




     1   MrSimple----Super Junior        (韩文的,比较动感的一首歌哦~)


     2Good girl -----Carre Underwood         (他不是个好男孩,你发现这个只是时间问题(歌词)声音比较豪放,很好听~~)    

 3Party Rock Anthem------LMFAO      (啥也不说了,无比动感啊!!)     

 4Burn it down-------林肯公园      (有点小野兽,嚎叫吧~~!)    

 5Love you like a love song -------Selena Gomez     (声音性感有动感的一首歌~!)    

 6drive by------Train      (不错的歌,排行榜前几名哦~~)   

  7Larger than life --------后街男孩    (动感十足,很好学的哦) 

   8Stronger---------Kelly Clarkson        (潇洒女人的动感安慰之歌)    

9Not for me --------后街男孩   (不要愚弄我,不然我只能告诉你:it is not for me )    

10Baby one more time --------布兰妮  (经典动感歌啊,帅爆了,绝对好听!!力荐!!!)   

 11Hold it against me---------布兰妮(没的说了忒动感了!!)    

12Part of me --------Katy Perry      (我最喜欢的歌手之一啊,歌都很好听~!这首歌是遭背叛后治愈之歌:你可以留下任何东西,只是我已不是你的了)  

  13California Girls-------Katy Perry    (加利福尼亚美女之歌,好听又动感,帅~!强烈推荐啊)   

 14I kissed a girl ----------katy perry    (同样是帕里的一首歌,特别好听!)    

15Gotta Getcha---------张根硕      (虽说歌词没什么意义,歌还是不错i的,吼叫啊)16girlfriend----------艾薇儿(直接抢男朋友啊有木有= =,很有节奏,赞!)

17bad romance ---------lady gaga  

18monster------------------lady gaga  (两个都超赞的!!) 


1volume up --------4minute   (是一首韩语歌,不过没听出什么意思= =,还是比较好听的嘿嘿~)

2creeping up one you --------Darren Hayes      (超超超级经典的好歌,绝对会喜欢~!!强烈推荐哦~!)

3may be ------Jay sean (一直在等待的痴情男银,哈哈,很好听,多听几遍就会喜欢了)4traveling light------Joel Hanson (一听就会喜欢的好歌,轻松旅行~~!)

5死一样痛过---------mc梦(汉语个哦~~还不错哦。尤其是女声部分,虽说那个女的总唱相同的一句话= =)

6i wanna go ------布兰妮  (很不错哦!!尤其是shame on me 这句话的转着弯的口哨声,超级好哦!!

7criminal-------布兰妮    (又是布兰妮的一个经典之作啊,爱上一个罪犯。好听啊啊啊啊)8honey and the bee  ----------- Owl City (清新的男声和嗲嗲的女声向我们讲述蜂蜜和蜜蜂的故事)

9two--------Lenka   (最喜欢的歌手之一~~lenka~~!很好学的一首歌哦~~!)

10my  love-----------westlife   (西城男孩的一首最最经典的歌!!不听你后悔啊!力荐啊啊啊)11 trouble is a friend------lenka(励志歌曲啊,困难是朋友啊,不错的歌)

12superhoneymoon ---------Owl City(超级蜜月~~!一听就会喜欢的!)

13dmentia-----Owl City   (老年痴呆啊你让我疯狂了!!= =)

14good  time-------Owl City(不管什么时间什么地点总是好时候~~超级好听,好心情主打~!正能量之歌!)

15call  me  maybe-------Carly rae jepsen(强烈强烈的推荐啊,尤其是mv里的帅哥不看你后悔啊啊啊,透露一下该帅哥叫Holden Nowell)

16shooting star--------Owl City (欢快的励志之歌,好听啊)

17deer in the headlight--------Owl City(聚光灯下的小鹿~一见钟情~)

18one thing---------One direction     (见到美女激动得不能自已的心情= =)

19we found love-------蕾哈娜 (此歌又称---潍坊的爱,哈哈)

20I like it I love it-------Tim Mcgraw (欢快的乡村风,)

21mean--------泰勒  (很动感很动感)

22free loop---------Daniel Powter (绝佳的手机铃声~!大街上处处可以听到的经典之作!!力荐!!)

23payphone----------Maroon 5wizkhalifa   (歌的调调还好啦,就是没明白讲了个啥、= =)24last Friday night ---------katy perry (很好听的一首歌~~推荐)

25the one that  got  away-------katy perry(下辈子我会做你的女孩,听起来以有些伤感,但是歌很动感)

26firework-----------katy perry(也是很好听,不错)

27ET-------------katy perry(外星人~超级不错的歌!!调子很奇怪但是很好听!!荐!)28dressin'up -------------katy perry(今夜为你dressin'up,动感好听,话说perry的歌都是经典啊哈哈)

297days---------歌手的话,苏醒唱过一次  (轻松欢快的一首歌)

30teenage dream ---------katy perry(总之就是很赞,我最喜欢的一首歌了)

31gold---------owl city (帅


1burning----------Maria Arredondo   (深情歌的经典之作,幽怨女人对丈夫的控诉!)2jast one last dance -----------Sarah Connor(最后一支舞,跳完它我将去往何方?悲情演3soledad-----------西城男孩  (SHE《紫藤花》的英文原版,深情不可错过!)4everytime---------布兰妮  (轻音乐,适合催眠啊,但是很动听)

5girl in the mirror ----------布兰妮(镜子里的女孩,正在为你哭泣。)

6i have a drime --------西城男孩(我有一个梦想,真情啊,赞1)

7come back to me ---------宇多田光(虽说歌手是日本的,但是歌是英文的哈,baby回来我身边)

8we  are young-----(歌颂青春的一首调调很奇怪的歌)

9set fire  to  the  rain-----------Adele(烧起一场雨,悲情控诉啊有木有,很经典)10the day you wentaway--M2M(《第一次爱的人》的英文原版)

11season in the sun --------西城男孩(时光飞逝,岁月如梭,感叹时间流逝的经典)12eyes open -----------泰勒

13far away from home -----------Groove coverage 

14do i have to cry for you -----------Nick Crater(悲情男银的哭诉:一定要我为你哭吗?) 

15somebody i used to know---------Gotye(奇怪的音调,却将悲伤演绎的淋漓尽致)


代表歌手就是lenka和Owl city 了

all my bells are ringing -------lenka

2everything at once -------lenka

3shock me into love---------lenka

4knock knock ---------lenka

5the show --------------lenka

6the saltwater room ----------Owl City(泪水伤心地。清新歌曲的典范啊啊啊!!大爱!!!)7fireflies----------Owl City(萤火虫之歌)

8to the sky -------Owl City(h狠励志很轻松的歌,大爱)补充篇~~ 



 Maroon5 篇(声音很奇怪的一个组合,奇怪但是很好听!!)

