and went out When it rained, it was quiet outside, and no one hindered me from watching the scenery around It rained in spring, and it rained for a long time

 We began to plant trees My father dug a hole with a spade, about 30 cm deep I hurriedly took down the plastic bag of the tree root and quickly planted the tree in the soil My father pressed the tree and I filled it I saw that I was working hard and accidentally shoveled the soil into my father's face However, my father also smiled and didn't have a big hair, and finally filled the soil At this time, the rain stopped It was really a bad time to stop, I thought to myself

 But if we don't do it, trees can't be planted, So we hurried to get the bucket It took a long time Finally, we brought the bucket The bucket was also full of water We slowly lifted the water up and poured it out to moisten the tree We hope it will grow taller and stronger next year

 After that, we planted some flowers around, taking the big tree as eight, so that the big tree can grow and send shade to the flowers, so that the flowers can evolve into the air of the world


 When spring comes, it whistles and wakes up all things Look: the river starts running with singing, the grass drills out of the ground, the willow opens its yellow green eyes, the peach blossom opens its round face Arbor Day is coming

 On this sunny day, my mother and I went to the small garden of the community to plant trees My mother and I took shovel and bucket and carried small saplings to the small garden to plant trees First, I loosened the soil with my toy shovel, and then my mother easily dug with a big shovel, and dug out a big hole Then, I took out a small sapling from behind, carefully inserted it into the soil, and then buried the root of the small sapling with soil I took a bucket of water and slowly poured water around the small sapling, I said softly while watering, "young saplings, drink quickly, drink enough, take root quickly, sprout quickly, grow up quickly!"

 Xiaoshumiao understood what I said and drank a bucket of water in a moment My mother and I worked for a long time, and rows of saplings appeared in the small garden, as if I saw a forest


 The annual Arbor Day is coming On March 12, white clouds are floating in the blue sky Xiao Ming, Xiao Hong and Xiao Liang are carrying tools to plant trees on the hillside

 They came to the hillside and acted immediately Xiao Liang first dug a hole with a shovel After digging a large and deep hole, Xiao Ming carefully filled the small saplings into the hole, and then stepped on the soil with his feet Xiao Hong said, "I'll fetch a bucket of water to water the little tree!" They worked together and planted trees one after another At this time, a few birds chirped in the sky, as if saying, "thank you for greening the hillside and bringing us joy"

 After the trees are planted, the children look at the planted saplings and say happily, "we plant the hillside full of saplings When the saplings grow up, they will become forests, so that small animals will have more paradise"









Yesterday, my good friend and I went to the school square to play We played basketball and table tennis together, and also had races and runsIn the afternoon, we carried out a thorough cleaning Xiao Ming and I will work together to clean the glass in the classroom I am responsible for cleaning the glass, Xiao Ming is responsible for lifting the water, and we finished it quickly What made me most happy was that yesterday's unit test roll was released, and I scored 100 points However, I won't be proud, I will continue to work hard and maintain stable results

This is what I mainly did yesterday, it was a very beginning and fulfilling day






Yesterday was Saturday, and I helped my mother with household chores at home

In the morning, I went to mop the floor first I mopped it four times and finally finished it Later, I went to wash the bucket again, and I quickly cleaned the bucket Washed, I looked at it again and there was no dirt at all I was extremely happy

In the afternoon, I arranged for Xiao Ming to play in the community I brought my toy gun, Xiao Ming brought his toy car, and we exchanged games

In the evening, I watch TV with my parents, which is my favorite movie "Big Head Son Little Head Dad" This is what I mainly did yesterday





Yesterday, my father took me to the park The lanterns in the park are really beautiful There are many people in the park, including dancers, skaters, and photographers The park is really lively I took many wonderful photos

There is also a rockery in the park, and there is a pavilion above it In summer, you can enjoy the cool and enjoy the scenery there I played there for an hour Later, my father and I went boating in the lake and rode a carousel with my mother

