




During the period of holding the World Expo in Shanghai, tens of thousands of citizens are participating in volunteer work, hoping to devote themselves to the grand occasion As far as I am concerned, everyone ought to enter for it Here are the reasons I want to mention

It can be argued that the advantages of doing unpaid volunteer work are enormous, because volunteer work is actually a two-way street First of all,volunteer work should always benefit people who need help Those who need help will feel happier due to our immediate help On the other hand, as far as the young people ourselves are concerned, we have more opportunities to develop the sense of responsibility, independence as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others

Through this kind of work, we become confident and mature In addition, we can make many friends and increase our chances of getting the jobs of our dreams Furthermore, volunteer work plays an active role in building up a harmonious society

In a word, compared with the merits of volunteer work offered by the young adults, the demerits of that are just a few though they cannot be overlooked The youth volunteers do make a difference by the voluntary work! Why not join them and do something for our country

2.你班将组队参加学校组织的集体舞比赛(group dancing competition),班长希望大家积极参与。对此谈谈你的想法。


 你是否会参加比赛

 你做出该决定的具体理由

Version 1:

A group dancing competition will be held in our school and the monitor calls on everybody to take an active part in it While most of my classmates are still hesitating whether to participate, I have said yes to our monitor with great pleasure

Generally speaking, there are two reasons for my decision First, it is a good opportunity for me to relax myself, which will enable me to study more efficiently All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so goes the saying, which clearly shows us the importance of relaxation Besides, I think I am a good dancer after learning dance for more than five years Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some contributions to the class

For the two reasons mentioned above, it is no surprise that I have such a strong enthusiasm on the group dancing competition


1.以“诚实是美德”(Honesty Is a Virtue)为题写一篇短文。短文的内容需包括:

1 列举社会上的某些不诚实行为

2 谈谈你对对不诚实行为的看法

3 议论一下“诚实是美德”

What is honesty Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act Considered a virtue, honesty is admired in every country and every culture

However, there are still some dishonest people living in this world Some people try to take advantage of other people whenever they can Some businessmen are not always honest in their dealings Some students are caught cheating over exams and punished to leave school Some newspapers carry some untrue news just in order to attract more readers

Actually, being dishonest is generally looked upon as an evil, and is despised and condemned by the society But being an honest person, we can benefit a lot First, we can have s peaceful life, for we will not have the burden of remembering every lie we have told Second, being an honest person, we can be trusted by other people and have more friends, which will do good to our lives

I do believe honesty is a virtue which is the only key to open the door to the success in our careers and lives

So let’s be honest and make this world more beautiful


1.你校在为一批来自加拿大的交流学生(exchange students) 征寻为期两周的住宿家庭。假定你叫李宏,写一封信给校长申请接待加拿大交流学生。信的内容需包括:

1 说明你申请的理由

2 你家所具备的接待条件

Dear Principal,

My name is Li Hong and I’m a senior three student I have learned that our school is seeking some students’ families which can offer proper two-week accommodations for exchange students from Canada I think my family meets the requirements

In order to improve my oral English, I have been looking for the opportunity to communicate with native speakers of English Receiving exchange students is a wonderful chance for me

My parents and I are now living in a flat with three bedrooms and two living rooms So we have a spare room for one or two exchange students My mother is a warn-hearted woman who likes kids very much and is quite good at cooking We will prepare a lot of delicious traditional Chinese food for the exchange students and I’ll show them my collections of stamps and coins And we will also chat with them about the different cultures and customs of the two countries

I believe they will have a good time in my family and hope that you will give me the chance

I’d appreciate it if you could consider my application

Sincerely Yours

Li Hong






My mother is always the one I respect most She is the first guide of my life, and the pillar of our family

Once in my childhood, I desired so much to look beautiful Mother told me," Vanity is a crime Beauty is only skin-deep" She then bought me lots of interesting books, from fairy tales to collections of essays From time to time, she took me to travel with her in the country and open my eyes to so many new things, which I would not have otherwise seen

Mother devotes most of her time and energy to our family Immediately after coming back from work every work,she keeps herself busy around the apartment, cleaning, washing and cooking Our happiness is her greatest joy; our achievements are her greatest pride We can never forget how bravely she acted the day Grandma passed away

