

Bigger Is Better

Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, lips, and hair Get ready to go over the top

You've heard the expression Go big or go home Translation: As long as you’re putting the time into something, invest as much effort and passion as possible for the most awesome results It's a motto that works these days not only in life and love but also in beauty "We're more confident than ever, and we want our hair and makeup to take us to the next level," says trend and lifestyle expert Jane Buckingham, CEO of the Intelligence Group In other words, big is beautiful So think ultrasexy lashes, lips with major impact, and supervoluminous hair Because if you aren't going to take it to the max tonight, why bother
你听过这样的表达:变得夸张或者回家。这句话的意思是:只要你肯在某件事上花费时间,为了令人满意的结果要注入你最大的努力和热情。如今工作不只是为了生活和爱情,也是为了美丽,已经成为一句箴言。“我们比从前任何时候更自信,我们希望我们的头发和化妆都能将我们带入另一个层次。”流行趋势和生活风格专家Jane Buckingham,智慧集团执行总裁说。换句话说,夸大的即是美丽的。于是想象一下性感的睫毛,能留下深刻印象的嘴唇和大卷的头发。因为如果你有不带着这样的妆过大半夜,那烦恼什么呢?,

Get Superbig Lashes

"Lush lashes have an innocent yet flirty effect," says Chanel makeup artist Kate Lee, who created the looks seen here Dust loose powder over your lashes first — it'll absorb oil and help your mascara stick Then squeeze an eyelash curler as close as you can get to your roots, and work your way up Coat on volumizing mascara (Rimmel Volume Flash Mousse Air-Whipped Mascara, $675) To stand out, attach a small section of false lashes (just a bit longer than your natural ones) for a dramatic flutter every time you blink, says Lee
茂密的睫毛有着既清纯又挑逗的效果,香奈儿的化妆师Kate Lee 说,他创造了这里看到的这种妆容。首先,在你的上眼睫毛上上灰色散粉——它能够吸油并且帮助你固定眼线笔。然后尽力地将睫毛卷去油涂在你的睫毛根部,使下面的工作更好做。涂上睫毛膏(Rimme睫毛卷翘幕斯,睫毛膏,售价675美元)。为了更出众,加上一小部分的假睫毛(比你真正的睫毛长一点就好),为你每次眨眼都带来令人心动的效果,Lee 说。

Get Really Huge Hair

"Thick, flowing hair is so enticing," says NYC celebrity stylist Giannandrea, who created the hairstyles here Build volume at the roots by working in a thickening mousse postshower Blow out until nearly dry Then twist up medium-size sections, pin them to your head, and blast with the dryer again Undo the pins, and shake out waves Finish by curling 2- to 3-inch sections with a large iron for extra bounce Mist with hair spray upside down, and — pro secret — spray a little on your fingertips, then rub your roots "This keeps your hair lifted all day," says Giannandrea
“又厚又飘逸的头发是如此的迷人”NYC的名人造型师Giannandrea说,他设计了此处的发型。通过在沐浴后使用令头发变厚的摩丝制造出头发根部的卷曲。把头发吹到将近全干。然后将中部的头发卷曲起来,用卡子别在你的头顶,接着用吹风机吹。取下卡子,然后摆出发浪来。最后用大卷发帮卷2~3英寸的头发作为额外的卷,从上至下喷发雾,然后——一个秘诀就是喷泻发雾在你手指上,然后按摩你的发根。“这会使你的头发整天都不塌下来。” Giannandrea说。

Get Extrafull Lips

"We show emotion with our lips, so a healthy, plump shape and red stain are totally sensual and seductive," says Lee Prime your mouth by dipping a cotton swab in a rich moisturizer and rubbing it across your lips to loosen dry flakes Pat with a tissue, and swipe on a creamy red lipstick that accentuates your pout "If you outline your lips with a nude-colored pencil first, the bright red color won't creep out from the edges, so your mouth will look even fuller," says Lee Dot a shimmery highlighter in your cupid’s bow — if your lips are flat to begin with, this helps add depth so it seems like your lips puff out a bit more



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