

移动电话正在成为 21 世纪一个主要的技术领域。在几年之内,移动电话将会发展成为多功能的通信工具,除了语音之外,还可以传输和接收视频信号、静止图像、数据和文本。个人通信的新纪元即将到来。

In the 21 century,mobile phone has become an improtant technical fieldWithin a few years,mobile phone will be developed into a multifunctional communication toolsBeside the speech sounds,mobile phone can transmit and recept video signal,static images,data and textThe new era of personal telecommunication is coming soon


To a certain extent,thanks to the development of wireless network, telephone combines with personal computer and TV Soon afterward,the light telephone with high resolution can connected with satellites,people can make a phone call,send a receive a e-mail or attend a video webcast meeting anytime,anywhere

This kind of phone maybe absorb many main fuctions of a computerMobile communication tool is very promising that it can offer a series of service just like internet service,such as stock transaction,shopping,reserve a theater ticket or an airline ticket


Telecommunication revolution has already started all over the worldIt is not long before the mobile phone can recieve different forms of telecommunication signal A three-in-one mobile phone is the most Most likely to has such functionit can as a cordless telephone at home,as a mobile phone on the way or as a intercommunication equipmentThere are some experts even think that mobile video phone is exceed TV and become the major source of vedio signal


Pleasium refreshing toner--->爽肤水 (涂抹的)

pleasuim moisturizing lotion-->保湿乳液(涂抹的)

pleasium balancing conditioner--->平衡调理素(乳液、精华液、水都有可能,没有提到产品的质地,只是说调节)




cream是面霜,nutrient cream 是营养面霜



Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special crane Generally common crane lifting trolley, bridge run institutions, the bridge crane metal structure diagram into a group Crab and the hoisting mechanism, trolley traveling agencies and small frame of three parts Lifting bodies, including the motor, brake, reducer, drum and pulleys Motor through reducer, driving drum rotation, so that rope around the drum or from the roll down to lift heavy objects Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting mechanism and the car bodies and other parts of the machine running

全文如下:The India tests, in turn, provided Pakistani nuclear advocates with the perfect excuse to test Here again, religious extremists advocated the bomb Meanwhile the military sought nuclear weapons to counter India’s vastly large armed forces

This lobbying was partially offset by US and Chinese diplomacy after India’s tests In addition, some analysts and activists enumerated the ill effects that would result from the economic sanctions that were sure to follow any test They suggest that Pakistan not follow India’s lead—leaving India to face international wrath alone—but to avail Three weeks after India’s blasts, Pakistan went ahead with its own tests

Bombast notwithstanding, the small size of seismic signals from the tests of both countries has cast doubt on the declared explosive yields The data released by the Indian weapons establishment to support its claims are seriously deficient: for example, a graph said to be of yields of radioactive by-products has no units on the axes Independent scientists have not been able to verify that the countries set off as many devices as they profess












◆ 尽可能选择知名品牌。最好选择具备中国国家电工认证委员会电工认证(即长城CCEE认证)或欧洲CE认证的电磁炉。另外,炉面的外观应该平滑细密。如果有凹凸、倾斜都会影响热效率。将电磁炉翻过来加以摇晃,其风扇的扇页与轴,轴与轴承间应无缝隙,没有松动感,通电后,风扇的电机应该没有明显噪音和磨擦音,扇叶的转动应该平稳。

◆ 在使用时尽量和电磁炉保持距离,不要靠得过近。距离太近往往会受到更多的辐射。有调查显示,保持40厘米以上的距离较为安全。使用电磁炉时应远离热气和蒸气,出风口要离墙和其他物品10cm以上,并且炉面板上不要放置小刀、小叉、瓶盖之类的铁磁物件,也不要将手表、录音磁带等易受磁场影响的物品放在灶面上或带在身上进行电磁炉的操作。