My respect for Mother grows with time She is my most beloved person in the world



The picture above shows that a junior school student is working assiduously late in the midnight while his mother is bringing in some snack so as to urge him to study harder

It goes without saying that the students nowadays are under a tremendous burden on their studies All the parents have become a great drain on both the parents and the students’energies

As the saying goes, “ All roads lead to Rome” Being admitted to a famous university is not the only access to a promising future Nor does it necessarily mean a successful life Also, working hard is not equal to exerting oneself round the clock In the meantime, parents should pay more attention to their children’s abilities rather than their grades

I firmly believe that through mutual efforts and understanding, the parents and students will lead a more colourful life



面对中学生“出国热”,社会对此有不同的看法。请你以Studying Abroad为题,根据以下提供的信息,谈谈自己的看法。

Advantages disadvantages

1.良好的语言环境,更利于预言学习。2.拓宽视野,学习国外先进的科学技术。3.传播各民族间的不同文化。 1.年纪小,缺乏生活经验,自立能力差。2.情感孤独,思乡。3.生活学习费用高。




In recent years, studying abroad has been popular.Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study.Many people are trying their best to apply to apply to go abroad

There are many advantages in attending schools abroad.First, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures.Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries.Third, we can learn much foreign languages more quickly

However, there are some disadvantages.Most of the students are too young to live alone without any living experience.Besides, being far away from their home country, they may feel lonely and homesick.Also, of course, the costs are much higher there than at home.In spite of theses, advantages are more than disadvantages.In my opinion, it is advisable to attend schools abroad

How to…

How to Narrow the Generation Gap

As we approach adulthood, we often find that we think differently from our parents on a number of issues Such differences are called generation gap Some people argue that the gap is enviable, but I hold the opinion the gap can be narrowed if both our parents and we try

First of all, we should often communicate with our parents We can tell them what we are thinking of, what we are worried about, or what we are puzzled at

At the same time, parents should have tolerance of our imperfection As is known to all, no one can avoid making mistakes and no one can always get the best results

Last but not least, parents and we should respect each other Thus, the family will live in harmony and thrive

In brief, if parents and we can do what have been mentioned above, generation gap can be undoubtedly narrowed




Oh,yes,we are just the same as others

but when there is a gap, we will try to communicate with each other

so that we always make a bridge on the gap





1 a wide unbridgeable river; unbridgeable generation gap 宽得架不了桥的河;不可逾越的代沟。 2 Do you want to bridge the generation gap 你想弥合代沟吗 3 There is a generation gap between my parents and I 我父母和我之间有代沟。 4 Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the generation gap between them 父母和孩子都必须努力填补他们之间的代沟。 5 My daughter is twenty and I am forty, but we have no generation gap in our family 我女儿20岁,我40岁,不过在我们家没有代沟。 6 As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea 因为有代沟的存在, 所以我们必须记住, 年轻人可能不喜欢这个想法。 7 There was no marked generation gap in our country at that period because there were no marked social changes 在那个时期我们国家没有明显的代沟,因为社会还没有经历明显的变革。 8 The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude, or lack of understaining, between young people and older people 代沟指两代人之间态度的差异或隔阂。 9 "Similarly, to talk about a car culture, a throw-away culture, or the generation gap as exclusively American concerns makes little sense today" 同样的道理, 如果今天还说以车代步的生活方式和热衷于使用一次性物品的生活习惯,或者代沟问题只有美国人才关注, 就没有多少意义了 10 When people, old and young, were dominated by one single thought and all behaved in the same accepted way, there were certainly no generation gap to speak of 当所有人不分老少都被一个思想所统治,而且行为也受制于同一规范时,当然就无代沟可言。

现在老师与学生之间的代沟是越来越明显/严重。 在一个由30所重点中学的1000名学生做得调查中显示只有33%的学生原意与老师述说心中的想法。 在当下的教育环境中, 老师是被视为学术的专家, 而并非是在生活中成为学生的好朋友。很多学生都会觉得他们的老师偏心因为只有学习好的学生才会是老师偏爱的学生。