 1    wake up call

 2     makes me wonder 

 3    won't go home without you 

 4   love somedody

 5   moves like a jagger 

 6   harder to breath

 7   one more night

 8   give a little more 


 9  speed of love------Owl city

10  talk to me----------caly rae jepsen

11  boyfriend-----------Justin Bieber12   it girl-----------------Jason derulo(哨子声很好听哦)

13  whistle---------------Flo rida(也有口哨声~~)

14  lights ----------------Ellie goulding(假声也动听)

15  so good-------------BOB

16  we're never ever getting back together-------Taylor swift(我们再也回不去了)

17 wide awake --------Katy perry

18 wish you were here ------Avril lavigne(艾薇儿边唱边哭。好心酸啊)

19 who says------------Selena Gomez(谁说你不漂亮谁说你不完美??)

20 what makes you beautiful---------one direction

21 circus-----------------------Briteny Spears


1  freedom-------------home made 家族(日语的,火影忍者主题曲)

2 more------------------Usher(铁血真汉子的真情吼叫!!)

3 umbrella --------- Rihanna


 1 rolling in the deep-----------Adele

 2 a thousand years--------------Christina perri

 3 love the way you lie-----------Rihanna




一.      深情篇

1   daylight——————maroon5(魔力红新作,一改往日激情动感的曲风哦)

2   close to you————JLS。(这是我最贱开始喜欢的一个组合,歌都好好听呢!!这首歌比较深情,速度适中,很不错哦!!)

3   love you more————JLS(温柔深情的歌,爱你多一点~~)

4   proud————JLS(不多少了,3遍你就喜欢的)

5   Enchanted--------Owl city(也有和carlyl rae Jepsen合唱的,清新温柔,巨好听)

6   A thousand years ------------Christina perri(“暮光之城”里的深情歌曲,我爱了你一千年,还要再爱一千年)

7   love the way you lie-------------Rihanna(很好听,当然里面也有个大叔说rap。。。)

8   lighters------------Burno mars(速度比较慢啦,但是大叔又出现了。。。)

9   you are my everything----------Lexington bridge(个人觉得很有韩国味道,,不过很好听哦!!你是我的一切。。)

10 one shot--------------JLS(好听的)


一.      快速动感篇(这个是我的菜)

1   misery————Maroon5(语调奇怪的亚当,魔力红~~~听几遍就会喜欢的)

2   Trespassing---------Adam Lambert(大红人亚当,这首歌绝对有气势,,一遍就喜欢的!!)

3   Only tonight---------JLS(绝不夸张哦,第一遍就喜欢上它了,挽留爱人的动感情歌)

4   She makes me wanna-----------JLS&Dev(哎呀绝对的好听,力荐

5   Candy-------------Robbie Williams(很有乡村风,欢快的一首歌~~!!很好听的!!)

6   Diamonds----------蕾哈娜(Rihanna的金曲啊,我们就像是闪耀在空中的钻石)

7   Trouble maker ------------4minute &张贤胜(哨子声很好听的一首韩国歌哦)

8   do something -----------Britney (小甜甜的歌哦,最近才听到,非常好听!!!!!!大爱啊)

9   die young --------------Ke$ha (前几周的冠军单曲啊,美国榜单第一名呢!!名不虚传,非常好听的!!!!!!)

10 we are never evergetting back together ------------Taylor swift (小天后泰勒的,我们再也回不去

11 tiktok------------ Ke$ha(曲风堪比lady gaga的真正动感神曲,很多店铺都播的,超级好听!!)

12 time bomb---------- all time low(很好听的!!!不多说,少男们的~~)

13 we are who we are-----------little mix(很自信很有感觉,我们就是我们!!~~~!)

14 run devil run--------- Ke$ha(超级好听,不是很快但是很棒!!!)

15 try-------------P!nk(第一次接触这个歌手,感觉他的造型很奇特。。。不过歌不错)

16 wings-------------littlemix(妈妈的寓言~~~翅膀。。)

17 beauty and a beat------------justin bieber (小天王的哦,很不错,至少第一遍我就喜欢它了!)

18 peacock-----------katyperry (动感好听必须的!!)

19 lights---------------Elliegoulding (很轻但很有力度的女声~~好听)

20 one more night------------maroon 5(一向以奇怪调子著称,魔力红这首歌也不例外!。。。真的很赞!!)

21 beat again----------JLS(或许刚开始你不喜欢,,但是不用5遍你就会爱不释手的,没有你我的心脏不会再跳动。。。)

22 moves like ajagger ------------maroon 5 (调子依然很怪,有山路十八弯的感觉。但是榜单前几名,很好听~~)

23 a little bit----------Jessica simpson (确实好听的!!!动感十足) 

24 love somebody-----------maroon5 (这一次调子不太怪啦。。。一下子就记住哦)

25 makes me wonder--------maroon 5 

26 won't go home withoutyou-----------maroon 5 (没有你我不会回家。。很好听~~)

27 I'll be your man-------------james blunt(欢快清新活泼。。。超好听的!!)

28 better for you---------JLS(很动感,会喜欢的)

29 Cinderella------------布兰妮

30 what yousee---------布兰妮

31 disturbia---------------蕾哈娜(听听就知道了,不多说。。~~!!!)

32 teach me how todance ------------JLS

33 only makinglove-------------------JLS(我只说一句,不是你们想的那样。。。。。。)

二.      狂野奔放

1   till the world ends(抢听版)---------布兰妮(跟原来的till the worldends不太一样,但是高潮部分是一样的,不过这个更狂野一点)

2   sexin'on the dance floor--------cash cash (绝对动感,我的手机铃声呢!!很好听)

3   DNA-----------little mix(开头很安静,,,,后面的,,,你懂得,,但是超级好听~~)

4   more----------usher(亚瑟小子的经典歌曲,一个人的咆哮啊!!!很赞的)

5   galaxies----------owl city (小清新的这首歌变了哦!!不错的歌!!)


















阿那克萨戈拉(Anaxagoras,约前500-约前428,古希腊唯物主义哲学家)芝诺(埃利亚的)(Zenon Eleates,约前490-约前436,古希腊唯心主义哲学家,巴门尼德的学生)









第欧根尼(锡诺帕的)(Diogenes o Sinopeus,约前404-约前323,古希腊犬儒学派哲学家)




芝诺(季蒂昂的)(Zenon Kitieus,约前336-约前264,古希腊斯多葛学派创始人)


西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero,前106-前43,古罗马政治家、雄辩家、哲学家,在哲学上,是折衷主义的代表)

卢克莱修(Titus Lucretius Carus,约前99-约前55,古罗马诗人、唯物主义哲学家)

安德罗尼柯(Andronicus Rhodius,约前一世纪,古希腊逍遥派哲学家,因编纂亚里士多德著作而著称)


斐洛(Philo Judaeus,约前30-约后45,古犹太神秘主义哲学家)

塞涅卡(Lucius Annaeus Seneca,约前4-后65,古罗马哲学家、戏剧家,新斯多葛主义的主要代表之一)