I love my parents, they have played many games with me


#英语资源# 导语在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


 Even when the sun is shining, it is inevitable that there will be short-term clouds Growing teenagers will have some lingering troubles This trouble comes from life, from study and from communication with classmates“ Why are you so careless English capital letters are written in lowercase letters "" math decimal point is forgotten to add "" dead brain always turns but turns "" Chinese is always wrong " From the beginning, such words often revolved around me Sometimes it's parental criticism, sometimes it's self mockery Sometimes it's my brother's sarcasm If you don't wear glasses, you'll have trouble In class, I only heard the teacher's voice and couldn't see the teacher's writing clearly Watching TV, as if to face the TV, can't help being "blasted chestnuts" by my father; On the road, he called others grandma by mistake He blushed with shame and fled

 At home in the sixth grade of primary school, I want to help my busy mother do some housework Just after boiling water, I was lifting the thermos to pour it My mother hurried forward: "let me come, let me come, be careful to burn your hands" Want to cut a pear to eat, my mother said, "let me, let me, be careful to cut your hands" I want to help my mother wash clothes My mother said let me come Let me do it Your task is to study I'll do these things“ Received here, my mother has been educated, how to study, how to learn well, how to do well in the exam, and how to go to junior high school in the future I know these words are adults who care about me Sometimes my parents care too much When I feel bored and bored Want to wash clothes, my mother washed for me; Want to cook, my father willingly contracted; Want to listen to music, go out for a walk, parents are completely opposed I know that when I go back to my desk, I face a lot of review questions and don't think of anything In fact, annoying the brain is not terrible The key is to treat it correctly


 Growth is like a boat in my life, sailing on the sea Sometimes it is calm, sometimes it will encounter surging waves My boat of growth is not plain sailing, and it has also experienced all kinds of storms

 More homework and less play; The teacher's strictness "blocks" the faintness of joy; The heavy pressure "created" us - the trouble of growth

 Today, we went to grandma's house to see Grandpa and grandma Dad, mom and I are carrying big and small bags of things Mother's bag is for grandpa and grandma to eat maintenance products; There are some snacks and fried goods in dad's bag; And I opened my bag - one, two, three A lot of exercise books; One, two, three Many pens

 When I got to grandma's house, I had a few simple greetings with grandma and grandpa, and then ran upstairs to do my homework The north wind blew very hard, making my homework book rustle To my ears, this is noise“ A burst of laughter came from afar I stood up and saw that it was a group of children playing below I sat down again and then did my homework At this time, one of the children said to me, "sister, come down and play with us!" I smiled happily and stood up from my seat As soon as I was about to take a step, I was firmly held by my homework I had to say sadly, "forget it, you go and play" Although I say so, how I hope to get rid of all my homework and have a good time! Even for an hour

 Bursts of laughter gradually drifted away, and the sky gradually darkened After a day's homework, I finally finished it, but somehow, I still couldn't be happy

 On the way home, I was depressed My mother found my abnormality and asked me, "what's the matter" I said, "when I grow up, my troubles increase" Mother smiled and said, "it's homework!" I nodded helplessly My mother said earnestly, "child, although you have more homework and less time to play, you are constantly learning knowledge! Isn't it fun to acquire knowledge " After listening to my mother, I suddenly enlightened


 In our growth, it is not always plain sailing We will always encounter some obstacles on the way to growth Let me tell you about my own obstacles As we all know, only by breaking through these obstacles can I show my real potential

 The biggest obstacle in my heart is that I don't like thinking In the math problem, because there are some math problems, I don't think, and then I directly say that this problem won't work

 It is because I don't like thinking that I have developed this bad habit I found that most of the questions I don't think about are what I will do, but the vast majority of them won't do As long as I think carefully, I will do them Since then, I have found a problem As long as I think hard, no problem is difficult for me In the first grade, Mr Wang said that nothing is difficult for you, so I still have to think more seriously

