Good moring everyone ,today I will tell you my dr

Good moring everyone ,today I will tell you my dr,第1张



时间慢慢的过去了,这个美丽却天真的梦想一直深深的在我脑海里。它藏在心中成为了催促我前进的动力。一段时间之后,我开始慢慢明白成为作家并不容易。这需要体验许多生活中的曲折迂回,要能够承受风风雨雨。但我不会退缩不会胆怯, 我会坚持下去。我坚信,坚持就是胜利。


动词后面加to do还是doing的问题啊,通常都是to do或者有固定搭配的




试题分析:人们往往认为随着年龄的增长,人的智力有所下降,而且大脑功能也变得不再活跃。然而加利福尼亚大学的Dr Jarvik却通过研究发现人大脑的知识和推理能力不会随着人的年龄而减弱,只不过在思考问题的速度上有所减缓,而且表面上记忆力的衰退也不过是因为他们对事情没有全面了解而已。

小题1:B主旨大意题。在文章开头作者提出人们对大脑的错误认识,然后介绍了大学的Dr Jarvik的研究结果,随后两段均围绕这一话题展开行文,由此可知文章中心内容是介绍一项关于大脑智力下降的研究报告,所以B选项正确。

小题2:A词意猜测题。根据下文可知Dr Jarvik是从事大脑方面疾病研究的,由此推断psychiatry意思为“精神病学”所以A选项正确。

小题3:D细节理解题。根据文章末句Often it is simply a sign of a sad emotional state可知人们往往认为metal decline 只是一种不快乐状态的征兆、表现。所以D选项正确。


What Can We Do About Global Warming

First, keep in mind the goal, which is to bring the potentially catastrophic warming under control by curtailing the release of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere

Ordinary people can help immediately by becoming more energy efficient Stop using the familiar incandescent light bulbs and replace them with compact fluorescent bulbs, which last much longer and use only a quarter of the energy consumed by conventional bulbs

Compact fluorescent bulbs are significantly more expensive, but because they last so long (up to 10 times the life of a standard bulb) and use so little electricity, they are substantially cheaper in the long run

Next, when shopping for an appliance -- a refrigerator, a dishwasher, an air-conditioner -- select the one with the highest energy efficiency rating There will be a sticker on the appliance, telling you how much energy it uses Pay attention There can be a difference of 30 percent to 40 percent or more in the amount of energy consumed by appliances with comparable features

Even more important is the choice you make in the car or truck you buy Motor vehicles are responsible for about a third of the carbon dioxide emissions in the United States The vehicles that are the most fuel efficient emit the least carbon dioxide (Fuel economy and carbon dioxide emissions are inversely proportional If you double fuel economy, you cut carbon dioxide emissions in half)

According to the research and advocacy group Environmental Defense, if you buy a new car that gets 10 more miles per gallon than your old car, the amount of carbon dioxide reduction realized in one year will be about 2,500 pounds

So buying a car or truck that suits your needs and is fuel efficient is a big help

Honda and Toyota are bringing so-called hybrid vehicles onto the market in the US Hybrids are cars that combine an internal combustion engine and a battery-powered electric motor They are mid-sized cars that are achieving twice the fuel economy of conventional cars

Dr Paul Epstein, associate director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, summed the matter up as follows: "The issue is not so much what we are doing, but how we power what we are doing That's the first step"

Over the long term, the requirements are far more ambitious Ideally, over the course of the next 100 or so years, a transformation will take place and most energy will end up coming not from fossil fuels like coal and oil, but from clean energy sources -- the sun, the wind, hydrogen and non-polluting fuel cells

"To get there at a cost that's affordable will require substantial technological development," said Dr Michael Oppenheimer, the chief scientist of Environmental Defense

To move from our pollution-choked present to a future in which climate change is not a mortal threat will take more than that all-important first step of an enlightened citizenry buying cleaner cars and more efficient appliances Tough action by Congress and the president is needed, and soon And international cooperation, with enforceable agreements covering both industrialized and, ultimately, developing nations, will be crucial

Among other things, the federal government can offer subsidies and other incentives to reduce the cost and foster the use of existing clean-energy technology, and to encourage the development of ever more efficient new technologies And the government can -- and should -- develop more sophisticated strategies like emissions trading and more stringent requirements for reducing carbon dioxide emissions everywhere

Global warming is the most serious problem we face in the 21st century Last week an intensive analysis by a respected geologist at Texas A&M University, suggested -- as most scientists have been saying for some time now -- that human activity, not natural factors, is the primary cause of the warming

We caused the problem and we have within our grasp a variety of potential solutions To ignore those solutions, to be aware of them but not make use of them, is not just profoundly destructive, it's suicidal

(by Bob Herbert

Published on Monday, July 17, 2000 in the New York Times)



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