马可×奥勒留(Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,121-180,古罗马皇帝[161-180],新斯多葛派哲学家)

塞克斯都×恩披里柯(Sextus Empiricus,约二世纪中叶,古罗马哲学家,怀疑论者)



第欧根尼×拉尔修(Diogenes La雏tius,约200-约250,古希腊哲学史料《名哲言行录》的编纂者)



奥古斯丁(Aurelius Augustinus,354-430,罗马帝国基督教思想家,教父哲学的主要代表)


波伊提乌(Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius,约480-524或525,古罗马晚期唯心主义哲学家)

中世纪时期:公元五世纪—— 十四世纪末

埃里金纳(Johannes Scotus Erigena,约810-877,欧洲中世纪前期经院哲学家)



香浦(Guillaume de Champeaux,约1070-1121,中世纪法兰西经院哲学家,实在论者)

阿伯拉尔(Petrus Abailardus,1079-1142,中世纪法兰西经院哲学家,“概念论”者)

大阿尔伯特(Albertus Magnus,1193或1206或1207-1280,中世纪德意志经院哲学家、神学家,天主教多明我会僧侣)

罗吉尔×培根(Roger Bacon,约1214-约1292,英国思想家,实验科学的先驱者)

托马斯×阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas,1226-1274,中世纪神学家和经院哲学家,天主教多明我会会士)

西格尔(Sigerus de Brantia,约1240-1281至1284,尼德兰哲学家,阿威罗伊主义者)

爱克哈特(Meister Johannes Eckhart,约1260-1327,中世纪德意志神学家和神秘主义哲学家)

邓斯×司各脱(Johannes Duns Scotus,约1265-1308,中世纪苏格兰经院哲学家,唯名论者)

奥卡姆(William of Occam[或Ockham],约1300-约1350,中世纪苏国经院哲学家,唯名论者)

胡斯(Jan Hus,约1369-1415,捷克爱国者和宗教改革家)

文艺复兴时期:十五世纪初—— 十六世纪末

但丁(Dante Alighièri,1265-1321,意大利诗人,恩格斯称他“是中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人)

彼特拉克(Francesco Petrarch,1304-1374,意大利诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义先驱之一)

薄伽丘(Geovanni Boccàccio,1313-1375,文艺复兴时期意大利作家,人文主义的主要代表之一)

保尔(John Ball,?-1381,英国民间传教士,瓦特�泰勒起义的领导者之一)

威克里夫(John Wycliffe,约1320-1384,英国人,欧洲宗教改革运动的先行者)

尼古拉(库萨的)(Nicolaus Cusanus,1401-1464,文艺复兴时期德意志哲学家,枢机主教,泛神论者)

达×芬奇(Leonardo da vinci,1452-1519,文艺复兴时期意大利艺术家、自然科学家、工程师、哲学家)

彭波那齐(Pietro Pomponazzi,1462-1524或1525,文艺复兴时期意大利哲学家,人文主义的主要代表之一)

伊拉斯谟(Desiderius Erasmus,约1469-1536,文艺复兴时期尼德兰人文主义者,原名盖哈尔脱�盖哈尔兹(Gerhard Gerhards),生于荷兰鹿特丹)

莫尔(Thomas More,1478-1535,文艺复兴时期英国空想共产主义者)

马丁× 路德(Martin Luther,1483-1546,十六世纪德国宗教改革运动的发起者,基督教(新教)路德宗的创始人)

闵采尔(Thomas Münzer,约1490-1525,1524-1525年德国农民战争的领袖,德意志农民和城市平民的宗教改革家)

加尔文(Jean Calvin,1509-1564,法国人,欧洲宗教改革家,基督教加尔文宗的创始者)

特勒肖(Bernardino Telesio,1509-1588,文艺复兴时期意大利哲学家)

蒙田(Michel Eyquem de Montaigne,1533-1592,一译蒙台涅,文艺复兴时期法兰西思想家和散文作家)

沙朗(Pierre Charron,1541-1603,文艺复兴时期法兰西哲学家)

布鲁诺(Giordano Bruno,1548-1600,文艺复兴时期意大利哲学家)

康帕内拉(Tommaso Campanella,1568-1639,文艺复兴时期意大利空想共产主义者)

伯麦(Jakob B鰄me,1575-1624,文艺复兴时期德意志神秘主义哲学家)

格劳修斯(Hugo Grotius,1583-1645,荷兰资产阶级法学家,自然法学派早期理论家,对法学、神学、历史、文学及自然科学均有研究,以国际法研究著称)

瓦尼尼(Lucilio Vanini,1584-1619,文艺复兴时期意大利哲学家)

近代哲学时期:十七世纪初—— 十九世纪三十年代\现代哲学时期:十九世纪三十年代—— 今

弗兰西斯×培根(Francis Bacon,1561-1626,“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖”[马克思])

霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes,1588-1679,英国唯物主义哲学家)

伽桑狄(Pierre Gassendi,1592-1655,一译伽森狄,法国唯物主义哲学家、物理学家、天文学家)

笛卡尔(René Descartes,1596-1650,法国哲学家、物理学家、数学家、生理学家,解析几何的创始人)

勒卢阿(Hendrik van Roy,法文名Henri Le Roy,拉丁名Henricus Regius,1598-1679,荷兰医生,哲学家,早期机械唯物主义代表人物)

温斯坦莱(Gerrard Winstanley,约1609-约1652,英国资产阶级革命时期掘土派运动领袖,空想共产主义者)

李尔本(John Lilburne,约1614-1657,英国资产阶级革命时期小资产阶级民主主义者,平均派领袖)

海林克斯(Arnold Geulincx,1625-1669,荷兰笛卡尔派唯心主义哲学家,他和马勒伯朗士并称为偶因论者)

斯宾诺莎(Baruch [后改名为Benedictus] Spinoza,1632-1677,荷兰唯物主义哲学家)

洛克(John Locke,1632-1704,英国唯物主义哲学家)

马勒伯朗士(Nicolas Malebranche,1638-1715,法国唯心主义哲学家)

莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646-1716,德国自然科学家、数学家、唯心主义哲学家)

培尔(Pierre Bayle,1647-1706,法国启蒙思想家、唯物主义哲学家)

考尔德(William Coward,1656-1725,英国自然神论者)

梅叶(Jean Meslier,1664-1729,法国唯物主义者,无神论者,空想共产主义者)

维科(Giovanni Battista Vico,1668-1744,意大利唯心主义哲学家)

托兰德(John Toland,1670-1722,英国唯物主义哲学家)

舍夫茨别利(Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury,1671-1713,英国自然神论者)

柯林斯(Anthony Collins,1676-1729,英国自然神论者)

博林布罗克(Henry St John Bolingbroke,1678-1751,英国自然神论者)

沃尔弗(Christian Wolff,1679-1754,德国唯心主义哲学家)