◆ 尽量减少使用时间。即使电磁炉本身辐射较小,如果长时间处于这种辐射之下,也可能会对身体造成伤害。

◆ 如果要较长时间使用电磁炉(如在吃火锅时),应尽可能选择有金属隔板遮蔽的电磁炉。电磁炉若放在金属隔板下方,测得的电磁辐射明显较低,隔离设计不佳或直接把电磁炉放在桌面上,测得的辐射量则较大。

◆ 在条件允许的情况下,可以使用防电磁辐射围裙等,这类设备可以有效地阻挡辐射的侵害。







据了解,国产电磁炉要想进入欧盟、美洲等市场,必须通过当地一些认证,比如欧盟CE 、德国GS 、EMC、CB、美洲ETL认证等,这些认证就是进入市场的“通行证”。目前,只有少数几个供出口的电磁炉品牌会对出口产品强制执行国际标准。对于广大的国内市场,消费者要“擦亮”眼睛,权衡优劣,精挑细选。




电磁炉的磁屏蔽问题比其他家电更紧要。专家认为,电磁炉有可能取代传统燃气灶与微波炉在亿万个家庭普及,另外电磁炉功率比普通家电高出几十甚至几百倍,而且操作者在使用时必须长时间近距离靠近炉体,因此,倘若电磁炉磁泄漏严重,将给使用者的健康带来不可估量的潜在危害。 Winter is a person sitting at home Shuanyangrou, eat hot pot gradually increase the frequency, convenience, health Diancilu became the first family likes to eat hot pot In the recent gas price increases, which will need more, speculation, cooking, and bombing, stewing were multiple functions in both the kitchen Diancilu a "new favorites" Despite gas stoves, microwave ovens, kitchen utensils, etc Dianhuoguo competition, but the sales performance Diancilu still "overwhelming" National Bureau of Statistics data shows that over the next five years in China will have 70 million Diancilu ~8000 million Taiwan market potential Advantages : health, energy conservation, environmental protection Save space, fast heating, sanitation, can not afford to smoke and heat, no fuel mutilated saturate and exhaust pollution, easy to clean : : Diancilu advantages One middle-aged women are buying Diancilu revealed : "Now fast rhythm of life, the pursuit of leisurely comfort everyone, I think Diancilu convenience, health, economy " Diancilu design concepts safety performance, multiple protection mechanisms have great products, such as preferences, overtime cuts, green warning, a pressure, Qianya protection, and therefore fewer security problems than gas stoves Diancilu general pounds net weight only to facilitate movement of a regular function Diancilu in stew slowly, cooking, and burning hot water needs, such as cooking, but back feet Some young women, the use value of its available meat, soup, and other functions, for the purpose of beauty effect of improving the complexion, and is willing to choose lightweight, health Diancilu Haier gas stoves Diancilu stoves three products In addition to the market Diancilu ordinary slab design, but also a plain-style, double-stoves, and other new types of models, better suited to the diverse needs of traditional and customary Moreover, the price Diancilu also skewed to the public consumption levels, ranging from 200 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan for consumers freedom of choice Diancilu attention to the selection and use of a few On possible options famous brands Chinese electrician certification with the best choices Committee electrician certification (Great Wall CCEE认证) or the European CE certification Diancilu Furthermore, the appearance should be smooth detailed stoves face If a guide, more will affect thermal efficiency Will be shaking Diancilu turn over their fans and the fans pages axle, axle and bearings should be no gaps between, no pine dynamic, electric, the fans should be no obvious electrical noise and friction sound, the motion should be a smooth blade On Diancilu used to maintain distance and not rely on nearly won Distance too often receive more radiation A survey has shown that maintaining a safe distance of more than 40 cm Diancilu should stay away from the use of steam and heat, a tuyere to 10cm from the wall and other items above, and will not put small furnace panels, small fork, such Tieci top target, nor to watch, audio tapes and other items vulnerable to the effects of magnetic fields on the surface or stoves for Diancilu card operation - Minimize the use of time Even smaller radiation Diancilu itself, if prolonged, in such radiation may have caused physical harm - To use Diancilu longer (as in hot pot), should as far as possible choose metal shelves shelter Diancilu Diancilu if placed on metal shelves below, measurements of electromagnetic radiation are significantly lower, or directly to the isolation of poor design Diancilu on the table, the radiation detected is greater On conditions permit, can be used against electromagnetic radiation, such as aprons, such equipment can effectively block against radiation Diancilu environmental conservation is another advantage Diancilu 90% of the thermal efficiency is far higher than 50% of the thermal efficiency gas stoves, 2000 watts