"当我听到这种评论时,我感到很伤心" -yuyi, 一位有名的专业老师。她回想起在从前, 师生们会在一起打篮球, 或 在休息时间,坐在草地上分享/评论小说。 可如今, 师生们的对话中只有学习和好的分数。

"学校不止是一个传授知识的地方, 也是教导学生人格之地。" yu说。"一个人的成功并不是看那个人的智商, 情商也是非常重要的" yang xiong , Juvenile Research institute 的主任, 说道那些教育系统注重与考试的应该付起部分的责任。

Mind the gap:伦敦地铁提示音背后的温暖爱情故事

A widow's wish to hear her late husband's voice again has prompted London's subway system to restore a 40-year-old recording of the subway's famous "mind the gap" announcement

一位孀居老太太希望能再听到她已故丈夫声音的愿望,使伦敦的地铁系统恢复了有40多年历史著名的“mind the gap”的提示音广播。

The Underground, also known as the Tube, tracked down the voice recording by Oswald Lawrence after his widow, Margaret McCollum, approached its staff and told them what it meant to her

伦敦地铁(the Underground)还有个昵称叫“the Tube”(管子),地铁工作人员在听了玛格丽特·麦科勒姆的故事,了解到这个提示音广播对她意义深刻后,就去查出了她的已故丈夫奥斯瓦尔德·劳伦斯录下的声音。

McCollum, 65, said Sunday she used to frequently visit Embankment station or plan her journeys around the stop to listen to Lawrence's voice, even before his death in 2007 She was taken aback in November when she noticed it had been replaced by a different voice


"For many, many years it was on the Embankment Station northbound platform That's a station I used a lot," the retired doctor said

“对大部分人来说,很多年来这只是河堤地铁站北站台的广播。但是这个站台是我很熟悉的站台。” 这位退休医生说。

Lawrence was a drama school graduate when he auditioned for the Tube recording, she said He went on to become a theater actor and then worked for a tour and cruise company


"After he died, I would stay on the platform, I would just sit and listen to it again," she added "It was a huge comfort It was very special"

“他死后,我会待在站台上,就是静静地坐着再听次他的录音,” 她补充道,“这对我来说是一种很大的安慰。它很特别。”

When McCollum approached a Tube worker, she was told the station had a new broadcast system and it could not use the old recording anymore


But Nigel Holness, director of London Underground, said its staff has been so moved by McCollum's story that they dug up the recording and gave the widow a copy of the announcement on a CD for her to keep Tube staff is also working to restore Lawrence's announcement at the station, he added


The Tube's automated "mind the gap" messages, voiced by various actors, have accompanied countless London commuter journeys since the 1960s Train drivers and staff made the warnings themselves before that

伦敦地铁自动的“小心空隙” 提示音,自从1960年代开始伴随着无数的伦敦通勤者的旅途。很多演员参与了这个提示音的录制,在此之前,提示音都是由地铁司机和工作人员自己录制的。

London's subway, the world's first underground railway network, first opened in 1863 It is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year


McCollum said she has been overwhelmed by the media attention to her story, and hoped that she could hear Lawrence's voice in the Tube again soon


"I'm very pleased in Oswald's memory that people are interested," she said "He was a great London transport user all his life He would be amused and touched and delighted to know he's back where he belonged"


“the gender pay gap”的意思是:性别薪酬差距。


1、Find out in a video about the gender pay gap


2、The British Bankers' Association said big payouts were made to a relatively small number of people and that part of the gender pay gap in finance was due to lifestyle choices made by women


3、Multiple evaluations ranked Iceland as the No 1 country in the world for gender parity, but it still has a pay gap estimated at 14-18 percent


主语:some rich countries

谓语动词:might dodge

宾语:their responsibilities in aiding countries,


  前置状语On no account  

  插入性状语as well

  伴随状语dedicating more to bridge the gap of poverty and wealth






正常语序:I (only) realized the importance of the matter (then)

  倒装语序:(Onlythen) did I realized the importance of the matter

正常语序:I have (never) seen such a wonderful film

  倒装语序:(Never) have I seen such a wonderful film


  本句中就是由于把表示否定意义的 on no account(在任何条件下都不)提前到句首,才用了(on no account) might some rich countries dodge 的部分倒装语序。





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