贝克莱(George Berkeley,1685-1753,英国唯心主义哲学家)

孟德斯鸠(Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu,1689-1755,法国启蒙思想家、法学家)

伏尔泰(Voltaire,1694-1778,法国启蒙思想家、作家、哲学家。原名弗朗梭阿�马利�阿鲁埃(Fran鏾is Marie Arouet))


哈特莱(David Hartley,1705-1757,英国唯物主义哲学家,心理联想说创始人之一,自然神论者)

马布利(Gabriel Bonnot de Mably,1709-1785,法国空想共产主义者,孔狄亚克之兄)

拉美特利(Julien Offroy de La Mettrie,1709-1751,法国启蒙思想家,唯物主义哲学家)

李德(Thomas Reid,1710-1796,英国哲学家,苏格兰学派即常识学派的创始人)

罗蒙诺索夫(Миxaил Вacильевич Ломoносοв1711-1765,俄国学者,诗人,俄国唯物主义哲学和自然科学的奠基者)

休谟(David Hume,1711-1776,英国唯心主义哲学家、不可知论者,历史学家、经济学家)

卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau,1712-1778,法国启蒙思想家、哲学家、教育学家、文学家)

狄德罗(Denis Diderot,1713-1784,法国启蒙思想家,唯物主义哲学家,无神论者,文学家,《百科全书》主编)

鲍姆加登(Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten,1714-1762,德国哲学家,沃尔弗哲学体系的拥护者)

爱尔维修(Claude Adrien Helvétius,1715-1771,法国启蒙思想家,唯物主义哲学家)

孔狄亚克(Etienne Bonnot de Condillac,1715-1780,法国启蒙思想家,感觉论者,马布利之弟)

达兰贝尔(Jean Le Rond d' Alembert,1717-1783,一译达朗伯,法国数学家、启蒙思想家、哲学家,曾任《百科全书》副主编)

霍尔巴赫(Paul Heinrich Dietrich d' Holbach,1723-1789,法国启蒙思想家、唯物主义哲学家、无神论者)

康德(Immanuel Kant,1724-1804,德国古典唯心主义的创始人)

莱辛(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing,1729-1781,德国启蒙运动时期思想家、文艺理论家、剧作家)

多德维尔(Henry Dodwell,?-1784,英国自然神论者)

罗比耐(Jean Baptiste René Robinet,1735-1820,法国哲学家)

孔多塞(Jean Antoine Condorcet,1743-1794,法国资产阶级革命时期资产阶级理论家)

雅科比(Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi,1743-1819,德国唯心主义哲学家)

赫尔德(Johann Gottfried von Herder,1744-1803,德国文艺理论家、哲学家,狂飙运动(十八世纪七十到八十年代德国资产阶级文学运动)理论指导者)

边沁(Jeremy Bentham,1748-1832,英国伦理学家、法学家,资产阶级功利主义的主要代表)

歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1749-1832,德国诗人、剧作家、思想家)

葛德文(William Godwin,1756-1836,英国作家、社会思想家,牧师出身,后拥护无神论和启蒙思想)

卡巴尼斯(Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis,1757-1808,法国资产阶级革命时期资产阶级理论家、生理学家,庸俗唯物主义前驱者)

沃尔涅(Constantin Fran鏾is Volney,1757-1820,法国资产阶级革命时期资产阶级思想家)

巴贝夫(Gracchus Babeuf,原名Fran鏾is No雔 Babeuf,1760-1797,法国革命家,空想共产主义者)

圣西门(Claude Henri de Saint-Simon,1760-1825,法国空想社会主义者)

邦纳罗蒂(Filippo Michele Buonarrotti,1761-1837,法国空想共产主义者。原籍意大利,参加法国1789年革命,获“法兰西共和国公民”称号)

费希特(Johann Gottlieb Fichte,1762-1814,德国古典唯心主义哲学家)

黑格尔(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,1770-1831,德国古典唯心主义的集大成者)

欧文(Robert Owen,1771-1858,英国空想社会主义者)

傅立叶(Charles Fourier,1772-1837,法国空想社会主义者)

谢林(Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling,1775-1854,德国唯心主义哲学家)

波尔察诺(Bernhard Bolzano,1781-1848,捷克数学家、哲学家、逻辑学家)

卡贝(Etienne Cabet,1788-1856,法国空想共产主义者)

叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788-1860,德国唯心主义哲学家,唯意志论者)

库辛(Victor Cousin,1792-1867,法国唯心主义哲学家,自称其哲学体系为折衷主义)

海涅(Heinrich Heine,1797-1856,德国诗人、政论家、思想家)

孔德(Auguste Comte,1798-1857,法国实证主义哲学家)

德萨米(Théodore Dézamy,1803-1850,法国空想共产主义者)

费尔巴哈(Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach,1804-1872,德国唯物主义哲学家)

布朗基(Louis Auguste Blanqui,1805-1881,法国革命家,空想共产主义者)

施蒂纳(Max Stirner,1806-1856,卡斯巴×施米特(Kaspar Schmidt)的笔名,德国唯心主义哲学家,青年黑格尔派代表之一,唯我论者,无政府主义的前驱者)

穆勒(John Stuart Mill,1806-1873,英国唯心主义哲学家、经济学家、逻辑学家,詹姆斯�穆勒之子)

魏特林(Wilhelm Weitling,1808-1871,德国早期工人运动活动家,空想共产主义者)

施特劳斯(David Friedrich Strauss,1808-1874,德国唯心主义哲学家,青年黑格尔派代表之一,以对基督教的批判而著名)

蒲鲁东(Pierre Joseph Proudhon,1809-1865,法国小资产阶级经济学家和社会学家,无政府主义创始人之一)

鲍威尔(Bruno Bauer,1809-1882,德国唯心主义哲学家,青年黑格尔派的主要代表)

别林斯基(Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский,1811-1848,俄国革命民主主义者,文艺批判家、哲学家)

路易×勃朗(Jean Josehp Charles Louis Blanc,1811-1882,法国小资产阶级社会主义者,历史学家)

赫尔岑(Александр Иванович Герцен,1812-1870,俄国革命民主主义者,唯物主义哲学家、作家)

克尔恺郭尔(Soren Kierkegaard,1813-1855,丹麦唯心主义哲学家,他的思想成为现代资产阶级哲学流派存在主义的理论根据之一)

巴枯宁(Михаил Александрович Бакунин,1814-1876,俄国无政府主义者)

洛采(Rudolf Hermann Lotze,1817-1881,德国唯心主义哲学家,自称其哲学为“目的论的唯心主义”)

格律恩(Karl Grün,1817-1887,德国小资产阶级社会主义者)

福格特(Karl Vogt,1817-1895,德国博物学家,庸俗唯物主义者,自称其哲学为“生理学人本主义”)

马克思(Karl Marx,181855-1883314,马克思主义创始人,全世界无产阶级的伟大导师和领袖)