Diancilu boil water only 1 kg less than three minutes To do one meal a cost, for example, operate a 2,000-watt Diancilu hours before using two units, electricity is one yuan Thus, in gas costs than high tariffs of most areas Diancilu much more effective than the use of gas stoves Weaknesses : electromagnetic radiation is GB Diancilu many advantages that consumers have won, many manufacturers on Diancilu natural production "nor" Production quality manufacturers have on the production line Diancilu, one time, consumers face "faction prosperity" Diancilu market at a loss According to a survey, many people took note of microwave ovens microwave leakage problem, the computer's electromagnetic radiation, Little consumer concern Diancilu electromagnetic leakage And production technology and quality testing parameters relatively mature microwave ovens are different, Diancilu electromagnetic radiation parameters are not yet compulsory national accreditation standards promulgated According to Chinese experts Qibing appliances quality supervision and test center on the current microwave leakage for microwave ovens have a series of reference, submission of microwave ovens products can function on the basis of these indicators to determine their safety "But the current Diancilu test also does not address the intensity of this electromagnetic radiation "Qibing said It is understood that domestic Diancilu to enter EU, American and other markets, through some local authentication, such as the European Union CE, Germany GS, electronics, room CB, American ETL certification, the certification market is "Pass" Currently, only a few brands for export Diancilu exports will enforce international standards For the domestic market, consumers should "polish" the eyes, weigh the merits and selectively Experts, Diancilu addressed is the use of magnetic fluid to produce electromagnetic induction heating food in the course of its work will have a very low frequency electric and magnetic fields, to a certain scope of the environment would constitute an electromagnetic pollution The World Health Organization to very low frequency electromagnetic fields as suspicious substance, and benzene alkene, welding fumes are a category of carcinogens From the international market point of view, IEC (International Electrotechnical Association) Diancilu electricity environment have the latest version of the standards, and our GB are not keeping pace with the pace of this standard because the relevant standards promulgated in the country, IEC standards have not been developed Under the existing national standardized management system, the subject of a State by the State Standardization Committee to co-ordinate the work of management, product standardization Diancilu Committee of household appliances installed in China Existing GB to Diancilu electrical products classified as Category II : use two inserted power lines, while providing no less than the rated power output of 90% even if qualified Lower the threshold criteria to be used to demolish parts of some large enterprises, or used inferior materials assembly Diancilu, which led directly to the quality Diancilu not guaranteed Although the standard-setting can induce enterprises to improve technology and prevent Diancilu electromagnetic leakage, but the industry standard solution to this problem is not fundamental Experts believe that the standard is the result of scientific research and management between a quantified value for radiation, even in the absence of standard, can we say that it is not health hazards The experts therefore recommended, regardless of any standards, manufacturers design of the structure and achieve a reasonable effective shield against electromagnetic radiation is the solution to the key people affected Diancilu magnetic shielding to tighten further than other appliances Experts believe that Diancilu may replace traditional gas stoves and microwave ovens in all of the millions of families, and Diancilu power than ordinary household appliance or even hundreds of times higher than the scores, and operators must use in prolonged close proximity to steel, and therefore, if Diancilu magnetic leakage serious users will bring immeasurable potential health hazards



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上一篇 2023-11-25


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