尖沙咀区域: 罗湖/福田口岸坐火车——红磡,红磡下车月台对面就是西铁往尖东方向的列车,一站可到尖东站,由J出口可到星光大道观光,沿星光大道往尖沙咀天星码头方向可观赏维港景色,尖沙咀天星码头旁边就是著名的一站式购物好地点海港城,某些店面也是2到3次的出现。如果买的多的话,可以办理会员卡累计积分换礼品,需要注意的是,在商场里独有一个店面的通常是专卖店,有一个专属柜台区域的通常是专柜,专卖店和专柜的会员卡不是一回事儿,如果你在又一城的雅诗兰黛买了东西办了会员卡,再在海港城连卡佛的雅诗兰黛买是不可以积分的。在一些大型shopping mall中甚至有单独的一个护肤品及彩妆区域有自己的会员卡制度,比如海港城的facess,里面也是大部分品牌都有,如果你买的比较杂,也可以考虑这种。
PS尖沙咀片区还有著名的DFS环球免税店可以一逛,尖沙咀地区有两家,具体地址和销售品牌详见:太阳广场店、华懋广场店。尖东站J 出口往星光大道路上可以看到尖沙咀SOGO,但这家面积较小,商品品种不多,建议可以不用浪费时间。
旺角区域:须注意旺角火车站和旺角地铁站在两个地点,逛街的地方主要是在地铁站周边。旺角区域的特点是SASA和卓悦特别多,基本上没走几步就看到一家,SASA和卓悦虽然是连锁店,但是在货品品种方面并不一定每家都一样,比如有些单品可能这家SASA没有,但是另外一家却有,所以如果按图索骥,大可以多问几家。旺角比较大的shopping mall主要是和旺角地铁站连通的朗豪坊以及和旺角火车站连通的新世纪广场,但是这两个shopping mall无论从面积还有货品的丰富程度,均远远不如SOGO或者海港城。但是旺角区域的几条主要街道上还是有不少护肤品专卖店的,不过分布比较分散。总体来说,如果你有购物清单目标,建议还是选择尖沙咀和铜锣湾区域比较容易达成。(旺角最近开了好几家爱丽小屋ETUDE HOUSE,对韩国护肤品有兴趣的可以去看看)
亚洲人爱长痘痘,因为咱们亚洲人肌肤细腻,欧美人的皮肤粗糙,毛孔大,所以就有起痘,也比咱们的容易排出毒素,人家都说长青春痘等于青春还在,小编表示:“我只要青春不要痘!” T___T相信在抗痘历程上大家都觉得好累,就算不是痘痘肌肤,偶尔也会因为饮食不均衡,天气转变,姨妈来而冒一两颗痘痘出来。这里推荐抗痘法宝有了它们抗痘路程就能比较轻松一些啦。最近《CECI》时尚杂志发布了最新的适合亚洲肌肤的祛痘去印护肤品排行榜。
1 skin care spring acne clear cleansing cream
Effective in the inflammatory reaction of each link, to reduce the discomfort caused by acne to the skin Within a few hours quickly charge dry acne, while suppressing pock marks, texture comfortable, gentle, easy to use, after tolerance test, not acne formula, suitable for local use More suitable for inflammatory acne, the effect is pretty good, can eliminate inflammatory acne But the amount is not too provincial, and absolutely can not be a large area of smear
1 理肤泉痘痘清净化修护霜
2 declared the snail mask
We all know that the natural snail liquid is called skin care gold liquid, not only moisturizing effect, and deep repair damaged skin is irreplaceable products, acne to India are very good results At present, the real natural snail stock very little, only China and Henan, Switzerland and Switzerland are more suitable for the growth of the pig farm, South Korea Iraqis and France Johnson Run, Thailand and other snails are imported from China's Henan raw materials, so knowledgeable friends Snail liquid products are selected this one
2 宣致蜗牛面膜
3 PAIR Lion King Puff Paste
This is the Japanese medicine and cosmetics ranked first anti-pox magic, the acne cream are placed in the local drug store is very prominent position Oh! Lion King acne cream contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and antibacterial ingredients, these two components is best local use, do not need to rub the whole face Oh! Will PAIR lion king acne cream squeeze the right amount to the fingertips, and then smear to acne acne the affected area Be careful to apply to the forehead of the acne when, do not get inside the eyes to go Squeezed out is white, colorless and tasteless without stimulation, will not feel something in the face and feel uncomfortable
3 PAIR 狮王祛痘膏
4 DHC acne acne clear acne essence
This is a war pox nemesis known DHC acne acne cleansing formula without alcohol is a mild formula, whether it is whitehead acne, blackheads or volcanic edge of the red pox, can soothe the care, to prevent acne deterioration Long-term use can be adjusted into the skin is not easy pox! Many sister said that the physiological period for the acne out of the super-effective, but after the elimination of acne around a small circle will be peeling (big pox disappeared after the most likely to appear) To make up the makeup of the sister to pay attention to this Oh