恩格斯(Friedrich Engels,18201128-189585,马克思主义创始人之一,全世界无产阶级的伟大导师和领袖,马克思的战友)

斯宾塞(Herbert Spencer,1820-1903,英国社会学家、不可知论者、唯心主义哲学家)

摩莱萧特(Jacob Moleschott,1822-1893,荷兰生理学家、哲学家,庸俗唯物主义的代表之一)

毕希纳(Ludwig Büchner,1824-1899,德国医生,庸俗唯物主义代表之一)

拉萨尔(Ferdinand Lassalle,1825-1864,德国工人运动中机会主义派别的首领)

赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley,1825-1895,英国博物学家)

宇伯威格(Friedrich 蹑erweg,1826-1871,德国哲学家,以著有《哲学史概论》一书而出名)

朗格(Friedrich Albert Lange,1828-1875,德国唯心主义哲学家,早期的新康德主义者)

约瑟夫×狄慈根(Joseph Dietzgen,1828-1888,德国社会主义著作家和哲学家,制革工人)

车尔尼雪夫斯基(Николай Гаврилович Чернышевский,1828-1889,俄国革命民主主义者,唯物主义哲学家、文学批判家、作家)

泰纳(Hippolyte Adolphe Taine,1828-1893,一译丹纳,法国文艺理论家、史学家、孔德实证论哲学的继承人之一)

冯特(Wilhelm Wundt,1832-1920,德国心理学家、哲学家,构造心理学派创始人之一

狄尔泰(Wilhelm Dilthey,1833-1911,德国唯心主义哲学家,最初属于新康德主义,后转向生命哲学)

杜林(Karl Eugen Dühring,1833-1921,德国哲学家、庸俗经济学家)

哈里斯(William Torrey Harris,1835-1909,美国教育家、唯心主义哲学家,黑格尔哲学在美国最早的传播者)

格林(Thomas Hill Green,1836-1882,英国唯心主义哲学家)

舒佩(Wilhelm Schuppe,1836-1913,德国唯心主义哲学家,内在论的创始人)

马赫(Ernst Mach,1838-1916,奥地利物理学家、唯心主义哲学家,经验批判主义的创始人之一)

皮尔斯(Charles Sanders Peirce,1839-1914,美国唯心主义哲学家,实用主义创始人)

李普曼(Otto Liebmann,1840-1912,德国唯心主义哲学家,早期的新康德主义者,最早提出“回到康德那里去”口号)

倍倍尔(August Bebel,1840-1913,德国社会民主党和第二国际的创始者和领导者之一,车工出身,第一国际成员)

詹姆斯(William James,1842-1910,美国唯心主义哲学家、心理学家,实用主义者,机能心理学创始人)

拉法格(Paul Lafargue,1842-1911,法国工人运动活动家,马克思和恩格斯的学生,1868年同马克思次女Laura Marx(1845-1911)结婚)

柯亨(Hermann Cohen,1842-1918,德国唯心主义哲学家,新康德主义马堡学派的创始人)

哈特曼(Eduart Hartmann,1842-1906,德国唯心主义哲学家)

阿芬那留斯(Richard Avenarius,1843-1896,德国主观唯心主义哲学家,经验批判主义的创始人之一)

尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche,1844-1900,德国唯心主义哲学家,唯意志论者)

梅林(Franz Mehring,1846-1919,德国社会民主党左翼领袖之一,政论家、历史学家)

布拉德莱(Francis Herbert Bradley,1846-1924,英国唯心主义哲学家,新黑格尔主义者)

倭铿(Rudolf Eucken,1846-1926,德国唯心主义哲学家)

文德尔班(Wilhelm Windelband,1848-1915,德国唯心主义哲学家,新康德主义弗赖堡学派的创始人)

毛特纳(Fritz Mauthner,1849-1923,德国唯心主义哲学家,语言哲学的代表,出生于波希米亚)

伯恩施坦(Eduart Bernstein,1850-1932,德国社会民主党和第二国际右派首领,修正主义的代表人物)

舒贝特-索尔登(Richard Schubert-Soldern,1852-1935,德国唯心主义哲学家,内在论的代表之一)

迈农(Alexius Meinong,1853-1920,奥地利唯心主义哲学家)

考茨基(Karl Kautsky,1854-1938,德国社会民主党和第二国际修正主义的首领之一)

普列汉诺夫(Георгий Валентинович Плеханов,1856-1918,俄国最早的马克思主义传播者,后成为修正主义者,孟什维克首领之一)

毕尔生(Karl Pearson,1857-1936,英国唯心主义哲学家、数学家,优生学的提倡者之一)

亚力山大(Samuel Alexander,1859-1938,英国唯心主义哲学家,新实在论者)

胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl,1859-1938,德国唯心主义哲学家,现代现象学的创始人)

柏格森(Henri Bergson,1859-1941,法国唯心主义哲学家,生命哲学和现代非理性主义的主要代表)

杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952,美国唯心主义哲学家、社会学家、教育学家,实用主义者)

怀特海(Alfred North Whitehead,1861-1947,英国唯心主义哲学家、数学家)

彼得楚尔特(Josef Petzoldt,1862-1929,德国唯心主义哲学家,经验批判主义者)

欧根×狄慈根(Eugen Dietzgen,1862-1930,约瑟夫�狄慈根之子,父死后,利用其父哲学中某些混乱,歪曲辩证唯物主义,“滚入反动哲学”[列宁])

李凯尔特(Heinrich Rickert,1863-1936,德国唯心主义哲学家,新康德主义弗赖堡学派的主要代表之一)

席勒(Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller,1864-1937,英国哲学家,实用主义者,把自己的实用主义哲学称为“人本主义”)

柯罗齐(Benedetto Croce,1866-1952,一译克罗齐,意大利唯心主义哲学家、史学家,新黑格尔主义者)

杜里舒(Hans Driesch,1867-1941,德国唯心主义哲学家、生物学家,新活力论者)

列宁(Владимир Ильич Ленин Ульянов,1870422-1924121,马克思和恩格斯事业和学说的继承者,全世界无产阶级的伟大导师和领袖)

罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872-1970,英国唯心主义哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家)

波格丹诺夫(Александр Александрович Богданов,1873-1928,俄国唯心主义哲学家)

穆尔(George Edward Moore,1873-1958,英国唯心主义哲学家,新实在论主要代表之一)

秦梯利(Giovanni Gentile,1875-1944,意大利唯心主义哲学家,新黑格尔主义者)

斯大林(Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин Джугашвили,18791221-195335,伟大的马克思列宁主义者)

施本格勒(Oswald Spengler,1880-1936,德国唯心主义哲学家、史学家)

德波林(Абрам Моиесевич Деборин,1881-1963,苏联哲学家,十月革命前曾参加孟什维克,1929年后任苏联科学院院士,三十年代哲学观点受到批判)

