



亚西尔·阿拉法特(阿拉伯语:ياسر عرفات‎,1929年8月24日-2004年11月11日),全名拉赫曼·阿卜杜勒·拉乌夫·阿拉法特·古德瓦·侯赛尼(阿拉伯语:محمد ياسر عبد الرحمن عبد الرؤوف عرفات القدوة الحسيني‎)。逊尼派穆斯林,中东政治家,军事爆破专家。巴勒斯坦国总统、巴民族权力机构主席、巴解执委会主席[1] 。他是1994年诺贝尔和平奖的获得者之一。[2]   20世纪50年代,他在科威特秘密筹建“巴勒斯坦民族解放运动”及其军事组织“暴风”突击队。第三次中东战争后,阿拉法特一直流亡海外1969年2月,阿拉法特开始担任巴解组织执委会主席,并从1971年起兼任巴勒斯坦革命武装力量总司令。1988年11月巴勒斯坦国宣布建立,次年4月2日阿拉法特当选为首任总统。1994年7月,阿拉法特结束27年的流亡生活,回加沙定居。1996年1月当选为巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席。2004年11月11日11时58分,阿拉法特在巴黎逝世。阿拉法特总统曾多次访问中国,是中国人民的老朋友[3] 。  2012年7月,瑞士一家研究机构称在阿拉法特的遗物中发现了放射性元素钋的痕迹。2013年10月13日,英国世界权威医学杂志《柳叶刀》刊登了瑞士科学家的有关调查报告,证实阿拉法特系放射性元素钋210中毒死亡。[4] 2013年11月8日,巴勒斯坦官方证实,前***阿拉法特为“非自然死亡”。

为什么叫“中东”呢?原来中东就是东方, 从欧洲看东方就是亚洲。但是亚洲很大, 这就分成远东、中东和近东。

远东:从欧洲看亚洲最远的国家就是日本、中国等, 所以中国、日本就被他们称为远东。

中东:亚洲的中部就是中东, 例如阿富汗、伊朗等国。这是以前的称呼。

近东:亚洲的西部与欧洲最接近, 所以欧洲人称地中海东岸一带为近东, 例如以色列和阿拉伯等国。

远东、中东、近东, 是按地理的称呼, 这就是原来的称呼。

后来他们把原来的中东和近东合起来, 称为“中近东”。

现在他们干脆把“中近东”合称为中东。从亚洲看是西边, 称西亚;但从欧洲看是东方, 称为“中东”。







水资源极其匮乏 由于石油资源的光芒太过耀眼 其他的资源我实在是找不到

萨达姆 萨达姆伊拉克(前)总统、革命指挥委员会主席、复兴社会党伊拉克民族领导机构总书记、武装部队总司令。



阿里埃勒·沙龙(Ariel Sharon)1928年生于特拉维夫附近的马拉勒村。1999年当选利库德集团***。2001年2月以利库德集团***身份参加了以色列总理竞选并获胜,当选以色列总理, 2001年3月7日宣誓就职。2003年2月宣誓就职再次成为以色列总理。




亚西尔·阿拉法特 原名:拉赫曼·阿卜杜勒·拉乌夫·阿拉法特·古德瓦·侯赛尼 出生年月:1929年8月4日 出生地:开罗 职务:原巴勒斯坦总统、巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席




  萨达姆·侯赛因(1937~ 2006) 身高1米86,体重90公斤。

  Saddam Hussein









  Saddam Hussein, born in 1937, authoritarian president of Iraq (1979-2003), who led Iraq into two devastating wars Hussein’s regime was characterized by brutal suppression of internal opposition Hussein was overthrown in April 2003 by a United States-led invasion He eluded capture until December when he was arrested by US forces

  Born to a poor farming family near Tikrīt, a town north of Baghdād, Hussein was raised by his widowed mother and other relatives He moved to Baghdād in 1955 and became involved in politics, joining the opposition Baath Party, an Arab nationalist movement Hussein rose quickly within the party and in 1959 helped organize an assassination attempt on Abdul Karim Kassem, the military president of Iraq Both Kassem and Hussein were injured in the gun battle, and Hussein fled to Cairo

