Want to go to Mars Dutch organisation Mars One says it will open applications imminently It would be a one-way trip, and the company hopes to build a community of settlers on the planet
Uncharted waters, mountains or far away lands have always drawn explorers History books show that desire for adventure, even in the face of extreme danger, did not deter the likes of Columbus or Magellan
So it is perhaps not surprising that Mars One has already received thousands of prospective applicants But there is no return - unlike the mission which hopes to fly to Mars and back in 2018
A hostile planet Image captionThe north polar region of Mars, seen from orbit
Scientists believe that Earth and Mars once had similar atmospheres, but they developed very differently
Mars' atmosphere is very thin, extremely cold and what water remains is frozen or hidden underground
There's evidence that Mars was once covered in oceans of water at a time when it had an abundant atmosphere
This very thin atmosphere can't stop heat from the Sun escaping into space
What makes Mars so hostile to life
Watch how Mars and Earth ended up with such different atmospheres
Future explorers take note Applicants must be resilient, adaptable, resourceful and must work well within a team The whole project will be televised, from the reality TV style selection process, to landing and beyond
On a visit to the BBC's London office, Mars One's co-founder Bas Lansdorp explains why this would be a one-way flight
During the seven-to-eight month journey, astronauts will lose bone and muscle mass After spending time on Mars' much weaker gravitational field, it would be almost impossible to readjust back to Earth's much stronger gravity, says Landsorp
Successful applicants will be trained physically and psychologically The team will use existing technology for all aspects of the project Energy will be generated from solar panels, water will be recycled and extracted from soil and the astronauts will grow their own food - they will also have an emergency ration and regular top-ups as new explorers join every two years
MARS=Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating System,由瑞典GAMBRO公司生产,用于肝衰等治疗,清除蛋白结合毒素MARS® 系统兼具清除白蛋白结合毒素吸附的高选择性和透析膜的高生物相容性两种功效。 这样,普通透析机或 CRRT 机可扩展为用于肝脏支持疗法的现代系统。MARS益处提高生存率、生存时间脑功能:改善颅内压、肝性脑病肾功能:水、电解质、酸碱平衡紊乱,尿毒素血流动力学:全身血流动力学、肝脏和其它脏器的血流动力肝功能 :肝毒素、白蛋白结合力、肝内胆汁淤积、门脉压、腹水免疫功能生活质量 性价比高适应症1 慢性肝病失代偿包括慢加急性肝衰竭、终末期肝硬化失代偿 合并进行性黄疸合并肾功能障碍合并肝性脑病2 急性肝功能衰竭ALF3 肝移植术后器官功能障碍4 肝脏术后肝功能衰竭5 继发性肝功能衰竭或多脏衰源于低氧血症或低灌注、急性呼吸窘迫综合症、脓毒症6 胆汁瘀滞顽固性瘙痒 急性中毒或白蛋白结合类物质过量、重症肝炎(遵循治疗细则、结合其他方式药物等)禁忌证无绝对禁忌证相对禁忌证:1DIC前兆2血流动力学不稳3急性溶血(常规治疗无效)4严重脓毒症和脓毒性休克(抗生素治疗无效)治疗条件MARS Monitor 1 TC套件 Type 1112/1[2]Mars Monitor 1套件 Type 1112/0
火星哥,布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars),1985年10月8日出生于美国夏威夷檀香山,美国创作型男歌手。他虽然只有165cm的身高,但凭借着过硬的唱功以及惊人的天赋,他毋庸置疑成为了国际顶级歌星。今天小编就来系数下火星哥那些经典动人的歌曲!
1、《Nothin' on You》
3、《Locked Out Of Heaven》
这是一首充满了复古色彩、令听者浮想联翩的雷鬼舞曲,与迈克尔·杰克逊的《Beat It》有殊途同归之处,又像是警察乐队和Dire Straits的音乐混搭。其轻快流畅的曲风和布鲁诺·马尔斯标志般的声音配合得无比曼妙,该曲内部的伴唱与伴奏的交织也给听者焕然一新的感觉。2014年该曲在第56届格莱美颁奖典礼上让火星哥获得:年度歌曲(提名)、年度制作(提名)。
4、《Uptown Funk》
这首歌曲将火星哥的骚气开发到极致,整首《Uptown Funk》只能用一个字来形容,那就是“浪”!从歌词编曲,到编舞MV,甚至是火星哥的唱腔,里里外外透着一股逗比兼牛逼哄哄的“浪”。歌曲充满“击勾”技巧的贝斯弹奏,以及丰富的合成器效果,与众多上世纪80年代早期的Funk/R&B经典金曲遥相呼应。许多歌迷觅到了《Call Me》的吉他、Cameo乐队的号角、Time乐队的键盘、《Party Train》的鼓点,使《Uptown Funk》弥漫着复古气。2016年该曲在第58届格莱美颁奖典礼上让火星哥获得:最佳流行组合/合作(获奖)、年度制作(获奖)。
5、《24k Magic》
这首歌节奏欢快,明显继承了《Uptown Funk》的迪斯科放克的曲风,令人着魔。《24K Magic》依然是八九十年代的复古风,在夸耀般地唱出“designer minks(订制版貂皮大衣)”和“Inglewood’s finest shoes(英格伍德名牌鞋子)”这两句歌词时,他没有用哇音效果器,而是用了仿佛糖浆一般的清亮和声,令人赞不绝口。
如:Marry You、Just The Way You Are、When I Was Your Man等,在这里小编就不一一介绍了。如果各位还有其他好听的歌曲,可以评论介绍小编,让小也去欣赏下。