施利克(Moritz Schlick,1882-1936,唯心主义哲学家,生于德国,曾在奥地利维也纳大学任教,维也纳学派领导者,逻辑实证论创始人之一)

马利丹(Jacques Maritain,1882-1973,法国神学家、唯心主义哲学家,新托马斯主义的主要代表)

雅斯贝斯(Karl Jaspers,1883-1969,德国存在主义哲学家)

维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein,1889-1951,奥地利唯心主义哲学家、逻辑学家。1838年希特勒吞并奥地利后,入英国籍,剑桥大学任教)

海德格尔(Martin Heidegger,1889-1976,德国存在主义哲学家,希特勒统治时期曾任大学校长、教授等职,拥护纳粹主义)


梅洛×庞蒂(Merleau Ponty,1908-1961,法国存在主义哲学家)

加缪(Albert Camus,1913-1960,法国存在主义者)






























雅加达市区分老城区和新城区两部分。北部的老区临近海湾,风光独特,古迹众多,多数建筑物都有典型的欧洲古典风格,如总统府(原荷兰总督府);此外还有早年华人聚居地——草埔等。南部的新区则充满现代感,是雅加达的政治金融中心。雅加达繁荣的代表是位于商业中心的黄金三角地带(Golden Triangle),此区段聚集了办公大厦、豪华饭店及外国使馆,穿着入时的男女与繁忙的交通,使人有一种人在纽约的感觉。

雅加达是印尼三大旅游城市之一,市内绿树成荫,街道两旁遍植常绿树种,世界著名的波格尔植物园及茶园坐落在此,还有独立广场公园、印度尼西亚缩影公园、安佐尔梦幻公园、千岛群岛、中央博物馆、伊斯蒂赫拉尔清真寺等名胜古迹。科塔(Kota)是17世纪荷兰古城镇八达维亚(Batavia)的中心,其四周是由鹅卵石铺成的塔门法塔西拉广场(Taman Fatahillah Square)。从科塔这座精致古老的荷兰建筑往北走,就会来到古老的帆船码头(Sunda Kelapa),在这里会令人回忆起当年世界各国各种帆船群聚的时代。






雅加达国民收入构成为:农业占13% ,工业占1596% ,建筑占329% ,运输、通讯占938%,商业占5067% ,银行业占668% ,政府收费占681% ,房租占227% ,水电气占162% ,酬金占202% 。年经济增长率为7% -9% 。


