  Hussein studied law in Cairo while continuing party-affiliated activities He returned to Baghdād in 1963, married, and rose to the post of assistant secretary general of the Baath Party The party remained in opposition to the government until 1968, when it seized power in a coup Years of underground work gave Hussein a small core of like-minded friends, many related to him by blood or marriage and most from Tikrīt After the coup, this clique established itself as a Revolutionary Command Council with absolute authority in the country Hussein became vice chairman of the council in 1969 He worked closely with General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, the council’s chairman and president of Iraq

  Hussein took a leading role in addressing the country’s major domestic problems He negotiated an agreement in 1970 with separatist Kurdish leaders, giving them autonomy The agreement later broke down, leading to brutal fighting between the regime and Kurdish groups He also played a part in the nationalization of the oil industry, Iraq’s major source of wealth In 1973 oil prices skyrocketed, allowing the government to pursue an ambitious economic development program that included new schools, universities, hospitals, and factories

  In foreign affairs, Hussein at first helped Iraq play a leading role in the Middle East In 1975 he negotiated a settlement with Iran that contained Iraqi concessions on border demarcation In return, Iran agreed to stop supporting opposition Kurds in Iraq Hussein also led Arab opposition to the 1979 Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel President al-Bakr gradually withdrew from politics during the 1970s and formally retired in 1979 Hussein became chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council and president of the country

  In 1979 Iran’s government was overthrown by Islamic fundamentalists and their supporters, and Hussein feared radical Islamic ideas were spreading inside Iraq, especially among the country’s majority Shia Muslim population (Shia Islam) In September 1980 Hussein abandoned his 1975 agreement with Iran and invaded Iran After making some initial gains Iraq’s troops were stopped, and by 1982 Iraq was looking for ways to end the war Hussein reached out to other Arab governments for financial and diplomatic support and began to target the Iranian oil industry The Iranians, hoping to bring down Hussein, refused a cease-fire until 1988 During the war, Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian forces

  The Iran-Iraq War left Iraq devastated with hundreds of thousands of casualties and a debt of about billion Still, Hussein had an experienced and well-equipped army, which he used to influence regional affairs, for example, by pressuring Kuwait to forgive its share of Iraq’s debt In August 1990 Hussein sent troops into Kuwait and annexed it An international coalition led by the United States evicted Iraq in January and February of 1991 in a conflict known as the Persian Gulf War Though briefer than the Iran-Iraq War, it was equally devastating, leaving Iraq isolated and reeling from international economic sanctions

  Despite having led Iraq into two wars and, in so doing, squandering the country’s oil wealth, Hussein succeeded in facing down all internal challenges to his rule In 1991, shortly after the end of the Persian Gulf War, Hussein suppressed an uprising among Shias in the south Kurds who rebelled in the north were saved from complete defeat only because the international community protected them Hussein’s small clique of friends and family was divided after the war, and in the following years Hussein arrested, exiled, and killed many among them who were thought to threaten his rule

  In the mid-1990s Hussein began interfering with the work of United Nations (UN) inspection teams assigned to Iraq after the Persian Gulf War to ensure that Iraq had ceased development of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and had destroyed any stockpiles of these weapons His government insisted that the sanctions against Iraq should be lifted in return for its compliance with UN resolutions and accused the United States of seeking not to disarm Iraq but to overthrow the Iraqi regime Arguments over the inspections led to a series of international confrontations In 1998 Hussein averted conflicts in February and again in November by agreeing to allow inspections to continue However, when in December he again blocked inspections, the United States and Britain launched a four-day series of air strikes on Iraqi military and industrial targets In response, Hussein declared that Iraq would allow no further UN inspections

  In November 2002, after months of heightened pressure from the United States and the UN, Hussein submitted to a UN resolution ordering the immediate return of weapons inspectors to Iraq However, the United States argued that Iraq was not complying fully with inspectors and was continuing to hide banned chemical and biological weapons In March 2003 US-led forces invaded Iraq with the goals of removing Hussein from power and destroying the country’s alleged stockpiles of banned weapons When Baghdād fell to US forces in April, Hussein’s regime crumbled and he went into hiding In December US forces captured Hussein at a farmhouse near Tikrīt Hiding in a concealed underground chamber, the deposed leader was apprehended without a fight Interim Iraqi leaders pledged to try Hussein for crimes against humanity See also US-Iraq War of 2003






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