4 DHC祛痘净痘调理精华
5 sisley Sisley Cleansing Mask
Sisley as the international top brands, its conditioning mask ingredients in the myrrh, frankincense and Moringa ingredients with a clean, sterilization and convergence effect, can effectively shrink pores and improve acne, the skin showing clean and bright luster The effect of oil control is really stick bar, deposited after the face of the skin feeling very moist If the acne is not serious, will soon be able to disappear
5 sisley希思黎净化调理面膜
6 Biotherm skin clear acne SOS special care gel
Super-concentrated gel, can be used in makeup before makeup can be used Carry it, you can tap the product anytime, anywhere in the acne With the same jelly, summer cool and refreshing feeling, good ductility, absorption is also good, taste a little red, slow anti-inflammatory effect of acne
6 碧欧泉净肤清痘SOS特护凝胶
7 KOSE muscle pure acne beauty solution
Concentrated care due to changes in the environment and health status, mental stress and other sudden growth of acne Add salicylic acid, licorice, isopropyl alcohol three active ingredients, will not give the skin a burden Add the peony root extract and the white peony root extract, can promote the residual sebum in the pores and the metabolism of aging skin, and can make pock off Add Coix Seed water, Sapindus extract, effective conditioning skin water and oil balance, defense acne, strong horny barrier function
7 高丝纯肌粹祛痘美容液
8 Clinique Acne Clear Gel
This product is a very strong and very fast acne products, it is also containing the formula salicylic acid, you can immediately clean up the face dirt and blemishes, to prevent acne regeneration
8 倩碧祛痘透明啫喱
9 Fresh Deep Whitening Soap
This product is mainly suitable for oily, acne, acne and other such skin A very rare and primitive alkaline soil from the Umbrian mountains Alkaline used to correct the imbalance of the skin and inhibit skin redness; rich in minerals, anti-inflammatory and has a good absorption; good clean the face, acne less, with the whitening effect, can effectively dodge Smallpox
9 Fresh白泥深层洁面皂
10 Japan Rabbit licensing acne cream
The use of specifically for the oriental skin developed Multiple Formula efficient anti-acne formula, anti-acne effect is significant, can effectively remove the acne, to prevent scar formation Inheritance of Japanese products exquisite and efficient features, the Japanese rabbit rabbit brand acne cream using high concentrations of paste as a carrier, just a small amount, you can make the skin to reproduce smooth and delicate, to restore the fair white luster The same for the big acne is very effective anti-inflammatory, it will be painted up from the dry white, make-up during the day, then it is not suitable for the use of this Oh
10 日本兔仔牌暗疮膏
采用专门针对东方人肌肤研制的Multiple Formula高效去痘配方,去痘效果显著,能有效去除暗疮,防止疤痕形成。传承日本产品精致、高效的特点,日本兔仔牌暗疮膏使用高浓度膏状物作为载体,只需用少量, 就能使肌肤再现光滑细腻,恢复均匀白皙的光彩。同样的对于大痘痘很有效消炎,它涂起来会起变干变白,白天要化妆的话不太适合使用这个哦。
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