印尼伊斯兰教徒占全国人口的88% ,其余信奉基督教新教、天主教、佛教及印度教。雅加达居民主要信奉伊斯兰教,基督教徒多为上层人士,佛教徒多为华人。



Indonesia capital the Jakarta city introduced Indonesia capital Jakarta (Jakarta) is located northeast the Island of Java, is national politics, the economy, the cultural center, the population 9,000,000, is the Southeast Asia biggest cityJakarta called “Jakarta”, when AD 5 centuries here only is a small fishing village, the present Jakarta already is an internationalization metropolis Jakarta differentiates the old city and the new city two partsThe north old liberated area approaching bay, the scenery is unique, the historical site is multitudinous, the most buildings all have the model European classical style, like presidential palace (original Dutch residency general); In addition also had long ago the Chinese people to live together - - grass Guangdong and so onThe south newly developed area fills the modern feeling, is Jakarta's politics financial centerJakarta prospers representative is located the business center the gold triangle region (Golden Triangle), this sector gathered the office building, the luxurious hotel and the foreign embassy, is putting on the stylish men and women and the busy transportation, enable the human to have one kind of person in New York's feeling Jakarta is Indonesian one of three big traveling cities, local the greenery create shades, both sides the street plants the evergreen tree to plant, the world famous wave Ghale botanical garden and the tea garden are situated in this, but also has the independent square park, the Indonesian miniature park, the peaceful Zoll illusion park, the Kurile Islands, the central museum, Iraqi Si Dihe scenic spot and historic resort and so on Rall mosqueCota (Kota) is 17th century Holland ancient cities eight Davee the Asian (Batavia) center, it all around is west the pyller law tower which becomes by the cobblestone shop pulls the square (Taman Fatahillah Square)Constructs from cota this fine ancient Holland toward the north walks, can arrive the ancient sailing ship wharf (Sunda Kelapa), could make one in here recollect the same year various countries each kind of sailing ship cybotaxis time Jakarta is most early a harbor terminal, is called as him to add Raba, Italy is the coconut tree, the overseas Chinese called it is the JakartaThis harbor terminal in investigate looks up in 14 century ownerships pulls the dynastyIn 1522, ten thousand Dan kingdoms conquered this place, and constructed the cityOn June 22, 1527, changed name for looks up elegant Jar to reach, Italy for triumphal returned the city, Jian Chengwei JakartaIn 1596, Holland has invaded Indonesia, in 1621 a Jakarta should for Dutch name Batavia On August 8, 1942, after the Japanese forces invaded Indonesia to restore Jakarta's nameOn August 17, 1945, the Republic of Indonesia had been established officially, the capital decides in JakartaAfter on January 20, 1950 Indonesian Establishment Federal state, Jakarta should be Batavia, on March 31, 1950 changed name as Jakarta, in 1961 should for the Jakarta special zone until now Jakarta constructs the city date for June 22, this day all must hold the large-scale commemorative activity every yearThe Jakarta city emblem is five jiao shields, in the shield has a blue color front door, middle is setting up the white nationality monument, tablet left side is the golden yellow wheat ear, right flank for the green leaf Bai Tao cotton tree, underneath two white ocean waves, is symbolizing the port city and the island country, place above has the pink color great inscription, is representing the great capital fight spirit Indonesia is the multinational country, some more than 100 clans and tribes, Jakarta inhabitant by Xun trigram he race and Javan race primarilyThe local resident besides uses the Indonesian language, added the Jakarta dialect and the Javan language Chinese and Indian Nixi was inferior on April 13, 1950 to establish the foreign relations, on October 30, 1967 interrupted, on August 18, 1990 foreign relations restoration The Jakarta national income constitution is: The agriculture accounts for 13%, the industry accounts for 1596%, the construction accounts for 329%, the transportation, the communication accounts for 938%, the trade accounts for 5067%, the banking industry accounts for 668%, the government charge accounts for 681%, the house rent accounts for 227%, the water electricity accounts for 162%, the remuneration for services rendered accounts for 202%The year economic growth rate is 7% -9% Jakarta has trans-region's major industry 27, mainly produces the steel products, the building materials, the paper, the chemical product, the textile and so onThe Jakarta resident daily life consumable mainly depends on the handicraft industry and the small processing factory productionThe whole city has ready-made clothing processing factory 1750, lumber processing mill 1024, flax production factory 2800, leather processing factory 281 If Jakarta farm crops owner paddy rice and vegetables, rice paddy area 16,000 hectares, output near 60,000 tons; Vegetables area 10,000 hectares, output 73,000 tons Jakarta mainly exports the ready-made clothing, the rubber, the glass product, the rattan, the glued wood, the coconut oil, the prawn, the frog leg, the tea, the ornamental fish, the coffee, the fruit, the cement and so on, whole year exports creates foreign exchange 240,000,000 US dollars Jakarta is the commercial city, the whole city has large-scale nonstaple food market 4, city level market 18, supermarket 21, open market 45, township level market 27The whole city has each kind of cooperative society 956, the member 220,000 people, the money sum 9,600,000,000,000 shields, the reserve amount 2,100,000,000,000 shields Jakarta takes the tourism extremely, in recent years builds on a large scale, constructs the hotel, the transformation tourist facility, simultaneously raises the service level, additionally builds the new active project, attracts more touristsThe year receives the foreign tourist 800,000 In recent years, the Jakarta transportation enterprise develops quickly, the communications network has spread the city and countrysideJakarta is the harbor city, the biggest harbor is Dan the Rung not mediocre artificial port, the coastal code head length 8340 meters, in which container code head length 400 meters, the oil transfer wharf length 100 metersHarbor water depth 5-11 meterYear volume of goods handled 6,800,000 tons Indonesia has the railroad in Java and Sumatra, the span 8000 kilometersJakarta is a terminal, the year passenger transport rate 30,000,000 people The Indonesian hawk records the aviation limited company headquarters to be located in Jakarta, has each kind of airplane 150, the year passenger transport rate 9,000,000 people, the transported goods volume 40,000 tons Jakarta has three large-scale airports: Su the Ganoe - hada international airport, is the Indonesian biggest airportThe Harling airport, is located southeast Jakarta, annoys the direction for the international flight airplane and the domestic date the class and grade take off and landingGram Masurium Yaolan the airport, is located northeast Jakarta, mainly supplies the middle and small scale airplane take off and landing Jakarta has automatic digit dialing telephone 477,000, may put through 145 countries and the area, with overseas 49 city direct telephone conversationJakarta drinks the water source mainly is the ground water, local constructs large-scale gathers the watering can, sells the tap water 92,840,000 cubic meters every year, collects fees 9,500,000,000 shields In order to alleviate the population pressure which grows day by day, Indonesia started in 1976 to develop Jakarta - bugor - Tang Koruna - the primary Cassie area, took Jakarta's satellite town, dispersed Jakarta's population Jakarta has college 41 (privately established 31), secondary technical or specialized school 68 (privately established 52), middle school 1205, elementary school 3105The famous university has Indonesian University, constructed in 1950, was the nationwide comprehensive university; The cooperation cooperation university, constructed in 1983, got down supposes 6 departments and 3 institutes; The open university, constructed in 1984, the similar correspondence university, had the student 70,000 peopleIn addition also has the marine transportation institute, the aeronautical institute and the medical school and so on Jakarta has 10 large-scale museums, like central museum, military museum, textile museum, drawing museum, puppet museum, celebrity museum and so onThe whole city has 156 movie theaters Indonesia Broadcasting station and the television station are located in Jakarta, the former constructed at September 11, 1949, used language foreign broadcasts and so on the England, Holland, law, Arab, India, Chinese, the latter constructed in 1962 The Indonesian three big news agency addresses are located in JakartaPeaceful Tala Country News agency Association, is the official news agency, constructed in December 13, 1937, the old name news agency, was equipped with the branch in the domestic each place; Indonesian Nationality News agency, is the personal news agency, constructed in 1967, old name Indonesia Nation Cooperation News agency; The armed force news service, sponsors by Indonesian National defense Safety department Jakarta publishes many nationwide publication, in addition, Jakarta also publishes many about aspect and so on language, literature, history, science and technology publications Jakarta existing each kind of hospital 45, the whole city has doctor 2677 peopleJakarta has 8 large-scale sports community - Chinese zither to accept raises the stadium, the Jakarta Local authority stadium, Jia Yala the Asia Pulls south the tribute the stadium, the university student stadium, pulls the tile awn old man stadium, pulls in Vassar the stadium, prospers the stadium, the great boat aquatic sport centerIn addition, Jakarta also has special stadium 7, swimming pool 5, racetrack 1, middle-aged person athletic field 5, young people athletic field 2, sports scientific research center 1, the athlete treats recover center 1The Jakarta popular sports project is the soccer, the badminton and the tennis, they all have respective association The Indonesian Islam believer accounts for the national population 88%, other believe in the Christianity protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism and HinduismThe Jakarta inhabitants mainly believe in Islamism many, the Christian are the upper society people, the Buddhist many are the Chinese people Jakarta has size park 355, the occupying a land area of 9521 hectaresThe Indonesian miniature park, in the garden constructed has manifested Indonesian each place and clan's and tribe's characteristic, was each place culture, the artistic essence assembly point, the domestic and foreign tourists all liked here visiting; Iraqi Si Meyer Horse Erzhu gives the park, for the Jakarta art center, is demonstrated domestic and foreign artistic the place, its varied and colorful entertainment project and the exciting movement overseas have attracted more than ten million tourists every year; The Jakarta zoo, the animal type is complete, in the garden is equipped with the Research Institute of Zoology Jakarta retained many had the historical significance construction, like president lived, the work national independence palace, the Declaration of Independence drafted - the Declaration of Independence palace, as well as the youth oath building, the nationality awakened the building, the former Congress building, the national monument, set up a stone monument alone, the heroic tomb, the Surakarta royal family grave and so on



















The Olympic sports games originates ancient Greece, getting because of holding a location in the OlympicFabulous and ancient Olympic game from many Wang Zeus of the absolute being initiate ofThe 1st ancient Olympic game holds in 776 BC, holding 293 totally to 394 ADThe sports games holds a namely for 4 years every 1417 daysAfterwards people will be called Olympic period on this periodAlong with the rise of the modern athletics, the Greek hopes to recover ancient Olympic gameAt 1859 the ―― 1889, the Greece has ever held 4 Olympic game, doing first step to tryStart from 1883, the Frenchman attends to do obeisance the renew that the concentrates on ancient Olympic gameBy he with some persons effort, the international Olympic committee establishes on June 23th in 1894The first Olympic charter that attends to do obeisance to establish emphasized the amateur of the Olympic sport, rule last give to the championship prize of honor in the Olympic game, can not give out the athlete money or other material rewards by any formApril of in 18936 ――s on 15th, first batch the Olympic sports games Be holding Athens

Basically the ancient Olympic sports games holds every four years, being called" LIN2 PI YA3 is virtuous" on this periodPress this period to calculate, then should hold 293 totally from from 776 BC to 394 AD;But the number of times convened actually want to be little and have to be manyHowever, the ancient Olympic game contain provision, a LIN2 PI YA3 is virtuous is a, ignore to hold or not the number of times shine on calculate

