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排骨或者鸡翅或者鸡腿,解冻,拌上烧烤酱。如果没有烧烤酱,就用橄榄油和盐。腌个把小时,烤四十分钟,油水从肉里冒出来,滋滋作响。有一句市场营销的经典名言说don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle,翻译成中文大意是“不要卖牛排本身,卖的是牛排的滋滋作响”,sizzle这个单词特指炸或者烤的时候油脂遇到高温而发出响声和香气,这句话的意思是说卖东西的时候要找到打动消费者的卖点。李贺有一首《将进酒》的词,描写一次奢华的宴会,其中有一句“烹龙炮凤玉脂泣”,所谓“玉脂泣”,说的就是这个sizzle。可见人们对于油炸和烧烤的热爱,古今中外,人同此心。

Prison police : Sit We see you’ve served 20years of a life sentence

Red : Yes, sir

Prison police : You feel you’ve been rehabilitated

Red : Yes, sir Absolutely, sir I mean, I learned my lesson I can honestly say that I’m a changed man I’m no longer a danger to society That’s God’s honest truth

How’d it go Same old shit, different day I know howyou feel I’m up for rejection next weekYeah, I got rejected last weekIt happensHey, Red, bump me a deckRed: Get out of my face, man! You’re in to me for five packs alreadyFour!Red: Five

Prison police : You speak English, butt steak You follow this officer

I never seen a sorry-looking heap of maggotshit in all my lifeHey, fish! Come over here!Takings bets today, Red

Red : Smokes or coin Bettor’s choice

Smokes Put me down for two

Red: All right, who’s your horseThat little sack of shit Eighth He’ll befirstBullshit! I’ll take that actionYou’re out some smokes, sonIf you’re so smart, you call itI’ll take that chubby fat ass thereThe fifth one Put me sown for a quarter deckFresh fish todayWe’re reeling them in!

What do you say RedRed: That tall drink of water with silverspoon up his assThat guy Never happenRed: 10 cigarettes That’s a rich betRed: Who’s going to prove me wrong

Prison police: Return to your cellblocks forevening count All prisoners, return to your cellblocks Turn to right Eyesfront

Prisoner 1: when do we eat

Guard: You eat when we say you eat Youshit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss You got that, youmaggot-dick motherfucker On your feet

Warden : I believe in two things: Discipline and the Bible Here, you’ll receive both Put your trust in the Lord Your ass belongs to me Welcome to Shawshank

Guard : Unhook them

Turn around That’s enough Move to the endof the cage Turn around Delouse him Turn around Move out of the cage Pickup your clothes and Bible Next man up! To the right Right Right Left

Lights off

Red(心理):I remember my first night Seems like a long time ago

Hey, fish Fish, fish What are you, scaredof the dark Bet you wish your daddy nevre dicked your mama! Piggy! Pork! I wantme a pork chop

Red(心里); The boys always go fishing with first-timers And they don’t quittill they reel someone in

Hey, Fat ass Fat, ass Talk to me, boy I knowyou’re there I can hear you breathing Don’t you listen to these nitwits, youhear me This place isn’t so bad Tell you what, I’ll introduce you around,make you feel right ai home I know a couple of big old bull queers that’d justlove to make your acquaintance Especially that big, white, mushy butt ofyours God

Fat: I don’t belong here!

We have a winner!

I want to go home

And it’s fat ass by a nose

What the Christ is this horse shit

He blasphemed I’ll tell the warden

You’ll tell him with my baton up your ass!

What is your malfunction, you fat barrel ofmonkey spunk

Please! I am not supposed to be here Notme!

I won’t count to three Not even one You shutup, or I’ll sing a lullaby

If I here so much as a mouse fart in heretonight, I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary Every last motherfucker in here Call the trustees Take that tub of shit down to infirmary



老爹系列出自美国品牌Flipline Studios,作者是Matt Neff和Tony Solary,其公司还出过《仙人掌麦考伊》和《杰克的铁匠铺》还有《Steak And Jack》。



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上一篇 2023-11-29


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