

"Today, no rain, ah really happy day I went from Sichuan Road, Maybelline store, Plaster bought a eyelashes good look at the black, I like the black know in the car Oh, I love letter forwarded to a high-school boy, he was only 17 years old Of course, I would not like him I know I need is a sense of security I like little boys mature You choose the sherry the answer is : want to kiss people relax, this is just a little game answers are : singer, a respected friend and his lifelong wish, rich friends, the people are serious courting small lovely, the people want to be kissed, friends "

Amazing Kiss

曲: - 词: - 编:


你在做着什麽样的梦 不愿忘怀

吻在睫毛上的唇 带着睡意的微笑

被吸进夜空里 无风的子夜 我两一同飞向了未来

只有时间在耳语 只有你在回旋

Amazing kiss 星光灿烂 缱绻的 青色火焰

描绘了奇迹的 没有形体的光芒

Precious in my love tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star 消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow 欢欣与爱情 皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my love tu ru tu year

有些感情将传达 在我们陷入一阵静默的时候

因为我们已找到 那秘密的语言

就彷佛倒映在海浪上的明月 波动荡漾 漂浮在眼底深处

当一觉醒来 下一个夜晚 一股爱意 又更近了一步

Amazing kiss 镶着的 玻璃颗粒 相互回响

流过了银河的 是永远无尽的誓言

Precious in my lo tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star 消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow 欢欣与爱情 皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my lo tu ru tu year

你永远是那麽坚强 有如耀眼的梦的光芒

我们一定能够再次相逢 要相信命运

将身体倚在冰冷的墙上 永远灼热的 my love

I don't forget you wow 无止无尽

Just the way you are

Precious in my love year ya just the way you are

Precious in my love year ya just the way you are

Amazing kiss 星光灿烂 缱绻的 青色火焰

描绘了奇迹的 没有形体的光芒

Precious in my love tu ru tu year I remeber

Amazing kiss this is only shooting star 消逝无踪

I'm in love wow wow 欢欣与爱情 皆溶入了宇宙

Precious in my love tu ru tu year

Amazing kiss 镶着的 玻璃颗粒 相互回响

流过了银河的 是永远无尽的誓言

Precious in my lo tu ru tu year

Tell me what you're dreaming bout tonight

I never want to let you go

The lips that kissed my lashes and your sleepy smile

Sinking into the darkest night

A breezeless flow in the afterglow

You and me together we could go that extra mile

Sweet nothings and time

Only you and the rhyme

Dizzy vertigo

Round and round as we go

Amazing Kiss

Shining stars and I'll miss

The flame that used to be ours, ours alone

Cuz we made it happenour miracle

True and blue to our oracle

Precious in my lovetu ru tu yeah

I remember

Amazing Kiss

This is only shooting star

The love that used to be ours,

I'm in love wow woh

Joy, Affection our universe

Supernatural whirls

Precious in my love tu ru tu yeah

Looking for words our brainwaves

Found a way to communicate

Secret sounds that you and I monopolize

The moon reflected on the waves

Moving in time reverberates

Drifting ashore to you deep into your eyes

As I lay awake

Another night of heartbreak

Longing for you

Hits me out of the blue

Amazing Kiss

Sprinkled pieces of bliss

Promises that we'll be forevermore

In the Milky Way I guess it's no more

Don't you remember our vow, oh

Precious in my love tu ru tu yeah

I remember

Amazing Kiss

This is only shooting star

The love that used to be ours,

I'm in love wow woh

Joy, Affection our universe

Supernatural whirls

Precious in my love tu ru tu yeah

Tough enough to weather the hands of time

Cuz our dream beams gonna shine on

You and I will come this way again

True blue to our destiny

Leaning up against this wall of ice



so what pink的最近专辑主打曲欧美排行榜果然不是那么好上的有点愤青的感觉就是叻

when i grow up mtv拍得很喷血几个女生特别是身材超棒女主很有明星风范调子也挺刁

tears in heaven 众多明星翻唱过有一个组合叫美声男孩用的是唱诗班唱法翻唱那个高音恰好迎合叻歌词中的飘渺和凄凉

i kissed a girl 也是持续登叻N久排行榜首位不过RIHANNA的DISTURBIA帅

white noise 男主唱用超大喇叭呐喊的形象一直深入我心哪= =

leave out all the rest LINKIN PARK难得冷静的一面

take a bow R N'B风格吧最爱之一有共鸣哒感觉

unbrella JAY-Z和RIHANNA共同完成的

sos RIHANNA的成名曲之一


tell me why 一个小男孩呼唤和平清澈无比的声音

shut Up and drive RIHANNA动感系列- -/

fall to pieces艾薇儿不太出名的一首个人认为不错值得推荐

every thing's gonna be alright 有sweetbox自己的风格和dont push me so hard一样引用叻古典曲目

life is so cool 歌手同上好听说不出来的好听

Human Sarcrifice 同上@_@

Warwick avenue 个人认为是DUFF最动听的歌曲之一虽然mtv拍得很诡异DUFF先把眼睫毛膏哭花再擦干(可能再补妆吧)再哭花再擦干以此类推完成叻整首歌的mtv寒

over the rainbow 经典却不是老得掉渣型

see you again BY欧美著名轻松泡沫剧主角

toxic 感叹:布兰妮在mtv里也太绝叻

shadow 布兰妮难得的抒情歌曲赞

everytime 同上被SHE翻唱过<别说对不起>

when you are gone艾薇儿新专辑的抒情主打曲

keep holding on同样是新专辑里的抒情歌曲同样好听却不出名


forgotten 众多凄凉爱情之一看来小艾婚前受得感情打击不少吖

to much to ask "难道我要求得太多叻吗"

my happy ending 小艾经典歌曲!!飙得挺高的

My Love Will Get You Home同意楼上说话外加声音甜甜的超有感觉!

tatto "i will always have u,just like a tatto"

the man who can't be moved 执着而感人的爱"how could i move on when i'm still in love with u"

just one last dance 女主唱穿透人心的声音过耳难忘吖



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