Ancient Olympic game initial stage, contest item not much, so front 22 then only dayAfterwards along with the increment of the event, again extension is two daysFrom the 37th increase a young event after, time prolongs again till 5 daysBE an opening ceremony the first day among them, hold to dedicate a fiesta and take an oath a rites, the second,34 days is the concrete contents of the games, is a closing ceremony the fifth day, carry on delivering a prize with respect an absolute being activity

Ancient Olympics origins

The ancient Greece is a myth Kingdom, the beautiful moving myth story and turns and twists odd folk tale, cover with a layer a mysterious color for the origins of the ancient Olympic gameLegend:The ancient Olympic sports games is the athletics tournament activity that periodically holds for offering sacrifices to a ZeusAnother legend has something to do with Zeus' son pulling the gram The pulls the gram is big and matchless to get"strongly absolute being" because of the dint of beautiful callHe completed ordinary people and can't complete in the benefit city nation of mission, don't arrive the along while effort and then sweep clean king's heap the cow of the full cow muck, but the king do not want to implement to present 300 head XU3 NUO4 of cow, the pulls the gram to kick out a king in a petFor the sake of the celebration victory, he held a sports games in the Olympic

As for ancient Olympic game origins spread the most wide is the story that wears the to marryAncient king of Greece benefit for giving the own daughter the husband of princess that chooses a versed in literary and military arts, the one who put forward to should choose has to be competed chariot with oneselfThere are 13 youths to die successively in the long pike of the king in the game under, but the 14th youth is exactly the grandson of the Zeus and the lover of the princess to wear the Encourage in the love under, he accepted the king's challenge bravely, winning by triumph by strategy finallyFor celebrating this victory, Zeus' temple that wears the and princess LIN2 PI YA3 at the held a grand wedding ago, will ascend to arrange chariot,the Cape etc item game, this be the first ancient Olympic game, wearing the ancient Olympic game a legendary geneses person

The origins of the Olympic game, have a close relation with the social circumstance of ancient Greeces actually9-8th centry BC, clan society in Greece breaks up gradually, the slave of the city nation system social gradual formation, build up more than 200 city nationsEach of the city nation is a , do not unify monarch, of the city nation war was continuouslyFor coping with war, each city nations all train soldier activelyThe Sparta city nation the child rise and then is bring up by the nation from 7 years old, and be engaged in athletics,military to train, live a military lifeThe war needs soldier, the soldier needs strong body, but the athletics is the emollient means that the development can advertise for to fight well soldierThe war promoted Greece athletics exercise of open an exhibition, the event of the ancient Olympic game also takes to have obvious military brandingThe successive warfare makes the people feel abhorrence, widespread hope earnestly can have a depend on to living by rest and recuperate an interest of peaceful environmentAfterwards Sparta king and the benefit the king sign"sacred cease fire a month" treatyHence, train to contest and athletics for the military that prepares manpower resource, change into the sports games of[with] peace and comity gradually

Ancient Olympics summary record

Ancient Olympic game since 776 BC, to 394 years, experience 1168, held 293 totallyPress its origins,rise and fall, is divided into three periods mostly:

(1)776 BC to 388 BC, although this that expects each city nation at that time contain conflict, the Greece is a nation of independence, the politics,economy,cultureses are all more flourishing, is the gold period of the sports gamesEspecially 490 BC, Greece Athens after the Marathon the river valley hurt greatly Persia a soldier, the people live and feel resolve to succeed, the national prestige flaps greatly, building many sport facilities,templeetc, taking part in a game all over each city in Greece nation of, the Olympic game is prosperous the pole become largest festival of Greece at that time

(2)The 388 BC starts decline to 146 BCBecause the Sparta and Athens long-term rush to withdraw war(431 BC to 404 BC), Greece national strength reduces greatly, Macedonia annexed by force Greece graduallyMacedonia gentleman WANG2 FEI LI4 still makes in person from attend horse-racingLater on Alexander although the oneself doesn't like the athletics activity, still supporting actively, and treat Olympic game as the tallest athletics movable opening ceremony of ancient Greeces, increase facilities for itHowever, this expect ancient Olympic game spirit to have already spoiled at that time, and start appear occupation athlete

(3)146 BC to 394 AD, ancient Olympic game from decline the alignment demolishThe Rome empire rules after the Greece, although the inception still holds a sports games, LIN2 PI YA3 is no longer unique contest groundIf 80 BC the 175th Olympic game, economic regulation in Rome call the excellent tournament in Rome to compete, but LIN2 PI YA3 held a young matchThe occupation athlete has already started a great deal of emergence at this time, the Olympic game became the game of the occupation contestant, the Greek lost interest to itAfter 2nd centry AD, the Christianity ruled to include Greece at inside of the whole Europe, initiate asceticism, lay claim to body and soul to separate, is opposed to the athletics sport, make Europe be placed in a Dark Ages, the Olympic game also declines immediately and gradually, keep to exist in name only393 years Rome emperor many wests an a life time declare the Christianity teaches for the country, think the ancient Olympic game againsts Christianity to teach an aim, is the heathen activity, the next year declares to abolish ancient Olympic game895 AD, the the river occurrence that does obeisance to share person and song a virtuous person arouses a war, making LIN2 PI YA3 's various facilities of ruin to lose almost exhausted426 AD many wests two a life times destroyed by fire the remaining part of the LIN2 PI YA3 's buildingAD522,continue occurrence for 511 years twice and severely earthquake, make LIN2 PI YA3 encounter to demolish thoroughlyPostponed the ancient Olympic game of more than 1000 years and don't reply to exist so, prosperous LIN2 PI YA3 became one ruins

Ancient Olympics inheritance

Although the ancient Olympic game perish, gave the mankind the society to leave a precious cultural wealth, the ancient Olympic game create of the tournament sport organization mode and Olympic ideal and spirit, produced profound influence to the modern athleticsThe ancient Olympic spirit is also respect by posterity and draws lessons fromAncient times"Olympic spirit" main contents is:

(1)The spirit of[with] peace and comityThe ancient Olympic game reflected people a desire peaceful will;At"sacred cease fire" each city of period nation the people can associate,go into business freely trip, reflect people to emphasize comity

(2)Respect fair,equal,the spirit of the competitionThe athlete takes an oath before the match:"Don't be win victory with means been falsely!"Since is a kind of society's norm for the person's idealization, also reflected people to fair,equal,the desire of the competition with respect adore

(3)Pursue strongly built spirit of human bodyThe ancient Olympic game is not only the game of[with] physique but also a strongly built game, its body now ancient Greek of pursue strongly builtly to the human body

(4)The performance"conquer an idea to show" of take win victory as to pursue quickly to enter spirit courageouslyThe ancient Olympic game is a kind of form of the ancient Greek demonstration ego,the performance oneself value, the athlete arrives at the match field, be want to excel other people, become a championThis is a kind of to encourage a person to enter to heading up courageously and investigate continuously with the social progressive valuable motive



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