 Only when I seriously think about some problems that I don't think about, and directly say no, most of them I can do, so I have to think carefully in the future, so as to make some problems simpler I think more, will make my math better, more thinking will make people smarter, so I can learn well only by breaking through this obstacle

 Let me tell you about my next obstacle My next obstacle is reading Because what I learned is only superficial, because when I read, I always look at flowers, turn page by page, and read carefully

 When teachers or parents ask questions, I always stare and don't know how to answer, which shows that I read casually, so I want to get rid of this habit in the future

 When I read later, do I want to understand what others express in writing I know what this book tells, it's over, and it's a little bit like what happened everywhere I need to know so that I can really learn the knowledge of a book












经济收缩 美国大力出资刺激借贷

US Government Acts to Spur Lending Amid Economic Downturn

经济收缩 美国大力出资刺激借贷

The US economy has contracted more sharply than previously believed, according to new government figures Meanwhile, in yet another sign of continuing stress in the credit market, the US central bank is allocating hundreds of billion of additional dollars to purchase bad mortgage debt and spur consumer lending


Revised figures from the Commerce Department show the American economy shrank at an annual rate of 05 percent in the third quarter of the year, a greater contraction than the original estimate of 03 percent The negative quarter followed a year of mostly-anemic growth, and, while the fourth quarter has yet to be completed, economists believe it, too, will show significant contraction


"GDP [gross domestic product] fell by 05 percent because consumers spent less, there were fewer new homes built, and expenditures for business purposes fell," said University of Maryland economist Peter Morici "Unfortunately, this is a precursor of worse things to come"

马里兰大学的经济学教授彼得·莫里奇(Peter Morici)说:“国内生产总值(GDP)下降了05%是因为消费者花销减少、新房子修建太少、用于商业目的的开销下滑。不幸的是,这些还只是即将来临的更糟糕的情况的前奏。”

Most analysts trace America's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults In recent weeks, the US government has taken a series of aggressive, unprecedented steps to prop up or take control of major lending institutions and financial firms, committing well over $2 trillion to the effort


Now, the Federal Reserve says it will devote an additional $600 billion to combat the mortgage meltdown, and another $200 billion to unfreeze consumer credit A small portion of the new funds will come from a $700 billion rescue package Congress approved last month, which is being administered by the Treasury Department


"By providing liquidity to issuers of consumer asset-backed paper [consumer loans], the Federal Reserve facility will enable a broad range of institutions to step up their lending, enabling borrowers to have access to lower-cost consumer finance and small business loans," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson "Today's announcement by the Fed underscores our support for the housing market Nothing is more important to getting through this housing correction than the availability of affordable mortgage finance"


Few, if any economists would contest the importance of the availability of credit to the health of the American economy, nor the desirability of the federal government doing all it can to reverse a credit crunch that has constrained businesses and consumers alike


But the sheer scale of initiatives undertaken to date, and the apparent need for successive waves of government intervention are an unsettling indication of the magnitude and the tenacity of the problem being confronted, according to economics professor Lawrence White of the University of Missouri


"It is a recognition [that] we still have a big problem It is a strong statement by the Fed that it is going to take massive, broad, forceful efforts to try to break the back of [resolve] the crisis," he said


In the face of relentlessly grim economic news, Treasury Secretary Paulson says the federal government is doing all it can to mitigate the situation


"It will take time to work through the difficulties in our market and our economy, and new challenges will continue to arise I and my regulatory colleagues are committed to using all the tools at our disposal to preserve the strength of our financial institutions and stabilize our financial markets to minimize the spill-over [damage] into the rest of the economy," he said


In other economic news, a private research firm says US consumer confidence has rebounded somewhat this month, aided by falling energy prices, but that the index remains at a low level Meanwhile, US export growth slowed, while American homebuilders continue to cut spending




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